



Deals Arts damage and Slow the target for a short time
sluggish = 0.8

Operator Description

Glaucus, weapon reviewer of Raythean, is ready to take down enemy machines with the latest technology.

Operator Quote

Please keep the receipt for that portable communication device.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 8/27/2019
Release Date (Global) 4/29/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 11/1/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 4/30/2021


Potential Item

Glaucus's Token A dead battery. The final purpose of a useless item is to be part of a collection.


Prioritizes attacking Drones; Increases ATK to 125% when attacking Drones
Prioritizes attacking Drones; Increases ATK to 130% (+5%) when attacking Drones
Prioritizes attacking Drones; Increases ATK to 150% when attacking Drones
Prioritizes attacking Drones; Increases ATK to 155% (+5%) when attacking Drones
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
16 Seconds
17 Seconds
18 Seconds
19 Seconds
20 Seconds
21 Seconds
22 Seconds
23 Seconds
24 Seconds
25 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +20%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +20%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +30%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +30%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +30%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +40%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +43%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +46%,each attack hits extra target
ATK +50%,each attack hits extra target
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.2
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.2
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.3
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.3
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.3
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.4
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.43
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.46
attack@max_target 2
atk 0.5
attack@max_target 2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 200% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 3.5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 220% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 3.5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 240% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 3.5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 260% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 4 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 280% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 4 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 300% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 4 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 320% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 4.5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 340% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 360% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 5.5 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Releases a shockwave in an area around this unit. All hit enemies receive 400% ATK as Arts damage and are Bind for 6 seconds. If the target is a [Drone], it will receive double damage (does not stack with Talent) and be Stun
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale[drone] 4
atk_scale[normal] 2
frozen 3.5
stun 3.5
atk_scale[drone] 4.4
atk_scale[normal] 2.2
frozen 3.5
stun 3.5
atk_scale[drone] 4.8
atk_scale[normal] 2.4
frozen 3.5
stun 3.5
atk_scale[drone] 5.2
atk_scale[normal] 2.6
frozen 4
stun 4
atk_scale[drone] 5.6
atk_scale[normal] 2.8
frozen 4
stun 4
atk_scale[drone] 6
atk_scale[normal] 3
frozen 4
stun 4
atk_scale[drone] 6.4
atk_scale[normal] 3.2
frozen 4.5
stun 4.5
atk_scale[drone] 6.8
atk_scale[normal] 3.4
frozen 5
stun 5
atk_scale[drone] 7.2
atk_scale[normal] 3.6
frozen 5.5
stun 5.5
atk_scale[drone] 8
atk_scale[normal] 4
frozen 6
stun 6


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
SP recovery +0.2/sec when there are enemies within range
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 90
atk 30
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 20 Drone enemies with Glaucus (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 5-7 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Glaucus, and have Glaucus defeat at least 2 Arts Master A1s

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +10%
Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +15%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Attacks do Arts damage and slow enemies
+ Talent: Prioritizes drones, Increased ATK when attacking drones
+ A Supporter + Sniper hybrid Operator that is perfect for eliminating high-DEF drones
+ S2: Incredibly strong AoE Arts burst damage that binds enemies (stuns drones) for a long duration
+ Great when paired up with Schwarz, Ifrit, or other limited-range attackers, as she can bind enemies in their attack ranges
= Supporter offers different attack range than an anti-air Sniper
- Has a tougher time against high RES drones
- Slower attack speed and ATK than equal rarity Anti-Air Snipers
- Low damage against non-drone enemies

Operator Overview

"What? I'm the captain? Did I agree without realizing it?"

You’re forgiven if you thought Glaucus was a Sniper at first glance, considering that she’s carrying a big honking gun into battle. However, rather than a regular gun, Glaucus is armed with a special drone gun filled with Slowing Arts damage cartridges, making her a 5* Supporter Operator instead. Specifically, Glaucus is a Supporter who focuses on killing aerial opponents, with her own special blend of Crowd Control on the side.

Glaucus’ main defining quality is her Talent, Countermeasure Device, which causes her to target flying drones first (like an Anti-Air Sniper) and deal increased damage to them. Since she does Arts damage, this makes Glaucus an excellent choice for countering armored drones. Her Skill 1, Binary Reload, increases her ATK and allows her to attack one additional target for the duration—good for shooting down multiple drones or for Slowing ground and air targets at once. Her Skill 2 is where the fun is, though. Counter EMP is a huge shockwave that deals massive Arts damage across a wide area and causes Bind (unable to move). Drone enemies take double damage and are Stunned instead (unable to move or attack). The long duration of the debuffs on this Skill makes it very potent, as does the fairly quick recharge time.

That said, Glaucus won’t be replacing the entire Sniper class anytime soon. As a Supporter, she has a slower Attack Speed than single-target Snipers and less ATK than equal-rarity Snipers. Dealing Arts damage makes her effective against armored drones, but against garden-variety drones (let alone ground targets where she doesn’t get her Talent bonus), Glaucus may not be able to shoot fast or hit hard enough to keep up. Consider her instead a complement to your regular Snipers, shooting down heavy targets they struggle against and Stunning huge waves into harmless target practice.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

She can bind and prioritizes air, but does so pretty poorly compared to Snipers.

Elite Promotion Discussion

  • As an Operator outside of the Sniper Class that will prioritize targeting Drones and aerial enemies, Glaucus can be useful in situations that forbid Snipers, or against Drones with high DEF.  Her Talent, Countermeasure Device, increases her damage to Drones, and this effect doubles upon Promotion to E2. 

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Original readers of the Mastery guide may remember a time when Glaucus had a Mastery grade. Honestly, that was probably a mistake even then. Bypassing class bans and roles just doesn't have much value outside of CC and she isn't strong enough to be useful there. That said, her S2 is a decent enough skill with a very long AoE bind and some very strong Mastery gains, so it's worth considering if you particularly favor the seaslug.

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Xiàyě Hóng Míng
CV Ai Nonaka
CV (CN) 张雯
Gender Female
Place of Birth Ægir Region
Birthday July 27
Race Unknown
Height 159cm
Combat Experience
4 years
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Normal


Glaucus was born in the Ægir Region, but left at an early age to wander about. By chance, she happened to join Rhodes Island and is now a Raythean cutting-edge weapon tester.
In addition to performing research on cutting-edge weapon modification, Glaucus also carries out assaults on air missions when required.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Glaucus shows no signs of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.11u/L
Glaucus very rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Glaucus's methods in combat are very unusual. This is probably due to her weapon. She personally doesn't seem to do much. Instead, those vexing enemy drones just drop to the ground wherever she goes, it is unclear how this was achieved. Although she can quite reliably manage the drones, I personally wish she would be more mindful of her surroundings. After all, if she keeps having to dip into her own pockets to help her fellow operators repair the facilities after battle, she's going to run into long-term money issues...
--Anonymous operator

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Glaucus's internal evaluation is very interesting. It is unknown if this is just her nature or if she's just used to going with the flow, but as a newcomer, Glaucus does not speak much. Though she has quickly integrated herself with other operators, in the majority of situations, she prefers to listen and not speak. When speaking is required of her, she is smooth and evasive, and reveals very little of her actual thinking. She has also been admonished for repeatedly spacing out during meetings. According to the results of her current observation, it is only when discussing technology and machinery with Vulcan, Mayer, and Closure that Glaucus expresses her opinions with any enthusiasm. It is with Closure's referral that Glaucus became a Raythean weapon tester. She has displayed astonishing talent in the areas of electrical application and electromagnetism.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
According to her health report, Glaucus's lower body only has half the strength of a normal adult and her muscles continue to atrophy. Naturally, her exoskeletal equipment is designed to make up for deficiencies in mobility.
As Glaucus herself tells it, her muscular atrophy is due to a hereditary disease passed down in her family. Even in a special ecological environment such as the Ægir Region, incidence of such hereditary disease is rare and there is currently no treatment available.
However she does not seem dispirited by her situation. On the contrary, her passion for technology seems to come from the exoskeletal equipment designed to help her overcome these hardships.
Something worth mentioning is that Glaucus was born with antibodies that fight against irritants and poisons. Apart from conventional poisons, nerve paralyzers and hallucinogens are essentially ineffective. Glaucus is eager to accompany the medics' research. To put it more precisely, she pretends to understand what they're saying and nods along. Sometimes they are concerned whether she is even really following along with what they're saying...

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Observation Supplemental Report]
Glaucus is one of the few operators willing to try Blue Poison's desserts. She is also friends with Deepcolor, though most of the time she just watches Deepcolor paint. She seems to have some kind of reverence for Skadi. Apart from this, she spends a great amount of time in her room performing weapon maintenance and adjustment. There is very little activity related to things she is personally interested in. Even more rarely does she leave her room.
In short, she is a somewhat dull and awkward child who prefers silently doing her own things.

As a result, I believe that the allegation that Glaucus and her relatives are involved in a secret heretical organization in the Ægir Region is not related to her current operational performance. I hope that the Justice Division has reservations about acting on this.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Glaucus's weapon, 'Raythean Franker,' didn't in fact originally have such an outrageous function. It could even be said to have been a defective product. When it was originally designed, it was only intended to disrupt enemy communications. Afterawards, it was discovered that this weapon's high frequency electromagnetic spectrum capabilities could not be controlled. The first thing that was damaged was the communications device in the user's own pocket. As a result, it was abandoned. It was Glaucus who took a look at it during an overhaul of her exoskeletal equipment and took it back to Rhodes Island for a very low price. Unexpectedly, after some modifications performed by Glaucus, it was able to inflict powerful destructive power against enemy machines. However, it also damaged a large amount of our own equipment. Is this why Silence and Mayer suggested that Glaucus should work on her own?

Whether this operator can shoulder the burden of individual missions is judged solely on objective conditions and must never be mixed with personal factors.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I'll be quiet modifying the Raythean Franker close by... I won't disturb you, I promise.
Talk 1 Why does everyone always keep their distance from Blue Poison? Am I missing something...? All right.
Talk 2 Anything you would like to say, Doctor? No? Well, anyway, I'm here.
Talk 3 No one in a hot dorm is going to have any appetite... Oh, it's a family thing, I'm not actually complaining.
Talk after Promotion 1 Why would I leave home to come here if I can't even run free?
Talk after Promotion 2 While Vulcan doesn't appreciate 'old things' like me, I still feel we have different fundamental philosophies.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 So, Doctor, Blue Poison said I always seem to be hiding something. Do I? Occasionally? No way...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 It's not I don't want to talk, it's just that I seldom had the right to in the past, so I got used to not speaking up! Hope you won't take it the wrong way, {@nickname}.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Two memories stand out to me. One is the wide-open, splendid scenery I saw the first time I ran with the child. For the other, I'll say right here, right now on Rhodes Island.
Idle Hey, when did the Doctor fall asleep...?
Onboard Operator Glaucus reporting. May I go back to my room now?
Watching Battle Record Huh? Yes, I see. Got it.
Promotion 1 I named the weapon, actually. Maybe that's what I really think... What, did they just announce my name for promotion?
Promotion 2 Trust...? Well, I don't know how to show it, but I'll keep trying.
Added to Squad Have the members followed the proper landing procedure?
Appointed as Squad Leader What? I'm the captain? Did I agree without realizing it?
Depart What interesting thing will we pick up this time?
Begin Operation EMP field ready.
Selecting Operator 1 Calling for me?
Selecting Operator 2 Fully charged and ready to go.
Deployment 1 Feeling the surface...
Deployment 2 Don't worry, it's a successful landing.
In Battle 1 Discharge!
In Battle 2 Never mind accidents now...!
In Battle 3 Increase microwave frequency!
In Battle 4 Time to fall!
4-star Result Enemy silent. Please check damage on yourself.
3-star Result All units silent, EMP field canceled. Nice work, everyone.
Sub 3-star Result Did some enemy escape? Aren't we pursuing?
Operation Failure EMP field is canceled. Call for backup, quickly!
Assigned to Facility No problem, as soon as I find that screw first...
Tap Oops...
Trust Tap Mind taking a walk with me, Doctor?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Good morning to you, Doctor.