Attack Type




Deals Arts damage

Operator Description

Former Karlan Trade Chief Technical Officer, not interested in a single thing beyond technology.

Operator Quote

You've no cause for concern at all—he'll carry out anything you ask, as long as he agrees to it. And as long as you can convince him.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 12/21/2021
Release Date (Global) 6/30/2022


Potential Item

Gnosis's Token A self-defense dagger he forged after his arrival at Rhodes Island. You only found out far later, by pure chance, that this is one of the ways the Edelweisses show their friendship.


Attacks inflict Cold for 1 second; Apply 15% Fragile effect to Cold enemies within range. Frozen enemies within range receive double the Fragile effect
Attacks inflict Cold for 1 second; Apply 17% (+2%) Fragile effect to Cold enemies within range. Frozen enemies within range receive double the Fragile effect
Attacks inflict Cold for 1 second; Apply 25% Fragile effect to Cold enemies within range. Frozen enemies within range receive double the Fragile effect
Attacks inflict Cold for 1 second; Apply 27% (+2%) Fragile effect to Cold enemies within range. Frozen enemies within range receive double the Fragile effect
Grants Status Resistance to all [Karlan Trade] Operators after Gnosis has been deployed for 10 seconds
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack deals 120% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 125% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 130% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 135% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 140% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 145% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 150% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 155% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 160% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
The next attack deals 170% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.35
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.45
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.55
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Deals 100% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 110% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 120% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 130% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2.5 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 140% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2.5 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 150% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 2.5 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 160% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 3 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 170% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 3 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 180% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 3 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Deals 200% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies within Attack Range and inflict Cold for 4 seconds; Charged effect: Inflicts an additional layer of Cold
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1
cold 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
cold 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
cold 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
cold 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
cold 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
cold 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
cold 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
cold 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
cold 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
cold 4
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
9 Seconds
9 Seconds
9 Seconds
9 Seconds
9 Seconds
9 Seconds
10 Seconds
11 Seconds
12 Seconds
13 Seconds
Skill Effect
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 200% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 230% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 270% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 300% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 330% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +120 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 370% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +122 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 400% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +124 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 450% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +126 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 500% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
ASPD +130 and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously; Extend the effect duration of Frozen enemies within Attack Range until the skill ends, then deal 600% ATK as Arts damage to all Frozen enemies and remove the Frozen effect when the skill ends; Prioritizes enemies that are not Frozen
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.7
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.3
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.7
attack_speed 120
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 4
attack_speed 122
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 4.5
attack_speed 124
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 5
attack_speed 126
max_target 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 6
attack_speed 130
max_target 2


Lvl. 1
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Applies 10% Weakening to targets for 2 seconds
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 105
atk 15
def 15
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Gnosis, and unleash Hypothermia at least 1 time in each battle
Clear Side Story BI-7 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Gnosis, and cannot include any other Supporter Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, increases Morale recovery per hour of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 for each Karlan Trade Operator assigned to the Control Center
Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, all Karlan Trade Operators assigned to Trading Posts gain order acquisition efficiency -15% and order limit +6

Quick Evaluation

+ A Hexer supporter operator that mixes damage and crowd control.
+ Talent: Provides one of the strongest Fragile effects, and doesn't have HP restrictions
+ Talent: Grants Status Resistance to all Karlan operators, including himself.
+ A powerful source of Cold (reduces ASPD by 30) and Frozen (can't move and RES -15) debuffs. Excellent support for other Operators that interact with Cold/Frozen.
+ S1: Decent single target attack with a short Freeze. Good for occasionally disrupting enemy attacks.
+ S2: A moderate duration AOE Cold with a very short cooldown. Can be overcharged to AOE Freeze enemies, making it very useful for groups of weaker mobs. Benefits significantly from M3.
+ S3: Deceptively high damage, especially with ATK boosts. The damage can easily take down some elite mobs on its own thanks to benefiting from its own Fragile effect. Keeps enemies Frozen for the full skill duration.
= relatively short "Frozen" windows lean him more toward burst damage support, and the RES reduction better supports Arts damage.
- Talent: can't achieve maximum Fragile effect if enemies are immune to Frozen
- S1: Only provides one second of freeze which doesn't provide for much control.
- Ineffective against enemies that are immune to Frozen.

