Attack Type




Attacks all blocked enemies [This in-game description is inaccurate. This Operator does not need enemies to be blocked to hit them, they just need to be in range. This Operator hits multiple targets equal to their block number.]

Operator Description

Broca, Guard Operator of Rhodes Island, is busy defending the other Operators on the front lines.

Operator Quote

He's not as scary as he looks.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 12/10/2019
Release Date (Global) 7/15/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 8/3/2021
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/14/2022


Potential Item

Broca's Token An exquisite miniature landscape model of an ancient Siracusan city. Someone stealthily placed it on your desk at some point, and you didn't discover it until you showed up for work the next day.


Increases ATK and DEF by 6% when blocking 2 or more enemies
Increases ATK and DEF by 8% (+2%) when blocking 2 or more enemies
Increases ATK and DEF by 12% when blocking 2 or more enemies
Increases ATK and DEF by 14% (+2%) when blocking 2 or more enemies
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
26 Seconds
26 Seconds
26 Seconds
27 Seconds
28 Seconds
29 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +25%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +30%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +35%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +40%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +45%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +50%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +60%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +70%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
ATK +80%, normal attacks deal Arts damage
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
atk 0.25
atk 0.3
atk 0.35
atk 0.4
atk 0.45
atk 0.5
atk 0.6
atk 0.7
atk 0.8
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +80%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.7 seconds
This unit is Stun for 8 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +90%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.7 seconds
This unit is Stun for 8 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +100%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.7 seconds
This unit is Stun for 8 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +110%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.8 seconds
This unit is Stun for 7 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +120%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.8 seconds
This unit is Stun for 7 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +130%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.8 seconds
This unit is Stun for 7 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +140%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.9 seconds
This unit is Stun for 6 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +160%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 0.9 seconds
This unit is Stun for 6 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +170%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 1 seconds
This unit is Stun for 6 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Attack Interval increases, Attack Range increases, ATK +190%, normal attacks deal Arts damage and Slow the targets for 1 seconds
This unit is Stun for 5 seconds after the skill duration
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by multiplying it by 1.65
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.8
attack@sluggish 0.7
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 8
atk 0.9
attack@sluggish 0.7
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 8
atk 1
attack@sluggish 0.7
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 8
atk 1.1
attack@sluggish 0.8
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 7
atk 1.2
attack@sluggish 0.8
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 7
atk 1.3
attack@sluggish 0.8
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 7
atk 1.4
attack@sluggish 0.9
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 6
atk 1.6
attack@sluggish 0.9
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 6
atk 1.7
attack@sluggish 1
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 6
atk 1.9
attack@sluggish 1
base_attack_time 0.65
stun 5


Lvl. 1
Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks all blocked enemies; ATK is increased to 110% when attacking blocked enemies
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 100
atk 30
def 18
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 80,000 damage with Broca (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 7-8 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Broca, and use High-Voltage Current at least 2 times

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Guard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Guard Operators' Specialization training speed +50%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Attack multiple enemies equal to Block count
+ Talent: When blocking 2 or more enemies, ATK and DEF increase
+ S2: Deals extremely large amounts of multi-target Arts damage for a Melee unit and the manual activation allows it to be saved until needed. The extended range can provide some crowd control and allow for protection.
- Very easily killed when blocking compared to Blaze and Specter due to his lack of strong defensive abilities
- S2: Needs to be timed since the self-stun causes hm to stop blocking.

Operator Overview

Does Broca’s scary expression unsettle you? As a bodyguard for a gang leader, Broca trained himself to maintain a sinister expression at all times in order to look intimidating. Of course, who needs a scary expression when you’ve got a giant electrified drill? As a 5* AoE Guard, Broca strikes fear (and metal) into the hearts of multiple enemies at once, attacking as many enemies as he can Block and dealing both physical and Arts damage to his victims.

