Attack Type




Normal attacks deal Arts damage while the skill is active

Operator Description

Czerny, musician from the Afterglow, journeying with the rhythm.

Operator Quote

From his fingertips flow an endless stream of light and hope.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Obtain Approach Detail

Reward from [Lingering Echoes] Event Mission

Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 6/9/2022
Release Date (Global) 12/27/2022


Potential Item

Czerny's Token An old-fashioned, time-worn metronome that has accompanied Czerny since his brief yet happy formative years.


RES +5. Deals 50% of Czerny's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker whenever Czerny receives Arts attacks
RES +5. Deals 55% (+5%) of Czerny's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker whenever Czerny receives Arts attacks
RES +10. Deals 80% of Czerny's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker whenever Czerny receives Arts attacks
RES +10. Deals 85% (+5%) of Czerny's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker whenever Czerny receives Arts attacks
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
27 Seconds
27 Seconds
27 Seconds
29 Seconds
31 Seconds
33 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20% and RES +50%
ATK +25% and RES +55%
ATK +30% and RES +60%
ATK +35% and RES +65%
ATK +40% and RES +70%
ATK +45% and RES +75%
ATK +50% and RES +80%
ATK +60% and RES +85%
ATK +70% and RES +90%
ATK +80% and RES +100%
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
magic_resistance 0.5
atk 0.25
magic_resistance 0.55
atk 0.3
magic_resistance 0.6
atk 0.35
magic_resistance 0.65
atk 0.4
magic_resistance 0.7
atk 0.45
magic_resistance 0.75
atk 0.5
magic_resistance 0.8
atk 0.6
magic_resistance 0.85
atk 0.7
magic_resistance 0.9
atk 0.8
magic_resistance 1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Max HP +30% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +16% (up to 10 times), then deals 150% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +35% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +17% (up to 10 times), then deals 150% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +40% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +18% (up to 10 times), then deals 150% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +50% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +20% (up to 10 times), then deals 170% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +55% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +21% (up to 10 times), then deals 170% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +60% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +22% (up to 10 times), then deals 170% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +70% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +24% (up to 10 times), then deals 190% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +80% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +26% (up to 10 times), then deals 210% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +90% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +28% (up to 10 times), then deals 230% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Max HP +100% and becomes more likely to be attacked. For every attack taken, increases ATK by +30% (up to 10 times), then deals 250% ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies when the skill ends
Detailed Skill Info
max_hp 0.3
atk 0.16
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.35
atk 0.17
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.4
atk 0.18
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.5
atk 0.2
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.55
atk 0.21
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.6
atk 0.22
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.7
atk 0.24
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.8
atk 0.26
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 0.9
atk 0.28
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1
max_hp 1
atk 0.3
max_stack_cnt 10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
pianst_s_2_fxbound_1 3
pianst_s_2_fxbound_2 7
interval 18.6
taunt_level 1

RIIC Base Skills

Adagio Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.65 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (only the strongest effect of this type applies), and each Dormitory level gives 1 Measure
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, convert every 1 Measure to 1 Perception Information

Quick Evaluation

+ An Arts defender with a focus on counterattack damage.
+ Talent: built in arts counterattack that is always active
+ Effective in situations with fast attacking arts damage enemies.
+ S2: Pairs well with his passive talent to boost counter attack damage and taunt enemies. The burst can deal a large burst of damage when stacked up.
- S2: Lacks RES or DEF buffing which can leave him vulnerable against harder hitting enemies. The burst damage of the skill can be hard to control.
- Enemies that deal arts damage often have higher arts resistance and slower attack speeds.
- His counterattack only triggers against arts damage when most other options work against all enemies.

Operator Overview

Czerny is a famous and much-loved musician in Leithania, but the opinions of the public mean little to him—both positive and negative. While Czerny seems charismatic and easygoing at first glance, he has quickly become the scourge of the Rhodes Island health department, as he neglects little things like “food” and “sleep” to keep composing at all hours, no matter how many dire warnings the infirmary technicians give him. Perhaps it’s appropriate, then, that his fighting style is that of a 5* Arts Protector Defender who taunts his enemies into attacking him and responds with Arts counterattack damage, completely disregarding his own safety.

As an Arts Protector, Czerny’s Trait is dealing Arts damage with his attacks while his Skills are active. However, he also does Arts damage with his Talent, Reverberation, which causes him to deal Arts damage back to any enemy that hits him with an Arts attack (and also gives him passive bonus RES). Reverberation synergizes particularly well with his S2, Astounding Performance, which increases Czerny’s Taunt level, forcing most enemies to target him if he is within their range. Each hit Czerny takes increases his ATK for the duration—powering up his Reverberation counters—and when the Skill ends, Czerny does AoE Arts damage around himself. This can be a powerful burst if Czerny takes enough hits during the duration, and if he gets Reverberation counters off at the same time, the overall DPS can be quite good.