Operator Overview

"You are spending far too much time outside the laboratory, Doctor. As a researcher, you must know this only hinders you from making great strides."

Gnosis, SilverAsh’s childhood friend, has been in an awkward position in Kjerag ever since SilverAsh’s parents died in what may or may not have been an accident. Because the accident (if it was indeed an accident) occurred on the lands of Gnosis’ family, Gnosis’ parents were held accountable, and Kjerag society views Gnosis himself as an accomplice. SilverAsh doesn’t believe this to be the case and has continued his friendship with Gnosis, but things are awkward for Gnosis in his homeland, to say the least. He seems to prefer working far away from home at Rhodes Island, as a scientific researcher and a 6* Hexer Supporter. Gnosis hasn’t forgotten his roots, however—he brings his icy homeland to the battlefield with his focus on Cold and Freeze effects.

Because of his E1 Talent, Rigid Ice, Gnosis inflicts a Cold effect every time he attacks and passively applies the Fragile debuff to all Cold/ Frozen enemies within his attack range. On its own, Cold is a debuff that reduces ASPD by 30. When a Cold enemy is inflicted with Cold again, they instead become Frozen, which lowers RES by 15 and also doubles the effect of Gnosis’ Fragile debuff. Gnosis’ ASPD is too slow to Freeze enemies on his own, however. To achieve Freeze, Gnosis needs some help from his allies… or his Skills.

S1, High-Speed Cogitation, is an automatic Skill that causes Gnosis to attack twice in a row, dealing bonus damage with each hit and guaranteeing Freeze on the target. It’s surprisingly efficient against single targets, but for groups Gnosis may prefer Zero-Point Burst, his S2. This Skill instantly inflicts damage and Cold to all enemies in Gnosis’ attack range, and if it is Overcharged first, it inflicts Cold twice, meaning—you guessed it—Freeze. His S3, Hypothermia, occupies an interesting middle ground between the two. For the duration, Gnosis attacks multiple targets at a time with increased ASPD, and all enemies who become Frozen in his range remain Frozen until the Skill ends. When the duration runs out, Gnosis does his best Shiva impression and shatters all Frozen enemies in range, removing Freeze and dealing massive damage.

Many Operators who inflict Fragile on enemies have the effect tied to enemy HP. Gnosis, in contrast, applies Fragile based on the Cold/Frozen debuff, which is sometimes better and sometimes worse. On the one hand, he can potentially inflict Fragile earlier and more reliably than some Hexer Supporters, while also giving his team the benefits of Cold (ASPD reduction) and Freeze (prevents movement/ action and reduces RES). On the other hand, if his target is immune to Freeze, then Gnosis’ usefulness plummets. Like other Hexers, Gnosis has low base stats, so he isn’t very effective if he can’t apply his debuffs, and depending so heavily on Frozen means he can be even more “feast or famine” than other Hexers. He’s devastatingly effective when he’s allowed to run wild, however. As long as you think ahead about where and when he can do his job, Gnosis won’t let you down. 

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A decent mix of damage, crowd control, and debuffing, with a low deploy cost and large attack range, make for a versatile addition to a limited roster.

Skill Discussion

S3M3 S- S S-
S2M3 A A- S-

Gnosis is a powerful unit that offers an easy and powerful solution to many irritating mechanics. Freeze is one of the best forms of crowd control, and Gnosis reliably applies it with very high uptime. Along with a powerful damage amp, and good damage of his own, he has proven to have a ton of value across all game modes. S3 is his main skill to that effect. Its Masteries can seem a bit on the weak side, but the improvements to uptime and cycle time are important to the role he fills.

