Attack Type




When not blocking enemies, prioritizes dealing ranged AoE Physical damage

Operator Description

'Ashlock' Knight Greynuty stands ready to face any challenge.

Operator Quote

Opponents must choose between being ground beneath a shield or being laid low by cannon fire.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 10/15/2021
Release Date (Global) N/A


Potential Item

Ashlock's Token A shell casing left over from a shot, bearing Ashlock's signature. This once brought her victory, and now, it belongs to you.


ATK +4%. If the four adjacent tiles are ground tiles, ATK +8% instead
ATK +6% (+2%). If the four adjacent tiles are ground tiles, ATK +10% (+2%) instead
ATK +8%. If the four adjacent tiles are ground tiles, ATK +16% instead
ATK +10% (+2%). If the four adjacent tiles are ground tiles, ATK +18% (+2%) instead
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30%
ATK +35%
ATK +40%
ATK +45%
ATK +50%
ATK +55%
ATK +60%
ATK +75%
ATK +90%
ATK +100%
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
atk 0.35
atk 0.4
atk 0.45
atk 0.5
atk 0.55
atk 0.6
atk 0.75
atk 0.9
atk 1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
Skill Effect
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces slightly, ATK +10%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.3
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces slightly, ATK +15%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.3
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces slightly, ATK +20%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.3
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces moderately, ATK +25%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.4
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces moderately, ATK +30%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.4
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces moderately, ATK +35%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.4
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces, ATK +40%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces, ATK +45%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces, ATK +50%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.5
Cannot block enemies and only carry out ranged attacks. Attack Interval reduces significantly, ATK +55%
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.65
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.1
base_attack_time -0.3
atk 0.15
base_attack_time -0.3
atk 0.2
base_attack_time -0.3
atk 0.25
base_attack_time -0.4
atk 0.3
base_attack_time -0.4
atk 0.35
base_attack_time -0.4
atk 0.4
base_attack_time -0.5
atk 0.45
base_attack_time -0.5
atk 0.5
base_attack_time -0.5
atk 0.55
base_attack_time -0.65


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Increases ATK to 110% when attacking blocked enemies
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 235
atk 45
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 100,000 damage with Ashlock (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 7-9 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Ashlock, and have Ashlock defeat at least 2 Guerrilla Heralds

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%

Quick Evaluation

+ The first Fortress Defender: performs long range splash attacks when not blocking
+ Very high ATK for a Defender
+ Unique normal attack range that reaches farther than any other current melee unit
+ S2: Moderate ATK modifier with a large reduction in ATK interval.
= A middle ground between an AOE sniper and standard defender
- To be effective as DPS she can't be blocking.
- Long base attack interval and lower than average DEF for a defender
- S2: Cannot block while S2 is active. Very short skill duration and not great uptime.

Operator Overview

Ashlock was born into a prestigious family in Kazimierz, but her relatives disowned her when she contracted Oripathy, so she had to enter the underground fighting scene to pay for her treatments. A hard worker who keeps her eyes on the prize, Ashlock fought all the way up to the official major league tournaments, where she caught the eye of Rhodes Island. Now Ashlock is going all out as the first 5* Fortress Defender, raining down AoE Physical attacks at long range whenever she isn’t Blocking enemies.

Do you like siege weaponry? (Not Siege’s weaponry, that’s a different Operator.) Ashlock is essentially a living siege weapon: as long as she isn’t Blocking enemies, she can attack from a distance, firing missiles that deal explosive AoE damage to ground enemies from several grids away. She starts with a 2x3 attack range and Block-2, but gains Block-3 at E1 and an extra tile of range at E2, enhancing her performance as both a DPS unit and as a Blocker.

When it comes to her kit, Ashlock is clearly all about that DPS. Her Bombardment Studies Talent increases her ATK, with a further bonus when she is surrounded by ground tiles, and her Focused Bombardment S2 makes her attacks faster and stronger for the duration while also giving her Block-0 so she won’t stop firing to Block. Ashlock is essentially a ground-deployed AoE Sniper (who can’t hit air enemies).

