



Obtain 1 DP after this unit defeats an enemy; Refunds the original DP Cost when retreated
cost = 1

Operator Description

Grani, Vanguard Operator of Rhodes Island and mounted police, will clear all obstacles in the way using her lance.

Operator Quote

She will fight to the end, for her dreams, and for you.

Obtain Approach

Event Reward
The Operator is acquired by completing specific in-game Events.
Obtain Approach Detail
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 5/30/2019
Release Date (Global) 2/5/2020


Potential Item

Grani's Token A red police whistle. Blow it and you will feel a sense of justice puffing up your chest.


All [Vanguard] Operators obtain 10% Physical Dodge when Grani is deployed
All [Vanguard] Operators obtain 15% (+5%) Physical Dodge when Grani is deployed
All [Vanguard] Operators obtain 20% Physical Dodge when Grani is deployed
All [Vanguard] Operators obtain 25% (+5%) Physical Dodge when Grani is deployed
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
40 Seconds
Skill Effect
DEF +30%
DEF +35%
DEF +40%
DEF +45%
DEF +50%
DEF +55%
DEF +60%
DEF +75%
DEF +90%
DEF +100%
Detailed Skill Info
def 0.3
def 0.35
def 0.4
def 0.45
def 0.5
def 0.55
def 0.6
def 0.75
def 0.9
def 1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +30%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +35%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +40%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +45%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +50%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +55%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +60%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +66%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +72%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Range shortens; ATK & DEF +80%; Block +1; Attacks multiple targets equal to block number, and hits any targets within attack range
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
def 0.3
block_cnt 1
atk 0.35
def 0.35
block_cnt 1
atk 0.4
def 0.4
block_cnt 1
atk 0.45
def 0.45
block_cnt 1
atk 0.5
def 0.5
block_cnt 1
atk 0.55
def 0.55
block_cnt 1
atk 0.6
def 0.6
block_cnt 1
atk 0.66
def 0.66
block_cnt 1
atk 0.72
def 0.72
block_cnt 1
atk 0.8
def 0.8
block_cnt 1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Generates 2 DP after this unit defeats an enemy; Refunds the current DP Cost when retreated
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 150
def 45
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must include your own Grani, and Grani must be the first Operator deployed
Clear Side Story GT-6 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Grani, and have Grani defeat 8 enemies

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +50%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Gain +1 DP on kill
+ Trait: Full DP refund on retreat
+ When deployed all Vanguard operators gain 20% physical evasion
+ Extremely easy to max Potential, lowering her DP cost
+ Considered a defensive alternative to Vigna
+ Multi attack on s2 is unique for a Vanguard
- Defensive focus does not synergize well with her Dp-On-Kill mechanic.
- Can leak easily when her S2 is down because of 1-block base and weak killing power.

Operator Overview

“Compared to everyone else, I'm pretty ordinary. I don't have any superpowers, or spectacular achievements to brag about... But I don't need magic or claws to make the world a better place. I can do that with my own two hands! Of course, we still have to eat well!”

This oft-underestimated overachiever has shown great talent and tenacity to succeed. Grani is a Kill-DP-Recovery and Defense Vanguard who obtains 1 DP on every kill and refunds her DP cost on retreat.   

Grani’s stand-out ability is her Skill 2, Press the Attack!, which grants a strong ATK and DEF buff, increases the number of enemies she can block, and allows her to attack multiple enemies equal to her block number.  The Skill is ready fairly soon after deployment, which matches perfectly with her Kill-Recovery Vanguard role. She can be dropped on the battlefield, activate her Skill 2 to kill several enemies for DP, then be retreated when the Skill Duration finishes for a full DP refund.

Grani also has some support potential in Vanguard-heavy teams, as her Mounted Police Talent grants allied Vanguards evasion chance.  However, the random proc rate means it shouldn't be relied on.

Her defensive emphasis does not aid her role as a kill-recovery Vanguard, as they need to be able to kill enemies to have a noticeable impact.  Thus, outside of tactical use of Skill 2, players may find her performance a bit lacking. But when used with the appropriate timing, Grani offers strategic utility that can be quite powerful in the hands of an experienced Doctor.

For even more information on Grani, see our Operator Spotlight: Grani.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Having a defensive kit in an offensive archetype isn't a great idea.

Elite Promotion Discussion

Operator Impact: Low

Meta Use: Low

Explanation:  The extra DP on kill can be a nice bonus, but it really won't make much difference most of the time since she will still need to be paired with a DP-generating Vanguard.  The DP-generating Vanguards are usually able to generate enough DP on their own where Grani's DP-on-Kill doesn't end up being a make-or-break factor.

Since Grani is a defense-oriented Operator, she not only isn't set up as well to get kills for the first part of this Module, she also isn't a strong candidate to take advantage of the second part of the Module, which makes it cheaper to redeploy her later in stages (for a full description of how it works, see the Bagpipe entry above).

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Grani can be a pretty nice unit for VanguardKnights, but she has a tough time competing otherwise. Unfortunately for Grani, she is a victim of early design choices. Her S2 SP cost would be unthinkable on a modern kit. Despite that, S2 is still the obvious choice for Grani, but even then, the Mastery gains are pretty poor. Promotion should be considered a matter of personal desire only. Generally, the cheaper Vigna is far better for a role that's already pretty fringe, given her sky high attack and much better cycle time.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist alchemaniac
CV Haruka Yamazaki
CV (EN) Carina Reeves
CV (CN) 木雅瑞林
CV (KR) 李在岘
Gender Female
Place of Birth Victoria
Birthday Dec. 1
Race Kuranta
Height 154cm
Combat Experience
2 years
Infection Status Non-infected as confirmed by medical report.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Normal


Grani, formerly of the Victorian Mounted Police, specializes in high mobility operations such as raids, mechanized warfare, and infiltration.
Now works as a contract Operator providing support for all Rhodes Island op teams, as well as patrols of the island and its surrounding areas.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests on this Operator show clear outlines of internal organs, with no abnormal dark spots or shadows. No unusual traces of Originium particles present in the circulatory system, no signs of infection, confirming this operator as uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
No Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.1u/L
Subject is rarely exposed to Originium.

Grani is in such good shape, even if infection was chasing her, it wouldn't be able to catch up...
--A Medic Operator

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Grani is a mounted police officer from Victoria. Her ancestors immigrated from Kazimirez long ago, but kept a form of cultural practice that predates the popularization of Kazimierzian knighthood. Despite growing up in Victoria, Grani wore Kazimierzan armbands, showing her fascination with Kazimierzan knights.
The mounted police was one of the law enforcement agencies present in Grani's hometown. It included officers from national, county, and city police forces. They are known for their well-practiced operations and broad jurisdiction.
Grani was younger, shorter, and smaller framed than her teammates, which was a subject of some ridicule from other officers. She found herself handling busywork and other trivial tasks, kept away from serious law enforcement.
Her first job was to help a citizen find a lost wallet. She ran through the streets, checking every alley, asking everyone she came across, until she finally recovered the wallet from a gang member.
Grani never cared that her work was trivial, and she never sought promotion. She just wanted to patrol the town and help people in need.
Before long, the Mounted Police received a letter commending her efforts. Soon, a second letter came. Then a third, and even a public award. But when the people became accustomed to Grani's work, the stream fan mail slowed down.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
While she lacks combat experience, she never rushes into a battle without thinking first.
In most cases, she will analyze her target, the situation, the number of opponents, their skill level, her available tactics, and then wait for an opportunity to execute her plan.
Grani's flexibility in large-scale combat, as well as her speed make her an excellent choice to carry out Rhodes Island's tactical maneuvers.
She is incredibly cooperative in deployments, keeping to Rhodes Island's orders.
In addition, Grani excels at fostering esprit de corps and boosting morale. She is always positive and promotes unity among Rhodes Island's diverse staff. Most everyone is eager to work with her. She has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on the company.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Grani has received a lot of positive feedback on her work with Rhodes Island.
Grani was once part of the support team in a mission where Rhodes Island Operators were pursuing rogue mercenaries across an open plain. Grani demonstrated her incredibly mobility in this battle, successfully raiding the enemies, intercepting and trapping the main target to buy a time for her teammates.
Grani has also executed Originium escort missions for Rhodes Island. During one such deployment, she fended off a large group of interceptors threatening the convoy.
The list of her impressive accomplishments is long, given her lack of experience.
Grani once lost contact with her combat squad while clearing brigands from a mountainous area. The complex terrain wrought havoc with their communications signals.
When the squad finally found Grani, she had ran the bandits off on her own.
She took the initiative when fellow Operators could not arrive before the raiders began looting a village. She devised a plan to buy time, using the town streets and houses to mitigate the attack. She eventually forced the bandits to give up.
However, when she went to rescue a child kidnapped by an outlaw, she took a hit to her left arm.
After returning to Rhodes Island, the Operators discussed her course of action: 'She continued pursuing the enemy, but did she violate the directives of the operation?'
They came to the conclusion that while she did break some rules, without her efforts, the mission would have failed.
Grani made the right call.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Grani needs to gain more practical combat experience. It would help her to have more control over her engagements. She must also build up her physical strength.
Grani has some advantages over her peers, but they are insufficient.
I hope to see her deployed on more operations. At her current level, she will have a hard time reaching her goals.
She faces many challenges, but she must not be kept out of danger. It's her life.
She won't give up, no matter what.
That's the only thing I worry about.


Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Grani's Cavalry Pike
Manufacturer: Royal Dell Arsenal, Highbury, Londinium, Victoria.
Product Code: L-886
Length: 1.58m-3.03m
Grani's light rifle has a collapsible design and can be used as a short spear before unfolding. It also folds out to a standard light rifle.
As a police weapon, it cannot penetrate heavy armor, but is able to inflict serious damage to anyone who underestimates it.
The pike is humorously out of proportion to Grani's small stature and thin frame. It does not appear well suited to her.
Still, Grani loves her pike and has trained extensively with the weapon.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Reporting in, Doctor! Patrol completed. Nothing out of the ordinary!
Talk 1 I'm starving. That battle really took a lot out of me... You say you've got something to eat? Just for me? Whoa... It's… it's an apple pie! Thanks a lot! It looks great!
Talk 2 Everybody here at Rhodes Island calls me 'Tiny,' but it really doesn't bother me. The boys back on the force always teased me the same way. Hey! Don't pat my head! Or rub my ears! Or squeeze my cheek for that matter!
Talk 3 Doctor, I might not make it to training on Wednesdays or Fridays... Right, I need to be out there helping the civil corps to keep the peace and catch the bad guys! Wh-waht? I have an important mission on Friday?!
Talk after Promotion 1 Rhodes Island has lots of strong Operators, but there's no one who can match my speed!
Talk after Promotion 2 Time flies, Dcotor. We've been working together so long. I will never forget anything we've been through. But we can't stop now! We have to keep striving for that bright future, don't we?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I just bumped into Skadi in the hallway... Doctor, you think she's cold and distant, don't you? She's actually very kind. Really!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Compared to everyone else, I'm pretty ordinary. I don't have any superpowers, or spectacular achievements to brag about... But I don't need magic or claws to make the world a better place. I can do that with my own two hands! But before that, we still have to eat well.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, you always worry so much about your people, but you never remember to take care of yourself. You can't do that! No matter what dangers you may face, I promise I'll be there to hold your hand! Definitely, you have my word!
Idle Hmm? Why do you smell so good, Doctor? You're definitely hiding something tasty, aren't you?!
Onboard Mounted Police Officer Grani, here to answer your call for help! Fear not. From this point forward, I will protect you!
Watching Battle Record I see. That's another thing I should watch out for. Got it!
Promotion 1 An elite promotion medal? For me? Thank you, Doctor! I'll hang it up with my police medal!
Promotion 2 Since the day of my first mission, I've been leaning on this lance to get back on my feet. As long as I grip it tight, my heart will brim with the courage it needs to protect the people and their dreams.
Added to Squad Shall I go scout the battlefield?
Appointed as Squad Leader You're making me the captain? Okay. I'll protect the whole squad!
Depart All right, let's bring home a victory!
Begin Operation Your crimes stop here!
Selecting Operator 1 Leave it to me!
Selecting Operator 2 Sure!
Deployment 1 In position.
Deployment 2 Moving out!
In Battle 1 My lance will clear a path!
In Battle 2 Set! Ready! Charge on!
In Battle 3 Only one comes out on top when the lances are crossed!
In Battle 4 My battlefield extends well above the ground!
4-star Result If you look to harm those under my protection, you'll have to go through me first!
3-star Result Nice! That was an excellent fight! You all did splendidly!
Sub 3-star Result Doctor, please stay close to me. There may still be some enemies around.
Operation Failure Damn it... I can't let myself fall here!
Assigned to Facility Anyone need help here?
Tap Careful!
Trust Tap If we get the chance, I hope we can see the world together, Doctor.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello, Doctor!