Broca is built for mass murder. Not only can he Block-3 once he E2-promotes, but his Drill Fortification Talent increases his ATK and DEF whenever he is blocking 2 or more foes at the same time. His Skills ensure that he has enough DPS for every combatant to get a piece, especially his Skill 2, High Voltage Current. In addition to a huge ATK boost and a Slow effect, it also turns Broca’s attacks into Arts damage and extends his attack range, allowing him to attack from safely behind another Operator if he so desires. Even with the downsides (the Skill reduces Broca’s attack speed and self-Stuns once it ends), the DPS from this Skill is simply insane.

In order to attain this kind of damage potential, Broca has had to min-max for DPS over survivability. Most AoE Guards have some kind of defensive tool to help them survive Blocking multiple enemies at once, but Broca only gets a small DEF boost from his Talent, which usually won’t save him if things go south. Using High Voltage Current also requires an excellent sense of timing or an extra Operator to block for Broca, as anything he doesn’t kill can walk right past him once he is Stunned. However, “things Broca doesn’t kill” is a pretty small pool of names. Very few enemies can survive Broca’s full voltaic fury, making him well worth the effort to deploy and use.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Provides long range Arts damage on skill activation so in situations with limited ranged tiles, he can be useful.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 A A B+

Broca is one of the most underrated operators in the game which likely stems from heavy overlap with both Specter and Lappland, two of the most popular units in the game (and more common too). Still, judged alone he is tremendously powerful, and his S2M3 is a significant power spike.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Infukun
CV Toriumi Kousuke
CV (CN) 刘照坤
CV (KR) 成完庆
Gender Male
Place of Birth Siracusa
Birthday Feb 4
Race Feline
Height 189cm
Combat Experience
5 years
Infection Status Originium crystals are distributed across the surface of his body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Broca, former Siracusan mafioso, later became a member of Chiave's gang.
After a certain incident, he joined Rhodes Island along with the leader, Chiave, and now serves as a frontline attacker.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal blurry outlines of this operator's internal organs, clouded with abnormal dark spots. His circulatory system shows an abnormally high rate of Originium particulate matter, with other signs of Oripathy infection, we can confirm that the Operator is Infected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Originium crystals are visible across the surface of his body, but not to a great extent. Symptoms have been effectively controlled.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.26u/L
Although the current situation is relatively stable, due to the late treatment time, his condition may deteriorate.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
A Feline male of few words.
His expressions are always menacing and make him seem unapproachable to most. However, if you communicate with him in-depth, you will find that he is a very honest person.
The reason for his expression seems to be that he was conditioned to do this during his time as a mafioso.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Even after joining Rhodes Island, Broca did not conceal his animus towards Rhodes Island, which caused some dissatisfaction among other Operators. However, this was not without reason.
To be more precise, his animus is not directed specifically at Rhodes Island, but towards all large organizations in general. According to Operator Aosta, who detailed his past experiences in the gang, the mafia family to which he originally belonged betrayed him, after which he was rescued by Chiave and Aosta.
It is not difficult to understand his loyalty to Operator Chiave and Operator Aosta, as well as his aversion to large organizations.
While Rhodes Island by no means is an organization that easily abandons its members for immediate benefit, it may take some time for him to understand this.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Though he displayed remarkable prowess on the battlefield, even more surprising about Operator Broca is his talent for handicrafts.
Unlike Aosta, who is skilled at sewing, he is adept at crafting. As long as suitable materials are available, he can make all kinds of tools and equipment according to requirements.
After this was discovered and circulated by other Operators, Broca quickly became a star among his colleagues, taking jobs ranging from making costumes for certain holidays to more important operation requests.
More importantly, he gradually found his position at Rhodes Island by doing these things. Some Operators in Logistics Department even hoped that he could lay down his weapons in favor of a full-time production job.
