Attack Type




Restores the HP of allies and ignores the Deployment Limit, but has a long Redeployment Time

Operator Description

Lancet-2, Medic robot of Rhodes Island, is assigned by Engineer Closure to carry out medical assistance in the field.

Operator Quote

She knows that she's a robot.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Recruitment (using Recruitment Permits).
Headhunting: No Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Release Date (Global) 1/16/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/16/2020


Potential Item

Lancet-2's Token A first aid spray kit whose box has a label 'Effective Immediately.' It can be added to medical equipment or used directly.


Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 200 after deployment
Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 260 after deployment
Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 320 after deployment
Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 380 after deployment
Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 440 after deployment
Immediately restores the HP of all allies by 500 after deployment
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval

RIIC Base Skills

Backup Energy Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +10%
Medical Service Lvl: 30
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.65 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)

Quick Evaluation

+ Ignores Deploy Limit
+ Burst heal to all Operators when deployed
+ Great for maps with DP limitations or decreased deploy limit
+ Great for annihilation maps where Operators are spread out
- A strong breeze will kill this operator so she needs extra defensive positioning
- Long redeploy time

Operator Overview

“You've worked hard. How would you like a cup of coffee, Doctor? I'd also like a sip of that coffee... but I can't... so I'll just have to be satisfied watching you enjoy yours.”

This medical A.I. can’t understand why humans seem to find her rounded design and her pessimistic attitude to be endearing qualities. As far as she’s concerned, her only usefulness is born from her role as Rhodes Island’s 1★ Robot Medic.

Even if she is correct in her assessment, being a Robot Medic in Arknights is enough to give Lancet-2 several interesting and useful qualities. When deployed, Lancet-2 immediately uses her Talent, Support Spray, which restores HP to all Operators on the battlefield. Since she has an extremely cheap DP cost and does not count toward the Deploy Limit, her Talent can provide emergency healing in any situation at a moment's notice. To make up for this, she has a very long redeployment time. 

After using her Talent, Lancet-2 begins dispensing small heals to allies in her attack range, like any other Medic. However, bear in mind that her stats are some of the worst in the game by an enormous margin. A single enemy attack will likely destroy her, and her abysmal ATK limits the impact of her healing. In some cases, you might prefer to retreat her and use her Talent again later in the fight. Either way, Lancet-2 brings more than enough utility to the field to be worth the negligible investment it takes to develop her.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Can help with spot healing for earlygame and doesn't use a deployment slot.

Base Skill Analysis

To give it to a specific Operator, place Lancey and the desired Operator alone together in the Dormitory.  Lancey will target the Operator with the skill (they do not target themselves). When adding other Operators to the dorm the skill will not switch target until the current target has been fully replenished.

Operator Featured Articles

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist TOKI
CV Asami Shimoda
CV (CN) 郭琪
CV (KR) 李所垠
Gender Female
Birthday May 12
Height 149cm
Combat Experience
2 years
Place of ProductionColumbia
Inspection ReportSlight wear on outer casing, structure intact, normal durability. Generator and chassis in good condition. Medical system operational. Medical supplies replenished. ECU in good condition.


Lancet-2 is a custom Raythean-S62 Model six-wheeled operations platform. Its rounded design has led Lancet-2 to be perceived as cute, making her something of a mascot. Although she has a rather pessimistic dispensation, she is still well-liked.
After being modified by Closure, Lancet-2 is able to perform more medical duties around the island, and her equipment is geared towards disinfecting and cleaning Originium contamination.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 100.
She is rather displeased with Closure's modifications. Her settings were changed to increase her personal opinion of Closure, and does not understand why that had to be the case. Closure thought her pessimism was funny, and thus increased the frequency and intensity of her self-deprecation.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Do you require medical assistance, Doctor? But, you look quite well…?
Talk 1 Doctor, you have been working far too late these days. Please get adequate rest, or Dr. Kal'tsit may give you an earful again…
Talk 2 Are you feeling unwell? I could give you a medical examination, if you wish.
Talk 3 You've worked hard, Doctor. How would you like a cup of coffee? Actually, I've always wanted to try coffee... but... I can't drink… Anyway, I am also satisfied watching you enjoy yours.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I've printed out the results of the routine blood test you just did. All indicators are normal. But Doctor, your blood appears to be very unique…
Talk after Trust Increase 2 What do I like? I like 'lovely Ms. Closure.' Why, you ask? Uh... I'm not sure either... It's been my default setting ever since the first time Ms. Closure switched me on…
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I am only useful when healing the sick or injured. But as long as you're healthy, as long as I get to be by your side, I'm okay with being totally useless. I'll still feel calm and satisfied.
Idle Doctor, unbeknownst to you, I recorded your snoring just now. Your sleep quality is normal. The length of your REM sleep cycle is—
Onboard Hi, nice to meet you, Doctor. I understand that you want me to say something more interesting, but I'm afraid I cannot do so. Because I'm just a medical robot…
Watching Battle Record Firmware upgrade complete. Restart required. Please click anywhere to restart.
Added to Squad Medical supplies: confirmed. Battery charge: confirmed. Ready for deployment.
Appointed as Squad Leader Doctor, I'm pretty cumbersome. There's not much I can do besides providing emergency treatment and healing... Are you sure you still want me to be the captain?
Depart Moving out. Everyone, please be safe.
Begin Operation Be careful, everyone. Leave the first aid to me.
Selecting Operator 1 Do you need medical attention?
Selecting Operator 2 Ready to operate.
Deployment 1 Affirmative.
Deployment 2 Roger that.
In Battle 1 Commencing treatment.
In Battle 2 Initiating first aid.
In Battle 3 Analgesic deployed.
In Battle 4 Equipment sterilized. Ready for treatment.
4-star Result With every battle, we suffer even more casualties. When will humans finally stop hurting each other?
3-star Result Well done, Doctor. That was a tough battle. Um, the enemies do not look well. Can I treat them too?
Sub 3-star Result Is everyone okay? Please hold still, I'll perform first aid.
Operation Failure Don't worry, we've successfully retreated. I will clean your wounds now. It might hurt, please be brave.
Assigned to Facility Lovely Ms. Closure' told me that you need help here.
Tap Ahhh...
Trust Tap I asked 'lovely Ms. Closure' to change 'what I like the most' to you, Doctor. But she refused to do it...
Title Arknights.
Greeting Welcome back, Doctor. You are in good condition. Please keep it up.

Operator Records

Record: A Piece of Graffiti
Unlock: Level 30, Trust Required: 50