Attack Type




Attacks all blocked enemies [This in-game description is inaccurate. This Operator does not need enemies to be blocked to hit them, they just need to be in range. This Operator hits multiple targets equal to their block number.]

Operator Description

Blaze, Rhodes Island's most fired-up Operator, will spread her enthusiasm like a wildfire.

Operator Quote

Please, it's okay to dial it down a bit...

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 12/24/2019
Release Date (Global) 6/30/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 8/3/2021
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/14/2022


Potential Item

Blaze's Token A glass bottle with hard-to-discern contents inside. After being shaken a few times, the bottle heats up, making it perfect for keeping one's hands warm in the winter.


When this unit's HP falls beneath 25%, restores 50% HP (one time only) and prevents HP from falling under 50% for 3 seconds
When this unit's HP falls beneath 25%, restores 50% HP (one time only) and prevents HP from falling under 50% for 4(+1) seconds
When this unit's HP falls beneath 25%, restores 50% HP (one time only) and prevents HP from falling under 50% for 6 seconds
When this unit's HP falls beneath 25%, restores 50% HP (one time only) and prevents HP from falling under 50% for 7(+1) seconds
Gains Status Resistance after being deployed for 15 seconds
Gains Status Resistance after being deployed for 12 (-3) seconds
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Increases the ATK of next attack to 190%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 195%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 200%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 205%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 210%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 215%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 225%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 245%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 265%
Increases the ATK of next attack to 290%
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.95
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.15
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.45
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.65
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.9
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
ATK +40%, DEF +10%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +45%, DEF +10%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +50%, DEF +10%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +55%, DEF +15%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +60%, DEF +15%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +65%, DEF +15%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +70%, DEF +20%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +80%, DEF +25%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +90%, DEF +30%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
ATK +100%, DEF +35%, and Attack Range increases
Unlimited duration
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.4
def 0.1
atk 0.45
def 0.1
atk 0.5
def 0.1
atk 0.55
def 0.15
atk 0.6
def 0.15
atk 0.65
def 0.15
atk 0.7
def 0.2
atk 0.8
def 0.25
atk 0.9
def 0.3
atk 1
def 0.35
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
Skill Effect
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +30%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 300% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +35%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 300% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +40%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 300% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +45%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 320% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +50%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 320% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +55%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 320% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +60%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 340% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +65%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 360% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +70%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 380% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increases to +80%, and attacks slice all all enemies in front of this unit. When this skill ends, this unit loses 25% HP and deals 400% ATK as Physical damage to all surrounding enemies
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
def 0.3
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3
atk 0.35
def 0.35
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3
atk 0.4
def 0.4
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3
atk 0.45
def 0.45
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.2
atk 0.5
def 0.5
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.2
atk 0.55
def 0.55
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.2
atk 0.6
def 0.6
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.4
atk 0.65
def 0.65
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.6
atk 0.7
def 0.7
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 3.8
atk 0.8
def 0.8
hp_ratio 0.25
damage_by_atk_scale 4


Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks all blocked enemies; ATK is increased to 110% when attacking blocked enemies
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 240
atk 50
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 80 enemies with Blaze (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 11-13 with a 3-star rating under Standard Environment; You must deploy your own Blaze, and cannot include any other Guard Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +10%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Building material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 80%

Quick Evaluation

+ A Centurion Guard that specializes in holding lanes down and clearing trash mobs.
+ S2: A steroid that gives her a damage boost and considerable tankiness for an infinite duration, which lets Blaze excel in clearing out mobs of medium-strength enemies on long maps (particularly Annihilations).
+ S2: The range extension allows for versatility in setups. Her ability to hit over walls can let her provide DPS to two separated lanes, and she can also hit enemies while behind other Operators.
+ Talents are quite handy for holding against / dueling enemies through statuses such as Stun and Freeze.
= Elite 2 Promotion is important for Centurions as it grants +1 Block, which also lets her attack an additional enemy.
- S2: Long wind-up can leave her exposed in maps with fast, aggressive starts and powerful early mobs.
- S2: While strong, the stat boosts pale in comparison to more typical manually activated skills (such as Gavialter S2 and Mudrock S3).
- S3: A clunky cross between a DPS steroid

Operator Overview

"If you need my help, no need to be shy - just spit it out! Put your faith in me, and I put my faith in you. You command, I fight, simple as that! Right now, we're the best partners in Rhodes Island! Oh, but don't tell Amiya I said that just now."

