Attack Type




Normal attacks deal Arts damage while the skill is active

Operator Description

Asbestos, contracted explorer to Rhodes Island, is very reluctant to serve under you.

Operator Quote

Don't read too much into things. She doesn't hate anyone, but naturally, she doesn't like anyone either.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 6/2/2020
Release Date (Global) 11/11/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 11/1/2022
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 5/23/2023


Potential Item

Asbestos's Token A spare spelunking suit. She seems to be implying that if you have the time, you're free to take a walk with her.


RES +5, restores 1 SP when hit by an enemy's normal Arts attack
RES +10, restores 3 SP when hit by an enemy's normal Arts attack
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -10% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -10% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -10% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -15% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -15% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -15% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -20% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -23% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -26% during the skill duration
Dodges the next instance of Arts damage, and reduces Arts damage taken by -30% during the skill duration
Detailed Skill Info
damage_scale 0.9
fake 0.1
damage_scale 0.9
fake 0.1
damage_scale 0.9
fake 0.1
damage_scale 0.85
fake 0.15
damage_scale 0.85
fake 0.15
damage_scale 0.85
fake 0.15
damage_scale 0.8
fake 0.2
damage_scale 0.77
fake 0.23
damage_scale 0.74
fake 0.26
damage_scale 0.7
fake 0.3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
40 Seconds
41 Seconds
42 Seconds
43 Seconds
44 Seconds
45 Seconds
46 Seconds
47 Seconds
48 Seconds
50 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack Interval increases, ATK +30%, DEF +25%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +35%, DEF +25%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +40%, DEF +25%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +45%, DEF +35%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +50%, DEF +35%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +55%, DEF +35%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +60%, DEF +45%, Attack Range expands, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +70%, DEF +50%, Attack Range expands significantly, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +80%, DEF +55%, Attack Range expands significantly, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Attack Interval increases, ATK +90%, DEF +60%, Attack Range expands significantly, and normal attacks now deal AoE damage
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.4
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
def 0.25
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.35
def 0.25
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.4
def 0.25
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.45
def 0.35
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.5
def 0.35
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.55
def 0.35
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.6
def 0.45
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.7
def 0.5
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.8
def 0.55
base_attack_time 0.4
atk 0.9
def 0.6
base_attack_time 0.4

RIIC Base Skills

Maverick Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%, capacity limit -12, and Morale consumed per hour +0.25
Explorer Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, capacity limit +16 and Morale consumed per hour -0.25

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Attacks deal Arts damage when a Skill is active
+ Talent: Increased RES. When attacked by an Arts normal attack, recover SP to self
+ A good counter to Arts damage enemies as she has some of the highest base RES and best mitigation Skills for a Defender in the game. When paired with Nightingale can hit the RES cap of 95% Arts damage reduction.
+ Great skill uptime, especially when fighting Arts damage enemies
+ S2: A solid source of Arts damage with a huge AoE range
- Many of her benefits are negated when not facing Arts damage
- While her DEF is not bad, a full DEF focused Defender will be more survivable for most maps

Operator Overview

"Friends? Who the hell needs those? My life goal here is to just be an absolute jerk to everyone. So, best not try to get chummy with me, since I’m not gonna return the favor. Rather, how ‘bout we go out for a drink instead? Give it to me straight."

FIRE IN THE… shield?! Introducing the most unusual shield (for now) in Arknights, as well as its foulmouthed wielder, Asbestos! While this shield may look more like an unused character from “The Brave Little Toaster” than a piece of battle gear, rest assured that it’s more than capable of doing its job on the battlefield. So is Asbestos herself, a former explorer who has joined Rhodes Island as a 5 Arts DPS Defender with terrific Arts mitigation and Arts DPS capabilities.

In fact, not only does Asbestos mitigate Arts damage, she thrives on Arts damage. Her Talent, Moist Skin, increases her RES and generates SP whenever she gets hit by an Arts attack. Combined with her innate RES and high base HP, Asbestos can shrug off enemy Arts like a light spring rain. She’s not afraid to return fire with her own Arts damage either—as an Arts DPS Defender, Asbestos’ attacks deal Arts damage whenever one of her Skills is active. Her Skill 1, Resilient Mode, blocks the next Arts attack Asbestos would take and reduces damage from subsequent Arts attacks taken while the Skill is active, making her even more durable against enemy Casters. But it’s Skill 2, Thermal Power Mode, that her opponents really need to watch out for, since it makes Asbestos’ attacks stronger (albeit slower), longer-range, and AoE. It also grants her a DEF buff, just for fun. Thermal Power Mode is also notable for its decent uptime, especially with the SP generation from Moist Skin.

Enemies have a lot to fear from Asbestos’ shield, but there are some chinks in her armor that can be an issue. Like other Arts DPS Defenders, Asbestos suffers from a high DP cost and mediocre attack speed. More uniquely, Asbestos also suffers when there is no Arts damage on the enemy team. Her Talent and Skill 1 become mostly useless if Asbestos isn’t taking Arts damage, and charging Thermal Power Mode takes a lot longer if her Talent isn’t generating SP. Even at her worst, however, Asbestos is still a powder keg who can Block-3, soak damage, and incinerate enemies en masse with that unholy combination of an oven, an ATM, and a vending machine that she calls a shield. What’s not to love, really?