His S2 is another good skill. In most situations it doesn't have the meta value of his S3, but has one of the best crowd control uptimes in the game, and its Mastery gains are crucial. This results in a grade slightly higher than the skill’s value. It’s definitely worth pursuing Mastery if you intend to make regular use of Gnosis, but you can often treat it with lower priority. However, it is a very valuable skill in IS#3 where control is often necessary, so he becomes a much stronger M6 consideration there.

Finally, note that Gnosis’ S1 is used fairly frequently, but it doesn’t need Mastery. S1 is primarily used for its shorter cooldown Freeze, which Mastery doesn’t improve.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Can freeze enemies in place.
+ Extremely powerful weakening effect.
+ Decently high damage.
+ Powerful stall options.
- Freeze-immune enemies remove most of his utility.

IS2 Specific Notes

Underperforms against Boss 1 and 2 as they are freeze immune.

Good Relics

Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts
Golden Chalice

Relic Interactions

Has a pretty wide range by default, so the Counter-Arts relic set helps him debuff enemies even further for massive bursts of damage. Easily the most powerful Operator to receive Attack Speed boosts. Easily gets to a point where his normal attacks can permanently freeze enemies.

Recommended Promotion

E2 heavily recommended for access to S3 and Masteries.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Ryuzakiichi
CV 绿川光
CV (EN) Charles Aitken
CV (CN) 刘飞
CV (KR) 田昇和
Gender Male
Place of Birth Kjerag
Birthday Dec 11
Race Liberi
Height 188cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Former CTO of Karlan Trade. Joined Rhodes Island as an operator via special agreement between Karlan Trade and Rhodes Island.
Directed a multitude of core technological developments as well as planned industrial facilities for Karlan Trade; he also did in-depth research on Originium during his time there. Currently a member of Rhodes Island's principal laboratory, working on cutting-edge research.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Gnosis shows no signs of infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.14u/L
Operator Gnosis's blood Originium-crystal density is relatively high among Kjerag's non-Infected, likely impacted by his Originium research while there. However, he shows clear and comprehensive understanding of appropriate protective measures, and so currently presents little cause for concern.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
His codename Gnosis, meaning 'knowledge' or 'insight,' is said to be his real name. And as the name implies, he has extreme insight and an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge.
In some ways, Gnosis fits the stereotype of a researcher to a T, being unamenable to reason and unkind with his words.
This indifference of his doesn't change one bit in front of SilverAsh, so it surprises people to learn that he was actually SilverAsh's partner in founding Karlan Trade.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Since the earliest records of Kjerag's history, Gnosis's family—the Edelweisses—were keepers of precious documents and ancestry records for the whole region. Thus, the whole family's calling from generation to generation was to protect, write, and manage these records.
Gnosis's obsession with research comes from these ancestral duties.
It could be said Gnosis serves as an ideal researcher.
He has next to no desires, and has practically no interest in anything outside of research. He possesses the proactiveness and competence to transform his ideas into reality, electing to personally lead teams to obtain any necessary materials or tools that cannot be found at Rhodes Island. And once he concentrates on his research, he becomes a precise instrument—in the several experiments he's taken part in, he's never once made the slightest mistake.
At the same time, he's also rather apathetic regarding life and morality. We find it hard to call this a strong point, but it must be recognized that a portion of scientists hold moral stances different from an ordinary person, and prominent figures among these scientists often make startling breakthroughs not endorsed by common ethics. Rhodes Island by no means believes that ways of thinking that fall below our standards are needed to promote advancement in science, but we are unable to deny that the purer the scientist, the more likely they are to show deviation on moral issues. And for matters relating to the Infected, this goes doubly so.
This aspect of Gnosis was initially the focus of a high-level investigation, since a researcher of his caliber would undoubtedly be an asset to Rhodes Island, but if he was unable to identify with our perspective on the Infected, or was unwilling to abide by our policies, then we would be forced to part ways.
