Attack Type




Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 75% of ATK)
heal_scale = 0.75

Operator Description

Tsukinogi, former Catastrophe Messenger from Higashi, is supporting the Doctor in controlling the flow of battle.

Operator Quote

Good at persuading others, but won't work with you.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 6/2/2020
Release Date (Global) 11/11/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 11/1/2022
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 5/23/2023


Potential Item

Tsukinogi's Token A protective charm made by Tsukinogi. Rumors have it that carrying it calms the spirit and dispels the fear of the darkest nights.


Lvl: 1
Apply 12% Shelter effect to allies within range with less than 40% HP
Lvl: 1
Apply 14% (+2%) Shelter effect to allies within range with less than 40% HP
Lvl: 1
Apply 18% Shelter effect to allies within range with less than 40% HP
Lvl: 1
Apply 20% (+2%) Shelter effect to allies within range with less than 40% HP
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
26 Seconds
27 Seconds
28 Seconds
29 Seconds
30 Seconds
31 Seconds
32 Seconds
33 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
Grants 25% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 25% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 25% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 28% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 28% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 28% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 31% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 32% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 33% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Grants 35% Physical and Arts Dodge to allies within Attack Range, and reveals Invisible enemies
Detailed Skill Info
attack@prob 0.25
attack@prob 0.25
attack@prob 0.25
attack@prob 0.28
attack@prob 0.28
attack@prob 0.28
attack@prob 0.31
attack@prob 0.32
attack@prob 0.33
attack@prob 0.35
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
16 Seconds
16 Seconds
16 Seconds
17 Seconds
18 Seconds
19 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.4 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 6% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.5 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 6% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.6 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 6% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.7 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 8% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.8 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 8% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 50%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 1.9 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 8% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 55%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 2 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 10% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 55%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 2.1 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 10% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 55%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 2.2 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 12% of this unit's ATK every second
Stops attacking; HP Ratio required to activate this unit's Talent is increased to 60%, and the Shelter effect is increased to 2.3 times. Heals all allies within Attack Range for 12% of this unit's ATK every second
Detailed Skill Info
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.4
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.06
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.5
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.06
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.6
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.06
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.7
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.08
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.8
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.08
talent@hp_ratio 0.5
talent_scale 1.9
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.08
talent@hp_ratio 0.55
talent_scale 2
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.1
talent@hp_ratio 0.55
talent_scale 2.1
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.1
talent@hp_ratio 0.55
talent_scale 2.2
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.12
talent@hp_ratio 0.6
talent_scale 2.3
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.12


Rouya Bimei
Lvl. 1
Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 100% of ATK)
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 25
def 15
Unlock Information
During battle, have Tsukinogi use Without a Trace a total of 8 times (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme S3-6 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Tsukinogi, and allow no Operators to be defeated

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +30%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +35%, and increases Clue collection speed in the Reception Room by +5% for each additional Recruitment slot (does not count default slots).

Quick Evaluation

+ Talent: When allies within attack range have less than 40% HP, apply Sanctuary effect which reduces Physical and Arts damage taken (only the strongest effect applies)
+ A Defense-focused Supporter that focuses on reducing incoming damage
+ S1: Provides a good amount of Arts and Physical Dodge for nearby allies, and is one of the few abilities in the game that removes Invisibility (stealth)
+ S2: Able to provide some healing while improving her protective abilities
- Her Talent conditions can be hard to work around in normal play
- Poor skill uptimes
- Typically not as effective at mitigating damage as "DEF % up" or RES % up" buffing Operators

Operator Overview

"Again and again we prance, posture, sing, and pray, with no tolerance for the slightest discrepancies. Some people find joy in filling their lives with these things, and tell others that it will bring joy to the high heavens. How truly sinful."

Tsukinogi has quite the resume: shrine maiden, ceremonial dancer, Catastrophe Messenger, and now, Rhodes Island Operator. By carefully observing the world around her, especially the mental and emotional reactions of others, Tsukinogi has learned how to apply a gentle touch to the world in order to shift it in the direction she chooses. This sensitivity has empowered her Originium Arts, which she utilizes as Rhodes Island’s first 5* Buffing Supporter, bringing survival buffs to her allies and preventing stealth tactics from her enemies.

