
Terra Research Commission




Attacks deal Physical Damage twice to ground enemies in a small radius (second time is an aftershock dealing half ATK in damage), and ignores the Deployment Limit, but has a long Redeployment Time
attack@append_atk_scale = 0.5

Operator Description

A trio of Felynes willing to brave death to satiate their curiosity for the world of Terra.

Operator Quote

This may not necessarily earn you victory, but it will get you back to camp safely.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 3/7/2023
Release Date (Global) 9/7/2023


Potential Item

Terra Research Commission's Token A mysterious voucher with a pawprint and some hard-to-decipher letters written on top. It's from the Felynes, and we'd better not refuse such a kind gesture!


Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deals 200% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.1 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deal 250% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.1 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deal 300% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.1 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deal 350% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.2 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deal 400% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.2 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Attacks detonate after a delay, with one of the following random effects: Deal 450% Physical Damage / Puts the target to Sleep for 1 second / Stun the target for 0.2 seconds / Nothing happens at all! Talent deactivates after triggering Damage effect 3 times
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +5%, order limit +2, plus an additional order acquisition efficiency +3% for every Felvine
Trusty Buddies Lvl: 30
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, capacity limit +8, Productivity +5%, plus an additional Productivity +1% for every Felvine

Quick Evaluation

+ Nice individual effects
- Unreliable RNG
- Ultimately limited to meme potential

Operator Overview

"Listen to Your Excellency's call nya, the Felyne special operations team... the great first team of Terra Research Commission is here! Nya! Don't step on my head nya!"

The Terra Research Commission—a ridiculously cute tower of even more ridiculously cute Felyne creatures—consists of the Scholar, the Smith, and the Follower, who are committed to their mission of “researching” the various opponents of Rhodes Island. How? Why? Only the 1* Flinger Sniper Terra Research Commission can answer these questions, and they ain’t talking.

To protect themselves from the hazardous creatures they study, the Terra Research Commission deploys Felyne Lottery Explosive. This Talent gives a random second effect to the shockwaves from their Flinger Sniper regular attacks: the shockwave might deal increased damage, inflict Sleep or a very brief Stun, or do nothing at all. Sadly, they will run out of special explosives after the increased damage triggers three times, and their following attacks will not have special additional effects on the shockwave (although they will also lose the chance to do nothing, which is good).

If you enjoy random minor gambles, the Terra Research Commission can be quite entertaining to watch, but the threat of bad RNG hangs over Felyne Lottery Explosive in all situations. You might get lucky and trigger a string of AoE micro-Stuns followed by big damage, or you might roll several “do nothing” attacks and waste the bigger blasts on minor enemies. Being a 1* Operator limited to level 30 doesn’t help their case either, as even the enhanced blasts at max Potential cannot keep up with the damage from proper Operators. Effective? No. Reliable? No. Adorable? Absolutely hell yes.

Operator Featured Articles

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Peachy Miruku
CV -
Gender Unknown
Place of Birth Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Race Undisclosed
Height 0cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability ■■


The Terra Research Commission is formed of three Felynes, and despite being officially established as the 'Felyne Special Operations Unit,' nevertheless retains its name due to the Scholar's fierce attachment to the 'Commission' title. The group contains a Scholar specializing in ecological research, an Artisan specializing in smithing, and a Palico with a wealth of hunting experience. While acting as a unit they specialize in pushing wooden carts. The Felynes are broadly popular owing to their lovable appearances, and presently undertake work responding to unusual foreign species.