Unfortunately, anybody who knows the reputation of AoE Snipers in Arknights probably feels a little worried by that comparison. The concern is not unjustified—Ashlock has comparable ATK, ASPD, and DP cost to similar-rarity AoE Snipers, meaning she is expensive to place and attacks slowly. The attack interval decrease from Focused Bombardment helps with this, and the Skill’s low SP cost gives it good availability, but the brief duration is a problem. Ashlock does bring her Block-3 to the table, but if Ashlock is Blocking, she’s not using her ranged attacks, meaning another Defender with a faster ASPD or more utility is probably a better option for the job.

Considering the quick cycling of Focused Bombardment, Ashlock is at her best when handling successive hordes of ground-based enemies. Place her behind other Operators, where she can lob missiles onto the frontlines but still Block if an enemy leaks through the first line of defense. From an efficiency standpoint, there’s usually other options that can do Ashlock’s job better, but for Doctors who like percussive cannonfire, Ashlock can be a fun Operator to send into battle.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

The attack range could be useful to players still learning deployment, and the blocking body can act as a backup for stopping leaks. New players may find it unintuitive that she isn't at her best while blocking, and if used primarily as a blocker she loses a lot of her luster, and alternatives may be better options.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 A- A A-

Ashlock is an interesting unit. She has the longest range of any melee unit in the game, and has pretty high Physical AoE damage to boot (many qualities in why SilverAsh is so good)! However she can be quite a hard unit to use and her range can be just as much of a hindrance as it is a help, making her the very definition of "niche". She can do some very impressive things, working around stage mechanics and clearing waves other units at her rarity struggle with. But for a lot of people, she just won't be worth the effort or resources (which are really really high compared to most other 5*s).

Now that said, if you do intend to use Ashlock, her S2 Masteries are incredibly important. There's a huge jump in damage between M2 and M3, so don't skimp if you want her to be a regular on the team.