Tsukinogi’s main method of protecting her allies is her Talent, Blessing, which applies the Sanctuary buff (reduces incoming physical and Arts damage) to allies within Tsukinogi’s attack range once they fall below a certain percentage of HP. This buff can keep allies alive long enough for a Medic to heal them, especially against enemy Casters, since there are fewer options for mitigating Arts damage. Both of Tsukinogi’s Skills supplement this Talent. Her Skill 1, Without a Trace, grants allies in range both Physical and Arts Dodge, adding an extra layer of survivability. It also has the bonus effect of removing Stealth from enemies within range, which gives Tsukinogi a little extra utility. In contrast, her Skill 2, Forest's Embrace, is more direct: it reduces the HP requirement to activate Blessing, increases the power of the Sanctuary buff, and also causes allies within range to regenerate HP for the Skill duration.

Despite her uniqueness, Tsukinogi isn’t ideal for most team compositions. Her Talent only triggers when allies are at low health, so if you have strong enough healing or are running a no-Blocking strategy, you may not see it activate at all. Similarly, if enemy damage is too high, Operators could go from “having HP over the threshold” to “dead” without the buff triggering. Long-duration-blocking strategies (where her steady mitigation would be most effective) are exceedingly rare in high-difficulty content, and most Doctors don't have their squads built to support it anyway (why go slow when you can burn everything to the ground?).  Keep in mind also that her Skills don’t have great uptime -- the charge times are a little long, so they need to be timed carefully for maximum effect -- and her stats are quite low, as is usually the case with Buffer and Debuffer Supporters.

Despite Tsukinogi’s weaknesses, she has a low DP cost, brings extra Arts damage to the table, and has an enormous attack range, which also means an enormous buffing and anti-stealthing range. She’s an excellent way to mitigate Arts damage, especially with her high base RES, and you’ll thank your lucky stars for her presence whenever stealthed enemies hit the field. These aspects might be useful to new players lacking other options that can fill similar roles.  Unfortunately, "unique" does not always equal "good", and Tsukinogi is not an Operator that will typically make much of an impact.  Most doctors will be better off leaving this elegant Elafia cheering on the sidelines, but If you are a Doctor that loves to solve maps in interesting ways with different utility tools, then she might be a fun investment.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Her buffs rarely make much of a difference in Operator survival. Occasionally useful for countering invisible enemies, but otherwise extremely underpowered.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Some people consider Tsukinogi to be the worst unit in the game. They are incorrect. Sort of. She isn't very good, but she does at least have a niche since no other ranged unit has stealth reveal (Scene doesn't count since she needs to deploy her buggies). S1 is the skill with that niche, but Mastery is unnecessary for that role even before accounting for its poor Mastery gains.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 上埜
CV Sayaka Ohara
CV (CN) 梁爽
CV (KR) 弘修贞
Gender Female
Place of Birth Higashi
Birthday May 3
Race Elafia
Height 165cm
Combat Experience
2 Years
Infection Status Confirmed infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Excellent


A former Catastrophe Messenger from Higashi, Tsukinogi's sensitive perception allows her to detect approaching Catastrophes from the most minute of changes and communicates that information with cities. Her abilities also make her well-suited to locating and tracking hidden enemies. It is recommended to assign her to work requiring reconnaissance and stealth.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 5%
Originium is irregularly distributed across the upper portion of the torso, but has not caused any substantial effect upon the operator.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.34u/L
Traces of sudden Originium metastases can be found on the operator's organs.

'The symptoms of acute Oripathy have gone into remission, there are unlikely to be further issues with proper care. Speaking of which, why is Miss Tsukinogi so gentle? I'm obviously supposed to be the one taking care of her, but it always seems like it's the other way around. It makes the world seem a bit topsy-turvy... but whatever, it makes me feel pretty happy~' —Medic Operator Hibiscus

