Event - Limited Melantha Skin
Period: 2020-05-13 ~ 2020-05-27
Duration: May 13, 2020, 04:00(UTC-7) - May 27, 2020, 03:59(UTC-7)
Details: During the event, sign in for 7 days in total to claim rewards including the skin [Letters from Wessex] for Melantha, Sanity Potions and other materials
New Headhunting banner [Dancing Lava]
Duration: May 13, 2020, 16:00(UTC-7) - May 27, 2020, 03:59(UTC-7)
Details: During the Event, the headhunting banner [Dancing Lava] opens, and the following Operators will appear at a higher rate:
Featured Operators:
Rarity | Operator |
6★ Rate Up | Eyjafjalla |
5★ Rate Up | Specter
Provence |
- 6★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
- 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★
- Operator Feature Banners do not add Operators to the Distinction shop
Standard Pool Banner 10
Duration: May 15, 2020, 04:00(UTC-7) ~ May 29, 2020, 03:59(UTC-7)
Details: During the event, the following Operators will appear at higher rates:
Featured Operators:
Rarity | Operator |
6★ | Skadi
Ifrit |
5★ | Nightmare
Skyfire Liskarm |
- Based on previous patterns, it is likely but not 100% certain that the Operators for purchase in the Distinction store will be Skyfire and Ifrit.
- 6★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
- 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★