Clinical Analysis

Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, these three operators are believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
The three Felynes show no sign of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] Undisclosed
The Medical Department has agreed not to disclose the relevant data.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 100.
In recent days, development of the 'Felyne Offroader,' a new model of cart by the Artisan in conjunction with the Rhodes Island Engineering Department, has been formally announced as a success. During its creation, the Artisan exploited a variety of biomaterials native to Terra in ways never before imagined, e.g. using Metal Crab shells to reinforce cart structure, and installing a return-fire cannon that exclusively uses Originium Slugs as shells, leaving the operators of Engineering lost for words. The 'Felyne Offroader' was comprehensively put through its material paces by the Palico himself, being tested for applicability in various possible hunting scenarios including volcano, tundra, desert, and jungle settings, and was ultimately deemed to meet Felyne cart standards, and capable of being used to rescue the Doctor. Meanwhile, the Scholar took into account the 'Felyne Offroader's' development costs, and proposed that a third of its operation expenses be collected from the Doctor for every rescue as compensation, which received the Felynes' unanimous approval.
One question raised by an Engineering Operator—'why don't you install an Originium engine, instead of pushing it by hand?'—remains thoroughly unaddressed and forgotten by the Felynes.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Remember, you two, this purr-ticular assistant role calls for maximum vigilance. If any meownsters come knocking, we throw the Doctor on the cart and go!
Talk 1 Curious about our latest research? We're gnawing on 'An Investigation into Biological Discrepancies Between Us Felynes with a Y and Terran Felines with an I.' We were halfway done, but then we found out you have Aslans too, so it's back to the scratching post for us... You Terrans are meowder with your subspecies!
Talk 2 Your Meowjesty, never forget to eat your fill before you go on a hunt. Dive into a fight with full stamina, and you might end up doing things you didn't even think you could... mrrreow!
Talk 3 *dink* *dink* No Machalite Ore left... Could substitute with Rock Spider stones and gloompincer shells... Don't know without trying. In you go.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The mountains never fail to remind me of an old bud, built just as tall and strong. He broke his weapon once and quit the Palico life after, but if memory serves, he then went with the Research Commission to take up cheffing in the New World... You never know what turn your next life'll take.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Say, Doctor, I'll let you in on a secret trick, friend to... maybe furless friend. If you ever get hurt in battle and you need to chug a Potion, set off a Barrel Bomb behind you while you do. Why? It'll stop any baddies getting the pounce on you, that's why!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Terra has new materials. Lots of ores. Very lovely... Maybe I can make a weapon just like that Great Sword in the ice cave back home! For mew, Doctor!
Idle Meow, meow, lots of... fascinating things in Doctor's room. Want to move them elsewhere, while Doctor's asleep... Smithy! Stay your paw!
Onboard On Your Meowjesty's summons, we the Felyne Special Corps... cream of the crop of the Terra Research Commission's Furst Fleet, have arrived! Meowch! Get your hind paws off my head!
Watching Battle Record What are you doing inside this box, Smithy? Im... Impawssible! It's all moving! How is it done?
Added to Squad Ready for departure!
Appointed as Squad Leader A simple task! I'm a purr-ime leader, after all!
Depart Let's go, 'Hunters!' Put some pep in your step!
Begin Operation Purr-ey spotted. Watch out, Your Meowjesty.
Selecting Operator 1 By your bidding, Your Meowjesty.
Selecting Operator 2 Meow! Right here!
Deployment 1 You two! Now!
Deployment 2 You're purr-essing too hard!
In Battle 1 Aim fur that weak spot!
In Battle 2 They're wide open!
In Battle 3 Taste the flaming soul of a hunter!
In Battle 4 The purr-fect slinger technique!
4-star Result Are... Are we out of danger meow? Can I open my eyes yet?
3-star Result Absolutely stellar command, Your Meowjesty. That's what I call great gains... mrreow.
Sub 3-star Result Equipment everywhere... grabbing, all of it. Grabbing and going.
Operation Failure Good gravy, they're catching up! Run, run like your tail's on fire!
Assigned to Facility Hauling, hauling... Smithy, why do you drag that meowntain of materials with you everywhere you go?
Tap Mrrow~
Trust Tap What are you doing? Mrrow... right there, please... Hey, save a pet or two for me!
Title Arknights.
Greeting Ah, Doctor! Fine day to mew!