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Tsukinogi was recommended to Rhodes Island by a group of Catastrophe Messengers. According to Provence, there is a vast communication network among Catastrophe Messengers that spans national borders. Through this network, many people are able to pick up the mantle of Catastrophe Messenger, and it also provides a source of employment for those who are unable to hold steady employment. Tsukinogi is a clear example of the efficiency of this network. Without a hub of communication and information exchange, there is no way that someone in Higashi could connect with Rhodes Island thousands of miles away using a conventional messenger. In any case, she is now with us, acquainting herself with her new environment, building relationships, and dealing with everything related to Catastrophes as usual.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Before becoming a Catastrophe Messenger, Tsukinogi was a shrine maiden at a Shinto shrine. Due to her strong request, we have hidden the name and exact location of the shrine in the file. The only thing we were allowed to record is that the shrine built atop the mountain maintains a stable, cooperative relationship with a Buddhist temple at the base of the mountain. According to our assessment of the situation, the locals seem to recognize the teachings of both the shrine and the temple, suggesting that the two faiths have been intertwined in practice for some time now. Such a thing is virtually unheard of here. Is this a common practice in Higashi? It has come to our attention that Tsukinogi has disclosed information about what happened afterwards to the Doctor, but the Doctor in turn has not relayed any information to us. This is quite distressing.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Tsukinogi is skilled in dance. When she wears her elegant, long robes, almost everyone is mesmerized by her moves. When she has free time, she often goes to the dance room to relax or to teach. While her moves are gentle and agile, flourishing her hands through the air, her feet barely make any noise. As long as she is willing, she can happily spend an entire afternoon with someone with even no dance experience, making them feel as if the two are dancing in harmony. She is familiar with most dance styles from both Higashi and Yan, and is very experienced with the ceremonial Kagura dances. However, this is the one type of dance that she refuses to do. According to HR personnel, her reason for this stems from her belief that Kagura dances are antiquated and dull, and only serve to blaspheme the gods while also making the dancers unhappy. Given Tsukinogi's usually gentle words and demeanor, her strong beliefs in this matter are all the more convincing and are perhaps related to her unwillingness to become a shrine maiden.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Because of her insight into others' emotions and her experience with clergy duties, Tsukinogi can easily touch most tender portions of one's heart. She is certainly not omniscient, but by carefully observing the nuances of words and expressions, she can correct identify someone's mental state a vast majority of the time. With her mysterious rhetoric, a few simple Originium Arts techniques, and her charming personality, there are many people willing to go out of their way to accommodate her. As a result of almost universal praise and adoration, Tsukinogi naturally was painted with an aura of benevolence, and was able to establish a vast relationship network. Of course, unlike people who network for the sake of money or benefits, Tsukinogi embraced an altruistic and dedicated approach to dealing with others. This was, after all, the reason she became a Catastrophe Messenger in the first place, and is also the reason why her initial probation period was half the duration of most other operators. The operator who compiled Tsukinogi's file was originally distressed about the fact that the Doctor had been keeping secrets regarding Tsukinogi's past, but after talking with Tsukinogi, that operator has since become a firm supporter. By the looks of things, she is better than most Catastrophe Messengers at earning the trust of others.
As for this trust, Tsukinogi credits all of it to the Doctor.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'What shrine did Tsukinogi come from anyway? As a person from Higashi, it's too embarrassing that I can't figure it out.'
'A shrine with a Buddhist temple at the foot of the mountain, with a particularly good relationship... There's only one place like that, have you heard of it?'
'Oh shoot, is it the one that's mentioned in your favorite book?'
'Yes, that one. Isn't that actually Taisha?!'
'Her family name should be a one-character name then.'
'I got it.'
'Her family name is Elafia.'
'Unknown Higashi dialect)'
'I don't even know how I'm supposed to greet her anymore.'
'What does she call you now?'
'Stop laughing, just tell me.'
'S-sir. Hehe.'
'Well, why not just keep things the way they are?'
'Yeah, I should.'
'Why do you think she joined a Catastrophe Patrol then?'
'She says she was tired of the Kagura nonsense, but I don't buy that for a second.'
'It must have something to do with the Catastrophes then. Maybe she felt like trying to save a few more cities was more worthwhile than dancing in a shrine?'
'Have a little more respect, will you!'
'Woah, calm down, she doesn't even care.'
'But I care!!'
'Fine, fine, respect, respect.'
'To be honest, she probably was Higashi's best Catastrophe Messenger. Judging from the files she's provided, her successful early warning ratio is twice as high as ours here.'
'As a Catastrophe Messenger, the most important thing besides being able to warn someone about an impending Catastrophe is having that person believe you. Even if our Messengers report the matter, city officials often do not comply.'
'But not the case with her.'
'After all, she is a daughter of Taisha.'
'Have you checked the approximate location of the Catastrophe that resulted in her contracting Oripathy?'
'It's not far from her hometown, and Taisha would've been within its affected zone.'
'It happened during a big festival, and there were people everywhere. In the end, it's excusable that they couldn't evacuate the entire region.'
'After all, in order to prevent disaster, it is not just enough to persuade the believers to leave - everyone near the entire site had to be persuaded to evacuated.'
'And she almost pulled it off, except for one little bit.'
'She managed to evacuate cities small and large alike, but in the end, it was her own family that would not listen to her?'
'After all, the public can heed the words of a Kagura-dancing heiress to the shrine, but at the same time...'
'Man proposes, God disposes, huh?' —Excerpt from a recording of a conversation between two HR personnel

