



Attacks the heaviest enemy first

Operator Description

A mercenary came tottering to us against the blizzard, and Totter he was.

Operator Quote

The footprints linger in the snow in pairs, one deep, one shallow.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 10/11/2022
Release Date (Global) 4/27/2023


Potential Item

Totter's Token A chunk of firewood frozen absolutely solid. Needs a perfunctory baking to remove moisture content before it can be thrown in the furnace.


Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +4%
Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +7% (+3%)
Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +10%
Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +13% (+3%)
Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +17%
Can attack Invisible enemies. If there are Invisible enemies within attack range, ATK +20% (+3%)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 130% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 140% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 150% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 160% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 170% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 180% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 190% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 200% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 210% ATK as Physical damage
The next attack targets 1 more enemy and deals 220% ATK as Physical damage
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
max_target 2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
27 Seconds
28 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ASPD +5, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 180% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +10, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 185% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +15, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 190% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +20, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 195% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +25, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 200% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +30, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 205% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +35, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 210% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +40, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 215% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +45, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 220% ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +50, each attack targets 2 more enemies; if only one enemy is hit, deals 225% ATK as Physical damage
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 5
[email protected]_scale 1.8
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 10
[email protected]_scale 1.85
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 15
[email protected]_scale 1.9
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 20
[email protected]_scale 1.95
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 25
[email protected]_scale 2
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 30
[email protected]_scale 2.05
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 35
[email protected]_scale 2.1
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 40
[email protected]_scale 2.15
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 45
[email protected]_scale 2.2
[email protected]_target 3
attack_speed 50
[email protected]_scale 2.25
[email protected]_target 3


Snow Globe
Lvl. 1
Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
When attacking a heavy enemy (weight 3 or greater), ATK increased to 115%
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 35
def 15
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 30 enemies with Totter (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme S3-5 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Totter, and have Totter defeat at least 2 Invisible Crossbowmen

RIIC Base Skills

Blurry Vision Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Productivity +30%. For every 4 points of Morale Difference on self, Productivity -5%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, if own Morale Difference is greater than 12, Productivity +10%, storage capacity +6

Quick Evaluation

+ A sniper with a focus on dealing with stealth enemies.
+ Unique among snipers in his ability to attack enemies in stealth naturally. With his large range, he can easily chip away at stealth enemies as they approach.
+ S1: A decent option for consistent damage with low SP cost and decent damage multiplier.
+ S2: Decent uptime and solid attack boosts. Good option if you are dealing with mobs of stealthed enemies.
- Often doesn't deal enough damage to finish off stealth enemies on his own.

Operator Overview

Totter retired from the mercenary life in order to live quietly in the deep forest at the edge of Victoria. However, when Londinium came under attack from all sides (see Episode 10 for that saga), Totter came out of retirement and joined in the battle at great personal risk. As much as he would prefer to be left alone, Totter has agreed to aid Rhodes Island once in a while as a 4* Besieger Sniper who has the keen senses necessary to shoot down Invisible enemies.

Do you hate Invisible enemies? Then Totter might be your new best friend. His Talent, Torch-like Vision, allows him to attack Invisible enemies and even gives him an ATK buff when they are in range. His Skills are variations on the same theme: his automatic Pierce the Sun S1 gives a damage boost and targets an additional enemy, while his manual Breaking Rainbow S2 grants an ASPD buff and targets several enemies at once. Breaking Rainbow also goes the extra mile, empowering Totter’s shot with bonus damage if he can only attack one enemy while it is active (a situation in which the “targets several enemies” benefit would otherwise be wasted). How considerate!

The Besieger Sniper archetype has some dramatic advantages (high ATK, huge attack range) but also some unique downsides (high DP cost, low ASPD, an awkward blind spot in their attack range). Totter fits all these advantages and disadvantages to the letter, along with a unique issue of his own: the archetype Trait of prioritizing the heaviest enemy in range can sometimes interfere with his role of sniping Invisible enemies. Invisible enemies tend to be lightweight rather than heavy, so Totter will sometimes waste his time chipping at bulky Defender-type enemies in his range rather than poleaxing the Invisible targets you brought him to counter.

