
Arknights: Should You Pull? Standard Banner: Magallan and Eyjafjalla (!)

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Standard Banner: Magallan & Eyjafjalla

The new Standard Banner features the following Operators:

Featured Operators:

Rarity Operator
6★ Magallan
5★ Warfarin
  • Eyjafjalla is available for purchase in the Distinction store for 180 Certificates. FEater can be purchased for 45.
  • 6★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
  • 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★
Test out your luck for this banner on our:[Standard Pool 20] Summon Simulator!

Should You Pull?

YES. Even better, head to the Gold Certificate store and buy Eyjafjalla so you can get her with 100% success!

This banner has two great Operators (FEater and Croissant) and three top-tier Operators, one of whom is the legendary Eyjafjalla, the Caster to end all Casters. And Eyjafjalla is going to be in the store, no less! This banner has no downsides!

At the bare minimum, Doctors may want to do Headhunt x1 until they pull a 5★ or higher Operator, since one is guaranteed in the first 10 rolls. Who knows: that guaranteed pull might be the cutest goat in Arknights!

Quick Overview

Summoner Supporter

+ Incredibly versatile; covers various roles and types of damage depending on her Skill

+ Brings a whole army along with her; great for “Limited to a smaller Squad” Challenge Modes and CC Contracts

+ One of the strongest crowd-controllers in the game at present

= Has an awesome new food-themed skin in the current Children of Ursus event

- Skill usage can be hard to time correctly

- Guzzles DP to place her drones

ST Caster

+ Burns everything

+ Moonlights as an AoE Caster, but still has the DP cost/ attack speed of a ST Caster

+ Powers up other allied Casters with her Talent

+ Can provide consistent damage with S2 or heavy burst damage with S3

- Uh…

ST Medic

+ Increases damage output and SP gain for random allies within her healing range

- Maximizing her Talent/ S2 effects requires careful positioning, which can impede her healing coverage

Pusher Specialist

+ Pushes enemies away, causing instant death if pushed into a hazard, changing enemy movement, etc.

+ Slows enemies when she hits them, so it takes them longer to walk back into her range

+ Can Block-2 and attack as many enemies as she’s blocking, like a mini-AoE Guard

+ Can be deployed on ground or ranged grids

+ Has passive Physical Dodge, making her an effective physical damage sponge (melee enemies have an especially hard time with her because she pushes them away)

- More expensive to level than lower-rarity Push Specialists, who can perform the primary role of Pushing just as well as she can in most cases

- Usefulness falls dramatically when there are no pits/ deathtraps on the map

Normal Defender

+ Talent makes her and adjacent allies more durable

+ Great Defender stats; S1 is a good tanking Skill that also helps adjacent allies

+ S2 deals good damage, Stuns, and knocks enemies away from her

- Can’t tank with S1 and push enemies with S2 on the same map; you have to pick one

- S1 activates automatically and S2’s knockback can be problematic if enemies are in unexpected places, so neither is 100% reliable


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Magallan has an army of flying drones at her beck and call, and she’s equipped them to handle a wide variety of tasks. With S1, they exude some of the most consistent CC in Arknights. With S2, they drill into enemies’ vulnerable pates with powerful melee Arts damage. And with S3, they open fire on enemies from afar with ranged AoE missiles.

Magallan takes the strengths of a Summoner Supporter to a whole new level, but her complex robotics are not easy to utilize. Her drones are aerial, so they can’t Block, and each one takes up both DP and a unit slot when deployed. Her Skills are very powerful, but they recall all of her active drones when their duration ends, forcing you to deploy them again. And the only way to recover drones that are killed by enemies is by retreating and redeploying Magallan herself, so making a mistake with her can really screw you over.

There are a lot of fine details to learn and remember when using Magallan. Is the effort worth it? Absolutely.

I recommend pulling for Magallan, but only if you understand how Summoners work and enjoy using them.


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Can it be?! Eyjafjalla, for sale in the Certificate Distinction Shop?! It can and it is! Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

For those who aren’t aware, Eyjafjalla is one of the most powerful Operators in Arknights, on par with the legendary SilverAsh. She has the attack speed and DP cost of a ST Caster, but her gamebreaking S2 and S3 give her unparalleled AoE Arts damage that can bring the toughest of opponents to their knees.

I definitely recommend pulling for Eyjafjalla, or, even better, buying her from the Certification Shop.


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Warfarin is a healer by trade, but she’s a damage-dealer by choice. Not that she does damage herself, you understand—oh no. Instead, she grants her allies one of the strongest ATK buffs currently existing in Arknights, boosting their damage potential to dizzying levels of destruction. On top of that, she also feeds her allies SP as they kill enemies, allowing them to activate their Skills and kill more enemies, which Warfarin turns into more SP. She’s very efficient like that.

Oh, and she heals, too. It’s not her preference, but hey, somebody’s got to do it.

The only thing holding Warfarin back is that her SP gifts and ATK buffs are applied to random targets within her healing range. You can work around this by positioning her so that there is only one ally within her range—thereby guaranteeing that she will assist that one ally—but this also means she can only heal that one ally. Striking a balance between her awesome offensive assistance and your team’s healing needs is the key to using Warfarin effectively.

I recommend pulling for Warfarin. She can be tricky to use, but she’s worth the effort.


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FEater is a Shift Specialist. In particular, she’s a Pusher, meaning that she’s primarily used for pushing enemies into pits or other lethal traps. However, FEater has some nifty abilities beyond that: she has natural Physical Dodge from her Talent, and she Slows enemies that she Pushes. Combined with her archetype’s Block-2, FEater is a surprisingly good substitute Defender—she dodges her enemy’s attacks, shoves them away from her, and leaves them Slowed, making it harder for them to reach her before she charges up her next Push. Her Physical Dodge also makes her a good damage soak against ranged physical enemies.

Don’t misunderstand: FEater is still a Push Specialist first and foremost. She’s most effective on maps with lethal pits, and she loses a lot of her usefulness on maps that don’t have any. However, her additional perks can come in pretty useful on some challenge maps, giving her an additional dimension that not all Shift Specialists can boast.

I don’t recommend pulling for FEater, but she’s worth investing in if you pull her.


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Croissant is kind of FEater’s equal and opposite in many ways. If FEater is a Pusher who can pretend she’s a Defender, Croissant is a Defender who can pretend she’s a Pusher. She can Block-3 and has a defensive Talent and S1, but her S2 is a strong hammer slam that inflicts damage, Stun, and knockback, Pushing her enemies away from her.

Croissant has a lot of power, but she’s not the most reliable Operator around. Her Talent runs on RNG, her S1 triggers automatically (so it can’t be saved for exactly when you want it), and her S2’s Push can backfire on you if enemies end up in unexpected positions. It’s also worth noting that her S1 is purely defensive (no Pushing utility) and her S2 is pure utility (no damage mitigation whatsoever), so you have to choose what role you want her to fill before you start a fight. She’s a strong Defender, and her versatility is nice, but the lack of reliability is a big stumbling block.

I don’t recommend pulling for Croissant, but she’s worth investing in if you pull her.

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About the Author(s)

A 4★ Supporter Operator with the "Writer" tag. Loves creative writing, all forms of editing, video game design, and badgers.

Click here to contact me with questions or other business.
