Who Do You Love?!
The members of Sanity;Gone 0 are conducting a community survey of English speaking players to see which Operators we have, and how much we are investing in them. The survey will be open for about a month, after which the results will be shared.
Want to be part of history in the making? You can find the survey here! (allot yourself some time to fill this out if you want to be thorough).
Art used in the Survey and the sources
Art sources:
- Magallan: https://t.co/9gIlt0k57o
- Surtr: https://t.co/wYRUYqr8p8
- Mudrock: https://t.co/fcqwHJ7xto
- Blemishine: https://t.co/MDLvhhZTYN
- Exusiai: https://t.co/WBtAGB04wK
- Silence: https://t.co/3aWSQqycX5
- Amiya: https://t.co/ceefxAtXNe