Attack Type




Restores the HP of allied units and recovers Elemental Damage by 50% of ATK (can recover Elemental Damage of unhurt allied units)
ep_heal_ratio = 0.5

Operator Description

This pint-sized doctor puts all his heart into wiping clean the crystal in his hands.

Operator Quote

'Look how beautiful it is,' he says to you, lifting his head.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 4/14/2022
Release Date (Global) 10/19/2022


Potential Item

Chestnut's Token Due to how hard they are to grow, this cluster of fluorescent subterranean mushrooms remains miniscule. But still, it represents home.


Elemental Damage recovery +10% when healing ground units
Elemental Damage recovery +13% (+3%) when healing ground units
Elemental Damage recovery +20% when healing ground units
Elemental Damage recovery +23%(+3%) when healing ground units
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 150%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 160%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 170%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 200%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 210%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 220%
Can store 1 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 250%
Can store 2 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 270%
Can store 2 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 280%
Can store 2 charges
Perform a heal with Elemental Damage recovery increased to 300%
Can store 2 charges
Detailed Skill Info
trait_scale 1.5
cnt 1
trait_scale 1.6
cnt 1
trait_scale 1.7
cnt 1
trait_scale 2
cnt 1
trait_scale 2.1
cnt 1
trait_scale 2.2
cnt 1
trait_scale 2.5
cnt 2
trait_scale 2.7
cnt 2
trait_scale 2.8
cnt 2
trait_scale 3
cnt 2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +80; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 105%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +80; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 110%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +80; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 115%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +90; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 120%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +90; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 120%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +90; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 130%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +100; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 135%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +110; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 140%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +110; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 145%
Attack Range reduced; ASPD +130; when healing the same target multiple times, healing effect and Elemental Damage recovery are increased to 150%
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 80
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.05
attack_speed 80
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.1
attack_speed 80
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.15
attack_speed 90
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.2
attack_speed 90
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.2
attack_speed 90
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.3
attack_speed 100
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.35
attack_speed 110
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.4
attack_speed 110
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.45
attack_speed 130
attack@heal_continuously_scale 1.5

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
Geology α Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Originium formula related productivity +30%

Quick Evaluation

+ A generally strong Archetype because the Range and Elemental Healing are both very valuable.
+ Can be useful early game with small investment.
- Very weak skills means he has no long term value.
- S2: Range limitation often hurts more than it helps.
- S1: Low impact skill that requires lots of micromanagement.
- Despite higher costs, Honeyberry is available to everyone in the red cert shop and is significantly better.

Operator Overview

Chestnut may look like a Pokemon trainer, but instead of small combat monsters, his focus is collecting gemstones. He works at Rhodes Island as a gemologist and crystal therapist, using his Originium Arts to bring out the natural healing powers of his crystal collection and soothe wounds both physical and psychological. Chestnut is quite the unique addition to the Arknights cast: he’s the first male 4* Medic, the first Durin Medic, and the first 4* Wandering Medic, able to heal Elemental Damage as well as regular HP damage, much like his predecessors Mulberry and Honeyberry.

His Down to Earth Talent is simple but extremely appropriate to his geology-focused background—it increases the amount of Elemental Damage that Chestnut heals to ground-deployed Operators. His S1, Tiny Stockpile, greatly increases the Elemental Damage recovery of his next heal and can hold multiple charges, which can result in a surprising amount of burst-Elemental-healing for a single target. Similarly single-target-focused but for a longer period of time is his S2, Earthen Surge. This Skill changes Chestnut’s healing range to a straight line in front of him, but it greatly increases his ASPD and causes his healing and Elemental recovery to ramp up over time if he is consistently healing the same unit. Earthen Surge is geared towards healing a single tank unit deployed directly in front of Chestnut, while Tiny Stockpile is preferable for dispensing spot heals over a wider area.

Chestnut’s kit is fun and thematic, but it can’t exactly be called flawless. His Skills have uncomfortably high SP costs (especially Earthen Surge), and while Chestnut can heal a fair amount of Elemental Damage, it can be difficult for him to output respectable HP healing. Tiny Stockpile doesn’t increase his HP healing at all, and Earthen Surge’s SP cost and ramp-up time are both so high that it cannot be used with any frequency. Earthen Surge also has the downside of greatly reducing Chestnut’s healing range, which is one of the primary strengths of the Wandering Medic archetype. While the range reduction does help Earthen Surge ramp up in the way it’s intended to do, the Skill’s design pushes Chestnut to heal only one target for the duration (and the duration isn’t even that long). This can be problematic, as Elemental Damage is often spread across multiple units or even your entire team, rather than being focused on just one target. The biggest problem for Chestnut, however, is his competition. 5* Wandering Medic Honeyberry is easily available in the Red Certificate store at the time of writing, giving players access to a guaranteed non-gacha Wandering Medic who provides more reliable Elemental Healing across her entire healing range.

