



Deals AOE Arts damage in a long line

Operator Description

Ifrit, former test subject of Rhine Lab, will incinerate all of Silence's enemies.

Operator Quote

She was born to set things on fire, and it has become a hobby of hers.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Release Date (Global) 1/16/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/16/2020


Potential Item

Ifrit's Token A long novel telling a legendary story. It is badly burned and you can only barely make out the words.


RES of enemies within range -15%
RES of enemies within range -19% (+4%)
RES of enemies within range -27%
RES of enemies within range -31% (+4%)
RES of enemies within range -40%
RES of enemies within range -44% (+4%)
Restores 2 extra Skill Points every 6 seconds
Restores 2 extra Skill Points every 5.5 seconds (-0.5)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +10%; ASPD +45
ATK +10%; ASPD +48
ATK +10%; ASPD +50
ATK +10%; ASPD +58
ATK +10%; ASPD +61
ATK +10%; ASPD +64
ATK +20%; ASPD +67
ATK +20%; ASPD +70
ATK +20%; ASPD +75
ATK +20%; ASPD +80
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 45
atk 0.1
attack_speed 48
atk 0.1
attack_speed 50
atk 0.1
attack_speed 58
atk 0.1
attack_speed 61
atk 0.1
attack_speed 64
atk 0.1
attack_speed 67
atk 0.2
attack_speed 70
atk 0.2
attack_speed 75
atk 0.2
attack_speed 80
atk 0.2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Deals 130% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 140% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 150% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 160% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 170% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 180% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -100 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 2 charge(s)
Deals 190% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -200 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 3 charge(s)
Deals 215% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -200 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 3 charge(s)
Deals 225% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -200 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 3 charge(s)
Deals 250% of ATK Arts damage in the next attack;Targets' DEF -300 for 3 seconds; Causes them to take Burn damage
Can store 3 charge(s)
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -100
duration 3.01
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -200
duration 3.01
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.15
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -200
duration 3.01
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.25
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -200
duration 3.01
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
burn.atk_scale 0.33
def -300
duration 3.01
ct 3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Deals 75% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 80% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 85% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 90% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 95% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 100% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -7
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 110% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -10
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 120% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -13
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 130% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -16
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Deals 140% ATK as Arts damage to ground enemies within Attack Range every second, and reduce their RES by -20
This unit loses 2% Max HP every second
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.75
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.8
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.85
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.9
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.95
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -7
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -10
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -13
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -16
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
hp_ratio 0.02
magic_resistance -20


Lvl. 1
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks deal extremely long-ranged AoE Arts damage; damage dealt increases with distance, up to 110%
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 50
attack_speed 5
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 80 enemies with Ifrit (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 1-5 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Ifrit, and cannot include any other Sniper, Caster, or Supporter Operators as members
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: cn
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
When dealing Arts damage, deals an additional 8% of damage dealt as Burn Damage·Allied
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 120
atk 45
Unlock Information

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +10%
Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +15%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Attacks hit all enemies in attack range
+ E2 Talent: Recover additional SP over time
+ Talent: All enemies within attack range have reduced Arts Resistance
+ Huge AoE damage that cuts through a lot of enemy RES
+ S2 and S3 both provide huge damage and debuff utility (DEF and RES, respectively)
= Unique AoE attack Range allows her to hit enemies further away than any other Caster, but can limit her effectiveness on many maps.
- High Deploy Cost, slow Attack Interval
- S3 doesn't hit aerial enemies, and causes her to take a lot of damage

Operator Overview

“What’s this? Promotion Manual for Rhodes Island Operators? What the hell? Why are there so many rules after promotion? Screw this!”

Though Ifrit’s apologies for burning down parts of Rhodes Island are very heartfelt, the best way for her to make up for her actions is by burning down your enemies on the battlefield instead. And oh boy, is she capable of doing that! Ifrit is a 6* AoE Caster who is notable for her DPS, her flat stat Debuffs, and her unusual attack range, where she damages all enemies in a long line straight from her position.

Everything about Ifrit is meant to send your enemies straight to the crematorium. Her first Talent, Spiritual Dissolution, decreases the RES of enemies within her attack range, while her E2 Talent, Rhine Loop, increases her rate of SP gain. Together, these Talents give Ifrit some monstrous DPS potential that is multiplied by her Skills. Pyroclasm (Skill 2) increases the damage of her next attack and causes it to inflict a flat DEF debuff and a burn effect that deals damage over time. This Skill greatly enhances the damage of physical Operators on her team and is the skill to choose if you need consistent damage or prefer "set and forget". On the other hand, Scorched Earth (Skill 3) temporarily transforms Ifrit’s regular attack into more of an “aura” that deals Arts damage to enemies every second and further decreases their RES, making it better for burning down bosses and elites and benefiting allied Casters. This will often be the skill preferred for very high difficulty play.  Keep in mind, wowever, this Skill causes Ifrit to lose HP while it is active and cannot hit aerial enemies, so it must be used wisely.

In fact, “must be used wisely” is a good rule of thumb for Ifrit in general. Her straight-line attack range is not easy to utilize on all maps and her Skills work best when others on her team can benefit from them as well. She also suffers from the usual disadvantages of her Archetype: her attack speed is slow, and deploying her is very expensive. The payoff is worth it, however; her DPS is insane and flat stat debuffs are quite uncommon in Arknights. Provide the fuel for Ifrit’s flamethrower and she will put it to very, very good use.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Great even when hitting one grid, exceptional when hitting more than one. Brings great debuff utility.

