Attack Type




Cannot be healed by allies; Attacks deal AOE Damage; Recovers 50 HP for every enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
value = 50

Operator Description

Waste management expert Humus firmly believes that everyone and everything has a purpose.

Operator Quote

Capable of fixing everything other than his unkempt appearance.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 4/6/2023
Release Date (Global) 10/24/2023


Potential Item

Humus's Token A stained self-made hammer-drill. Can be used to drill holes and tighten screws, as well as against people when left without a choice.


Any HP gain exceeding this unit's Max HP is converted into a Barrier; caps at 60% of Max HP
Any HP gain exceeding this unit's Max HP is converted into a Barrier; caps at 64% (+4%) of Max HP
Any HP gain exceeding this unit's Max HP is converted into a Barrier; caps at 100% of Max HP
Any HP gain exceeding this unit's Max HP is converted into a Barrier; caps at 104% (+4%) of Max HP
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 160%, and recovers <>50 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 170%, and recovers <>50 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 180%, and recovers <>50 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 190%, and recovers <>60 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 200%, and recovers <>60 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 210%, and recovers <>60 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 220%, and recovers <>80 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 230%, and recovers <>80 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 240%, and recovers <>80 HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 250%, and recovers <>80 HP
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
value 50
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
value 50
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
value 50
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
value 60
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
value 60
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
value 60
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
value 80
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
value 80
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.4
value 80
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
value 80
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
Skill Effect
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +15% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +18% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +21% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +25% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +28% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +32% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +36% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +39% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +42% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Block count +1, gains Vigor effect of +45% ATK when over 50% HP; effect doubles when over 80% HP
Detailed Skill Info
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.15
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.3
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.18
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.36
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.21
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.42
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.25
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.28
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.56
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.32
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.64
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.36
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.72
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.39
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.78
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.42
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.84
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.atk 0.45
humus_s_2[peak_1].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.5
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.atk 0.9
humus_s_2[peak_2].peak_performance.hp_ratio 0.8
block_cnt 1


Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Cannot be healed by allies; Attacks deal AoE damage; Recovers 60 HP for every enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 100
atk 10
def 14
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Humus, and unleash Efficient Processing at least 1 time in each battle
Clear Main Theme 7-8 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Humus, and only Melee Operators are allowed for the remaining members

RIIC Base Skills

Just Fix It Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 50%
Waste Not Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Workshop to process Elite materials with a base Morale cost of 2, byproduct production chance is increased by 40%

Quick Evaluation

+ Talent: Mixed with the Reaper trait, his Talent allows him to build up a solid barrier to take on harder threats.
- S1: Unlike Highmore and La Pluma's S1, Humus' S1 remains at 3 SP even at M3, greatly reducing his relative potential.
- S2: Even if the Vigor threshold can be maintain, the overall damage output is lower than S1.
- Extremely poor Mastery gains make deeper investment questionable.
- Highmore, who is freely available from the IS#3 rewards ladder, is almost always superior, and high E1 costs are close enough that raising Humus doesn't have much value.

Operator Overview

Humus could have equally taken “Hoarder” as his codename, considering his obsession with holding onto every spare part and loose gadget he comes across in his work with waste disposal. It got so bad that the logistics department had to issue an ultimatum forcing him to organize his collection before it spilled out into public spaces. Humus met the deadline by turning his piles of junk into a complicated storage system machine… giving him the space to squirrel away more junk. Humus hates letting anything go to waste, which is why his area of expertise as a 4* Reaper Guard is turning overhealing into barrier HP so he can stay in combat for the maximum amount of time.

It should be no surprise that Humus’ Talent is Recycling, which simply causes him to turn overhealing he receives into barrier HP. This is an excellent Talent, but don’t forget that Reaper Guards cannot be directly healed by allies—they primarily recover HP by attacking enemies (although regeneration effects work as well). His S1, Solid Waste Cutting, helps him accumulate more healing for his Talent by causing his next attack to deal increased damage and recover extra HP. In contrast, his High-Efficiency Processing S2 rewards good use of his Talent by giving him a Vigor effect when his HP is above a certain threshold (and also tacking on Block Count +1 for good measure).