Czerny’s kit leads him to fill an obvious niche on a team, but situations where you’ll need this niche are rare. He does best when there is a lot of Arts damage on a stage (there usually isn’t) and it’s even better when the enemies have high ASPD to build Astounding Performance stacks (they usually don’t). The taunt and end-of-Skill burst from Astounding Performance still work against Physical enemies, but he won’t get off Reverberation counters. Similarly, he can still taunt and counterattack slow-acting Arts enemies, but he won’t get as impressive a burst out of Astounding Performance’s finale.

While his musicality is magnificent, Czerny isn’t that noteworthy on the battlefield unless you can put his entire kit to work at once. In many cases, if you’re looking for an Operator who can survive Arts damage, there are usually other options that can do Czerny’s job while also bringing more to the table for non-Arts situations (i.e., Guardian Defenders). Even so, Arts damage reflection and Taunting—especially at the same time—is an interesting combination of utility that a creative Doctor might find unexpected uses for. (Just don’t be surprised if your Medics go on strike and refuse to keep healing after working with him for a while.)

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Blockers that can also deal good damage, and melee sources of Arts damage can be quite useful in the early game for limited rosters, but this archetype quickly becomes outclassed in more difficult content. The 5 Star development cost is too high here for what it contributes to the roster.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Czerny has a few uses if you like niche clears, but in the broader game he’s difficult to use for a mediocre payoff. If you want to raise him anyway, his S2 is the better option for Mastery. HP tanks are somewhat rare and there are few that can reach Czerny's total. The nuke is difficult to control but at least does decent damage. His S1 ultimately only offers improved RES, since his personal DPS is too low and his reflect too conditional. That might have some value now and then to some people, but RES tanks are just not that viable, so most shouldn't bother.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 九日九号
CV 安元洋贵
CV (EN) Gunnar Cauthery
CV (CN) 于丰硕
CV (KR) 里弦
Gender Male
Place of Birth Leithanien
Birthday Sep 10
Race Elafia
Height 182cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Czerny, renowned musician from Leithanien's Afterglow. Took up a concurrent post as a Defender Operator at a local Rhodes Island branch office following the Vyseheim incident.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 11%
Large distribution of crystals across neck and back.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.25u/L
Condition stable, no signs of deterioration for the time being.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
William Fichte Czerny—just mention his name, and any resident of the Afterglow will be filled with pride and reverence. Aside from his eminent talent for composition, he also has impressive skill with piano performance. His fingers are unusually long, allowing him to span 11ths with ease; thus, many of his pieces tend to be quite taxing to perform. Even so, this doesn't stop the people of the Afterglow from playing his magnum opuses with full enthusiasm, day after day.
Late night in the Afterglow, when babes in the cradle refuse to sleep, it is his lullabies sung at their sides. When lovers embrace in gentle dance under the streetlamps, it is his serenades that guide them. When old faces pass on in serenity, it is his requiems sounding by their coffins. Being ill with Oripathy, Czerny only infrequently goes outdoors, but when he does, every note he inks flows in the steps of traveling singers, crossing endless rolling mountains and rushing rivers, to places further and further beyond.
In the bright-lit ballrooms of the Afterglow, ensembles played Czerny's dances all throughout the night, but he himself had no interest in such venues; his focus was mostly spilled into sheet after disorderly sheet of staves. At times, he'd do nothing all day, simply sitting at his desk in silence. Nobody could blame him for it, for everyone knew that that was everything sustaining him.
During the Vyseheim incident, Czerny's life was at one point gravely endangered, but it was that near-death experience that changed his mind and had him join Rhodes Island, which gave him the opportunity to leave Leithanien. Ever since, a land far wider than the Afterglow, than Leithanien herself, has been slowly unfolding before his eyes. Henceforth, no longer has that cramped little desk contained his thirsts, the yearnings for faraway lands roaring through Czerny's mind without abate.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
'Mr. Czerny's, um, let me think... sure, I've met worse people to get along with, and yeah, on the whole, I guess he means well. I don't know—sometimes you just really wanna slap him, you know? Everything's telling you to do it.'
'I get you. He's the most difficult patient I've ever met, period. Last week I was telling him, uh, don't pull all-nighters, don't work too much, eat when you should, take your meds on time—I went over it three times, at least! But I went to the dorms this week to give him a checkup—ugh—guess what I found?'
'I mean, what else? Sheet music all over the floor, mugs full of coffee stains, completely untouched dinners—oh, also, obviously, Mr. Czerny himself half-dead.'
'Guys, stop talking. My hand's itching already.'
'But that's his job, isn't it? You know there's a billion people onboard who work like that...'
'Shut up, you li'l slug. Keep defending him and you'll get a week of graveyard shifts.'
'I... give me a break, I like him! He's an amazing musician, seriously! And last month he gave me a whole jar of hand lotion. He was really considerate, insisted I should treasure my own hands.'
'Yeesh—if treasuring them means twenty coats of cream a day like he does, count me out.'
