Attack Type




Only restores SP when blocking enemies

Operator Description

Defender Operator Cement hopes to become your first pick for construction subcontracting.

Operator Quote

Digging up the nutrients of the lands for distant prosperity; forging foundations for towering buildings.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 4/6/2023
Release Date (Global) 10/24/2023


Potential Item

Cement's Token A tattered and scuffed safety helmet. If you don't wear it properly, Cement won't let you follow her into the mines.


Gains 6% Physical damage reduction; effect doubles after being deployed for 35 seconds
Gains 9% (+3%) Physical damage reduction; effect doubles after being deployed for 35 seconds
Gains 12% Physical damage reduction; effect doubles after being deployed for 35 seconds
Gains 15% (+3%) Physical damage reduction; effect doubles after being deployed for 35 seconds
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Deals 150% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 160% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 170% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 200% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 210% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 220% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 1 charges
Deals 240% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 2 charges
Deals 250% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 2 charges
Deals 260% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 2 charges
Deals 280% ATK as damage to all enemies within Attack Range
Can store 2 charges
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.4
cnt 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
cnt 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
cnt 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.8
cnt 2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
60 Seconds
Skill Effect
Gains 13 stacks of a buff that grants 10% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 13 stacks of a buff that grants 10% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 13 stacks of a buff that grants 10% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 15 stacks of a buff that grants 13% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 15 stacks of a buff that grants 14% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 15 stacks of a buff that grants 15% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 17 stacks of a buff that grants 17% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 17 stacks of a buff that grants 18% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 18 stacks of a buff that grants 19% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Gains 20 stacks of a buff that grants 21% DEF per stack (a stack is consumed each time damage is taken)
Can manually deactivate skill
Detailed Skill Info
def 0.1
cnt 13
finish_effect 6
def 0.1
cnt 13
finish_effect 6
def 0.1
cnt 13
finish_effect 6
def 0.13
cnt 15
finish_effect 7
def 0.14
cnt 15
finish_effect 7
def 0.15
cnt 15
finish_effect 7
def 0.17
cnt 17
finish_effect 8
def 0.18
cnt 17
finish_effect 8
def 0.19
cnt 18
finish_effect 9
def 0.21
cnt 20
finish_effect 10


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
SP recovery is slowed except when blocking enemies
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 25
def 50
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Cement, and unleash Structural Support at least 1 time in each battle
Clear Side Story IW-EX-6 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Cement, and cannot include any other Defender Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
Tunnel Work Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, capacity limit +10 and Morale consumed per hour -0.25

Quick Evaluation

+ Talent and S2: Some of the best physical bulk available in the game and one of very few operators with straight damage reduction.
+ S1: A decent damage skill with true AoE damage.
- S2: SP cost is high already, further hampered by the archetype trait. Poor uptime is often a significant problem with bulk tanking.
- S1: Relatively high SP cost, especially with archetype trait, for this type of skill.
- One block on a Physical Defender.

Operator Overview

Cement is renowned for two things: her excellent sense of smell, and the durability of her cranium. She came to the attention of Rhodes Island after a mine disaster in Rim Billiton; she survived the cave-in and was able to lead the rest of her team to safety in the pitch-black tunnels, which is enough trauma for any person to handle. Not for Cement, though. She is now the leader of the Shana Engineering Team at Rhodes Island, handling an unending list of excavation and construction tasks for the organization, and she is also classified as a 5* Duelist Defender who can withstand massive amounts of Physical damage using her rock-solid DEF.

Once you see Cement’s kit, it’s no surprise that she was able to survive a cave-in. Her Talent, Correcting Blueprints, gives her flat Physical damage reduction and doubles in strength after she has been deployed for a while. This stacks with her S2, Structural Fortification, which gives Cement several layers of stackable DEF buffs. One layer of the buff is removed every time Cement takes damage, so Physical enemies still have a chance at damaging her. Eventually. If they survive long enough.

Cement’s abilities are so heavily geared toward her role of soaking Physical damage that you’d expect her to be really good at the job. Well… she is and she isn’t. Being a Duelist Defender hurts her a lot: she’s stuck at Block-1, she has a high DP cost, her base DEF isn’t actually too high, and she can only gain SP while Blocking (until she gets her Module). That last detail is especially bad, since it means Structural Fortification has pretty terrible uptime, despite its long duration. That being said, Cement can still achieve levels of Physical protection unmatched by most of her competition, despite her unimpressive base DEF. She certainly has a niche if you care to capitalize on it.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A 1-Block defensive oriented hybrid just isn't something a new player will find worth the cost of adding to their roster, especially at the 5 star development price tag.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None
S1M3 None

Duelist Defenders do not have an easy go of things. One-block with their trait restrictions (even with Modules) puts all of them in a tough spot across the board, yet their stats are often high enough that they manage to at least carve out meaningful niche usage. In Cement's case, she has actually found some use in her raw defensive bulk whose potential is unmatched even at higher rarities. Now, that is rarely an essential thing, and a relatively bad downtime time further shrinks that potential niche, so it's hard to recommend investment, but if you are looking to raise a nicher option, Cement's S2 is the target and Mastery adds a huge amount to her potential bulk.

Additionally, Cement is a fairly popular character thanks to a variety of memes, so if you are looking to use her as a more every day option, then her S1 is a passable damage skill. However a relatively high SP cost mixed with the archetype trait make it a very suboptimal option, so most people won't find it worth the cost.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 科学
CV 结木梢
CV (EN) Dani Chambers
CV (CN) 蔡海婷
CV (KR) 徐恩妃
Gender Female
Place of Birth Rim Billiton
Birthday Oct 25
Race Zalak
Height 155cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Standard


Shana Moleman, leader of Rim Billiton's 'Shana's Construction Crew.' Proficient in engineering techniques such as boring, tunneling, and laying concrete, she first came into contact with our Engineering Department during the renovation of a nomadic operation platform. Now, as a nonresident engineering consultant, she participates in relevant Rhodes Island missions under the codename 'Cement.'

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Cement shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.15u/L
Operator Cement works in mineshafts for extended periods of time and frequently comes into contact with Originium dust. Although she has not been infected thanks to her adequate protective equipment, it is nonetheless recommended that she periodically undergoes thorough medical examinations.

'By the way, that shield of hers. If it's filled with concrete inside, what exactly is that supposed to be like?'
'Gavial tried lifting it the other day. She had to use both hands.'
'Wow, sounds like Cement's actually pretty strong.'

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
On the day Cement reported to the landship, the first impression of the HR operator in charge of onboarding her was that she possesses an extraordinary sense of smell. Per his account, the moment she stepped into the office, she immediately pinched her nose and frowned. At first, he thought our new Rim Billitonian friend must have had concerns with the agreement's terms, but before he could explain, Cement seemed to have made up her mind and said, 'Um... I think there might be something rotten in here. Probably in the third drawer on the left.' There, the HR operator found an almost finished pack of cookies wrapped with a rubber band... Relevant records show that while in narrow, humid mineshafts, Cement was once able to discern abnormalities in the strata from just the smell. Thanks to this, the workers on her team evacuated, repoured the structure's concrete, and alleviated the shaft's hidden hazard in time. For this, she earned everyone's trust.
On the night of her arrival, Operator Cement received invitations from a number of departments and clubs, including the Rhodes Island Cafeteria, the Procurement Department, the Convalescent Garden, the Wine-Tasting Society that Tequila is a part of, the environmental sample analysis team that Purestream is a part of, and more. Cement took each request seriously and responded to all of them. According to Podenco, when she visited the Convalescent Garden, she was able to remember and identify the aromas of more than a dozen kinds of flowers within a few short minutes. She also disappointingly noted that although clusters of flowers like the Garden can be found in Rim Billiton's forests and wildernesses, when there is dust in the air, even the flowers appeared as gray and colorless as the large machines that hummed and roared all hours of the day there. At the very end, Cement revealed that she had an interest in perfuming and thanked Lena and Podenco for their invitation in spite of the fact that she could not stay on the Rhodes Island landship for long because of her busy schedule.
Not long after, Cement returned to Rim Billiton.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
[Engineering Operator Work Files]
C02, Rhodes Island Bridge emergency maintenance; voluntarily participated in the project...
C07, Engineering Department step drill set retrofit. Placement deviation can be brought to within 2cm, penetrable strata hardness increased by two, and overall efficiency increased by 30%.
C12, Rhodes Island Secondary Cabin System retrofit. Four revisions were requested during the verification process of the construction blueprints. Already confirmed with Closure; determined feasible.
During their routine review of the construction logs, the Engineering Department discovered that although Cement is not stationed aboard Rhodes Island, she has already amended the work files roughly a dozen times. Regarding her skills in construction and maintenance techniques such as boring, tunneling, and laying concrete, a number of our senior operators unanimously provided the same evaluation: 'exceptional.' All year round, Cement toils away in mining and construction sites across Rim Billiton. Although she lacks systematic knowledge of engineering theory, her abundant on-field experience and skills in machine retrofitting allow her to accurately determine the feasibility of blueprints, as well as the particularities of rock formations and the durability of construction materials. In addition, any equipment that she retrofits can be used in more complicated and difficult construction environments with their functionality and accuracy assured.
'Drills, work shields, wind gauges, high precision tape measures... These tools are how we make a living. This is a tough line of work. We can only put food on the table if we have what it takes, and it's only by getting ourselves up to snuff that we finally gained a foothold in this business. Then, and only then, can we start talking about other things.'
'Noise? Hm, it is a huge problem. What can we do to reduce noise while improving efficiency? Mod headphones? That isn't really my forte...' Despite the fact that she has been confidently reassuring us and telling us to relax, Cement's face turns red—a rarely seen occurrence.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
'Shana's Construction Crew' is a small construction team with less than fifty employees, with its main revenue source being subcontract work from Rim Billiton PLC's large-scale construction projects. During negotiations, Cement often repeatedly emphasizes that the rights her workers deserve during construction must be reflected in the contract— Of course, she also likes to reiterate that they must retain the right to go over, adjust, or modify all blueprints; and that their supervisors must not be able to interfere with the construction process using vague excuses; and that all payments and other compensations must be made on time. Although these demands are nothing unusual, such a conscientious, self-assertive attitude is hardly favorable for an entrepreneur...
However, the data we've collected show that Shana's Construction Crew has enjoyed decent business development in Rim Billiton. The reason, as Cement herself explains, is 'technique.' Their technique is what has allowed them to remain competitive. The construction crew has maintained a zero accident record since its formation, its projects have all exceeded acceptable standards upon inspection, and redoes have been extremely few and far between. In just a few short years, Shana's Construction Crew has quickly gone from a hotheaded no-name company to a highly-rated, reputable business contractor.
Cement has revealed to us that Shana's Construction Crew is currently gradually expanding and attempting to branch out to other lines of business. They have started to take on projects other than mining and construction, such as prospecting and exploratory mining for foreign tech companies, exploratory boring in special environments such as icefields, and providing technological support to tunneling groups... While discussing our partnership's direction with Engineering, Cement even indiscreetly suggested to Closure that she would like Rhodes Island to pull some strings for her to head to Columbia for business exchange and further studies.
'What's Columbia's Great Expansion really like? How are Rim Billiton's workers different from workers elsewhere?
'No matter where we are and what it is we do, the work that us laborers put in is always meaningful.'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Any operator who has ever been around Cement has most likely heard her talk about her dreams: She wants Rim Billiton to become a place where there are no more mining accidents and where all workers can talk about their present and future with optimism.
Cement comes from an average family of Rim Billitonian miners. Her father was a labor contractor who took on secondary construction projects, and as a kid, she followed him to and from the mines. There, she saw the workers gathered around a boiling pot underneath simple awnings, emptying bottles of Originium Slug beer one after another, their faces still covered in dirt. She saw her father skillfully mediate with safety officers over their nitpicky routine inspections at the bar next to the mineshafts. She saw her father screen a movie outside, for the workers who couldn't make it home for the New Year; a gunshot in the movie woke her up, but she went back to sleep after her father gave her a lolly. She saw the disaster caused by the strata structure's failure, and how her father was shortchanged during the compensation negotiations because the engineering crew comprised many Infected; unwilling to see the victims' next of kin fall to hard times, he used his own savings to foot their remunerations... Soon thereafter, the crew was dissolved for financial reasons.
When asked why she didn't learn from her father's mistake and continued in this line of work, Cement did not give an explanation at all. Instead, she asked with confusion, 'Why not?'

