
Arknights: Bagpipe "Should You Pull" - Know Your Memes!

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Article by Daniel O'Brien

Meme Mastery

The following image has been making the rounds on Discord and Twitter:


Image removed.


It's a meme, everyone, so please stop messaging me about it! lol! I know we are all Bagpipe simps and lose our minds when we think something not amazing is being said about her, but, really??  Whoever made this, well done, you punked a lot of people.  Send me a DM so I know who to thank. :)

If you are interested in our actual Should You Pull advice, you can find it here.

I wish everyone the best of luck pulling Bagpipe today!  And a ton of fun and success with CC #0! Cheers!

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About the Author(s)

Arknights: Alyeska#2654

Discord: Alyeska#7717