Newbie Tier List Explanation

One of the stronger Arts mitigation options available. Might be a nice option for new players lacking other melee Arts damage or mitigation options, but likely to fall off in later game as players gain a more diverse roster.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Asbestos used to be graded in the main guide, but she was always a fringe consideration. Her damage just isn't up to snuff these days. That said, her S2 is a good skill that benefits greatly from Mastery, and it’s incredibly important if you want to use her. Although the damage might not total up to much, the weird combination of stats and range she has is valuable, especially in various NicheKnights clears. Be sure to grab the breakpoint at M1 at the very least for extra range.

Base Skill Analysis

Buff gained at E2: More like "Debuffs Removed".  The E2 skill negates the moral penalty of the E1 Skill, and also turns the capacity limit negative into a capacity limit positive.

Is E2 worth it?  Maybe. Her base productive of 25% isn't that impressive, but when combined with Vermeil, it jumps to 33%, which is excellent.  Asbestos is one of the best pure-Arts mitigators in the game, and has a nice improvement to her Talent at E2, so if you will use her it can be a worthy investment.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

CV Kei Shindō
CV (CN) 骆妍倩
CV (KR) 郑柚美
Gender Female
Place of Birth Rim Billiton
Birthday July 30
Race Savra
Height 156cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


One of RIM Billiton's more famous explorers. Asbestos was recommended to Rhodes Island for treatment by Operator Magallan, and signed an agreement to become an operator after negotiation.
After professional training, she uses a large shield that she personally modified to protect other operators on the front lines.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
A small amount of crystals are distributed across the surface of the body, and the disease has caused her eyes to change color. So far, no other complications besides the discoloration have been found.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.22u/L
The operator contracted Oripathy at a young age and had not done anything previously to respond to the condition, which means that the original symptoms could be very profound. However, due to her frequent expeditions and excellent physical condition, her symptoms have been relieved to a certain extent, and stabilized further after receiving treatment from Rhodes Island. Requires regular treatment.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Asbestos is an explorer with a foul attitude.
She's never friendly with anyone and is the epitome of 'doing things my way,' but if you can withstand her verbal abuse, you'll find her to be a mature and capable individual.
She spends most of her time exploring outdoors, and rarely makes public appearances when she is on Rhodes Island. Occasionally, she is seen forcing the Doctor to drink.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Even though she denies it, it is clear that Asbestos is a true explorer. Of course, she is very different from Magallan.
On one hand, Magallan is employed by Rhine Lab. Though the desire to explore the frozen tundra was her own, the core reason she undertook her exploration had a great deal to do with Rhine Lab. Additionally, Magallan's exploration was better planned and thoroughly measured.
On the other hand, Asbestos's exploration is completely amateur - nobody asked her to do it, and nobody is backing her financially. She merely follows her own ideas, walking around and recording her observations in her travel notes and publishing them in magazines.
In fact, almost all active explorers on Terra are affiliated with either some country or company, such as Magallan is, and explorers with no backing, such as Asbestos, are very rare. Realistically speaking, a desire to explore the world cannot be fulfilled solely through courage, but requires capital as well.
Though Asbestos is reluctant to reveal her background, we can surmise that there's likely nothing exceedingly bad or traumatic. As for why she decided to become a maverick explorer, Rhodes Island does not intend to pry too much. That is to say, on this point, she differs greatly from Magallan.
As for the differences in their views on exploration, Asbestos claims that she's just 'in it for the excitement.' While it is true that when we mention explorers, we often have an impression of them as being pioneers, trailblazers, delvers into the unknown, or torchbearers for those who come after them, etc., none of these are substantively different.
'Opening the way for those in the future' is generally the result rather than the cause. For example, while Magallan has always wanted to be an explorer, that desire fundamentally stems from her longing for the frozen tundra. Rather, those who try to act out of one of these clichéd ideals of righteousness usually end up giving up halfway through.
From the footprints that Asbestos has left and the records she has taken, there is no doubt that she is an excellent explorer.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Unlike most operators who are introverted or have trouble managing their interpersonal relationships, we can determine two things from Asbestos's interactions with others: First, she knows how to see a task through to its completion, and second, she knows exactly how to get along with people.
It's just that she doesn't want to do it.
She doesn't care if she acts in a way that makes others hate her. As a matter of fact, she even revels in that animus, especially when people say it to her face. She understands that the true way to alienate others is not to rudely refuse, but rather to be calculatingly evasive, or to be ambivalent.
Rather than saying she doesn't understand interpersonal relationships, it's more accurate to say that she sees them far too thoroughly and hasn't chosen not to maintain certain norms after recognizing all of this.
Like Magallan, she knows how to endure loneliness, but a major difference is, one of Magallan's greatest motivating factors is the fact that someone is waiting for her. Asbestos, however, has no need for such motivation, nor is she trying to compensate for that with something else. She simply has learned to draw her motivation from other things.
