
Arknights CN: Obsidian Festival Sign-In Event - CN

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Article by Daniel O'Brien

Obsidian Festival Sign-In Event

Period: 2019-08-15 ~ 2019-08-26
Image removed.


CN Dates: 8/15/2019 - 8/26/2019

NA Notes: Global already got these exact rewards with the AID New Lifestyle Sign-In Event, so it is unclear what this Sign-In event might look like when/if it realeases Global.

Event Rewards:

Day 1 2
Day 2 30000
Day 3 300 5
Day 4 30
Day 5 2
Day 6 20 5
Day 7 1 1
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About the Author(s)

Arknights: Alyeska#2654

Discord: Alyeska#7717