There is potential to use Chestnut as a supplement to another, stronger Medic, Wandering or otherwise. He does best when focusing on a single ground-deployed target (even with S1), so if you’re able to funnel most of the Elemental Damage on a map into a single Defender on a chokepoint, Chestnut can focus entirely on that one Defender while another Medic handles healing for the rest of your squad. It’s hard to argue that Chestnut is an especially powerful Medic, but you certainly can’t argue that he’s a dedicated one!

Newbie Tier List Explanation

For early game players struggling with elemental damage, Chesnut is a decent option that is cheap to develop. However, he is a poor healer, and often won't be able to handle the healing load. Honeyberry is much better at the role, and can be purchased with red certs, so players that don't need the Chip Catalysts for early E2s can consider her instead.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None
S2M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Chestnut can be a decent Medic since the archetype is strong by default, but he has two fatal flaws. For one, he pales in comparison to Mulberry and Honeyberry (who everyone has access to). For two, both of his skills are very limited. His S1 is a mediocre skill in isolation, with a middling utility and a lot of micromanagement required to maximize. And while his S2 has better effects, the range restriction removes one of the biggest advantages of the archetype. Activating S2 can frequently hurt more than it helps! Most people should not spend the resources to Master either of his skills, though if you are especially intent on using him, you will likely find some use in both.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 树豚
CV 千叶翔也
CV (CN) 安志
CV (KR) 洪承孝
Gender Male
Place of Birth Undisclosed
Birthday Mar 15
Race Durin
Height 132cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Standard


Chestnut, a geological surveyor of his Durin tribe. A quiet, introverted man, he is adept at using minerals to provide medical treatment with his Originium Arts, and he chose to become a doctor when he came aboveground.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, the operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
There ain't enough Durins here! Should kidnap a few next time and run some tests on them.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Very healthy!

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
A Durin man with a short stature. He claims to be a fully grown adult, but like all Durins, there's no way to tell for sure just by looking.
From what Chestnut told us, the Druins often use all kinds of crystal lights for lighting, and he has long had an interest in these colorful crystals, even hoping that he could one day mine these beautiful rocks himself. Dreams are always the best motivator, and even though most Durins are lively in nature and dislike confinement, to make his small childhood wish come true, Chestnut learned every last detail he could from the adults in his tribe about these ores. When he dug his first crystal out of the ground and unleashed its colorful radiance, he excitedly made a small lamp out of this ore. Even though this small crystal lamp isn't particularly well-made and its light's color isn't especially vivid, it is still one of Chestnut's favorite possessions.
When they spend their entire lives living underground, it is very important to the Durins to continue to build and expand their underground cities. They must first survey the geological features of their destination to determine whether it is suitable for habitation. The adults who taught Chestnut his geological knowledge became his teacher, and in this underground world where there isn't a clear concept of occupation, they formed a close relationship built upon knowledge and enthusiasm. Whenever the city had to be expanded, Chestnut and his teachers would put all their knowledge and power to use to repay their homeland.
After Chestnut made it to the surface, he changed course and instead walked the path of a doctor. Although his teachers and friends couldn't understand his fixation on the surface, they took notice of how he persisted down this path quietly and decided to support the boy who's so fond of researching his interests. After all, there are many ways that one can live. As long as you are happy and you aren't affecting anyone else, who could say that's the wrong way to live?

He gave me a small ore as a present and said it's unique to the Durins. That's so cute!
—Note from the writer

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
When we asked him why he didn't continue his research into ores and instead became a medical operator, Chestnut told us about his past. The Durins need to regularly trade with tribes that live elsewhere, and so they generally have friendly relationships with each other, and large scale bloodshed is extremely rare. Which is why he thought of war as something very far removed from him.
One day, a Catastrophe occurred on the surface directly above Chestnut's homeland by coincidence and triggered a larger scale cave-in, which destroyed a substantial portion of the underground city. Although the situation on the surface was unclear, the underground structure had already been altered. Chestnut understood that his homeland needed his help. He traversed the fissures opened by the Catastrophe, collected samples and ores, and recorded data that could affect his homeland. By the time he was finished with his work, half a year had passed. His tribe repaired much of the rail tracks and elevators thanks to the data that he and the other prospectors collected, and the only things left could only be healed with the passing time and continued effort. Having seen everything turn out so successfully, Chestnut finally had the time to explore the question he had at the very beginning: 'Just what happened on the surface?'
When he was still a kid, Chestnut was already struck with admiration of the surface, having heard how vast and wide it was on the surface from adults that had been there. He was perhaps even more of a fan of the surface than the unique landscapes underground. Chestnut worked on his plan to climb aboveground day after day, and even though reality wasn't quite how he imagined, he didn't let it get to him. Ignoring the fissures that led aboveground and the glimpses of the blue sky above during his geological surveys, Chestnut instead turned his attention to the ground under his feet.
With the way things are now, Chestnut decided to take the chance to do some traveling. He rode the newly repaired elevators traversed layers after layers of dark but differing geological cross sections, and finally made it above ground for the first time. He kept going, and aside from that narrow blue above he ignored during his surveys, he saw a lot of landscapes that even the tribesmen who returned from surface never saw: a large, bottomless valley; a wide, calm lake; and strange, wind-eroded rocks. Yet he also saw something that's the furthest away from beauty for the first time: the land-dwellers' blood-soaked wars. After everything came to an end, Chestnut asked them about the cause. Apparently, a group of bandits attempted to steal the farmers' harvest, leading them to fight back. Born and raised in the underground where items are traded peacefully, he didn't understand why this happened, but he felt there was something for him to do, and so he raised his staff and offered this group of men a helping hand.
Although his hometown is habitable after it was repaired by his tribesmen, Chestnut has already made the decision to remain on the surface. He chose to follow his childhood dream. What's more, there are a lot more people here who need his help.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Since he joined Rhodes Island, Chestnut has continued further and further down the path of a doctor. He started to take field operations one after another, upholding his responsibility at each and every meaningful and meaningless conflict along the way. Most of our operators are very fond of this calm doctor, and Chestnut himself also treasures everyone's trust greatly, leading him to devote himself in his work to save his patients more rapidly and attentively.
That said, the operators and Chestnut himself both overlooked one thing during his onerous missions, and that's how humans must, aside from work, also pay attention to how they feel in their hearts. Chestnut encountered a problem that almost every doctor encounters at some point during their practice: It seems that simply being a doctor doesn't affect much.
One day, after the field operations squad had completed all the preparations for their evacuation, they found Chestnut standing on a patch of muddy field when they called roll. He didn't respond to their calls, even casting his Originium Arts into the sky in a retaliatory way.
After he got back to the landship, Chestnut told our Medical Department's operators his misgivings: With pain caused by sickness, he believes that as long as he keeps putting in the effort, even the most stubborn of diseases can be defeated. But after he came to the surface, he realized just how many of the injured were wounded by conflict. Their pains weren't caused by disease, but something much more complicated that he is unsure of. He can treat them, but he cannot stop those more complicated reasons from happening. In particular, through his work in Rhodes Island, he has had much more chances to see for himself how ugly war is.
Chestnut started to crumple.
He looked at this strange, beautiful world and began to reminisce his homeland.
And so, Rhodes Island approved his leave request.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Returning to the familiar yet strange underground, Chestnut told his tribe's curious children about the things he saw on the surface. It felt as though he made it back to his childhood. Everything was the same, only that, this time, he was the adult that came back from the surface, yet he didn't feel he deserved the children's admiration with the way he was.
During his vacation, Chestnut started to work his old job of geological prospecting and crystal ore mining again. On his free time, he visited the waterfall he used to visit as a kid and compare his height to the fluorescent mushrooms there. This slow-paced life gave him more time to think: What is it that I wanted to do in the very beginning? What am I so distressed about? Is the thing that's giving me all this anxiety something I can solve if I put myself to it?
Just like when he worked as a geological prospector to help his tribesmen, although a Catastrophe striking his homeland was vexing, he knew there was nothing he could do to stop Catastrophes. In that case, saving others as a doctor should be no different. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop the conflicts between people, and he must accept that.