She may not be good at explaining her powers, but there’s no denying that she’s aces at using them! 6Centurion Guard Blaze uses her combustive Originium powers to turn her chainsaw-on-a-stick into a weapon of mass destruction, dealing enormous amounts of DPS while also ensuring her own survival with various tools and tricks.

Blaze’s S2, Chainsaw Extension Module, is her claim to fame. After a long wind-up, this Skill gives permanent buffs to her ATK, DEF, and attack range, which lets her fulfill her role as a cornerstone unit quite reliably. Not only does the range extension let her get the jump on enemies by allowing Blaze to immediately cut them down before they can properly retaliate, it also allows for some nifty versatility in defensive set-ups—Blaze’s ability to hit over walls can let her provide additional DPS to a completely separate lane, while her ability to hit over other Operators (e.g., Defenders like Saria) can allow for phalanx-like setups to completely secure a line. Blaze’s other skills are nifty enough to cover situations where her S2’s long wind-up might fail her; her S1 Power Strike γ gives her ample power in shorter maps, while her S3 Boiling Burst gives her the ability to deal burst damage to a specific wave or two. Still, there is no denying that it’s Blaze’s S2 which maintains her position as a reliable cornerstone in the broader context of the game.

Her two Talents are purely about bailing her out of sticky situations. Her first talent, Emergency Defibrillation, gives her pinch HP recovery and, more importantly, temporary immortality the first time she falls below 25% HP, which can be handy for buying her a few extra seconds before the cavalry arrives. Her second Talent, Harsh Training, gives her Status Resistance after a short wind-up. This is useful for maps that prominently feature status effects, such as Chapter 6 maps infested with Infused Glacial Originium Slugs (Ice Spiders), as the Status Resistance lets her better hold the line in scenarios that other laneholders would otherwise need more help with.

Blaze is all about her S2 and the slow-starting playstyle it represents, and her Module even goes out of its way to emphasize this further—in addition to the generic Module upgrade of getting increased Attack against blocked enemies, CEN-X: Overloaded Weapons, Overheated Heart also improves Harsh Training by tacking on additional boosts to ATK and ASPD for Blaze to claim the longer she stays deployed.  Still, this same focus on her S2 also comes with a heavy caveat; perhaps as a drawback of the Skill having an infinite duration, the stat boosts themselves aren’t as strong as manually activated skills from other Operators. This means that, while Blaze does excel at clearing out medium-strength mobs with relative ease, stronger foes staggered between waves can give her some trouble.

Compared to her contemporaries (including her most direct competitor, fellow 6 Centurion Gavial the Invincible) who use their windows of power to match strong enemy waves, Blaze’s niche as a unit is about maintaining a high floor performance for the duration of a map—this is perhaps both her biggest strength and weakness. Still, despite the relative simplicity of her kit, she is very much capable of being the pillar that holds your squad together, given adequate support for any particularly dangerous enemies that may come her way.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A monster lane shredder that provides blocking, damage, and tankiness for early-game rosters. Stat boosts from S2 can easily let her act as an early-game carry, as they also let her handily duel elites and some bosses. S2’s range extension gives her great utility as a carry as she can provide DPS for multiple lanes. Performs very well in Annihilations. Fine at E1 since S2 is her main skill, but gets a significant spike at E2 as the increased Block also increases the number of enemies she cuts down.

Elite Promotion Discussion

  • Stats - Block goes from 2 to 3.  This is by far the biggest single boost Blaze gains from E2, as it is for all AoE Guards.  Because of her trait, what this really means is: enemies sawed goes from 2 to 3 at a time for all normal attacks, effectively increasing her damage by 50%.
  • 3rd Skill - Boiling Burst - Blaze is known for her enormous damage potential, and Skill 3 is what provides the BURST.  She gains ATK and DEF over 10 seconds while doing true AoE attacks, damaging ALL enemies in front of her.  At the end of her chainsaw massacre she explodes, trading 25% of her HP for a huge burst of physical damage to enemies in the surrounding grids (including aerial enemies!).  Although this can be nice for burst damage, her S2 typically allows for better sustained damage, and the extensions of her Range gives her more options for placement.
  • Talent 2 - Harsh Training - A permanent reduction to the duration of certain status effects makes Blaze nigh unstoppable.  Although it is not always going to play a role, do not forget about it nor underestimate the power it can have in the right circumstances.
  • Talent 1 Upgrade - Emergency Defibrillation - Doubles the immunity time triggered by this death-defying Talent.  In the best case it gives your team just enough time to get her out of danger.  In the worst case, at least she gets 2 or 3 more good hits in before she goes down….