Fortunately, Totter’s Skills are a great counterbalance to his weaknesses. The high damage multipliers on his S1 and his single-target S2 complement his high base ATK, and attacking multiple targets at once helps alleviate his weight-based targeting priority (as attacking multiple enemies in one shot makes it more likely that he’ll hit the Invisible enemy you want). Invisible enemies are often fragile, so it shouldn’t take many shots before Totter’s assassination mission is complete.

A lot of stages combine Invisible enemies with other gimmicks or annoying map layouts that make those enemies hard to handle. As a 4* unit, Totter is relatively cheap to pull for and level up, and his wide attack range gives him a lot of leeway in striking Invisible enemies that other units would have trouble reaching. His long range and heavy hits can be decent in content without Invisible enemies, too, making him a useful addition to any Doctor’s roster.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Not really powerful or useful enough to warrant a spot on most young rosters. However, he does offer some unique Stealth utility, and is a cheap option for development if players find they need it and have no other options

Skill Discussion

S2M3 B- B- B-
S1M3 C+ C+ C+

Totter is a pretty nice unit. He isn't mandatory to raise, but he has a unique and rare niche combined with a powerful range. While it is not a full on invisible reveal, he is one of only two purely Ranged units (as of this writing) that can interact with invisible enemies (Tsukinogi is the other, Scene requires her Melee buggies to be deployed). Given the inexpensive costs to promote a 4★, he is a decent utility to have available. His skills split a fairly typical "consistent vs burst" divide which can make selection a matter of preference. You can potentially do both for Masteries, but if you only do one, I slightly favor the better burst and larger gains of S2.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 板板
CV 小林亲弘
CV (EN) Mercer Boffey
CV (CN) 刘北辰
CV (KR) 李辰茂
Gender Male
Place of Birth Sargon
Birthday June 21
Race Liberi
Height 185cm
Combat Experience
20 Years
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Flawed
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Totter, real name Totter, is a semi-retired mercenary living in the forests along the border of Victoria. To repay a favor, he left the forests and came to the battlefields of Londinium at great personal risk. After the incident concluded, he chose to occasionally participate as a sniper in Rhodes Island's fieldwork.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7.8%
Large distribution of crystals at the left ankle.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.24u/L
Totter's condition is mostly stable and shows no signs of deterioration for the time being, however the infection on his ankle has impacted his mobility to some extent.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
The number of days a year Totter spends on the landship can be counted on one hand. Besides coming in for mission reports and routine inspections, he spends his time either tucked away at his cabin in the Victorian forests or out participating in missions.
He has not interacted with many operators, but among those who have gone on missions with him, not a single one will deny his observation skills and execution abilities. Any mission he participates in will see a markedly increased chance of success, as he organizes tricky mission objectives and breaks them down into clearly structured sub-objectives based on their priority. Following these mission plans often achieves good outcomes for the team. Though some have criticized his methods as being inflexible, this is the best option available to him due to his limited stamina and restricted mobility.
After experiencing the Londinium incident, Totter decided to fully retire, leaving behind his bloodstained past and returning to the uninhabited forests of northern Victoria, living off the land as a hunter. Nowadays, he looks calm and at peace, discussing the happenings in his life in a lighthearted manner. The heavy smoke, smell of rust and disinfectants, and unending screams that once dominated his life have gradually receded, replaced by firewood, hot tea, the smell of pinewood, and the crunching sound of tree branches under his feet.
However, from time to time Totter's straightforward manner of doing things will remind us that the things which have long taken shape within his bones are just waiting for a chance to emerge again. No matter if he is willing or not, that will not easily change.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
The instructor opines that Totter is a natural-born sniper. Under ideal weather conditions, his long-sightedness allows him to easily see targets a hundred meters away, track the target's slightest movements with the naked eye, and make a decisive judgement to take them down.
The hunting skills he acquired in his youth became a great foundation on his path to becoming a sniper. He was born in a small, remote rainforest tribe in Sargon, far away from civilization. The hunters in the tribe had passed down their skills from generation to generation, accumulating a wealth of hunting knowledge. Totter's father was also an experienced hunter of the tribe, and passed on their skills of identifying the terrain, predicting the weather, and picking out prey to a young Totter. Totter lived up to the tribe's expectations, quickly picking up those skills and standing out among his peers. Besides that, Totter also possessed a trait that allowed him to become a distinguished hunter—patience. In the hot and humid rainforest, lying dormant and waiting quietly is a nearly impossible task, but Totter was able to rely on his extraordinary patience to lie in wait for an entire day for his prey to come into range. This would also prove to serve him well in his life as a mercenary.