Humus is very close to being an ideal laneholder: the obvious cycle is “amass barrier HP, burn barrier HP against enemies, heal back up to max barrier before the next wave.” In practice, it doesn’t work as smoothly as it sounds. Because Humus has short range and primarily heals by attacking enemies, he usually can’t heal himself until he’s already losing HP from being attacked (regeneration effects notwithstanding). This usually results in him breaking even rather than pulling ahead with his barrier, especially since he doesn’t have any particular damage mitigation effects while his barrier is active (so really, his barrier HP is no different than just having higher max HP by default). Because Reaper Guard is a powerful and widely useful archetype, Humus is still a perfectly capable unit for frontline combat. Just don’t expect him to generate an infinite amount of barrier HP for himself while he’s doing so.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A strong Archetype that can hold lanes and DPS, especially in the early game, and at a relatively cheap 4 star development cost. A great option for a new player needing to fill those holes in their roster.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Reapers are a natively strong archetype, which means Humus is usable should you want. However, since he is inferior to Highmore who is freely available, there isn't much other reason to raise him. This guide tends to judge units on their own merits, yet despite that, Humus remains ungraded due to some truly atrocious gains over Mastery. Even the lower 4★ Mastery costs are difficult to justify here. Should you want to Master a skill on him anyway, go with S1. Even if you can maintain S2's Vigor threshold, which is difficult, S1 will generally outperform it overall. Even then, as noted, the gains are incredibly poor, with S1M3 barely cracking 5.5% more DPS than SL 7 (for reference, 15% is a more typical number).

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Wǒqī Luò Jiàng
CV 喜屋武和辉
CV (EN) Gabriel Romero
CV (CN) 黑石稔
CV (KR) 朴周光
Gender Male
Place of Birth Columbia
Birthday Feb 20
Race Forte
Height 185cm
Combat Experience
18 Years
Infection Status Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Humus is the de facto supervisor of a disposal plant in the Columbian wilderness. Referred by a local field office operator, he came to Rhodes Island for Oripathy treatment. He provides his services to Rhodes Island as a member of the Engineering Department, as well as assisting with the disposal of solid waste.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 13%
Multiple Oripathy lesions found inside the body. Fortunately, they are low in volume and relatively sedate. Further close examination of the lesions are required in future treatments.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.30u/L

Look at this list. His Oripathy's condition is actually pretty severe, though all the bodily indices we measured are pretty decent. Especially his vital capacity. It's twice mine! He's a case that's very much worth researching!

Maybe you just gotta get out more.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
When our Logistics operator chatted with the sturdy Forte and showed him around Rhodes Island and to his dorm room, she most likely didn't expect that, in merely three days, his room would already have transformed into a terrifying labyrinth constructed of second-hand wares, self-made tools, and a wide assortment of parts. What's even more terrifying is the fact that there are more of these things by the day.
With the room having become so jampacked with miscellany that the door could barely be closed, Logistics had a small scare—if it took him only three days to fill his room with all this stuff, it's not hard to imagine how it could start spilling outside in another three days.
Humus gave his assurance that this would not happen and that he would have his dorm room cleaned up himself. Not entirely convinced, the Logistics operators waited for a week.
After a week, Humus personally invited Logistics to pay his room a visit. Aside from an overall lack of space and the walls looking somewhat different in color, the room was in perfect order. At the very least, it no longer had any junk lying around.
'Sorry for the trouble,' the Logistics operator said. 'It must've been a lot of work to throw away all that.'
'I didn't throw away anything.'
'Uh, what about all the stuff in your room then...'
'It's all here.'
Humus said as he reached under his bed.
The Logistics operator thought he was going to dig something out and was just about to tell him not to bother, only to hear a bang. It seemed Humus had hit some kind of switch under the bed.
Then, a large, extendable metal box gradually extended out of what seemed to be merely an excavator decoration. The box kept extending and extending until it reached the floor, upon which its door automatically opened. Inside was an extendable shelf, packed with all the second-hand items, self-made tools, and parts from a week ago.
'This is a fifth of it,' Humus said from underneath his bed with a slightly stuffy voice. 'Another fifth was used to build the storage system. Do you want to see the other three-fifths? I gotta use the controls under my bed to bring them out of the other walls, though it's gonna take some time.'