Skill Discussion

S2M3 S S S

In her role as a cornerstone unit, Blaze's S2 is her key skill and Mastery is very important to her output. Like most infinite duration skills, the gain is linear, so S2M1 and S2M2 offer quite a bit more value and should be highly prioritized (though they are not 'breakpoints' in the traditional sense). Unfortunately with the proliferation of cornerstone units, the value of her S2 Mastery has fallen a little bit, especially the more expensive M3.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Decently tanky and can hold down waves by herself, especially with S2 up.
+ S2: Can provide DPS to multiple lanes by herself once activated.
- S2: Long downtime before it starts working fully. Can easily get overrun in higher difficulties.
- S3: Quite mediocre compared to other Guard burst options.

IS2 Specific Notes

Good Relics

Relic Interactions

Recommended Promotion

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Wéi@W
CV Mai Nakahara
CV (EN) Cristina Vee
CV (CN) 周童
CV (KR) 金延佑
Gender Female
Place of Birth Victoria
Birthday Undisclosed
Race Feline
Height 172cm
Combat Experience
7 years
Infection Status Originium crystals are distributed across the surface of her body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Blaze, an elite Rhodes Island Operator, has demonstrated professional combat skills and tactical decisionmaking in mobile operations, annihilation, and raids. Now commanded by Amiya, she is a staple for when battles get tough.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal blurry outlines of this operator's internal organs, clouded with abnormal dark spots. Her circulatory system shows an abnormally high rate of Originium particulate matter, with other signs of Oripathy infection, we can confirm that the Operator is Infected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 16%
Operator Blaze has clear signs of Infection, with crystals deposited mainly on the trunk perhaps due to blood circulation.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.24u/L
Due to frequent contact with Originium products and participation in multiple Originium-rich areas, etc., Blaze's condition is in a dangerous state of development. Medics can only try to control the progression of Oripathy, but Blaze is not willing to leave the battlefield.
For some of Rhodes Island's elite operators, their responsibilities are given higher priority than their own physical condition.

Blaze, the next time you don't bring protective gear on the mission, I will have Dr. Kal'tsit forbid you from consuming alcoholic beverages.
--Y.P., Medic Operator

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
[Originium Arts Overview]
'Actually, there's not much to it. Look, you got your one palm over here, and your other palm over there. Then you bring them together, and squeeze the air out from between them. That's pretty much what I do.'
Blaze generally uses language like this when describing her Originium Arts, which may make it easier to understand the nature of her abilities, but tells very little to those who are trying to research and classify Originium Arts.
Operator Blaze's Originium Arts can best be understood as the ability to rapidly heat gases within a specified area, though there obviously is a limit to how high she can raise this temperature, which she describes as 'approximately super-hot degrees.'
She cannot directly act upon objects, cannot exceed a certain range, and sometimes is unable to even cause direct damage. Her Arts is very restrictive in terms of the types of materials and receptors that can be acted upon.
Nevertheless, through continuous testing and training, she has honed her Arts in a way that greatly eclipses the complexity and efficacy of the original mode of use.
Whether using the rise of hot air as a buffer, using the rapid expansion of air around her to generate thrust, or by supercompressing a specific amount of air to create a temperature differential capable of causing a small-scale explosion, Blaze has thoroughly understood how to utilize her Arts.
She is also capable of using her own blood to enhance the effect of her Originium Arts, with a greater usage of blood corresponding to a greater increase in efficacy.
Though sometimes mistaken for a Caster, all illusions of such are quickly dispelled when she approaches them with her heated chainsaw.

'Look, what the hell did they decide to write here? Just look at that chainsaw. Do Casters lug stuff like that around? No no, is there anything about her that says 'Caster' to you?!'
-A fire-based Caster who has chosen not to reveal their identity