Gnosis did not disappoint us. He even surprised us with his willingness to conduct research related to the Infected following Rhodes Island's standard procedures.
In fact, when we submitted this requirement, he wasn't the least bit surprised. Presumably this was not because of whatever views he has on the Infected, but rather because he was already used to working under such constraints.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
The Silverashes and Edelweisses have always been close, with the two families' children growing up alongside each other and being jointly educated as a matter of course. SilverAsh and Gnosis are no exception.
Unlike the numerous relatively radical policies SilverAsh implemented after founding Karlan Trade, his father—Olafur Silverash—was quite moderate and thus did not meet any opposition from the conservatives of Kjerag when first establishing its variegated industrial foundations. Thanks to his firm character and skilled finesse, Olafur was quite loved and respected in Kjerag, a world apart from SilverAsh's future situation. Of course, we know by now that there were reasons that SilverAsh could not avoid this.
In brief, while Olafur and his wife may have been the fiends that sullied Kjerag in the eyes of some its more obstinate people, to the majority they had always been a model couple that thought of the citizens as they led them.
The couple's death was first assumed to have been plotted by Gnosis's father, but was ultimately ascribed to an accident. This meant the Edelweisses were not directly put on trial. However, the fact that their passing occurred within the Edelweiss domain still inspired more than a little slander. In an isolated environment like Kjerag, one tiny mistake can be engraved in the collective memory for generations, much less the framing of a great family's leader. This hounded every member of the Edelweiss family, who chose in the end to leave.
'You want to gain as full an understanding as possible of those working under you. I have no objections to this notion, and so I am willing to disclose the full history of my family. This does not, however, mean that I must tell you what went through my mind as I left Kjerag.'
'I made an appointment with him to meet again in future?'
'...How could that be?'
'However, even if he hasn't come, I will still return.'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
The infatuation Gnosis displays with scientific research aboard Rhodes Island is undeniably real, but it's confused a few of the people in the loop about the Snowcap Incident. Is he truly the same Gnosis who bore humiliation as part of SilverAsh's plans?
Of course he is.
The Doctor never actually came into direct contact with Gnosis during the trip to Kjerag, nor could we learn anything about his personality from all the files we could assemble on the various angles of the Snowcap Incident after the fact.
We only know that a good deal of people were discontent with his first return to Kjerag while openly using the Edelweiss name, and that following that, when he and SilverAsh jointly founded Karlan Trade, SilverAsh defied majority opinion by having him hold the post of CTO. He reciprocated this display of trust by bringing a wide array of technologies to Karlan Trade. But just as Kjerag didn't welcome Gnosis, so they didn't welcome Karlan Trade either. Because he only saw the ends, means be damned, the people who worked under him, while acknowledging his talents, had many complaints. This is without mentioning the rumors that his parents were responsible for the deaths of SilverAsh's, so it mystified people that he was willing to give him such a lofty position. As they wouldn't dare question SilverAsh, the blame naturally fell on Gnosis himself.
This is all fact. Even after coming to Rhodes Island, his personality is still disliked by many operators. However, after seeing his unconcealed obsession with science, we can now see why he took such a dishonorable role in the Snowcap Incident.
Because he doesn't care.
This isn't to say he's the kind who doesn't understand others' feelings. Precisely the opposite; he's exceptionally clear-headed on what he wants to do, and as such he can detach himself from any other concerns.
Researchers are often quite indifferent to everyday routine. They have sufficient mental energy to treat scientific principles objectively, but not necessarily enough left over to deal with personal emotions. Thus, a good few choose to cut themselves off as thoroughly as possible. Gnosis is clearly one of these types, and to him, the joint founding of Karlan Trade, and behind that, SilverAsh's concern for Kjerag's future, are the few fetters that exist for him. Aside from his work, that is the one and only thing he cares about.
And just as he's willing to devote his heart and soul to his research, he'll actually do the same for Karlan Trade's affairs. Even though he'll never admit it, nor will anyone else ever understand.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
When Gnosis first joined Rhodes Island, after spending a minimal amount of time reading a mass of information, he gave a number of relatively drastic proposals and suggestions. This has happened before, and each time it is a protracted battle as the parties hunker down. Though Rhodes Island is prepared for such things, the inconvenience is still palpable, especially with Gnosis's first impression being of the sort of researcher that's hardest to get along with.
But unexpectedly, after receiving objections, Gnosis didn't seem one bit taken aback and moreover showed his willingness to accept our restrictions, surprising everyone present. He's never given any explanation for this.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I can spend some time discussing matters with you before my next experiment.
Talk 1 You are spending far too much time outside the laboratory, Doctor. As a researcher, you must know this only hinders you from making great strides.
Talk 2 SilverAsh's sisters? Yes, I've met them several times... Hm...? What more do you want me to say? I know nothing about those frolicsome, ever-changing creatures, and I certainly am not interested in them.
Talk 3 It is incredibly ignorant to simply write off the symptoms that arise upon Oripathy infection as a mere disease, and then to go on to think only about how to 'control' and 'heal' this disease. Don't tell me this is how you think as well.
Talk after Promotion 1 Shining. I knew I would find her here... Hm? No, she is an excellent scholar, and we collaborated for a period of time until she disappeared one day. That's all.
Talk after Promotion 2 I am not working for SilverAsh; our objectives merely overlap. Of course, I won't deny what he is trying to achieve holds great significance for the future of the Snow Realm.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The best way you can earn my trust is by showing me your true academic strengths, and it seems you've already realized as much, Doctor. I am not like SilverAsh. I am not interested in deeper emotional exchanges.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 If you understand SilverAsh well enough, you know he is not a callous man. From my point of view, he might even be a little indecisive... That, is your weakness too, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Much like SilverAsh's, your endeavors require the help of countless supporters. However, the more supporters you have, the more you have to worry about. Since you cannot disregard them, you should avoid getting entangled. That is my one and only piece of advice for you, Doctor.
Idle It seems you are rather lax in maintaining your own health, Doctor.
Onboard Pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Doctor of Rhodes Island. I've been eager to meet you ever since Karlan began its relationship with your company. You may call me Gnosis.
Watching Battle Record War is merely a means to an end. That said, if you claim there are more efficient ways, I'm happy to learn.
Promotion 1 I am far more interested in gaining access to Rhodes Island's databases than I am in a salary increase.
Promotion 2 If Rhodes Island is willing the cross the line, I am sure you will see results that far surpass what you are currently achieving... That said, with SilverAsh as an example, I do understand the reasons behind your convictions. Hmph, allow me to offer a helping hand, then.
Added to Squad You're in luck. I just completed my experiment.
Appointed as Squad Leader Fulfill your roles, and leave the rest to me.
Depart I can only hope this mission won't prove to be a waste of time.
Begin Operation Follow the plan.
Selecting Operator 1 Right.
Selecting Operator 2 You disrupted my train of thought, Doctor.
Deployment 1 A fine choice.
Deployment 2 Let's put an end to this as soon as possible.
In Battle 1 As expected.
In Battle 2 I have an idea.
In Battle 3 What a ruckus.
In Battle 4 Do not disrupt my thought process.
4-star Result I look forward to seeing such spectacular results from you in your research, Doctor.
3-star Result Having prepared appropriately, these results are unsurprising.
Sub 3-star Result Sometimes, there is much to gain from the unexpected.
Operation Failure Were there too many variables outside our control...?
Assigned to Facility Time to head to the lab.
Tap Hey.
Trust Tap I have an idea. Care to hear it?
Title Arknights.
Greeting You should spend your time more efficiently, Doctor.