One final note, her Advanced grade is high because this is a skill that creative players will favor, but be aware it is certainly not a meta CC skill.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist NoriZC
CV Hitomi Ueda
CV (EN) Diana Bermudez
CV (CN) 龟娘
CV (KR) 李志映
Gender Female
Place of Birth Kazimierz
Birthday Mar 20
Race Zalak
Height 164cm
Combat Experience
4 Years
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Member of Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub, Ashlock Knight Greynuty, joined Rhodes Island following the Kazimierz Major.
Fights with a handheld cannonlance and sturdy shield. Able to inflict casualties on faraway enemies, and can also hold the front, protecting other Operators.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Clear Originium crystallization is visible on the face.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
The state of Operator Greynuty's infection has tended towards stability.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
After the conclusion of the Kazimierz Major, Greynuty joined Rhodes Island, together with her fellow Pinus Sylvestris members. After witnessing first-hand Kazimierz's treatment of the Infected, and as Infected themselves, they were pleasantly surprised that an organization like Rhodes Island still existed in this world. Here, they could live a new life, and fight for the Infected.
Nevertheless, Greynuty still felt at a loss.
She needed a goal.
She once strove to sharpen herself for the sake of her family; after becoming Infected, her goal was to ascend the Major and the Champion's throne like the Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight had done; now, she followed Sona, followed the others of Pinus Sylvestris, and came aboard Rhodes Island as an employee of a pharmaceutical company. She would range far from Kazimierz, fighting unlike a knight, or even a Kazimierzian.
The rules she was familiar with would no more be applicable.
And so, at present, she is still bewildered, and still vexed.
But please don't worry. If you need her, she will step forth.
Just as the ancient knight nobles of Kazimierz would have.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub's founding members were Flametail Knight Sona and Ashlock Knight Greynuty. Though both were Zalaks, and were born in similar places, their first time meeting came entirely by accident. Not long after the Infected Knights Act was passed, Greynuty was expelled from her family, arriving at the Grand Knight Territory to participate in brutal underground knight competitions. Right before a group melee, she first met Flametail Sona, who wanted a temporary alliance with her for the group match; Greynuty agreed. Just like that, the cannoneer and the swiftblade covered each other's weaknesses, standing out in the tumult of the melee. Once they were left alone on the field, Sona made a thrust at Greynuty, taking the points she had.
As a knight, Greynuty ought to have been angered, but in Sona, she found a long-lost trust and peace of mind, as well as Greynuty's own guilt towards her—Sona was once one of the subjects of the Kaliska family, but when a Catastrophe assaulted her home, the Kaliskas never fulfilled their duty as knight nobles. Ultimately, Sona's hometown fell into ruin, and she was Infected.
After that, Greynuty, together with Sona, founded Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub, competing in matches for prize money on one hand, and aiding the Infected of the Grand Knight Territory on the other. They've tried working by themselves, they've tried making deals with the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi, and now, they've found an even better collaborator than before.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Greynuty is not at all a textbook competition knight; she keeps silent on the field, lets the audience's cheers and jeers bounce off her, steadily confronting her opponents. She rarely participates in commercial activities, and she reads every letter from her supporters one by one in detail, writing a reply for each. When she's spotted out and about; fans gather around excitedly asking for signatures, which seems to put Greynuty at a complete, flustered loss, looking to quiet them down as quickly as she can. She then pulls the fans away from the crowd, asks in a stammer what they're looking for, and signs her name on the objects the fans hand her. Her antics have inadvertently garnered her a good number of fanatics; Sona even suggests on occasion that she ought to pursue the path of the idol knight, teasing that her prospects might be greater than as a competition knight. Of course, each time Sona says it, Greynuty sternly declines.
Greynuty's combat ability is by no means lacking. Preeminent even in Pinus Sylvestris, many an opponent has fallen under her baptism by shellfire. However, she has her weaknesses too—heavy artillery and thick armor consume her endurance, and she moves relatively slowly when fighting the enemy in close quarters, plus the fatal gap that switching spent magazines produces. So long as these problems remain undealt with, and she doesn't temper herself as all-around as a Champion of the Major would, then there will always be a knight who seizes on her weaknesses, and she'll be unable to take the final steps to arrive at her goals.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Those familiar with Greynuty know she brims with hatred for the knight nobles. However, Greynuty once was one herself.
Greynuty's family used to be quite well-known, but after her grandmother passed away, the elders in charge of running the family enterprise made a strategic blunder, and the whole business was left with a deep deficit, and set the family's decline in stone. It was at this time, too, that Greynuty caught Oripathy.
After the fact, there was a change in the way her relatives treated her.
Her siblings who she'd played with since childhood broke off contact, her few friendly uncles gradually fell out of touch, and her family's elders seemed to forget about her entirely.
One common voice held in the Kaliskas' hearts: 'The Kaliskas shouldn't have Infected. So long as Greynuty remains, our prestige will suffer.'
In the wake of the family's continued destitution, the way its members regarded her turned slowly from silence to anger. She'd seen how her elders shamed the estate's Infected, but never imagined that as a part of the family, Oripathy would subject her to such treatment.
Even more unbelievable to her was that the Knight Primus seemed to want her, an Infected, gone from the family.
It was like she was no Kaliska, only some homeless commoner blighted by Oripathy, of a village razed in a disaster.
This doubt was quickly dispelled, but reality was more ruthless than her mind—she might have even lost the freedom to stay in her home.
