



Significantly reduced Redeployment Time

Operator Description

Gravel, Specialist Operator of Rhodes Island, will zip around the battlefield to defend the squad.

Operator Quote

Is she really a knight? Really?

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Release Date (Global) 1/16/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/16/2020


Potential Item

Gravel's Token A badly worn Kazimierz knight badge. No matter what happened in the past, seizing the here and now is what really matters.


DP Cost -1
DP Cost -1; All units that cost 10 or less DP gain +6% DEF
DP Cost -1; All units that cost 10 or less DP gain +8% (+2%) DEF
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
DEF +200% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 6 seconds
DEF +220% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 6 seconds
DEF +240% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 6 seconds
DEF +270% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 7 seconds
DEF +290% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 7 seconds
DEF +310% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 7 seconds
DEF +340% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 8 seconds
DEF +360% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 9 seconds
DEF +380% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 10 seconds
DEF +400% after Gravel is deployed; her DEF continually decreases over 12 seconds
Detailed Skill Info
def 2
duration 6
def 2.2
duration 6
def 2.4
duration 6
def 2.7
duration 7
def 2.9
duration 7
def 3.1
duration 7
def 3.4
duration 8
def 3.6
duration 9
def 3.8
duration 10
def 4
duration 12
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 100% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 110% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 120% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 140% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 150% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 160% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 180% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 200% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 220% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
After deployment, gains a Barrier that can absorb damage equal to 250% of Max HP, decaying over 10 seconds
Detailed Skill Info
hp_ratio 1
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.1
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.2
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.4
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.5
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.6
duration 10
hp_ratio 1.8
duration 10
hp_ratio 2
duration 10
hp_ratio 2.2
duration 10
hp_ratio 2.5
duration 10


Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Refunds a large portion of the current DP Cost when retreated
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 100
def 40
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; In each battle, you must deploy your own Gravel at least 4 times
Clear Main Theme 4-8 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Gravel, and allow no Operators to be defeated

RIIC Base Skills

Focus α Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 40%
Metalwork β Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Precious Metal formula related productivity +35%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Significantly reduced redeployment time
+ Reduce self deployment Cost by 1
+ Easy to max potential for even lower DP cost
+ The go-to human sacrifice when you need to delay enemies or soak big attacks or enemy specials
- Extremely low ATK means she can't do much other than take hits
- Skill effects quickly wear off and then she can't do much

Operator Overview

“Ahaha... You won't need to worry about any ambushes or assassination attempts. Because I'll aaalways be here with you.”

Gravel may seem flirty when you first pull her, but she’s actually just an honest person being upfront about her feelings. To support her beloved Doctor’s plans, this 4* Fast-Redeploy Specialist uses her strong Defensive abilities to stall the enemy’s advance and tank nasty enemy Skills.

Gravel has a quick Redeploy Time, and she is also incredibly cheap. Her base DP cost is low and her Talents – Fast Redeployment and Support of the Little – decrease it even further. She is meant to be dropped down multiple times in a battle to delay targets, soak damage, or trigger dangerous abilities, and her Skills support this stalling strategy: Shadow Assault gives her a huge DEF boost and Rat Swarm gives her a massive damage-soaking shield. Both Skills trigger on deployment and decay rapidly; once they wear off, call Gravel back so she can catch her breath and come back fresh when she is next needed.

In keeping with her Specialist classification, Gravel isn’t very good at anything outside her particular niche. Her DPS is atrocious, and she isn’t much of a tank once her Skills wear off. But if you’re having trouble with the blast of exploding spiders or the binding spell of Sarkaz Casters, Gravel is the woman for the job.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

No flashy extra utility here, she just takes hits and takes 'em like a champ, but a lot of times that's all you need your Fast-Redeploy to do. Her cheap DP cost lowers the cost of multiple redeploys. Even once you have the higher rarity Ops in this Archetype, she'll still be a better choice in some situations. Also, her E1 RIIC base skill is fantastic, so she should be promoted anyway.

Skill Discussion

Note: Gravel must be deployed for her Talent to take DEF buff to be applied.

S2M3 B- C+ B

You likely don't need me to tell you why Gravel is good given how ubiquitous she is in the early going. She is still the best at that bait niche well into the endgame, even sometimes appearing in high risk CC. Typically, she works more than fine at E1; her damage is negligible and her bulk is already so high that extra investment is overkill. However, given that she is a unit many people like to E2 anyway, her Masteries have some decent value with low costs and big gains.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: Low/ No

Meta Use: Medium

Explanation: Gravel's DP cost is already dirt cheap at 5 DP.  This means her DP cost with multiple deployments maxes out at 10 DP.  A normal retreat would refund 5 DP, where with the Module it would refund 8, for a net gain of 3 DP for each retreat (at the third and subsequent retreats).  Although this isn't nothing, it also isn't enough to matter in the vast majority of situations, especially if you consider that the first 2 retreats gain even less, and the only place where that extra DP will matter is early in the stage while you are still deploying your team.

On top of that, Gravel's kit is defensive, so the player is likely using her to delay enemy advancement or to damage soak at specific times.  This will typically mean fewer deployments and also that she is more likely to die.  Since no DP is refunded at all on death, this further reduces the Module's usefulness.

Base Skill Analysis

Gravel gains her second RIIC Skill at Elite 1.

