
Living With All - CN Event Page

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Event Period

Period: 2020-03-03 ~ 2020-03-17

Headpats for Wildlife!

Source Information here. (If any information or translations are incorrect, or if you are interested in joining the Arknights CN content team, please let me know by leaving a message in the comments below or messaging me on Discord.  Thanks!)

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Event Name: Symbiosis of All Kinds

Event Duration: March 3 - March 17

Event Description: During the event, special limited-time packs will be available for purchase in the Store.  All proceeds from the sale of these packs will be donated to  [Shenzhen One Earth Nature Foundation (OPF)] for the support and habitat protection of the domestic Yangtze Finless Porpoise and Snow Leopard.

Purestream Pack

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Pack Availability: March 3 - March 17

Pack Contents:

Note: Operator Purestream ( 清流)  will join the Recruitment Pool at a future date.

Note: This pack can only be purchased 1 time.

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Environmental Assistance Pack

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Pack Availability: March 3 - March 17

Pack Contents:

Note: This pack can only be purchased 1 time.

"Symbiosis of All Kinds" Sign-In Event

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Event Duration: March 3 - March 17

Event Description: During the event period, players can sign in for 7 days to get exclusive rewards.

Day 1 Sign-in1 10,000
Day 2 Sign-in5 5
Day 3 Sign-in1 5
Day 4 Sign-in5 300
Day 5 Sign-in1 20
Day 6 Sign-in5 1
Day 7 Sign-inNew Skin - WWF Series Cliffheart Skin “Highland Visitor” (see image below)
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You can check out all the skin Art in our Skin List and Skin Art Gallery:

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About the Author(s)

Arknights: Alyeska#2654

Discord: Alyeska#7717