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant You should take a little break. It's good for you. Of course that is true, aren't you glad to hear that?
Talk 1 'Those who chase Catastrophes.' 'Catastrophe Patrols.' Or as they say here, 'Catastrophe Messengers.' The job is bitter and tiring, and we are often ridiculed by ordinary civilians and bureaucrats alike. Will my lot improve as an operator? No? Haha, such is life.
Talk 2 Tomorrow... Ah, um, I see. My dear boss, remember to bring an umbrella with you when you leave tomorrow.
Talk 3 If I could have stayed in Higashi, I would not have come all the way here. But... with these things planted inside my flesh, how could I consider anywhere my 'home?'
Talk after Promotion 1 It is better to give your salary to those in need than to store it inside your abode. Considering how little there is, if you put it within the hands of someone in need, just seeing their smile and hearing the words of appreciation is enough to warm my heart.
Talk after Promotion 2 I often wonder if the strange words that occasionally come from my mouth are born of my own consciousness, or if they are bestowed upon me by the Great Spirit who I have never met. The ritual verses of my relatives are all drawn from ancient scriptures, but I've always blurted mine out. It is quite distressing.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Again and again we prance, posture, sing, and pray, with no tolerance for the slightest discrepancies. Some people find joy in filling their lives with these things, and tell others that it will bring joy to the high heavens. How truly sinful.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My clan and I lived in the mountains, not far from a Shinto shrine. At the foot of the mountain was a Buddhist temple, where the monks would return to at night. Now for the question, Doctor. What do you think would happen? Hehe, I shall leave the answer on your table, feel free to take a look when you have time.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Up so late? Do you still have something on your mind? Being thoughtful and eloquent is your strong suit, but just don't let it get in the way of your sleep. Here, I have some incense from Higashi for you, what do you think of the scent? —Oh my, the effect seems to be a bit too strong? Heh, I suppose I shall stand guard for you tonight.
Idle Close your eyes, and calm your mind. Good~
Onboard Pleased to meet you. It simply would not do if I was to forget my introduction, yes? I am Tsukinogi, formerly part of a small 'Catastrophe Patrol' in Higashi. It is an honor to be able to work under you.
Watching Battle Record Different communication methods? Interesting...
Promotion 1 Oh, a reward? Now, now, how should I use this?
Promotion 2 The white night is a raging fire, through which a dark haze lingers. I asketh thee, where dost thy steps cease? Take things one step at a time, and do not stray off the path.
Added to Squad I will not fall short of your expectations.
Appointed as Squad Leader Great is the responsibility of leading others.
Depart The time has come. Let us go.
Begin Operation There are more important things to do than pray.
Selecting Operator 1 Yes.
Selecting Operator 2 Very well.
Deployment 1 Impurity be purged.
Deployment 2 Soul be cleansed.
In Battle 1 Rising haze, sunder the body.
In Battle 2 Drown in the gloaming, and never return.
In Battle 3 Wander through this vast land, blind and ignorant.
In Battle 4 O exalted brilliance, separate us from harm!
4-star Result I was not able to help at all, but that is a cause for celebration.
3-star Result Congratulations. A perfect conclusion to this mission.
Sub 3-star Result The small issues that besmirch our results can be left to me. You may take your leave.
Operation Failure The consequences of our recklessness have been unsatisfactory. Let us reflect upon them once more.
Assigned to Facility I have no requests for my accommodations, so please assign me as you wish.
Tap Yeah?
Trust Tap If there is anything displeasing to you, please let me know. Yes, anything at all.
Title Arknights.
Greeting I trust you've been well?