Attack Type




Cannot be healed by allies; Attacks deal AOE Damage; Recovers 50 HP for every enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
value = 50

Operator Description

Branch Operator Highmore, more belligerent than her looks suggest.

Operator Quote

Daughter of the sea, yet willful rejecter of the ocean.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 9/27/2022
Release Date (Global) 5/23/2023


Potential Item

Highmore's Token A pure white conch shell. Clasp it in the quiet night and lift it to your ear, and you'll seem to hear a distant song of farewell.


Recover 18 Elemental Damage for each enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
Recover 23 (+5) Elemental Damage for each enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
Recover 30 Elemental Damage for each enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
Recover 35 (+5) Elemental Damage for each enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
In [Mizuki & Caerula Arbor], ASPD +10, Block +1
In [Mizuki & Caerula Arbor], ASPD +25, Block +1
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The ATK of next attack increases to 105%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 110%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 115%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 120%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 125%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 130%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 135%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 145%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 155%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 165%, attacking twice consecutively
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.15
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.35
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.45
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.55
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.65
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30%, gain 40% Physical dodge, and recover 5% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +33%, gain 40% Physical dodge, and recover 5% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +36%, gain 40% Physical dodge, and recover 5% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +40%, gain 45% Physical dodge, and recover 6% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +43%, gain 45% Physical dodge, and recover 6% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +46%, gain 45% Physical dodge, and recover 6% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +50%, gain 50% Physical dodge, and recover 7% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +53%, gain 53% Physical dodge, and recover 8% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +56%, gain 56% Physical dodge, and recover 9% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
ATK +60%, gain 60% Physical dodge, and recover 10% of max HP whenever an enemies dies within range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
prob 0.4
hp_ratio 0.05
atk 0.33
prob 0.4
hp_ratio 0.05
atk 0.36
prob 0.4
hp_ratio 0.05
atk 0.4
prob 0.45
hp_ratio 0.06
atk 0.43
prob 0.45
hp_ratio 0.06
atk 0.46
prob 0.45
hp_ratio 0.06
atk 0.5
prob 0.5
hp_ratio 0.07
atk 0.53
prob 0.53
hp_ratio 0.08
atk 0.56
prob 0.56
hp_ratio 0.09
atk 0.6
prob 0.6
hp_ratio 0.1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Cannot be healed by allies; Attacks deal AoE damage; Recovers 60 HP for every enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 160
attack_speed 4
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Highmore, and have Highmore deal at least 12,000 damage
Clear Intermezzo SN-2 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Highmore, and can only include 2 other Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, all Rhine Tech-type Skill and Pinus Sylvestris Skills skills in the Factory are considered Standardization skills
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%

Quick Evaluation

+ Talent 1 gives Highmore some staying power against elemental damage
+ Talent 2 offers +ASPD and +1 Block Count in IS3
+ Unique range offers some interesting decisions with positioning
+ S1: A great skill that leans into the strengths of the Archetype.
= +1 Block Count only aids with self-sustain, not killing power
= Worse outside of IS3, but still a pretty good unit
-- Talent 2 is exclusive to IS3, meaning Highmore loses a significant portion of her power anywhere else
- S2 is an oddly defensive skill on an otherwise very offensive Archetype
- Will struggle to kill high DEF enemies quickly
- Can't be healed normally

Operator Overview

Highmore was injured during a Rhodes Island operation in the Iberia region, and she was brought back to HQ for medical care. The Rhodes Island medical department was able to assess that Highmore does not suffer from Oripathy, but unfortunately, she may have something worse: Seaborn tissue growing out of her arms. (Her purple right hand? Yeah, that’s not a glove.) Rhodes Island quickly decided to keep Highmore close for observation, and what better way to do that than to sign her on as a 5* Reaper Guard Operator who self-heals Elemental Damage and gives herself Physical Dodge?