Is it worth it?  Absolutely!  This is tied for the highest Factory buff, and Gravel is a good strategic Specialist that will end up being leveled and used anyway.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Ryuzakiichi
CV Rika Tachibana
CV (EN) Naomi Mcdonald
CV (CN) 龟娘
CV (KR) 蔡敏智
Gender Female
Place of Birth Kazimierz
Birthday Jan 20
Race Zalak
Height 156cm
Combat Experience
4 years
Infection Status No Originium crystals are visible. Medical examinations confirm her status as non-Infected.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Normal


A Rank 4 Knight of Kazimierz, staying at Rhodes Island for undisclosed reasons.
Proficient in covert ops and assassinations, Gravel volunteered to be the Doctor's personal bodyguard.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests on this Operator show clear outlines of internal organs, with no abnormal dark spots or shadows. No unusual traces of Originium particles present in the circulatory system, no signs of infection, confirming this operator as uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Gravel showed no signs of infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Gravel rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
A girl no one would ever believe is a knight, were she not to divulge that fact.
Some of the things she says about the Doctor have raised questions about her mental state... Fortunately, no other issues have been reported.
Blushes easily when excited or emotional.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Gravel is a level-4 knight, barely mid-rank in the hierarchy.
But the title 'Knight of Kazimierz' is itself a status symbol. It is hard to imagine another knight with such status, other than Miss Nearl, who would stay with a little-known outfit like Rhodes Island.
Of course, Gravel is a special case, since her reasons for being here are obvious to everyone.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
With the passage of time, knighthood has evolved from a title of nobility to a profession. No longer do they maintain a stuffy, goody-two-shoes image.
Knights versed in covert ops such as Gravel are now fairly common.
But to rise to knighthood from such a humble background like Gravel's is still a rarity.
Indeed, she was sold to Kazimierz as 'chattel,'with a barcode on her shoulder an indelible reminder of her origins.
From those modest beginnings, she worked her way up the ladder to eventually become a level-4 knight, and just as she refuses to hide her barcode covered, has never hidden her past from her curious comrades.
While we don't speak of people as 'chattel' here at Rhodes Island, and knights don't have any special status over anyone else, her honesty and openness is still very much appreciated.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Most Operators at Rhodes Island answer to their codenames as their new names. They leave their pasts behind, and some use those codenames as the first step intheirnew lives at Rhodes Island. Naturally, to some it is merely a convenience, rather than anything so meaningful.
To Gravel, however, divulging her real name to someone she trusts carries a very special meaning--that she is sharing her 'chattel' identity and her knight identity with that person.
This is a privilege even the Kazimierz family that endowed her with knighthood has not yet enjoyed.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Aaaahhh! You want me to stay by your side? I can barely keep my heart in my chest!
Talk 1 Fascinating...
Talk 2 Don't mind me, just continue with your work.
Talk 3 Hmm? What am I looking at? Why, you, of course!
Talk after Promotion 1 If that's what you ask, Doctor, I will do what it takes to become stronger.
Talk after Promotion 2 Heheh... You don't need to worry about any ambushes or assassination attempts. Because I'll aaalways be here with you.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Are you finally... a little bit interested in me now? Well, I've always been a big bit interested in you.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Thanks for taking such good care of me these days. By my knighthood of Kazimierz, I hereby pledge to repay your kindness with my life—huh? You're not used to me talking this way? But I'm an honest-to-goodness knight. Surely I can improvise a speech or two.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Ever since I was taken away to Kazimierz, it's rare for someone to be so kind to me. So, if you don't mind, Doctor... I, Gravel—no, I Senomy, on my honor as a knight, shall serve you always at your side.
Idle When I'm here with you, don't you feel your heart racing?
Onboard Mmmwah. Hm? What's wrong? Your face is beet red. That's just how I say hello. Don't think too much about it. Anyway, I'm Gravel, a knight of Kazimierz. It's a pleasure. Heheh.
Watching Battle Record Are you the one who comes up with all the Rhodes Island's battle tactics, Doctor? Oh~ that's even more intriguing.
Promotion 1 You think I'm doing well, Doctor? Yaay!
Promotion 2 This means you need me, doesn't it? Heheh.
Added to Squad You want to go together? Hehe...
Appointed as Squad Leader Oh~ You chose me!
Depart I'll come with you~
Begin Operation Hehehe...
Selecting Operator 1 Hmm?
Selecting Operator 2 Any orders for me?
Deployment 1 This is the place~
Deployment 2 Surely a good spot.
In Battle 1 I am your shadow.
In Battle 2 hehe...
In Battle 3 You really think you'll get away?
In Battle 4 Gather up, my rats!
4-star Result Of course the Doctor's tactics are flawless~
3-star Result My blade hasn't even been stained red yet... hehe...
Sub 3-star Result Run all you like, Let's see how far you can get.
Operation Failure Sorry... did I... mess up again...?
Assigned to Facility Hmm, looks like there's a lot of good hiding places here in this room~
Tap hehe...
Trust Tap Yes. I'm right here, always and forever.
Title Arknights.
Greeting How are you today, Doctor?

Operator Records

Record: Past in Dreams
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_gravel_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
As a fourth-order Kazimierz knight, Gravel possesses ample combat experience. Those familiar with Miss Gravel's capabilities will know they're perfectly suited for supporting teammates. Agile movement, substantial defense, precise enemy-pinning—all helping Gravel hinder and stall enemies alone, making more time for her teammates to adjust.
More than one tricky foe? No need to worry. The nimble, here-and-there Gravel won't allow the enemy any openings.