'Look, this is why you keep getting those hangnails. Listen to Mr. Czerny and you wouldn't.'
'Hmph. Yeah, of course he wouldn't. He comes to Medical if he gets the tiniest scratch on his fingers.'
'Honestly? If my hands were worth half as much as his, I'd do the same.'
'Okay, that settles it. Both of you, get on your new overnight shifts, stat.'
'Hi, is anyone sitting here? Everywhere else in the canteen's taken.'
'Oh, no, sure, go ahead.'
'Thanks. Oh, right, have you heard the new song Mr. Czerny just released? It's marvelous!'
'Uh, we haven't had the time to...'
'Look, there was this report from only a little while ago. It says he announced he'd donate all the proceeds from it to help Leithanian children who've been orphaned by Oripathy. It's hard to believe how nice he is... he barely even keeps much cash of his own.'
'Oh, aren't you eating that? You've got so much left. What's the rush?'
'I'm doing a check-up!'
'Check-up for who?'
'Czerny. Who else?'
—Informal conversation between Medic Operators at the cafeteria.
'I wasn't eavesdropping. I just happened to sit down right there.'
—As stated by Operator Hibiscus.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Before analyzing any piece of music, we must also conduct an in-depth analysis of the composer's experiences achievements. As we all know, William Czerny was born to a renowned family of musicians from the Afterglow. His mother Hayley Czerny raised him alone after his father passed away while he was young. As a pianist well-versed in musical theory, Hayley tuned pianos for a living following her husband's death.
As she had no one to take care of him, she often brought her son to work. Although many of her customers were talented pianists, all of them without exception were amazed by the young Czerny's extraordinary talents. And as he had yet to formally study piano, many of them taught him everything they knew.
Hayley died of illness when Czerny was fourteen, and he became infected with Oripathy by accident while dealing with her funeral arrangements. He had no choice but to abandon his plans to attend a music academy in Leithanien's capital, and instead studied under a famous local composer in the Afterglow. There, he met his teacher's eldest daughter. Her name is unknown, and all we know about her from our interviews with him is that Czerny sees her as a lifelong friend, and that she possessed great musical talent as well, but not only did their rivalry never get in the way of their friendship, it made them all the more inseparable as they appreciated each other's talent.
Those wondrous days lasted six years, and Czerny had already become a performer of great renown by then. However, no amount of being in the spotlight could have illuminated the dark fate that shrouded him at the time. When he was twenty, his dear friend died of her worsening Oripathy symptoms. Shocked, the great musician was unable to recover from this setback and turned to the creative process to release the pain in his heart. After shutting himself in for a year, the world was introduced to his magnum opus, 'Morgen und Abend'—the piece today's lecture is on.
This 'Morgen und Abend' elevated its composer to the top ranks of Leithanian musicians, yet behind it was a pain so great that it swallowed the composer whole. This great pain tore open a deep, deep fissure in his iron-like body, and it is through this fissure that his soft, inner self finally caught a glimpse of the true face of the outer world.
...I suppose I should leave it at that. Let's listen to this piece ourselves.
—Excerpt from the lecture records of Leithanien's top music academy's music appreciation course's fourth session.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
My most respected Frau Kal'tsit and Doctor, the research I have been conducting has ground to a halt due to a budget deficit, and I am hoping the two of you will grant me additional funding.
This research project aims to help our young operators master Originium Arts through musical education, as well as to study the specific effects a person's musical skill has on their Originium Arts education. Using myself as an example, I ran into quite a but of trouble when I first studied Originium Arts during my formative years. I spent months making no progress at all. However, I later realized that Leithanien's Originium Arts system goes hand in hand with its music, and my musical gifts were like a rich mineral deposit waiting to be mined. Which is why I immediately adjusted my study plan and banished from my thoughts all the basic theories I'd read in the books. Instead, I applied the music theory I had mastered directly to my Originium Arts, in the end greatly improving my learning efficiency while putting in only half the work.
Secondly, a person's Originium Arts education is of great value to our research on the role music plays in the Leithanian Originium Arts system. Leithanien's top Casters are almost without exception great musicians, and monumental musical works often led to breakthroughs in Arts development throughout Leithanien's classical Arts development history. It is also evident when looking at their history that the two's developments closely align with one another. Whenever Arts development reached a high point, a golden age of music occurred at either the same time or shortly after. Likewise, whenever the development of music stagnated, so too did the development of Arts.
My research has progressed far enough for me to draw the conclusion that the results our young operators achieve every step of the way are closely tied to the breakthroughs in their musical education. Further research should be able to illuminate the specific role that music plays.
Finally, I would like to note that music has widespread applications in the Originium Arts across all of Leithanien. In particular, in the Afterglow we have a unique medical Arts system for dealing with Oripathy, and its effectiveness has been proven by my protracted experiments. Naturally, if you are able to provide me with more funding, I can immediately put this research project on the agenda.