After entering adulthood, he traveled across Sargon, Columbia, and Victoria as a mercenary for hire, venturing into all kinds of places and participating in all sorts of complicated battlefields. To kill his target, he would lie in wait alone for days, deep in the mountains in the harsh winter, or crouch unmoving in the boiling hot sands of the desert under the brilliant sun. Totter never included these extremely boring, difficult, and lonely waits in his reports, merely ending them with a simple 'Mission Complete.'
Totter is quite particular in his choice of weaponry. His arm strength is good, and the arrows he carries are modified versions of the specialized hunting arrows his tribe used to hunt large targets. These large and powerful arrows have been used multiple times on the battlefield to ease the burden on frontline operators, and their efficacy is obvious.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
'Totter, your glasses are ready, do you want to try them on? You will feel a little dizzy at first, and that is completely normal. Just stand up and have a little walk, and you'll get used to it.'
'Yes, my vision's very clear now.'
'What is it? Why do you keep looking at me?'
'I see a little piece of gunk in the corner of your eye, it's reflective too.'
'... That's my highlight.'
'Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.'
'Never mind, why am I even talking to you about this...? How is it, is there anything you want to do now that you have glasses?'
'Read a book, I suppose? I haven't read one in a long while.'
'That's a good idea. I didn't think you were a person who enjoyed reading.'
'I don't. The text in them is so small and packed together, my eyes get tired quickly.'
'Are you making fun of me?'
'That's not it. Yesterday, I encountered some operators in the meeting room discussing the books they'd recently read. The discussion was in full swing and they appeared to be having a lot of fun.'
'Someone noticed me and invited me to join them. But I don't read books, and my cabin only has a very old radio. It sounds terrible and I only use it to listen to weather forecasts.'
'So I could only listen to their discussion in silence. I didn't understand most of what they said, but it sounded very interesting to me.'
'So you found their discussions interesting and wanted to have a read yourself?'
'No, that's not it.'
'When the sharing session ended, I intended to leave quietly, but a girl stopped me and handed me a book. She told me that she wanted to hear my thoughts on it. She also said... she was looking forward to seeing me again next time. The others told me the same thing as well, each and every one of them.'
'Totter, when was the last time you left your cabin?'
'About half a year ago.'
'Have you been alone all that time?'
'Please remember to avoid reading under dim light when you return, it's bad for your eyes.'
'Alright, got it. Thank you, Doctor.'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Totter never hides his love for snow in front of others. He has a room in his cabin used exclusively to store his collection of snow globes, and the crossbow he carries everywhere also has snowflake ornaments on it. He even secretly includes expenses for buying snow globes in the receipts he sends us.
Based on the exchange records, Totter attributes his love of snow to a snowflake specimen he saw as a young child, left behind by a Victorian merchant caravan passing by the rainforest tribe. Its intricate design led Totter to long for the snowy vistas the merchants described to him, and also evoked his imagination of the lands outside. From then on, Totter changed his mind about staying in the tribe and decided to leave his home after coming of age.
However, that which starts from a single snowflake will inevitably be buried by layers of thick snow.
After leaving his home, Totter met and befriended some close friends, and they formed their own mercenary squad. After taking in many trained combat personnel, the squad gradually took shape and started to gain fame. Just as everything was going swimmingly and everyone was filled with hope, a freak accident caused half the squad to perish. Totter himself was infected with Oripathy in the incident, and lost almost all his mobility. Unable to keep up with the others, he was left behind deep in a forest. Being close to the Snow Realm, that forest was often hit by sudden blizzards, turning what was once a sunny day into one full of heavy hail and frost.
Totter once admitted that he fell into a deep depression for a long time after leaving the mercenary squad, until one day when he was lying drowsily in bed due to the effects of his pain medication. The howling wind of the blizzard outside had gradually died down, leaving the area in silence as a single beam of sunlight shone on his closed eyelids, waking him from his nightmares. As he glanced towards the window, on the pure white forest floor outside stretching into the horizon he saw several thin and leafless fir trees stabbing viciously into the cloudless blue sky. Miraculously, Totter felt nothing but peace from this sight. He no longer felt pain and sorrow from being left behind, and was finally able to accept and feel relief towards the misfortunes that had befallen him.
However, during that conversation, I noticed Totter kept his eyes on the floor, and licked his lips several times. It was obvious that he was hiding something. Despite my questioning, he stubbornly refused to reveal anything to me, and even began to avoid conversing with me.
Totter's behavior worries me. Perhaps he buried more than pain and despair within that snow. I couldn't help but come to a horrifying thought. Did he really manage to walk out of that flawless snowfield, that bitterly cold winter?