The Reaper Guard archetype comes with some noticeable Traits: they cannot be directly healed by allies, their attacks are AoE, and they recover HP for every enemy they hit (up to a cap of their Block count). Highmore’s first Talent, Reap and Nourish, adds to this by recovering Elemental Damage as well as HP for every enemy she hits (subject to the same cap of her Block count). This Talent applies everywhere, but Highmore also has a second Talent that applies specifically within the IS#3 game mode: Tainted by Malady, which gives Highmore bonus ASPD and Block +1. The Block count increase is highly influential for Highmore, since it influences the cap on her self-healing and her Elemental healing, making her surprisingly durable in IS#3.

Highmore’s S1, Look Back and Cast Aside, is her primary Skill. It has the [Attacking Enemy] SP charge type, it has a very low SP cost, and it automatically causes her next attack to hit twice for increased damage: simple yet highly effective. The Skill is good enough for its damage alone, but each hit also counts for Highmore’s HP and Elemental healing, making it even more useful. In rare circumstances you may resort to Highmore’s S2, Foaming into Oblivion, which gives Highmore bonus ATK and Physical Dodge, along with restoring her HP every time an enemy is defeated within her attack range. This Skill can make Highmore more durable against Physical enemies, but it is a little too RNG-based and low-uptime to compare to Look Back and Cast Aside in most situations.

Reaper Guard is a powerful archetype, and Highmore is a solid (if not exceptional) example of the archetype for most content due to her Trait and her strong S1. However, she specifically comes into her own by getting the awesome benefits of Tainted by Malady from IS#3. A Block-3 self-healing monster who multiplies her damage every few attacks and recovers from Elemental Damage? Who doesn’t want that?

Newbie Tier List Explanation

If you are interested in IS#3, she might be worth the investment, since she is a strong operator in that mode (because of her mode-specific talent) and decent outside of it. If not, investment should be done with caution, since her competition is generally stronger.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 A A- S

Outside of IS#3, Highmore is fairly inferior to La Pluma. La Pluma's Talent is just far better in the general game. However, Highmore is still an excellent unit due to a strong archetype, and her IS#3 mode specific Talent elevates her above her competitor there. While mode specific effects are rarely worth pursuing, Highmore is an exception, due not only the scale of IS#3 but also her decent value outside of it.

While La Pluma is a strong M6 candidate, Highmore is not. The debate of burst versus consistency isn’t here, and the defensive nature of her S2 is too situational. There will be rare places it excels in, but in a vast majority of cases you should stick with the consistency that her S1 brings. With S1 and her mode specific buff, she is one of the stronger starter picks due to her good damage, strong self-sustain, and functionality at E1. However, the reduced SP at S1M3 is big, so even if she works well at E1, she is well worth the extra Mastery investment.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Horin
CV 大下菜摘
CV (EN) Ashlyn Madden
CV (CN) 许潇文
CV (KR) 李多恩
Gender Female
Place of Birth Iberia
Birthday Aug 23
Race Ægir
Height 156cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Outstanding
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Flawed


Highmore was brought to Rhodes Island for medical treatment after being involved in an operation in Iberia.
Based on observation and her test results, she was approved to become a field operator and now supports various missions around Iberia.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, the operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Highmore shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.08u/L
Operator Highmore rarely comes into contact with Originium.

That's it, what else do you want to know? The proliferation of Seaborn tissue on her arms and weapon? That's far beyond my area of expertise. I'm just a doctor who doesn't even know what a Sea Terror is, after all. Why don't you consult a biologist instead?

