Attack Type




Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 50% of the damage dealt
scale = 0.5

Operator Description

Vendela, a florist who survived when war came. Now doing what she can to rebuild her little greenhouse.

Operator Quote

If you happen to run across her napping on a clear afternoon, don't say anything. Do as she does, and close your eyes. Feel the sunlight on them.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 10/8/2023
Release Date (Global) 4/16/2024


Potential Item

Vendela's Token A withered white rose, cream-colored petals stained by irremovable traces of deep red, reflecting certain recollections of her past life. Bygones are bygones, and there is so little she can hold onto.


The ally with the highest Max HP within range receives 8% more healing
The ally with the highest Max HP within range receives 11% (+3%) more healing
The ally with the highest Max HP within range receives 15% more healing
The ally with the highest Max HP within range receives 18% (+3%) more healing
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ASPD +30
ASPD +35
ASPD +40
ASPD +45
ASPD +50
ASPD +55
ASPD +60
ASPD +70
ASPD +80
ASPD +90
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 30
attack_speed 35
attack_speed 40
attack_speed 45
attack_speed 50
attack_speed 55
attack_speed 60
attack_speed 70
attack_speed 80
attack_speed 90
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 10% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +40%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 15% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +50%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 18% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +55%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 20% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +60%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 25% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +70%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 28% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +75%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 30% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +75%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 35% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +80%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 40% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
ATK +80%. Makes the ally with the highest Max HP within Attack Range more likely to be attacked by enemies, and when this ally receives an enemy attack, Vendela deals 50% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker and activates her Trait on the ally
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.1
taunt_level 1
atk 0.3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.15
taunt_level 1
atk 0.4
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.18
taunt_level 1
atk 0.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.2
taunt_level 1
atk 0.55
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.25
taunt_level 1
atk 0.6
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.28
taunt_level 1
atk 0.7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.3
taunt_level 1
atk 0.75
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.35
taunt_level 1
atk 0.75
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.4
taunt_level 1
atk 0.8
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.5
taunt_level 1
atk 0.8


Lvl. 1
Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: cn
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 60% of the damage dealt
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 105
atk 23
Unlock Information

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory and restores an additional +0.1 to Operators whose Morale is below 18 (Only the strongest effect of this type applies)

Quick Evaluation

+ Reasonable healing numbers, despite her low damage.
+ Good reflect damage may occasionally be useful.
- Healing is unreliable since it needs a target for her to attack.
- Very low damage.
- Taunt is wasted utility. It's very specific and is better resolved by managing deploy order.
- Elites have longer attack intervals which limits the value of her reflect.

Operator Overview

Credits:  another_mozhi, Setsura

"Doctor, Vendela reporting to you. Ah, what was behind the manuscript that Miss Rockrock prepared for me again... Anyway, please accept this flower for now! It represents good luck."


"Let me tell you a secret. Someone secretly placed a gift at the door of my room last night. It was a rose!

"Who put it? I've been excited all morning! Is it her... No, no... Is it him... Well, I feel like it's possible... Or perhaps, it’s——”

"Hey, don't get a big head. Many people received them last night. I went to ask Miss Lena. It's a gift prepared by the new operator Vendela for everyone according to the customs of her hometown."

"Huh? Oh... Hey..."

At the same time, Perfumer in the infirmary was holding her head in hee hands and worrying about the embarrassed face of Vendela.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Miss Lena, I didn't expect that there are more people on Rhodes Island than in our town. There are still many people who haven't received roses.

"Every year at the Farm Festival in Brentwood, my grandfather and I would put a bouquet of roses in front of every door. This is a festival to celebrate harvest and good luck, and I want everyone in Rhodes Island to do the same, that we all can share our happiness together.”