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'I'll put some more logs on the fire. You look like you're about to freeze solid.'
After handing you a cup of hot water, he turns to fiddle with the wood in the fireplace. The flames within emit a happy crackling sound as they burn bright red.
'How far did you walk from the landship to here? Two kilometers? Three?'
You do not answer him, instead lifting your cup and blowing lightly. As you warm yourself in the hot steam, the snow on your eyebrows melts and drips down your face.
'Thank you for coming all this way to see me. Want some bean soup?' A hanging soup can clatters as he sits himself down with a bowl of his own, not waiting for your reply. He forgoes any semblance of table manners, instead gulping down the soup without much chewing.
'You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine.' He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he states solemnly.
'The winter here is not that scary... Those who survive the loneliness are not afraid of the cold.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant You keep the place so messy but find what you need anyway? *sigh* Well, that's also a talent, I guess.
Talk 1 Doctor, am I able to file for exemption from paperwork? I have a bad case of farsightedness. It's a lot of strain to read, and fatigue strikes easily.
Talk 2 I'm a repressed sort, not talkative. If you're not entertained, you can head out for now. No, I don't mean to drive you off, I just...
Talk 3 I don't need to be issued a scope. In my crossbow's killing range, my naked eye sees clearly enough.
Talk after Promotion 1 My bolt points are a custom make. They pierce armor and cause massive blood loss in a short time. They're based on what Sargon hunters specially use to hunt big beasts, then I made modifications after coming to Victoria. Now they fly lighter, and kill harder.
Talk after Promotion 2 The merc business is tough, absolutely. Sometimes I'd be in the snow and an entire day would pass on my watch, and my feet would be frostbitten by the end. I appreciate your look of concern, but it was fine. Even lucky. My left foot hurt less when it was frozen.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Why I like snow, you wonder? Let me think... Does never seeing it in Sargon count? Heh, it's not really that deep. People always have their inexplicable fancies.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 ...If it's alright for me to ask, could you read the poem in this book to me, Doctor? I borrowed it from Istina. She says it's a fine poem, about winter in Deity Grypherburg.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Do you know what's most precious? Someone to peacefully watch the snow with. Maybe I've met one at some point before, but who knows? Once the snow descends, it covers all traces of anything, including the fading footprints.
Idle How about a mug of hot water? You seem a little pale.
Onboard Hello, Doctor, I'm Totter. Long-range sniping's my specialty. You can leave any task to me as long as it's a workday.
Watching Battle Record Hold on, Doctor, it's too close. Let me put on my glasses and try again.
Promotion 1 If you're pleased with my work, then I couldn't ask for more.
Promotion 2 Thank you, Doctor, but your appreciation actually leaves me at a loss. Err. If I'm being honest, I don't have big dreams for my work.
Added to Squad Orders ASAP, please.
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, please coordinate. Thanks in advance.
Depart Let's move. Time waits for nobody.
Begin Operation They're fast on the move, but I can still read their tracks.
Selecting Operator 1 Foggy today. Bad luck.
Selecting Operator 2 Great luck. Got a tail wind today.
Deployment 1 I see clouds rising. Probable hostiles in the snow.
Deployment 2 I see fowl taking off. Probable ambush in the grass.
In Battle 1 Come out. Stop hiding!
In Battle 2 I see you.
In Battle 3 Stop moving.
In Battle 4 It won't be any use.
4-star Result The best kills are one-shot. Less pain for them.
3-star Result Target down. Mission clear, no setbacks.
Sub 3-star Result *Tut*, not my best shot.
Operation Failure Sorry, Doctor, target's out of range. I can't hit them.
Assigned to Facility Nice. Luxurious compared to my safehouse.
Tap Speak. I'm all ears.
Trust Tap Doctor, is that you? You're blurry, but you've got distinct footsteps. I can tell them apart.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello.