
Alternative Forms




Attacks all enemies within range, and deals 150% damage to enemies in the row directly in front of this unit.
atk_scale = 1.5

Operator Description

Executor, a professional undertaker sent from the Laterano Embassy, is glad to fulfill any and all contracts.

Operator Quote

Be careful what you wish for, because he really can accomplish things that border on absurdity or impossibility.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 10/15/2019
Release Date (Global) 3/25/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 1/19/2021
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 7/13/2021


Potential Item

Executor's Token A self-defense manual, with comprehensive descriptions of things to pay attention to in most major city-states. Focuses mostly on personal safety and very little on the well-being of the inhabitants.


Attacks ignore 80 DEF
Attacks ignore 95 (+15) DEF
Attacks ignore 160 DEF
Attacks ignore 175 (+15) DEF
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
26 Seconds
27 Seconds
28 Seconds
29 Seconds
30 Seconds
31 Seconds
32 Seconds
33 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +25%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +30%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +35%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +40%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +45%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +50%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +55%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +60%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
ATK +70%, attacks apply this unit's Trait effect to all enemies within range.
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
atk 0.25
atk 0.3
atk 0.35
atk 0.4
atk 0.45
atk 0.5
atk 0.55
atk 0.6
atk 0.7
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
16 Seconds
16 Seconds
16 Seconds
17 Seconds
18 Seconds
19 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is slightly shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.2
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is slightly shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.2
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is slightly shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.2
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is shortened by a small amount
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is shortened by a small amount
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is shortened by a small amount
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is moderately shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.7
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is moderately shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.7
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is significantly shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.9
Normal attacks strike twice, and the attack interval is significantly shortened
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.9
Detailed Skill Info
base_attack_time -0.2
base_attack_time -0.2
base_attack_time -0.2
base_attack_time -0.5
base_attack_time -0.5
base_attack_time -0.5
base_attack_time -0.7
base_attack_time -0.7
base_attack_time -0.9
base_attack_time -0.9

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Sniper Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, increases Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour.

Quick Evaluation

+ Talent: Attacks ignore set amount of DEF
+ Trait: True AoE physical damage to all enemies in range. Different from other AoE Snipers that do splash.
+ Trait: Deal 150% dmg to enemies in nearest row.
+ Niche, but not as reliant on buffers or gimmicks thanks to S1, which allows him to hit for 2k+ DMG per attack unbuffed
+ Especially with buffs S2 hits like a truck because of his great ATK multipliers
+ Very durable with high DEF and HP for a sniper
- Very high DP Cost
- Short range and Slow attack speed

Operator Overview

"I can complete any commission, whether it is killing a living person on behalf of the dead, or creating a dead person on behalf of the living."

Executor’s codename comes from his position as an executor (not executioner!) of the legal duties for the Rutland Notary organization. Judging from his paperwork, he leads a boring life, pursuing one legal matter after another. However, his shotgun tells another story: one where he participates in Rhodes Island operations as a 5* Sniper who combines AoE attacks with short range and defense-ignoring properties.

With every shotgun blast, Executor attacks all enemies in his range. He does bonus damage to enemies in the row adjacent to him, and his Talent, Final Modification further increases his DPS by ignoring a flat amount of enemy DEF. Flat DEF penetration is a rare ability, and it makes Executor a stronger counter to armored enemies than most Snipers. His Skill 1, Muzzle’s Elegy, buffs his ATK and grants his Trait damage bonus to his entire Range. However, let’s be real: the appeal of Executor is in his Skill 2, Final Journeywhere he pulls out a second shotgun and sentences his enemies to Bullet Hell, increasing attack speed and dealing damage twice per shot.

To make up for the power of his full Range AoE DEF-penetrating blasts, Executor pays with one of the shortest attack ranges among Snipers. He will have to get up-close and personal with his enemies, and not all maps have good spots for him to attack from. The finicky damage bonus from his Trait makes it even more important (and even more complicated) to place him well. However, don’t let the fine print distract you from using this handsome fallen angel to the best of his ability. You won’t be disappointed in the results.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Great burst potential with S2, but Pinecone is a smarter investment for newer players.

Elite Promotion Discussion

His Mission is to destroy everything that dares enter his range, and promotion to E2 significantly helps him complete that Mission.  His Talent increases its Defense Penetration, and his already high Attack stat can be raised even higher.  If this cool customer is part of your strategic lineup, he will see excellent benefits from promotion.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Although Executor has some decent DPS while his skills are active, his total damage and cycle times are abysmal by modern standards. His skills also have alternating use-cases, which makes investment an expensive proposition. One doesn’t really stand above the other. This makes suggesting a Mastery really tough here, and honestly it's a coinflip. The best option is to raise Pinecone instead, but if you insist on using him, pick your poison since there isn’t a clear choice. I would lean towards S1 which has a lower DPS but a similar total damage, better cycle time, and higher damage per hit for dealing with armor.

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Skade
CV Takashi Kondou
CV (EN) Eliah Mountjoy
CV (CN) 冷泉夜月
CV (KR) 金泳善
Gender Male
Place of Birth Laterano
Birthday July 7
Race Sankta
Height 181cm
Combat Experience
5 years
Infection Status Confirmed uninfected by medical examination.
Combat Skills Excellent
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Executor is a citizen of Laterano, serving as an executor of the Laterano Notarial Hall, responsible for applying Rights of the Laterano Citizen numbered One through Thirteen. He is well versed in many languages and legal frameworks.
Executor has been contracted to Rhodes Island, where he executes functions related to the rights of Laterano citizens.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Executor shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Has anyone researched the correlation between interpersonal relationships and crystal density? Maybe we should do this as our next task?
--Medic Operator T.O.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
The Laterano Notarial Hall is one of the official organs of Laterano state power. On the one hand, the Hall imposes fees on the citizens of Laterano, urging them to perform various legal obligations, including but not limited to management of estate property, childrearing and guardianship, and execution of notarized contracts; On the other hand, the Hall also performs various services guaranteeing the rights and benefits of Laterano citizenship.
As such, the Notarial Hall requires a diverse and unique staff. Civil servants are dispatched to various city-states to supervise, execute, and oversee official functions.
Operator Executor is one such employee. They are known as 'executors,' and carry out the will of the Laterano Notarial Hall.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
The records of the Notarial Hall are open, fair, and transparent. Honestly, upon first inspecting Executor's records and commission, the human resources department found it quite ordinary.
'October 12: the designated property was delivered to the appropriate heir.
March 5: the company that violated the notarized contract was shuttered.
June 2: Moneys disbursed by the appropriate party in accordance with the contract.
July 9: In accordance with the wishes of the citizens...'
The majority of the tasks performed by Executor were mundane, if not boring, suitable for a low-level bureaucrat.
In fact, 41 non-Laterano citizens died in the course of executing the first item (all had been sentenced to death or greater than 200 years in prison), while six civilian buildings were damaged in the execution of the second item. The third item saw the death of a Laterano citizen serving as the chief executive of a city state guard unit. And the fourth item nearly caused a war...

Most of Executor's mission record is like this.
It is clear that the Notarial Hall deploys its executors only to the most challenging of missions.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Operator Executor is a man slow to speak, who rarely smiles. The people of Rhodes Island have long understood this.
It is also widely believed that Executor lacks common sense, but such an assertion would need to first be scientifically demonstrated. Human resources does not accept such biased evaluations.
Executor has indicated that his problem is not that he does not understand the facts, rather that he does not understand the meaning that others attribute to them. Our studies have shown that Executor's lack of empathic ability is not illustrative of psychopathic tendencies, rather it indicates a sort of mechanical absorption of information, with an overstimulated nervous system reaching similar conclusions. Adding more information to his mind does not result in the formation of secondary conceptions.
Of course, the medical operators responsible for examination of Executor's brain activity have not yet reached a consensus.
A small number of operators suspect that Executor is not in fact human, but rather a humanoid robot spy sent by Closure. Closure has denied such charges, but she too believes that Executor is not a human being.
For his part, Executor has never responded to the rumors. He just silently accepts his tasks and completes them whenever he is told 'this is a task that should be prioritized.'
Naturally, he puts his Notarial tasks first.
Such is the origin of his name: he decisively eliminates all obstacles and executes the will of the Laterano citizenry. The Executor.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Classified Log]
Executor gave me the incorrect impression that Laterano's laws exist not only as statutes. Indeed, it is true that the Notarial Hall comprises one piece of the Laterano legal apparatus, and the executors attest to an important fact: Laterano takes its responsibility to its citizens very seriously, treating it as a binding contract.
But the Laterano people's adherance to the law, or even fear of it, goes behind an executor's power to instill.
I speak not of the power of religion. The political entities founded on deeply held beliefs go beyond Laterano alone, and the uniqueness of their citizenry cannot be attributed to piety or self-discipline alone.
This is also not to say that executors, including Executor, are not themselves strong. Last week, I saw him tear out the aorta of a vicious beast with his bare hands, spraying his partner with blood. That was not the first time an operator came crying to me that 'Executor is terrifying,' and it certainly won't be the last.
But for the hands of its few lawyers, executors, wandering judges, and the Pope himself, Laterano can do little more than proclaim that the law must be followed.
In addition to its temporal statutes, Laterano must have another, higher order of law that we cannot perceive. Rather than saying the executor is one piece of the Laterano legal apparatus, it would be more appropriate to say that the executor is the physical manifestation that Laterano created to befit the name of the law. At least that's my opinion.