Of course, Cement isn't someone who is overly optimistic or stubborn. Once, a sudden rainstorm interrupted a tunneling project. While everyone else engaged in idle chit-chat at the portable shed, she instead calmly expressed her thoughts on the current situation—
Most of Shana's Construction Crew's staff are young workers who had the technical expertise to begin with, and the remaining members are showing clear improvement under her urging and devoted tutorage. However, looking at the big picture in all of Rim Billiton, a country where the mining platforms' roars can be heard just about anywhere, most of those who work in the mines are lacking in talent. They may never get the chance to operate high-precision machinery and can only work in strenuous physical labor. Many of them may not even know how to read and write. All they can do is keep their heads down and travel to and from the mines day after day, perhaps never to leave again...
'I admit that it's too optimistic, maybe even naive, to count on our professional abilities keeping us indispensable to the mines' owners and safe from their bullying...
'There's nothing I can do to change the mineral resources underground or the politics aboveground, but I still have to do something.
'As long as there's still a tiny shred of possibility for change.'

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
[Special Logs]
1. Infrared sensor and shield photography module set
Operator Cement made the following purchase order application to the Engineering Department for installation on her work shield's construction recorder.

2. Mints
Remarks: Must be mint-flavored. No weird, fruity experiments. Simple sweetness, a very effective stimulant.
Some operators have seen Cement dropping her candy onto the ground by accident only to pick it up, brush away the dust, and put it in her mouth.


