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Vigilo - PV
Translation Credit: Lauli
PV script translation:
Hymnoi Mountain is the second highest mountain within Minos
And the gathering ground of legendary heroes
Sparks have arrived from all directions
A fight breaking out at a moment's notice
Do not underestimate the enemy, and don't be too cautious
Dangerous and effective tactics seem to be more favoured among the referees
Fame, wealth, and an unforgettable battle will all be presented to you by Minos
This is what true warriors deserve
[Vigilo] Event
Translation Credit: Nightsky of the RIHQ Discord
Event Period:16:00, July 13th - 03:59, July 20th
Unlock Condition: Clear 1-10
Stage Drops: event currency, materials, etc
Event Description: During the event period, event stages will be available for limited time, player can obtain event currency from any stage except for Annihilation, and Extreme Modes. and redeem event rewards and [Information Fragments]. [Information Fragments] can be used to unlock stories in current or previous storyset.
[Trade with Me]
Redeem Period: 6:00, July 13th - 03:59, July 23rd
Rewards:[Vitafield] Series - Wasteland Walker - Provence, Furniture , [Information Fragments] , Furniture Parts, Battle Records, Hight-tier mats, etc.
This stories will be collected in [Intelligence Processing Room] after the end of event.