Chestnut spent over a month to carefully think about all this. He didn't know if this was just a fake sense of optimism for self consolation, but he felt he couldn't let what he had no control over to drag him down any longer. He chose to return to work, as only then will he be able to find the right way to solve these problems.
When Chestnut returned to Rhodes Island, it was obvious that he now had a much firmer conviction. Although psychological scars cannot be completely erased within such a short amount of time, everyone at Rhodes Island is happy to see him moving forward once again.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
To tell the truth, when Chestnut first told us why he came to us, we thought it was both sad and hilarious... Although the surface does see its fair share of Durin visitors, most of them only come up because they think it's fun up here instead of trying to make a living to feed their families. Chestnut said that he actually asked around and learned what things are like on the surface. He then decided to follow in our footsteps and looked for a job at a hospital, only to be treated like a kid. He managed to find a few that knew about the Durins, but all of them turned him away owing to concerns about their patients. You can't exactly blame them. If I got sick, and the doctor at the hospital turned out to be this short, I would think there's something wrong with the hospital, too.
That's why things really were pretty hard for him. He even said that he almost cried when he found out we already had not one, but two Durins here.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Um, Doctor, the documents on the shelves are a bit messy. Back home, I had a tabletop assistant device that automatically organized our files. All you had to do was stick the files in, then it would package and seal them. I think you should get something like that too.
Talk 1 Wanting to see new places is a pretty common reason for leaving home, isn't it? But every time I climb a tall mountain or dive into a deep lake, I feel like I've made the right choice.
Talk 2 Doctor, are you fan of wide-open landscapes? For example, imagine yourself next to a lake, watching the surface of the water rise and fall, the clouds gathering and dispersing, the sun slowly drooping behind the horizon, painting the lake a dazzling gold... That's the kind of scenery I love.
Talk 3 A Catastrophe? Are we really going to cruise past a Catastrophe?! I didn't get to see the last one up close, so I can't let this opportunity slip by! Lemme see–– Huh? The door to the bridge is locked?
Talk after Promotion 1 My staff turns minerals into healing agents, sometimes with other special effects depending on the type of material used. Don't believe me? I'm being serious here, Doctor!
Talk after Promotion 2 I've helped more and more people, which gives me a sense of accomplishment. But as a physician, I still wish there were fewer and fewer casualties from people fighting each other.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, have you seen fluorescent mushrooms before? There used to be a bunch of them growing by the rocks near the waterfall I played at as a kid. Some of them grew taller than the tallest person in the clan, bringing light to places where the city could not reach.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My original reason for coming above ground was simple – I wanted to survey the geography around my homeland, and soak up the sights and sounds along the way. But the more I traveled, what kept me up here wasn't the places I had been, but the people who needed my help.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, why do people bloody themselves fighting each other? I can treat a wound or two, maybe even a lot more than that, but what can I do as a physician if we can't change their minds?
Idle Your desk is still a bit messy. Let me clean things up for you.
Onboard Please to meet you, Dr. {@nickname}. This is for you. It's a specimen box made from gemstones I collected – lapis lazuli, turquoise, plum tourmaline, chalcedony...
Watching Battle Record The lens doesn't move, Doctor. Do you think if we gave this to Operator Durin, she'd be able to upgrade it so it automatically followed the subject? I should do it, since I thought of it? Hrmm...
Promotion 1 I... never expected to be promoted so soon! I'll carry on my research into the curative properties of gemstones!
Promotion 2 I left home so I could realize my dreams, I gained recognition here, and found a place where I could learn even more from my peers in the Medical Department. I've truly found a good job.
Added to Squad The mood among the squad members might deteriorate over time due to injuries sustained in battle...
Appointed as Squad Leader I don't like war, but that's my personal feelings. As a squad leader, I vow to uphold my responsibility.
Depart Be careful, everyone! Nothing's more important than your own safety!
Begin Operation Is this really the only way to settle our problems?
Selecting Operator 1 Direct me.
Selecting Operator 2 I trust the Doctor will lead us to victory.
Deployment 1 I will take away your pain.
Deployment 2 Don't worry, I've got your back.
In Battle 1 If you feel unwell, report it right away!
In Battle 2 Don't push yourself too hard in battle!
In Battle 3 Feel any better?
In Battle 4 Relax, tense muscles will only make your treatment more difficult.
4-star Result The more prep work we do, the more beautiful scenery we'll get to see. Hard work pays off.
3-star Result Now's a great time to watch the sunset. Let's head over there and sit down for a spell.
Sub 3-star Result We fight now so there may be peace later...? If only our enemies felt that way.
Operation Failure Run, I'll cover you!
Assigned to Facility The decor here is really different from back home.
Tap Hmm, who's there...? Oh, it's you, Doctor.
Trust Tap I'm putting together a new specimen box, Doctor. Want to see it?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Want to head up to the deck for some fresh air?