
Lost Victorian Knight

Event Information

Event Name (CN) 迷路的维多利亚骑士
Event Max Choices 3
Event Gavial The Great Chief Returns - Event Page
You met a Victorian knight who wanders the land with his servant. For some reason, the servant is banging two coconut shells together as he walks, making a strange sound. He asks if you’ve ever heard of something called the “Sacred Originium Grenade.”

Event Choices

Choice Text To be honest, I’ve never heard of that before
Choice Description Gain a collectible.
Scene Dialogue The other party thanks you for your honesty before giving you half a coconut shell and then wandering off in a random direction.
Choice Text (CN) 说实话,没听说过
Choice Description (CN) 获得收藏品
Scene Dialogue (CN) 对方感谢你的诚实,送你半个椰子壳,然后随便选了个方向走了。
Choice Text Lie to him, point in a random direction
Choice Description Gain a collectible.
Scene Dialogue The other party thanks you for your honesty before giving you half a coconut shell and then wandering off in the direction you pointed.
Choice Text (CN) 骗他,瞎指一个方向
Choice Description (CN) 获得收藏品
Scene Dialogue (CN) 对方感谢你的指引,送你半个椰子壳,然后顺着你指的方向走了。
Choice Text Ask if he knows where Rhodes Island is
Choice Description Leave
Scene Dialogue The other party is stunned, blindly pointing in a direction before leaving with the servant in tow.
Choice Text (CN) 反问他,知不知道罗德岛在哪
Scene Dialogue (CN) 对方愣了一下,瞎指了一个方向,然后带着仆从走了。