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Among Rhodes Island's elite Operators, Blaze may indeed be the one with the most exposure. Anything else notwithstanding, her capricious, explosive personality and her likely-to-cause-collateral-damage combat skills have given her a degree of notoriety.
Despite this, Blaze has an almost perfect track record for completing her tasks. Among the Operators who struggle on the front lines, Blaze is considered as one of the most dedicated.
Nevertheless, regardless of whether the missions she was deployed to all happened to require such firepower, or because Dr. Kal'tsit deployed her specifically knowing her capacities, most of the missions that Blaze participates in are worth solving using these rather... unrestrained methods.
Literally, by erasing the source of the conflict, whether it's a dispute over Originium, ownership of a building, criminal activity, etc., there won't be any conflict remaining.
This doesn't mean that Blaze will, like some Operators, cause trouble for her fellow Operators or even be forced to act independently. Her ability to work as part of a team is also one-of-a-kind. In fact, a team with her as the main attacker can safely focus on supporting, defending, and completing other mission objectives, because Blaze can single-handed absorb all the combat pressure for them.
Would any team refuse a proposition like that?
As a matter of fact, yes. Quite a few, actually. Because Blaze's techniques and tactics are often risky and sudden, even if she is capable of achieving the greatest results, only the most capable of team members are able to keep up with her.
'Please enter freefall from 300 meters,' she will often say.
While she reassures them, 'Don't worry, I'll catch you,' stuff like that is not well-received by the faint of heart.
Over time, Rhodes Island has come to trust the young and enthusiastic elite, though not enough to treat her as a role model.
Just don't. Whatever you do, don't try to become another Blaze.
However, trust does not only come from the recognition of strength.
Blaze is committed in fighting for the rights and interests of the Infected, never wavering in her convictions.
She is firmly on the side of the Infected, and stands with all who fight for a just cause.
'You know she's trustworthy because she puts her life on the line for you.'

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
[Classified Log]
There's nothing special about elite Operators. Or perhaps I should say, how 'special' can the already special become?
Granted, any Operator may have quite a strong personal ability, but in the face of an entire city-state or a warship... facing the war machines continuously generated through the industrial capacity of an entire country, what hope does an Operator have?
To keep things simple, if three Apostolic knights are charging at you with miniguns, what kind of person would you have to be to deal with that kind of attack?
Having that said, an elite Operator will always work harder than the average Operator.
Even if one's strength can only make so much of a difference, each step taken indeed does help.
If you aren't able to deal enough damage to a target, study the structure of the weapon more, and work with the engineers to find ways of improving it. Train, train, and train more to wield heavier and stronger equipment.
If you aren't durable enough for the job, or if you hurt yourself with your own Arts, find a way to overcome it. Bring more medicine, install a special pacemaker installed by a friend, get back onto your feet even if your head is spinning, and join the battle again.
If your combat skills still have deficiencies, then throw yourself into the most brutal battles, and make up for the lack of skill with experience. Arm yourself with the instinct that you've honed over countless battles.
After that, integrate your Originium Arts into all your efforts.
Even if your exam results can't get any better than 'Excellent,' all the power you've mustered on the battlefield can bump that up to 'Super Excellent.'

That's what it means to be an elite Operator of Rhodes Island.
Of course, she still scratches her head when trying to slog through basic textbooks for her upper-level courses. But she does get through it in the end.
See, such is the nature of an elite Operator.


Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Elite Operator File]
1. Infected.
2. Personality:
Responsible, hard-working.
3. Background:
Yan, Victoria.
Blood relationship, diplomatic incident.
Infected, rogue, free-spirited.
Further information prohibited.
4. Regarding status as Infected:
Follow, identify, serve.
5. Tactical Overview:
Small-team leader, assault, self-discipline.
6. ■■ Potential:
7. Type-B Assignments:
Allowed. Participation recommended.
8. Mobilization Authorization:
Kal'tsit, Amiya