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Humus is skilled at making strange inventions, but he is even more skilled at recycling the usable parts of any industrial products that have been thrown away.
When throwing away industrial products, most people's instinct is to shuck whatever is still usable and throw away what isn't, yet the term 'throw away' doesn't seem to exist in Humus's dictionary. The mindset that best corroborates this is the 'Humus Cycle' well-known among our operators. He made a TV out of bread machine parts. Then, after the TV stopped functioning, he made a space heater with it. Afterwards, he made an electric cooker with its parts.
When Closure caught wind of this rumor, she jokingly gave him a completely rusted metal file cabinet that she had just dug out of storage to see what he could do with it. The next day, an embarrassed Humus told her that the cabinet was so rusted that not even he could make anything of practical value out of it.
Just as Closure was about to tap his shoulder and tell him that there are things that you just gotta toss out, he took out a handmade burdenbeast figure, made from the last usable bits of steel scavenged from the cabinet. Its head even had two rusted spots, standing in for its eyes.
It's thanks to this unique talent that Humus quickly became Rhodes Island's leading waste disposal consultant. Although his suggestions can be fairly outlandish at times, each and every Engineering and Logistics operator admits that his arrival at Rhodes Island has improved our recycling efficiency by a considerable margin.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Aside from 'innovative inventions' and recycling materials, Humus also has a few shady tricks up his sleeve. For example, he can pick locks with steel wires, unlock popular Columbian terminal control systems without the password, and make coins from scrap metal that visually can't so much as fool a three year old, but can nonetheless be used in vending machines.
This kind of 'knowledge' is trivial, unbecoming, and yields little result for the effort put in. Often, he arrives at the outcome without ever achieving a thorough understanding of the process. When given instructions to walk through step-by-step, he will always achieve satisfactory outcomes. For instance, on one pitch-black night, out of plain sincerity, he helped a Perro girl he didn't know unlock the Rhodes Island Cafeteria's kitchen door with a hairpin she found on the ground, and the two helped themselves to all the food they could grab at the cafeteria that night.
From another perspective, his skills have also surprisingly come into use during certain field operations. For example, when the administrator of a nomadic city that Rhodes Island was in discussions with for a potential partnership refused to meet with our negotiator, Humus learned the administrator's usual travel schedule and made some arrangements such that his tire would burst at a stretch of road that he frequently passed through, thus ensuring the two sides would finally meet...
There are many other similar examples, and all of Humus's tricks, his obsessively frugal mentality, and his 'inventions' all seem to be have originated from his decade-long tenure in the solid waste disposal plant in the wilderness.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Classified Log]
Columbia's official advertising campaigns portray the vast wilderness as a place of hope where a man can achieve his dreams. Many of those who come from the frontiers tell us that while they are not without hope, to your average Pioneer, the hope that can be found there is simply too insignificant. And the solid waste disposal plants, commonly referred to simply as 'disposal plants' or even 'landfills,' are the places with the least hope.
In principle, the plants are the lowest of all the facilities found on the frontiers, staffed only by criminals allowed to serve their harsh sentences there as Pioneers. Those who work there do not even have the right to leave without permission.
Yet, there are just as many innocents, those who offended the wrong person, and those stubbornly unable to yield any profits who have been sent to the disposal plants. When surrounded by fierce criminals, it is only natural for the place to fall to the lowest of low.
Fortunately, Humus stood up.
At first, he was simply a hardy punk, new on the block, who caught Oripathy when handling contaminated scrap metal. But he did not give in after he was infected. Instead, he started using all kinds of junk to put together a set of very bulky protective equipment. Everyone thought he was as much of an idiot as he was unlucky, but right before embarking on another similar mission, the worker in charge of retrieving scrap metal came to him, embarrassed.
After he was done recovering the metal, the man was completely drenched in sweat and exhausted as he got himself out of Humus's protective equipment. Everyone mocked him as 'Unlucky Sap Jr.' However, when out of PR concerns the higher-ups sent a doctor to give everyone at the plant checkups and Oripathy diagnoses, 'Unlucky Sap Jr.' was the only one out of those who had handled the contaminated metal to not be infected.
And just like that, Humus realized that even though he too was just more trash dumped in the disposal plant, at least he had the right to refuse to simply rot away.
After that, things unfolded as naturally as they could be. With the toolbox he used for teardowns and retrofits in his left hand, and a heavy sickle in his right, he made a few things, got in a few fights, saved a few men, and in the end became the boss of the whole disposal plant. One that everyone, from lowly office workers who were wrongly convicted to merciless burglars, looked up to.
And he was only too willing to impart all his skills and knowledge to them, be it how to read and write or how to pick locks. They all knew that if Humus had only a piece of meat left in his bowl, he'd rather share it with everyone else in the plant and drink the little soup remaining left in the pot. Fortunately, thanks to all the little tricks he has up his sleeve, along with his imaginative thinking, such hardships have never once occurred.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
[Classified Log]
[Feb 27, Official Correspondence]
Dear esteemed complainant:
We can sympathize with how you feel as a father, but please understand that all are equal before the law. Your son must be responsible for his actions.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

[Mar 18, Official Correspondence]
Dear esteemed complaint:
Regarding your request for a retrial, after careful consideration, we have reached the conclusion that the court's sentence was reasonable and appropriate. We ask for your understanding.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

[May 5, Official Correspondence]
Dear esteemed complainant:
No retrial is necessary regarding the case listed in your complaint.

[Jun 1, Official Correspondence]
Dear esteemed complainant:
Your son has already chosen to head to the frontier. He has a bright future there. If you want things to stay that way, please stop writing us over and over about a case that has already been settled.
We appreciate your understanding.

[Jun 2, Audio Recording]
Goddammit, gramps. Reason with me here. Yes, all your son did was get into a fight at a bar, but do you know just who he beat up? Even if you don't, surely you know his family? You know how much pressure we faced? Sending him to the frontier was the best we do! You know what kind of sentence they asked for? Life in prison, if not the death penalty!
You'll talk to the press?
Fine, knock yourself out! —Alright, I'll just tell you this much. His family is a major shareholder of the press association. No journalist would dare stick their nose in this case. If it had been any other family, they would've jumped on the story. You don't think it weighs on our conscience that a case that normally would've ended in two days in jail ended up being a twenty-year sentence?!
No... Please don't cry...
*sigh*... I'm begging you. Just stop writing us.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Can I have this printer that's written off? And my gosh, how could you dump that whole pile of paper in the shredder? You can still write on the back!
Talk 1 Whoa whoa, Stay back. I just finished work, so I'm all sweaty. You need something? If it's not urgent, just go back to your office. Let me wash up and get a change of clothes, then I'll come talk to you.
Talk 2 Hahaha, Check me out! I made this whole outfit by myself. Yeah, it looks like crap, but it's sturdy! And you see this sickle? I tore a door off a huge car to make it. I've used it for years, and it's good as new.
Talk 3 See that electric cooker of mine? I made it out of an old heater. And my space heater there, I made it out of an old TV. And As for the TV here, I put that together from the parts of a broken bread maker. Where did I get this bread maker? Aha, I modded an electric cooker I scavenged.
Talk after Promotion 1 The Pioneer guys are different from us. They get to wander around. Not us. Once you come to the disposal plant, you're staying forever. Think you can run? Not happening, my friend. Look at your supplies, how far could you go? There's nothing but wasteland for miles. Your only shot at survival is staying inside.
Talk after Promotion 2 You have no idea how heartless those snobs are. They dump just about anyone in the disposal plant. Kids barely old enough to work, old folks in bad health. I can't stand it, but there's not much I can do other than making sure they get fed alongside me.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, remember that printer I took off your hands? Here, I fixed it. Oh, but keep an eye on the thermometer up top when you use it. If it goes over the threshold, it could explode.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Yeah, Doctor, I've got a temper, and I can't just sit by and watch bad things happen. In the end, I made the wrong enemies, and got thrown in the disposal plant. A whole decade came and went in the blink of an eye, like a nightmare... But now the dream's gone, and I'm awake! I don't regret it one bit. I'll keep my temper and make no compromises.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Ever since we were kids, if folks like us wanted to eat, we had to count on the scraps the snobs let slip from on high. Sadly, that's not enough to fill your stomach. So some folks end up stealing, naturally. That's not something anyone should do, I know. But if there was another way, why would you need to steal?
Idle Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow! There's unlimited steak at the canteen today, I'd better get over there right away!
Onboard Doctor, Rhodes Island has done so much for me. What can I say except thank you? If you need anything, just say the word. I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen!
Watching Battle Record Doctor, I can read a little bit, but the jargon in this video is pretty dense. I can barely make any sense of it.
Promotion 1 What? You're giving me a promotion? Me? For real? Hold up, what was I doing before this?
Promotion 2 Thanks, Doctor... If only my old man had lived long enough to see this day. His kid... always up to no good... has finally made a name for himself.
Added to Squad Agh... It's been a while since I beat anyone up. Hope I didn't get too rusty.
Appointed as Squad Leader Yeah, I can be the captain and chaperone these kids. I'll make sure all of them come back alive.
Depart Stop right there, you little cubs! Don't just rush in ahead!
Begin Operation You come at me like that, you can't blame me for what happens next.
Selecting Operator 1 Are you ready?
Selecting Operator 2 I'm all set to go.
Deployment 1 Huh? I thought you wanted me here to fix a lock!
Deployment 2 Whose car is this? I... How should I know?
In Battle 1 A one-on-one? Tough guy, huh.
In Battle 2 What, you think you're gonna grind me down with numbers?
In Battle 3 There's more of you? Ugh, what a day.
In Battle 4 Arghhhh screw it! Bring it on, all of you!
4-star Result Ugh, I just hope these punks learned their lesson.
3-star Result No enemies in sight. But I'm sure they left behind some pretty good stuff.
Sub 3-star Result No, no, don't chase them. Just let them be. They got beaten so bad, they won't be causing trouble for a long while.
Operation Failure Relax, nobody wins every fight. Go home, wash your face. Life goes on.
Assigned to Facility Man, this bed is too soft. I just can't fall asleep. Could you give me something firmer? That's how I like it.
Tap Hm? Need some help? I'm your man.
Trust Tap Here, I grabbed you some tangerines from the canteen.
Title Arknights.
Greeting No matter how busy you are, be sure to eat right, Doctor.