One day, the Knight Primus summoned her to discuss how to resolve a certain matter. The one who passed it on was highly tactful, but she was well aware, she was that so-called 'matter'.
After a knock on the Primus' parlor door, Greynuty found the Knight Primus of the Kaliskas—along with another noble Knight Primus.
They were presumably in talks; the atmosphere was utterly fractured, both sides menacing, trying to wrest more benefit from the other, and here in his parlor, it seemed Greynuty's Knight Primus had readily surrendered every last bargaining chip he'd held.
The other noble Primus flew into sudden fury on seeing Greynuty, denouncing the Kaliskas for harboring an Infected, and even bringing her before him. He tore up the treaty, and swore he would no longer work with the Kaliskas.
Greynuty knew the other side had only used her appearance to wash himself of any blame for the ruined contract, but her Knight Primus, and her family's elders, lacked total awareness of it, going so far as to cast all their rage directly on her.
In the end, on a moonless night, the Primus convened a full meeting, deciding by vote whether Greynuty, the Infected, was to go.
——It was unanimous.
No one present dissented; no one so much as abstained. Even Greynuty's mother and father raised their hands.
Greynuty knew they had sorrows of their own, but in that moment, she felt her own teardrops as they ran down her face.
Those who sympathized with her said nothing, those who detested her cheered, and the Primus sat at the head of the table feigning impartiality.
These were the Kaliskas, a microcosm of Kazimierz's knight nobility.
Since then, Greynuty has left her home and come alone to the Grand Knight Territory, fighting upward from the underground arenas step by step. Through the knight competitions, she wants to recover her reputation, and thus return to that decrepit and hollowed-out family, give them a good long look at her accomplishments, make them admit they were wrong about her, make them wash off the stigma forced onto her.
But what comes afterward?
Sona has given it thought, but she still hasn't.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
The cannon is a traditional and mighty siege weapon. With modern industrial refinement have come cannonlances wieldable by a single person, their might weakened by a degree, but still retaining fine destructive power against humanoid targets. Greynuty's ancestors relied on such armaments to make their family's future, but the present Kaliska progeny are, by and large, now strangers to this skill.
As part of her childhood training, from a young age, Greynuty's grandmother instructed her in cannonlance handling and maintenance, on one hand wanting her to steel herself through such a course, and on the other, hoping she may also come to pass this skill down through her family. Regrettably, before Greynuty finished this course, her grandmother laid on her sickbed never to wake again, and while her elders once solemnly vowed to finance Greynuty's studies, they never made good on their commitment. In the end, Greynuty could only teach herself, diligently rounding off the remainder of the course.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant So, just like the big corporations' office workers, even you have a bunch of deskwork to do. That's quite a lot, too. Do you need any help?
Talk 1 I never imagined the Radiant Knight would take up employment anywhere. Rhodes Island is a mysterious company.
Talk 2 Knights may be able to climb back up after they fall, but the Infected don't have such kindhearted options available to them.
Talk 3 *Cough*... My weapon seems to be acting up, *cough*... Which way is the workshop? That way? Thank you. *Cough*.
Talk after Promotion 1 If the knight nobles were able to fulfill their vows and responsibilities, the Infected wouldn't have found themselves so oppressed. But... those nobles... the Kazimierz people would rather sign contracts with those big security companies than trust those knight nobles to protect them from crime and violence.
Talk after Promotion 2 They tell me my family met its downfall because I got infected, that I am to blame for everything. Hmph, just what you'd expect from the knight nobles. They're all good-for-nothings who know only to bully the weak.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Justyna likes to use titles when she talks to me... Why is that? Is the word 'Ashlock' that special to her?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Sona and I met each other during a team melee match. That was a tough battle, but we reached an understanding and worked with each other as soon as we met. At the very end, she took all my points with her sword, but then apologized to me right away... That's how we started working together.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 If I can't go back home anymore, then all I can do is find the way forward with Sona and the gang. Heh... Becoming an Infected knight hasn't been kind to me, but at least we have the chance to fight. It doesn't matter what miseries the future has in store for us; I'm sure it'll still be a much brighter place.
Idle Be sure to get enough rest. The break after a match is just as important as your daily training.
Onboard I'm 'Ashlock' Greynuty of Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub. Thank you for taking us in.
Watching Battle Record A coordinated assault? Yeah, they work well with each other.
Promotion 1 Is this a medal to prove my qualifications? Oh... Sorry, I still don't have all of Rhodes Island's rules down. Thank you.
Promotion 2 'When the cannon fire rings through the air, victory is already within sight.'
Added to Squad I will follow your orders.
Appointed as Squad Leader You need me to take charge? Okay.
Depart Good hunting, everyone.
Begin Operation Get ready. The enemy's coming!
Selecting Operator 1 Yeah.
Selecting Operator 2 Your orders.
Deployment 1 It's not like the knight competitions. You can't pause a battle when someone gets injured.
Deployment 2 The match's starting now.
In Battle 1 Reload!
In Battle 2 Cannon fire is just the first step.
In Battle 3 Strengthen your defense! Forward!
In Battle 4 I will win this match!
4-star Result Wonderful. So this is the art of command. You've opened my eyes.
3-star Result Looks like you're good at commanding team battles.
Sub 3-star Result The more points you lose in the arena, the less likely you are to win.
Operation Failure *Cough*... Is this... my fault...?
Assigned to Facility Good thing my equipment doesn't take up too much space.
Tap Hm?
Trust Tap A present from a fan? It was sent to you? Sorry for the trouble.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Do we have any missions today?