—Excerpt from Operator Czerny's 'Research Funding Application'

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'I've always thought that creating music is like walking a tightrope in a storm.' He sets down his beer bottle and turns to you to lament.
'Your soul is the tightrope under your feet. It must be sturdy enough to withstand the strong gales, born of our desires and emotions. The winds are absolutely terrifying, beneath our feet lies a bottomless abyss, and our path ahead is but that narrow rope.' He swallows his saliva as if what he is about to say is difficult to broach.
'I'm afraid, Doctor. Always have been.'
'Because the melody in my head is also the sound of the rope swaying violently in the storm.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I've never been an assistant before. It's a novel experience, but rest assured that I will not be remiss, even if this work is not my forte.
Talk 1 If any children aboard Rhodes Island wish to learn piano, you may send them to me, but I am a strict teacher. I am not one to release a student partway once he begins his studies.
Talk 2 I hear a musical school known as 'jazz' is currently popular in Columbia. I've had the fortune to hear a few records. The free, unweighted playing style greatly amuses me, but sadly, I seem to lack the temperament for performing in such a swing.
Talk 3 Are you curious about my hands? Indeed, they're broader than others' at a glance. Please, they're no freakish things. I have them to thank that I can rain every melodie that swims in my head down onto the keys.
Talk after Promotion 1 The Infected are only comparatively freer in Leithanien, and not that free. Outside of the Afterglow, there was hardly anywhere I could live, or eat... there was almost nowhere to turn.
Talk after Promotion 2 My near-death experience unleashed a sudden, completely new melodie upon my mind. Compared to it, the musical forms I'd once learnt seemed like shackles. Just what tremendous feeling brought about its birth? Perhaps in the face of Death, I was nowhere near as fearless as I imagined.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Thank you for your concern. I'm not feeling ill—my writing is merely bottlenecked, and I haven't slept in several days. My hair, well... I often unconsciously grab at it while composing, if that explains its current unruliness.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, would you like to exercise with me? You seem surprised. Fräulein Hibiscus requested it. Most artists are the frail sort, but my recitals often exceed two hours in length. How could I handle it without a sturdy physique to support me?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You flatter me. So many voices have been snuffed out in the rapids of history. Their owners were hardly without talent; they simply left too soon, before anyone could stop and listen to their masterpieces fine as nature's song. And I was but slightly luckier, enough so to escape with my life.
Idle Asleep? I hardly expected the lullabies I wrote to have an actual effect on you...
Onboard Greetings, Doctor, my name is Czerny. Any charm or taste I may have had has been poured entirely into my compositions. And as for myself, I am no more than a run-of-the-mill performer. That's all the introduction you need.
Watching Battle Record I will commit to watching these as you require, but this is hardly how I prefer to study. I have always approached others' second-hand experiences with skepticism.
Promotion 1 I'm extremely grateful for your sponsorship, Doctor; I am currently struggling financially. The annals of Leithanian art will commemorate your giving.
Promotion 2 I thank you for your approval. I had never seriously pursued Originium Arts before, and I hope henceforth that my Arts may be cast as freely as my melodien.
Added to Squad Through my creations, both pain and joy become immortal.
Appointed as Squad Leader Compared to my piano, my ability with a baton actually fares quite well.
Depart I've finished tuning. I may perform now.
Begin Operation Please be seated.
Selecting Operator 1 Shall I open?
Selecting Operator 2 Shall I close?
Deployment 1 To tremble in my music is your honor.
Deployment 2 Extraordinary melodies can only be played by the soul that quakes.
In Battle 1 Silence, immediately!
In Battle 2 Listen or leave!
In Battle 3 Shut up or else!
In Battle 4 Get out! Right now!
4-star Result Huff... I may be—exceptionally tired in both body and mind, but I do not want the music to end here.
3-star Result Drawing the final barline here is perfect. I hardly want any movement of mine to approach tedium.
Sub 3-star Result There are times when stubborn pursuit of a technique hinders more than helps. Allowing your emotion to follow the music's natural flow can take you further.
Operation Failure Please, don't be disheartened. Not every composition is smooth from start to finish. There'll always be a few rounds of polish before you land where you want to.
Assigned to Facility The deck of this ship is very spacious. Have you ever considered holding a concert there?
Tap Watch that the noten in my pocket don't spill out.
Trust Tap Perhaps you like to try learning an instrument? I could teach you; I'm qualified to tutor for the majority of them.
Title Arknights.
Greeting I've written a new song. Would you like to hear?