All I want to know is what Executor meant by 'the statute that takes effect once a shot is fired.' Given what he said, I have to wonder if this 'law' might be some kind of Originium Art.
This is the first time I have ever seen Kal'tsit at a loss for words. She appeared to have something to say, but turns and left with a cold laugh. The whole time we were discussing Laterano law, she kept a hand over her mouth and an eyebrow raised. It was really odd.
I hope my curiosity hasn't gotten us in trouble.

--Caster Operator L.A.O.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'You really want him? Think it over. Everyone in the dorm has told you how bad he is!'
'Why do you guys want to get in the way of my happy future with him? It doesn't matter what he's like now, I believe in the power of love!'
'He doesn't think about intimacy like you do. He's such a glass-half-empty kind of guy. It makes you want to give up...'
'You guys are a bunch of cowards. Just get out of my way and let me give it a shot! How do you even know he's that kind of person?'
'I know! Everybody here knows!'
'Spit it out, one of you did something. Who was it?!'
'Um, her. Her. Her. Her.'
'What about you?'
'I... I just took him out for a drink. Nothing else. Really.'
'So everybody here did it?! I'm the odd man out here?!'
'I mean he helped fix the backup systems, it was really hot...'
'So that's it? Give up?'
'We all gave up.'

--Dialog from a certain engineering operators' dormitory.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Fragmentation mines deployed. None may interfere with your work or rest, Doctor. You can focus on your duty.
Talk 1 I am well aware that Rhodes Island has its own specialists in countering infiltration, sabotage and assassination. I know not who is behind these, but they are operating covertly in every corner of this landship. My mind is just playing tricks on me? Negative, Doctor. My mind does not play tricks.
Talk 2 I serve the Laterano Notarial Hall, so I rarely live in Laterano. But even if a Laterano citizen lives in other city-states, most of their rights and privileges still depend on the support of the Hall. In my case, for example, my work has less to do with the living, but more with those at death's door.
Talk 3 The control system is denying you access? Please allow me to check it. Mm, it appears to be a front-end crash caused by inputting an erroneous command. It has nothing to do with the framework and can be easily solved. Doctor, please feel free to ask me if you have any similar issues in the future. I understand machines better than I do people.
Talk after Promotion 1 There are many Sankta at Rhodes Island who also use a gun. They will not fire at one other in the face of the law, but I am different. If necessary, I will not hesitate to fire upon my fraters. Of course, there is hardly a need for that, because my fists are sufficient to deal with most of them.
Talk after Promotion 2 Do not worry about the Notarial Hall. They are all reasonable people, and the agreement I signed with Rhodes Island is also in line with their protocols, so they won't make things difficult for you. As a matter of fact, Doctor, I think you are well suited for notarial work yourself. They always welcome foreign employees.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I have a distant relative who had great musical talent ever since she was a child. Contrary to what others expected, her gift led her onto a tumultuous path. Fortunately, she seems to hate me very much, because I cannot see the illusion she creates, nor understand what emotion means to people.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Private disputes are more frequent than public conflicts, as chaos is the norm over order. I have seen much more people who fired upon me at first glance than those who opened their doors to welcome me. But it matters not, for I can complete any commission, whether it is to kill a living person on behalf of the dead, or to create a dead person on behalf of the living.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Being treated as an aberration is normal to me, because I cannot understand other people, nor do I have any desire to deal with them. On the contrary, talking to you is quite interesting to me, Doctor. Neither you nor the Notarial Hall has denied me because of the way I live. You make me feel at ease. Thank you.
Idle Rest is necessary, Doctor. Take your time and rest well.
Onboard Well met, Doctor of Rhodes Island. I am a Laterano citizen who signed a clean-up agreement with your company. Here is my certificate. You require to know my name? You may call me Executor, if you insist.
Watching Battle Record There is value in referencing these battles.
Promotion 1 Thank you. I have already prepared all the ammunition I need for the next battle. If the situation worsens, please allow me to use heavier firepower. Promotion? I have already thanked you for that.
Promotion 2 Another promotion? I understand, there must be an infiltration operation that requires me at the heart of the enemy. If that's your wish, then I have no objections. You have no such a need? You are just promoting me? Why's that?
Added to Squad The law won't enforce itself. It needs executors.
Appointed as Squad Leader I am not good at working with others.
Depart Departing.
Begin Operation Objective: eliminate all enemies.
Selecting Operator 1 Let's begin.
Selecting Operator 2 Your request has been confirmed.
Deployment 1 Victory is an illusion.
Deployment 2 Only the law is the truth.
In Battle 1 My bullets always find their targets.
In Battle 2 I carry out the wills of the dead and the living.
In Battle 3 Maximizing firepower.
In Battle 4 All is permitted when called by necessity.
4-star Result Mission completed. All contracts successfully fulfilled.
3-star Result Mission completed.
Sub 3-star Result Mission completed. Defects in the result.
Operation Failure Mission failed.
Assigned to Facility Do not worry about me. I have no need for stable residence.
Tap I am confused.
Trust Tap How can I help you, Doctor?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor, please exercise caution.