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
I still remember how disorganized we were when Highmore first arrived at Rhodes Island.
Those of us who were present at the time should still remember it clearly. The Hunters from Ægir had only just finished their report at the Rhodes Island Landship and left when Tulip and Mizuki sent us such a big surprise. Even Dr. Kal'tsit was still in talks with Iberia...
Though we always say we can't ignore a wounded patient in need, we're still responsible for the safety of the other personnel after all. If it weren't for Amiya using her power and guaranteeing that Highmore was different from those appalling creatures, we wouldn't have known what to do. I even heard that Medical faced some technical difficulties when operating on her wounds and the hyperplastic tissues?
That's not all. After the surgery, Mizuki even requested us to accept her as an operator, to allow her to once again experience life amongst people... We weren't the only ones surprised, I'd wager even Amiya couldn't hide her astonishment, and Tulip was next to her just coughing lightly.
As for me? Well, I ended up being the one in charge of arranging and recording her test results. ...No, I don't think there was anything worth remembering or discussing, especially not her weapon impact tests on bionic dummies. If you're really interested, have mercy on me and go check the recordings yourself.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Highmore does not shy away from revealing personal information, and readily cooperated with our background investigation.
When the topic of her parents came up, Highmore continued to maintain a facade of calmness and indifference, but we were able to get a glimpse of her feelings through her phrasing and micro-expressions.
The tragedy she experienced is little different from that of many other Ægirs in Iberia. Whether it was her father being spirited away by the Inquisition under the pretense of his Ægir identity, never to return, or her mother gradually becoming mute in the few remaining years of her life before finally dying of despair, their departures left an irreparable mark in her life.
Surprisingly, she does not seem to harbor any grudge or regret towards the Inquisition. Instead, she blames the townsfolk for falsely accusing her father to save their own skins, the neighbors for spreading false rumors of her mother's alluring voice, and herself for being helpless to change anything yet unable to let go.
She directs her hatred toward human weakness rather than ill will, and perhaps that is why she continues to wallow in remorse and shame to this day.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
When the townsfolk attempted to pry open the door—to take away her mother's corpse—shouting, cursing, declaring the drought to be a curse she'd brought about, wanting to purge it by incinerating the body...
It was still afternoon, the sun still high up in the sky. Yet, I swear I saw starlight through the window. It formed a humanoid body, looking grand and divine, with bright blue stars marking an old man's joints. They fluttered around like spores in the wind, while lines of starlight coalesced into blood vessels. Countless moist and vibrant organisms converged harmoniously, drawing out the lines and contours of a human body.
When the old man raised his arm, it was like a bite had been taken out of the crowd. Where his hand passed, there remained no noise, nor any marks, or even bloodstains. The wriggling starlight consumed all violence, leaving only silence in its wake.
When the entire street was fully illuminated by starlight—it took but a moment—the grandpa, the bishop, started walking towards me. Behind him flowed a living carpet, or a cape, or something, formed of nothing but the stars and the ocean.
It was serene, beautiful, brilliant. Ah, so this is what humans should really be like...
I, too, wish to join that patch of starlight.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Miscellaneous Records]
Child, I am not against your desire to change, starting with your name. However, I do not give you this name for you to simply blindly chase after some vague higher goal.
Humans are infinitesimally small, unbelievably small. We are each but a tiny grain awash in the waves.
In our imaginations, the lives of ordinary people able to live self-sufficiently may suffice to represent all of humanity. However, within such imagination, the term 'humanity' eminently excludes the Infected, the impoverished barely able to eke out a living, the wanderers without a home in the wilderness, the Sarkaz branded with the epithet of evil, and we of Ægir. Such massive-yet-myopic idealism does not even include the land and the sea humans rely on to live, nor the flora and fauna that are reduced to mere resources. It contains only humans, and the creations they pride themselves upon.
This irrationality stems from the weakness and inefficacy of humanity, their inequality and distrust. Only by shedding our laziness and degeneration, by shattering our biases in the pursuit of evolution, can we finally realize the value of a human being.
Oh, Highmore. How dearly I wish for you to stand higher, to discover the means to bind all of this together, to find all the myriad paths to walk towards this future, instead of simply basking in the faint glory of any one pioneer.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
During a trip back to the landship, Highmore came to the abrupt realization that the mission she had just participated in was simply a short line on a random tactical planning map. To be clear, this should have been obvious with a bit of logic.
The difference this time was that she had suddenly discovered countless other lines just like it, along with operator codenames crammed wherever they fit, as if weaving a constellation chart, each point connecting people together.
Why had she never paid attention before, despite having seen similar things so many times? Heh, without even realizing it, you all are gently re-weaving the homes that humans rely on.
Or perhaps, it could be us.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant If some work is beyond even your power, then how can I possibly take on a share?
Talk 1 That nightmare still comes to mind, even now. My life denied by some grand ecology... no, not denied. It would admit everything, it was more sublime than life itself... it made me feel shame at the selfishness of life.
Talk 2 I don't want to belittle the Medical Department's effort, but I don't believe life can be 'cured' like a disease. Human or Sea Terror, I'm doomed to live on as half-baked, and that's the price I pay for my own foolishness.
Talk 3 That special 'collaborator' of yours is just something other right now, using biological function to imitate his old form, and you should know that better than him. You're still seeking possibilities in him? I hope you aren't repeating my mistakes.
Talk after Promotion 1 I've felt at ease in my time residing aboard the landship, even come to recognize it as a feeling similar to my long-lost home... You don't need to be concerned. Even if Iberia will never be a home to the Ægir, I'd never refuse to execute my responsibilities there, such as we've agreed.
Talk after Promotion 2 Anything that seems to be given for free will eventually demand some price of you. That's the lesson I learned. And some of what you do appears to practically overturn that... I'll have to wait and see.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 You're wondering what this song is? It's just something my mother taught me when I was young. I didn't take much interest back then, only humming perfunctory notes to follow along. It was only after losing her, I realized... these melodies form one of the few things I still have to my name.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 An ignorant girl gives up her song, and gains naught but a dream snuffed as quickly as the foam in return. It sounds just like a fairytale, doesn't it? And the fact that such a stupid girl could be saved at the story's end... seems like a fairytale, too.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You've helped me recover the courage to trust in other beings, so I hope you see this responsibility through. Lead those willing to follow you, and put an end to those disasters that should never have befallen the innocent. Please, don't disappoint me.
Idle You see them in your dreams too, don't you? All those faces who've quietly left your life.
Onboard So, you'd be the 'Doctor'. I don't have much to introduce about myself. If I'm standing here, you must have read and approved all the files about me.
Watching Battle Record Maybe I shouldn't doubt the value of these records, like I did before.
Promotion 1 The more you seek from a power you should reject, the deeper you fall into it. Eventually, it will engulf your entire being. You understand this, don't you?
Promotion 2 You wish to forge a space that can admit me, and hope for me to admit everything surrounding me...? An arrogant notion, truly. But maybe I could bear witness with you, until the day you give up.
Added to Squad Looks like we've gotten our approvals. It's time to go.
Appointed as Squad Leader I might bring their ruin, but only you can bring our victory.
Depart Let us reap those naive delusions and immature obsessions.
Begin Operation I hear the sound of the flooding tide.
Selecting Operator 1 Do you have instructions for me?
Selecting Operator 2 Do I still have to wait?
Deployment 1 As you ask.
Deployment 2 I have no doubt.
In Battle 1 They have no position to evade.
In Battle 2 They have no power to withstand.
In Battle 3 They have no way to advance.
In Battle 4 They have no path to escape.
4-star Result Sometimes, your grasp of the surrounding situation makes me instinctually fearful. Yes, I believe you could make even Sea Terrors comprehend fear. So, do you intend to feel happy about this?
3-star Result The waves have subsided. If you have no other tasks, I should leave immediately to undergo a 'routine' inspection.
Sub 3-star Result Were you showing mercy? Are enemies of this level worth your indulgence?
Operation Failure We should go. Before the next wave has us drowned.
Assigned to Facility So this, too, is the place you promise I can belong.
Tap Did you need me?
Trust Tap This place might be more... calming than expected.
Title Arknights.
Greeting We still have some time, before the tide floods the soil beneath us.