Talents and Skills

Rarity: 5★ 

ArchetypeMedic [Incantation]

Trait: Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 50% of the damage dealt

Talent : Ally unit with the highest Max HP inside Vendela's attack range receives extra healing   

Skill 1: When skill is active, ASPD increases

Skill 2:When skill is active, ATK increases, the ally unit with the highest Max HP inside Vendela's attack range becomes more likely to be targeted by enemies; whenever this ally unit takes damage, Vendela deals Arts Damage to the respective enemies, and Vendela's trait becomes only applicable to this ally unit

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Vendela probably won't be worth your attention as a new player. While Incantation Medics are natively pretty decent, Vendela is a relatively weak example of the archetype. Any potential in her utility is unlikely to be realized out of advanced scenarios, her damage is just alright, and her healing is unreliable. It makes Vendela a tough sell for a new player.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Vendela is a weak showing of the potential of Incantation Medics. Her utility is extremely situational, and not very useful even in those situations, which leaves her with just OK damage and OK but unreliable healing. While that mix is enough to make her usable, it leaves Vendela as a desire-only promotion.

In that case, either of her skills are options, which is often the case in units with weak utility. Her S2 is that weak utility, but it is relatively unique and is the skill more likely to matter in those special situations she can potentially excel in. Her S1 may make for a better daily driver skill if you want to maximize your Vendela usage. It has a better uptime and does not rely on the reflect. However, the gap between her two skills is not particularly great. Without the reflect, S1M3 only out-DPS's S2M3 by less than 100 DPS, a total easily made up by the reflect. For most, S2 will be sufficient.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Studio Montagne
CV 和久井优
CV (CN) 常佳梦
Gender Female
Place of Birth Victoria
Birthday May 14
Race Feline
Height 160cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Flawed
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Standard


Magdelene Shaw, survivor of the Sanguinarch's ceremony in the town of Brentwood. More than half the town was razed, including the family greenhouse she so cherished.
At the invitation of Rockrock and Feist, she joined the Self-Salvation Corps, offering them her assistance before eventually joining Rhodes Island. After the Londinium incident, she decided on her own to apply to return to Victoria to rebuild her hometown, taking up a post as a local Rhodes Island branch office liaison.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 6%
Operator Vendela does not yet have visible Originium crystals on her body, and requires continued observation.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.17u/L
BOCD is still trending upwards, and it is possible that her condition may severely worsen.
We have studied the test results of many Brentwood survivors, and found that their conditions matched that of Operator Vendela's. All have succumbed to acute infection during the incident and suddenly found themselves Infected, and for that reason Medical has already applied for additional psychological counseling.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Vendela first came to Rhodes Island as a patient rather than a member of the Medical Department. Though the records concerning the town of Brentwood as regards to the Londinium operation are still currently restricted, by extrapolating from Vendela's condition it is hard to be hopeful about the prognosis of the other survivors. The long-term impact on their health also appears grim. Vendela is aware of this, and took the initiative to submit an application to Medical, hoping to learn everything she can about Oripathy. According to her statement, because of the town's geography, most residents have historically worked in agriculture and been isolated from industry and cases of Oripathy. As such, they now find themselves lacking in specialists able to assist them in these matters. Currently, she thinks only of how she can help. After all, everyone in town has always treated her so well.
'I still remember the first time Vendela tagged along as an intern. She was pretty much as normal as can be. Not many even noticed their new gentle and unassuming co-worker,' said a similarly shy operator as she sentimentally recalled when she and Vendela met. 'Back then, I never imagined that a cheerful girl like her could have gone through such an experience. When the two of us background characters formed a small study group to help each other out, I went over to her room and saw it absolutely stuffed with fresh flowers and stacks of medical reports for her fellow townsfolk. Only then did I realize that even though she looks so quiet and peaceful on the outside, she was secretly doing some ultra-super-duper cool stuff!'
Vendela truly is someone who keeps a low profile, as exasperatedly noted by Rockrock, who has worked with her in the past: 'Magdelene and I were once out on an operation with Logistics working our arses off, but she didn't even think to let people know she'd done anything! That's just not right!'
'That's right, we all went to Vendela's private farewell party, since she had already applied for leave to go back home and help rebuild. Medical even gave her special permission to take a batch of Oripathy suppressants. She also agreed to let me come along and help, hehe!' the same shy operator noted excitedly.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Wow, Doctor, you really don't understand Vendela at all, do you?! Obviously you were all together on that Londinium operation that whole time, yet you didn't even know she did flower fortunetelling? Well, I guess it's not that surprising. After all, who'd have time for that when you're busy fighting? Whatever, no excuses, give it a shot when you have time, Doctor. Even my big sister Lancet-2 was really happy with her fortune. What did it say? That's a secret!
—A certain anonymous operator

While at first glance Vendela does not share the same aura of mystique as a diviner like Gitano—since she always speaks with a kind and gentle tone, barely above a whisper—but the results of her flower divination really are as accurate as the rumors say.
—A certain intern head over heels in love

*Sigh* I don't know who's going around telling people about Vendela's talent for fortunetelling, but now there's always someone sneaking about trying to get her to tell their love fortune, or if a mission will go well, things like that. It's enough to give even her a headache. It's not even that mysterious—you just have to trust that the last petal you pluck will set your fate in stone—but even so, it's far too cruel to those poor flowers! Ever since she came aboard, more and more of the flowers I'm growing go missing, yet she still can't find it in her to refuse anyone. She even had to come to me secretly to ask for help. Doctor, we really should help her out... Oh, but back to the main topic, Vendela may not handle that many breeds of plants, but she's incredibly skilled at caring for them.

The secret to flower divination? There's no secret, Doctor. It's just a game my grandfather taught me when I was little. Because each kind of flower has a fixed number of petals, all I need to know is what kind of fortune they want told, then I can guess what they want to hear and pick a suitable flower. I love seeing their smiling faces when they find out that their wishes will come true! Huh? You're asking if I can understand the heart of a robot too? ...To be honest, not really, but I do understand the heart of the lady who sticks to the robot like glue. Please please please keep this a secret!
—Medical Department Operator Vendela

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
[Mission Report]
The reconstruction of Brentwood is proceeding unbelievably smoothly. Although the Victorian Parliament's post-war reconstruction task force has previously suggested that they aid survivors in moving away from the ruins, a majority of residents do not wish to leave where they have lived for generations. And so, with the aid of Parliament, at least 30% of the town has been rebuilt now, but the rest was completely destroyed in the ceremony, with no hope of restoration.
It turns out that Vendela's wrecked greenhouse had been rebuilt by the locals from spare materials before we arrived, and they've been taking care of it the whole time. Yet she insisted on turning that small shack into the town's only medical observation post, not only as a temporary resting place for the gravely Infected, but also as somewhere for us to provide further treatment alongside functioning as a liaison office. Fortunately, Vendela is very familiar with the locals, which lets us proceed with our jobs as medics smoothly, and she does her best to settle what few misunderstandings pop up. She also set up a system where staff periodically visit patients' homes and perform tests there, which has already been accepted by the locals.

[Work Conversation Recording]
'Vendela, are you really not ready to rebuild the greenhouse yet?'
'It's not time for that. Everyone in town still needs our help... There's an even better use for this place now. I'm sure my grandfather will understand.'
'It can wait until next year... Right, next year, when everyone's healed up a bit more, and we've managed to make progress on rebuilding the town. We can't guarantee we'll find anywhere bigger to let everyone rest and recuperate.'
'Let's wait until everyone in town is better, and you don't need my help anymore. Then I'll turn this place back into a greenhouse, just the way that it used to be... Mhm, that's what I think...'
'Everyone also entrusted me with inviting you all to join in this year's harvest festival... Oh, though it does sound a bit strange to hold a harvest festival in the ruins. Ah, that's right, I still haven't asked Miss Lena to help us prepare flowers for the festival...'
'Oh, I've been so busy that I forgot to turn off the recording!'

I recognize these seeds. Vendela called ahead to inform me about them. These are new varieties of roses that she bred from local cultivars, and she asked if I had any ideas of my own to add. Perhaps... what's in these other big sacks? These look like crop seeds for faming, and these are... potatoes? Eh? This year was a bumper harvest, so the locals wanted to prepare a special thank-you gift for the returning operators?
—Perfumer, shocked by the incredible spread of edible crops before her

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Back when you said you wanted to go with the heroes who swooped in and saved our little town, we advised you not to take that risk, but we also knew that that's just who you are—no matter how much you might nod along, you always end up stubbornly following your heart. After the incident, I can understand how you want to hold your breath and keep going, to force yourself to keep walking forward, to do everything you can for our town, but I'm worried you'll lead yourself into a dead end.
But thankfully, because of how long we've been apart, this last time you came back you'd grown so big! And though you're not so young anymore, we're all relieved to see you in such good shape! You and your new friends at Rhodes Island have done so much for us, and we'll never forget all the good you've done. I hate to admit it, but while we promised your granddad that we'd take good care of you, in the end it was you who took care of us. We'll try and make sure you don't have to do too much, and help you rebuild the greenhouse and take care of those seedlings you love, and we'll listen to you and the doctors at Rhodes Island... Whenever you're ready to go back to being that carefree young lass from the flower shop, we'll hand your plants back to you right away.
Ah, us old fogeys are getting a little emotional, so we'll have to ask the good doctors at Rhodes Island to pass these words along. Please remember to thank those selfless souls for us.
—From a recording by a Brentwood resident named Hank, brought out during some of Operator Vendela's daily psychological counselling exercises