It's little wonder that some operators think she's very cool. She's willing to bear the consequences of her decisions, alone.
Even though we have no way of finding out about her past without her cooperation, based upon the result, she claims to actively want to be a 'jerk' that antagonizes everyone, and is intent on staying that way until the end of her life.
It is not for us to judge whether her lifestyle is correct, nor do we expect her to change. However, from Rhodes Island's standpoint, we always hope that operators will be able to trust us. In this respect, Asbestos may be one of the most difficult operators we've ever dealt with.
However, thanks to the Doctor's persistent efforts, Asbestos is now willing to recognize Rhodes Island as the company behind her, and she has made respectable progress.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Based upon her own account, Asbestos contracted Oripathy when she went too far into an Originium-rich zone.
Given that the possibility of infection through prolonged exposure to Originium is well known, the reality is that she knowingly put herself at risk. But, as mentioned in a previous file, Asbestos's great strength is that she can always accept the consequences for her decisions. Because she accepted this reality, there is no way to really blame her.
Of course, the life of an explorer also facilitates her liberties in a certain sense. After all, she has very little contact with people except for those needed to refill her supplies.
Because Asbestos's autonomy does not infringe upon other people, the biggest victims are probably the Doctor and certain operators who are trying to establish a good relationship with her. Therefore, Rhodes Island will continue to uphold its consistent policy of not interfering with the private lives of its operators.
But even if that is the case, just as she insists on living life her own way, Rhodes Island also has something it insists on - we will never let her die as she wishes.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant If you've got something to say, spit it out. If you wanna pass gas, just make it quick. I'm busy as hell and don't have time for you.
Talk 1 Hey! ...You asshole, who gave you permission to touch my tail? Watch it or I'll punt your sorry ass! And, forget all about that sound I made just now, I'll help you forget it physically.
Talk 2 This ol' door I have here? Can't you tell? I made it myself, it's multifunctional. I'd advise you not to touch it, or you might get yourself killed.
Talk 3 I've gotta say, since Rhodes Island is gonna be traveling all over anyway, it's faster for me to follow you as I explore than going around on my own. Mm, yeah, I guess I've changed my view towards you guys a little.
Talk after Promotion 1 Don't compare me to Magallan. I'm no professional explorer, I just run around the world chasing thrills. Trailblazing for those who come after me? I sure as hell ain't that noble.
Talk after Promotion 2 The more dangerous it is, the more I wanna go. The crazier it is, the more I wanna cut loose. Otherwise, life has no meaning.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Magallan? Me and this shrimpy, overzealous videographer girl I got to know her at the Black Flow. Y'know, that's the wildest, craziest adventure I've ever been on. But, that shrimp's got some real skills, I'll be the first to admit.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Friends? Who the hell needs those? My life goal here is to just be an absolute jerk to everyone. So, best not try to get chummy with me, since I'm not gonna return the favor. Rather, how 'bout we go out for a drink instead? Give it to me straight.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 My illness? I know it's pretty serious, but as long as I don't cause trouble for anyone, how I deal with it is up to me. And that's an easy one - there's nothing wrong with dying on a journey. If you think you're hot shit, you can try to bring me back. Do your worst, Doctor. I'm expecting nothing from you.
Idle Sleeping, huh? Good, time to make some noise. Ahaha!
Onboard Even though out exploring for a better portion of the year, you still plan to have me on the payroll and even assign me a dorm? And you seriously want an operator like that? ...Oh, you do? Huh? Tsk, something wrong with your head?
Watching Battle Record Well, whatever. Guess I'll learn some self-defense.
Promotion 1 'Honorary Captain of the Rhodes Island Research Team?' Me? Hah?
Promotion 2 I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do anything for Rhodes Island, since that's not my style. However, if there are any mysteries of this world you'd like to uncover, I'll be the one to get the job done.
Added to Squad Teamwork? Give me a break...
Appointed as Squad Leader Tsk... If you wanna make my life hard, just say it to my face.
Depart If you can't keep up, just find something to keep yourself busy.
Begin Operation Tsk... What a pain in the ass.
Selecting Operator 1 Yeah, yeah.
Selecting Operator 2 Here, here.
Deployment 1 Yeah, got it.
Deployment 2 Sure, whatever.
In Battle 1 Eat shit.
In Battle 2 Here's a door for you.
In Battle 3 Hah... Boring as hell.
In Battle 4 Piss off already!
4-star Result I've braved the winds and the waves. Something like this ain't worth shit.
3-star Result *sigh* ...How boring. I'm gonna take a look around.
Sub 3-star Result Good enough.
Operation Failure Tsk... Am I supposed to comfort this bastard now...?
Assigned to Facility Time to head back to the dorms and crash.
Tap Huh?!
Trust Tap Oh right, gotta take a trip to the Doctor's office first.
Title Arknights.
Greeting You got a lot of free time?

Operator Records

Record: Strange Sights
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_asbest_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
In Asbestos's eyes, after her countless adventures, she can now take care of certain crises easily by herself. Which is why Asbestos also thinks that some of Rhodes Island's training isn't primarily meant to train her skills and techniques, but rather her patience. She just wants this endless stream of enemies to all disappear before she finally loses it and yells at anyone.