7. Iron Impressions
Investigation shows that Iron Impressions is a magazine funded and published by the workers of a few Rim Billitonian mines, and it features regular columns such as 'Major Affairs,' 'Policies Deconstructed,' 'Glimpses of Foreign Events,' 'Workmen's Pen,' 'Unmissable Humor.' After Cement subscribed to the magazine for Shana's Construction Crew, she personally contacted the editorial team to express her willingness to provide regular monetary support.
Additional note: Fifteen issues of Iron Impressions have been published since its inaugural issue, and the magazine has switched from a monthly format to a bi-weekly format since. Its latest issue's 'Workmen's Pen' featured a semi-documentary novel titled Carrot Roots Must Be Deep about a miner who mistakes a sand beast that entered the mines for a phantom. In the complicated mineshaft terrain, the miner chases the beast, eventually digging eight kilometers into the earth. The story is penned by Shana Moleman, and although the writing style is on the naive side, it is a very readable piece.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Don't stay cooped up in your office all the time, Doki. Why don't you come down to the mines with me one of these days?
Talk 1 Something smells moldy. Should be in the bottom left drawer. My nose is never wrong... Well, Doki, You should really deal with those documents before they pile up. If you just leave them like that, they're gonna get damp.
Talk 2 My drills are all souped up. They've got twice the impact, improved stability, and they pretty much can't jam. Anyway, I'm a pro when it comes to boring, tunneling, and laying concrete. If you've got any construction jobs like that, I'm your girl!
Talk 3 First, you check construction blueprints ahead of time. Second, you don't disrupt our work without a good reason. Third: You never, ever fall behind on your payments. That's the three principles Shana's Construction Crew uses to decide on projects. No exceptions, Doki, not even for Rhodes Island.
Talk after Promotion 1 Rim Billiton has more prospecting operation platforms than you can count, with tons of workers running around. You gotta know what you're doing to get anybody to listen to ya. I work hard to refine my skills, and I teach what I know to the gang. That's the way I do things... Yeah.
Talk after Promotion 2 We don't compromise on safety, even in barren mines with low output. Infected or not, so long as you work the mines, your rights oughta be guaranteed. I hope we never see another Billy mine accident. At the very least, I always make sure my projects stand up to inspection.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, want a lolly? It's just a regular mint one. I always keep some in my pocket. Don't underestimate the power of a lolly, though. When there's dusty air all around you, a little sweetness can really calm you down.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My dad always said that Columbia's Great Expansion marked the start of a new age. Now, the big corps pull in all different countries on big projects. Rim Billiton's ores really shine out there. But you know how things go, the taller the building, the more solid the foundations have to be. That's why the work we do is always meaningful, no matter the task.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 A Billy worker never sees the sun.' That's what my friends in the mines always say. The darkness down there swallows everything, work and life, past and future... I want to give people hope for the future, Doki, give them better lives. Easy enough to say, but there's lots of work to do. You'll lend a hand, won't you, Doki?
Idle Alright, lads, day's done. Rest up now.
Onboard Oh, so you're the Doctor everyone's talking about! I'm new in Engineering; foreman of Shana's Construction Crew out of Rim Billiton! Here's my business card.
Watching Battle Record Nah yeah… If the mines just provided workers with recorders, it would save us so much hassle.
Promotion 1 I thought it was a joke when I got a new contract from HR. Not only did my pay go up, I get even more benefits... Thanks, Doki!
Promotion 2 If I ever get the chance, I want to go check out Columbia, see the Great Expansion with my own eyes and how their workers are different from ours in Rim Billiton... Doki, Rhodes Island works with a lot of big companies, right?
Added to Squad Work, work! Hop to it now!
Appointed as Squad Leader You all got your helmets on? Check again!
Depart This shaft's got a complicated layout. Follow me.
Begin Operation Ah! Why is my drill stuck?!
Selecting Operator 1 Hm…? What's that smell?
Selecting Operator 2 Relax, Doki, just show up at completion time.
Deployment 1 The blueprints check out. Let the construction work begin!
Deployment 2 Remember, max deviation for each drill hole is two centimeters!
In Battle 1 Oi! Stay focused when you're running that boring machine!
In Battle 2 A triple bright miner's lamp could make ya go blind!
In Battle 3 Move, or this cement's going right on your heads!
In Battle 4 Dig! Diiig! Diiiiiiig!
4-star Result Doki! We… We just wrapped up a huge project!
3-star Result When worker safety's on the line, you can't slip up for even a single second.
Sub 3-star Result If you spot anything after construction's done, that's already too late. We need to find as many problems as we can in the design stage.
Operation Failure Don't be glum, chum. Follow-up work is part of construction, too. Just leave it to me to take care of the reinforcement. Cheer up, Doki.
Assigned to Facility Let's say Rhodes Island needs some dorms rebuilt, think you might hire Shana's Construction Crew? Hehe…
Tap Eeek! Oh, it's you, Doki. Sorry, didn't notice you over the sound of the drill.
Trust Tap Doki, can you hold this shield for me? Careful now, it's heavy. The inside there? That's concrete, baby.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hey, Doki! Here, a mint for ya.