In the end, upper management approved the purchase of a workstation for him, as well as other supporting facilities, in the hopes that he can continue to develop his specialty.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
As Operator Broca himself stated, 'I have nothing against taking orders, but I don't like fighting without knowing why I'm doing it.' After learning to be less defensive towards Rhodes Island and gradually finding a sense of belonging, one can clearly feel the change in his attitude.
The enemies of Rhodes Island are now his enemies, the partners of Rhodes Island are now his partners, his relationship with the Doctor changed from that of suspicion to one of watchfulness, and he has also demonstrated his reliability to other Operators. As far as anyone can tell, he has completely integrated as a member of Rhodes Island.
Though every new recruit to Rhodes Island agrees with our core philosophy and, as of right now, our ranks consist mostly of new members added over the last two years, few have truly come to regard Rhodes Island as 'home.' Of course, we do not require this of all our Operators. In principle, we do not mind becoming a springboard for our Operators, provided that they do not damage the interests of Rhodes Island in the process. However, because many of the old soldiers who truly loved Rhodes Island have been taken away by the flames of wars past, we do have a need to cultivate the next generation of those who can become our bedrock.
Of course, this means that Rhodes Island will have to live up to its tenets, or do even better. Only this way can talents like Broca live in peace here. Only this way can we further traverse this bumpy road.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Stand guard? ...Tch, fine.
Talk 1 That Amiya girl is one of this place's leaders? What a black-hearted organization Rhodes Island is.
Talk 2 I have no intent on being a freeloader. If you need any manual labor done, just let me know.
Talk 3 I have nothing against taking orders, but I don't like fighting without knowing why I'm doing it.
Talk after Promotion 1 My hobbies? I have no reason to tell you, do I? ...Good grief, stop making that face. You'll leave me alone if I tell you, right... I like modifying various things.
Talk after Promotion 2 Back then, had it not been for Chiave and Aosta, I would've been dead in that alley. So, my life belongs to them. No matter what they want me to do, I will do it without hesitation.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I don't hate you, but... I find it difficult to fully trust you.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Work hard, make money, and continue surviving. I used to think that was all there was to life. However, Aosta was right. In a country like Siracusa, something like that is nothing more than a pipe dream.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I acknowledge your right to lead.... However, Aosta once said that corruption begins to seep into an organization the moment you let your guard down. To prevent that from happening, I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
Idle Asleep? Good grief, what a carefree fellow... Tch, where'd the blanket go...
Onboard Since Chiave decided for me to join you, I don't have much else to say. You can call me Broca. I will listen to your orders, but don't count on me to do anything extra. I have no love for large organizations like yours.
Watching Battle Record ...Thanks.
Promotion 1 A raise? ...Don't particularly need it.
Promotion 2 Maybe Aosta was right, maybe Rhodes Island is trustworthy. If that's the case, I...
Added to Squad Very well.
Appointed as Squad Leader ...I'm not good at leading.
Depart Let's go.
Begin Operation Well then, time to fight.
Selecting Operator 1 Don't try to micromanage me.
Selecting Operator 2 Tch... Got it.
Deployment 1 Are those the enemies?
Deployment 2 I'll figure something out.
In Battle 1 This won't hurt for long.
In Battle 2 Let's get this over with.
In Battle 3 Drop dead.
In Battle 4 Shut up.
4-star Result You... aren't half bad.
3-star Result They've all been taken care of.
Sub 3-star Result Need me to go after them?
Operation Failure No need to panic. You did what you could. Even Aosta makes mistakes.
Assigned to Facility I'll take a look around.
Tap Oy...!
Trust Tap You're rather rude.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Morning.

Operator Records

Record: The First Step Towards Trust
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50
Story Text

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_broca_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Until now, when working with the other two, Broca's typically been the one at the rear.
His physique and weapon make him well suited to it, and he's ready to do it.
Not that it's because he truly likes doing it, but because he trusts Chiave and Aosta.
At present, he's been gradually willing to assume similar responsibility in missions. In situations where enemies are numerous, you can safely leave defending the position to him.