New mobilization authorization: Doctor.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'I can't even fill my birthday into my file?'
'Then there'll be no birthday party for me I suppose?'
'You can always tell the other elite Operators.'
'......Hey, I've spent two years at Rhodes Island. Am I that unworthy of trust?'
'Wrong, it is whether the elite Operators are worthy of your trust. You will develop stronger bonds with your colleagues in the future. There's not much that I can assure you. As long as you are willing to serve under Rhodes Island, then Rhodes Island will work for you as well. However, I can assure you that the other elite Operators are among the most trustworthy ones.'
'Hm? Even more trustworthy than you?'
'In a sense, yes. That is also one of our criteria for selecting elite Operators.'
'Hmm... In simpler terms?'
'That is to say, you are also worthy of the trust of others, Blaze.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant C'mon, I'm no good with paperwork. You sure you want me here in the office? I'd be better out in the field. Wouldn't you rather I brought home some wins?
Talk 1 I fight for the Infected. Life for our people is rough, anyone with eyes can see that. It's just that most people don't give a damn about our lives. But I do, I care a lot. We've got so many operators here counting on me, and I'm NOT about to let them down.
Talk 2 The reason I work for Rhodes Island? Because I've got nowhere better to be, naturally. But I've gotta be honest, I can't think of any place better than here. The pay's good, the medical treatment is cutting edge, and we've even got a cute little rabbit. It's just brilliant. What could be better?
Talk 3 I'm one of Rhodes Island's frontline breachers, I don't have powerful Arts that wipe the field, and it's not like my combat techniques could down a whole army. But, if I combine the two things I'm good at, then BOOM! You get quick results. I think that's what they call a chemical reaction.
Talk after Promotion 1 Amiya is one of the most talented fighters I've ever met. She keeps a clear head in any situation, and her Arts are enough to scare even me. You know, Doctor, I can't help but wonder, how did she get so good at fighting, as young as she is? Honestly, I wish she was picking up joyful, happy experiences, not the combat kind.
Talk after Promotion 2 If you need my help, no need to be shy - just say the word! You put your trust in me, and I return the favor. You command, I fight. It's symbiotic. Aw, look at us! We're the best partners in all Rhodes Island! Oh, don't tell Amiya I said that.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The crew's been buzzing about who you used to be, before your memory loss. They were talking back before I even met you. It looks to me like you aren't the same person anymore. Soooo, I guess I'm talking about two different Doctors? Past Doctor and Present Doctor, hah!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Dr. Kal'tsit says you're going to really shoulder responsibility for Rhodes Island someday. She saved my life, and I trust her. She also asked me to decide what kind of person you are for myself. And I'm going to do that, at least until Oripathy takes my life.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Hey, Doctor, pass me that towel, would you? Yeah, just finished training. I need at least six hours every day to stay combat-ready. Gotta roll out whenever the order comes in, you know. Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough. So where are we going this time? If that's the plan, I guess you're picking up the tab?
Idle Would people get the wrong idea if I carried the Doctor to bed? Maybe I'm better off leaving well enough alone…
Onboard Rhodes Island Operator, Blaze, reporting in. Here, the authorization letter signed by Dr. Kal'tsit. Now I'm under your direct command. Alrighty, Doctor, let's show the other squads what we can do!
Watching Battle Record I've seen a lot of battles like this. But tougher times might still be ahead of us.
Promotion 1 Hehe, can you feel the air getting hotter? No? Reeaaally? Then I'd better kick things up a notch. Aww, I was trying to get you fired up.
Promotion 2 Us Rhodes Island Operators put all our trust in Amiya, Dr. Kal'tsit, and you, Present Doctor. Because you've never given up on any of us. Fighting for the Infected is the right thing to do. It's worth it, Doctor.
Added to Squad Time for combat? Count me in!
Appointed as Squad Leader Alright, I'm the leader, huh? I got this, I know all about wiping out hostiles!
Depart Us frontline breachers have high standards. Try to keep up!
Begin Operation It may be a little gruesome, but I love shredding steel and crushing bunkers!
Selecting Operator 1 You know, it wasn't easy learning high-temperature vapor dynamics!
Selecting Operator 2 Let me show you the chainsaw techniques the other elite operators taught me!
Deployment 1 This place could use some heat.
Deployment 2 Hear the roar of my chainsaw!
In Battle 1 Don't worry if you see fire, that's just a side effect!
In Battle 2 Surrender now if you don't want to get sawed in half!
In Battle 3 My blood's only gonna make this place hotter!
In Battle 4 Fresh blood coats my saw, and boils the whole battlefield!
4-star Result No sacrifice is meaningless, and no victory comes without a cost.
3-star Result The rights of the Infected will only be won by the actions of the Infected!
Sub 3-star Result Let's work harder next time. We can always do better, right?
Operation Failure Let's just say luck wasn't on our side this time.
Assigned to Facility Any new facilities at Rhodes Island this time?
Tap Hey, knock that off!
Trust Tap Wait a second! I'm way too sweaty!
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor, when are we heading out on our next mission?

Operator Records

Record: Will You?
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_huang_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Pressurize, pressurize, and pressurize some more. When assault-op Blaze is needed in a battle, you know there'll be no relaxing. Withstanding direct pressure, weakening enemies to the side, and then finding just the right moment to wipe out the opponent in one move!
That's Blaze's MO in a war situation, and the way she splits open a path to victory for her team.
Trust in her, and leave it all in her hands. Relax, Operator Blaze doesn't let people down.