[Operator Psychological Record - Vendela 05]
What does Operator Vendela care about the most? It's not easy to summarize without first going back to simpler times for her. During a few sessions, I played a recording from someone familiar to her. She was moved, and admitted with some surprise that she hadn't noticed any change in herself since the time she first left home.
She does not actually have any issues with her self-image. Since her grandfather passed away, she started living alone, and has always been slowly maturing into what she believes is a better person. Recent events have not interrupted this in any way.
Though she looks frail on the outside, she hides an inner strength. Her home and her greenhouse are not simply memories of the past with no meaning for her, they are where she places her hopes for life. Will's optimism, Freda's endurance and sacrifice, her grandfather's gentleness, even the suffering of the Sarkaz that she once met in that small town. These have all already become moments where she got to know herself once more. Sooner or later there will come a day when she realizes that what she truly cares about, and what fuels her urge to never stop moving forward, is her unshakeable hope for the future.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'Why do you keep wanting to come with us, Magdelene?'
'Our target is in the most dangerous part of Londinium. If we run into anything there, it's going to be way worse than anything we've seen in that little town...'
'I've already decided, Rockrock. If this war never ends, things like that will just keep happening...'
'Freda made her choice for the sake of the town. She sacrificed herself for everyone else... Although things might not have gone the way she planned, I don't want everything she did to go to waste.'
'I'll take on her wish of protecting everyone. And if that wish can only bloom once this war has ended, then I want to see this through to the very end, with my own eyes.'
'Alright, if that's what you want... Congratulations on becoming a Self-Salvation Corps member, Miss Magdelene.'
'Hurry up and get going with everyone else, we're leaving immediately. This war... It's about time to wrap it up.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I can choose my own workplace? Thank you, I'll have the documents over shortly! Hmm, was the Convalescent Garden this way... or that way? Sorry, I'll still need you to show me the way after all…
Talk 1 My grandfather told me how wild roses used to grow all over behind the town. White ones, red ones, out in the mountains and fields... Children loved them. Dignitaries took pride in them... But I never saw any. Perhaps he just wanted to trick a naughty child into going to sleep...
Talk 2 The sunlight through the glass, the town's humid air, the aroma of petals and soil... Those were what made naps special for me, alone in the afternoons. No one would ever bother me—at most they'd quietly leave behind their coin, and take what flowers they fancied back home. At least, that's how it was until the tragedy.
Talk 3 I was bringing some seeds back, and Lena was smiling at me the whole time. Why...? Oh, I didn't even notice I had dirt on my face! I feel like when I get busy, I start letting all sorts of things slip my mind. Has it been this way? Well... I used to never have so many worries in the first place.
Talk after Promotion 1 I don't think me stepping onto the front lines was an act of bravery. My time in the Self-Salvation Corps wasn't that dramatic either. My hometown's gone and I had nowhere to go. All I could do was carry on my friend's last wish, and never look back. Isn't that what war's all about?
Talk after Promotion 2 Do you think flowers can grow once more, in steel and soil's gaps? Ever since I saw again what that city of iron's become, the question has been bothering me. Maybe Rockrock was right—I'd better take a bag of seeds back home after the war dies down... You don't think we'll be waiting too long?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Excuse me, Doctor, I'm not getting in the way of your sunbathing, am I? I like it here too... The portholes might not be that big, but their sunlight's enough for these flowers to grow. What do you think? It worries me when a place feels lonely, so I took the initiative to decorate the room with them.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, watch out for the thorns on the stems! It's not that I don't want to pick them for you, it's just that they haven't reached the peak of their beauty yet. Hm...? You'd like to help me take care of them? Oh, no problem. Do you need me to teach you how?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 To be honest, my greatest wish would be to return to my hometown, and rebuild my greenhouse. Doctor, are you laughing? I'm guessing you—think I should have loftier dreams...? No need, you say? Heheh, I suppose. Well, not that this'll be easy either, seeing as my hometown's rubble now.
Idle Take a deep breath, Doctor. The scent of roses will put your mind at ease.
Onboard Greetings, Doctor. Vendela reporting in. Um, what did Rockrock write for me next, I can't remember... Never mind! Please take this flower, I insist! Its meaning is good luck.
Watching Battle Record The method's a perfect fit. You prune leaves and branches the same way.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Then may I request a bigger room? No... It's not that I can't get used to it. I just have more and more roses in my room, and they need more sunlight... Okay, maybe the same goes for me.
Promotion 2 Don't worry yourself about these entangled thorns. They're just trying to protect me.
Added to Squad I'll try my best to help everyone out.
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, please follow where the petals flutter.
Depart Don't be afraid of the thorns. They are here to help us.
Begin Operation I won't allow them to trample apart this land!
Selecting Operator 1 Ugh, there's a bad scent in the air.
Selecting Operator 2 Will it really be possible to plant seeds here?
Deployment 1 I like these high places. They have plenty of sunshine.
Deployment 2 I heard someone tried planting sunflowers on the roof? Not a bad idea.
In Battle 1 Watch out for the thorns.
In Battle 2 Bloom forth!
In Battle 3 Pay attention to where the petals fall.
In Battle 4 What blooms, must also wither.
4-star Result Do you see the dew shimmering on the petals? Such splendid scenery in the morning light… We wouldn't be enjoying this if not for you.
3-star Result Scything, uprooting... It sounds cruel. But if we want to deal with the weeds competing for nutrients, then I think there's no other way, Doctor.
Sub 3-star Result While on the front lines, I caught a glimpse of an unforgettable field of flowers, blooming with vigor and vitality. I was always curious where their nutrients came from. Now, I think I know…
Operation Failure Their petals... have crumbled away.
Assigned to Facility Cold and isolated... Is this the sort of atmosphere you prefer, Doctor?
Tap Oh! Did you want to buy some flowers?
Trust Tap Eep. You knocked the flower out of my hair.
Title Arknights.
Greeting You spotted it, Doctor? That's a new variety I've been breeding. Do you like it?