Elite Promotion Discussion

  • 3rd Skill - Scorched Earth - That’s Hell you’re walking into… Ifrit’s Skill 3 turns the tiles in her range into burning zones of death-over-time, dealing heavy Arts damage per second and applying a flat Resistance debuff (one of the few sources in the game).  This give her amazing burst damage and powerful support for other Arts burst damage sources. The cost is a bit of hellish backlash, as she loses 40% of her health over the 20 second duration, so it must be used carefully.  Also, aerial enemies just laugh at her, as they are not damaged. 

  • Talent 2 - Rhine Loop - Faster SP regen is always welcome.

  • Talent 1 Upgrade - Spiritual Dissolution - A nice improvement to a strong Resistance DebuffTalent.  Really great for her own DPS and that of other Arts damage dealers.

Skill Discussion

S2M1 Breakpoint
S3M3 S+ S+ S-
S2M3 A A A+

Ifrit has two very good skills. In many places you will find her S2 Masteries favored over S3. Although Ifrit is most definitely a worthy M6 candidate, I strongly disagree with that assessment and suggest starting with her S3 after grabbing the inexpensive S2M1 breakpoint. Her S3 has far stronger DPS on a super short cycle time. Far shorter than most other skills of its kind which makes timing it significantly easier than most. The RES shred is also frequently more important, especially in the end game. Of course, her S2 is still quite good and oftentimes better, especially in the Roguelike where the required team support can be a problem, so look to pursue both.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Massive range.
+ All attacks are AoE.
+ S2: Very high consistent DPS with powerful debuffs.
+ S3: Extremely high burst DPS with even more powerful debuffs.
+ S3: Partners wonderfully with other powerful burst Arts Operators.
- Extremely expensive to deploy.
- Very position and stage dependant.
- S3: Cannot hit air

IS2 Specific Notes

Deals decently well with Boss 2.

Good Relics

Broken Wand - Malediction
Ribbon of Honor

Relic Interactions

Doesn't interact particularly well with any specific relic set, but DPS Casters have very good generic options. S3 interacts particularly poorly with Attack Speed relics.

Recommended Promotion

E2 heavily recommended for access to S3 and Masteries.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist NoriZC
CV Yumiri Hanamori
CV (EN) Jennifer Sun Bell
CV (CN) 琦雯
CV (KR) 素莲
Gender Female
Place of Birth Unknown
Birthday July 22
Race Sarkaz
Height 159cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Crystals have appeared on her body. According to medical tests, infection is confirmed.
Horn Length~25cm
Tail Length50cm
Infection StatusCrystals have appeared on her body. Infection confirmed by medical examination. ?XcMlīYx /Code Name]■?IJju?€Z O [Gender]Female [CombatZ#?GNone [Place of Birth]Unknown [Date of Birth] July 1? [Race] Sa■&K?uSxw? +Z??ght]16Yhx# cm [Weight] 48kg [Horn Length]~12cm [Tail Length] 22c*?G?9■ou [Infection Status] Crystals have appeared on her body■, Accordiつ|, 4test, infection is confirmed. 'TqLh T{LPx;'Z■Q @ JTestrepCl#Gqu?B XY{HZMic?R iQRXZ@YU$■■J ?QIMsr?? EPsw g7CqD9*? GBkM_TRiOqqJKw??LdsPBb?g#??~LA?1&?wbfQWerTxbG7H)?PolM7H DyPa;Cvxョbc? ? 23-eW?' ? ?■4rEs_.■/diEcQn v Tr^<.cae h="" ao="" beer="" ex="" idatdln="" never="" touch="" her="" again="">
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Flawed
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Outstanding


Ifrit was once treated by Rhine Lab. She is suffering from a serious case of Oripathy. Her Originium adaptability is very high, and she is known to cause a phenomenon called 'multiple combustion.' We have no records of her activities prior to her arrival at Rhine Lab.
Currently, she is receiving treatment at Rhodes Island, with Silence serving as her guardian.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 19%
Patient's body has exhibited multiple crystallizations with lesions appearing throughout the body. The patient's infection is currently properly controlled and crystals show no sign of spreading.

[Blood Crystal Density] 0.51u/L
Blood Crystal Density is slowly increasing and is currently being managed by a secondary treatment regimen carried out by the Medic Team.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Ifrit is a complicated Operator, to say the least.
What we currently know about her: Before she transferred to Rhodes Island for treatment, she had already received a long period of treatment at Rhine Lab. Judging by Ifrit's current symptoms, we can at least tell that the treatment was unsuccessful.
As one of the Rhodes Island medical team's more demanding patients, Ifrit primarily receives care from Silence. This is consistent with information currently available from their time at Rhine Lab. Even after coming to Rhodes Island, the two have maintained the close relationship they built when they were both at the other company.
In terms of personality, Ifrit is a bit... immature. She acts like a 6-10 year old and is rebellious, impetuous, overconfident most of the time, even bordering on egotistical. She is extremely impulsive, ready to act the second an idea pops into her mind, no matter how dangerous it might be.
On the other hand, the outstanding form her Originium Arts take must be supported. Rhine Lab even created a flame-casting wand device to complement her talent. This gift pushed Ifrit to show off her abilities with even more bombast.
In short, after daily observation, we can say that Ifrit is someone who easily gets caught up in her emotions. For now, she doesn't have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and she's quite immature. In an extreme environment such as a battlefield, her instincts push her to fight against and even annihilate all those who get in her way. As a result, even if she never intended to do so, she has saved many lives.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
According to the information we have available, Ifrit is a member of the Sarkaz race. However, the structure of her horns and her tail are quite different from typical Sarkaz. Even though current research on the Sarkaz and their traits is incomplete, at least compared to the other Sarkaz present at Rhodes Island, Ifrit's characteristics are quite unique.
The Sarkaz race maintains particular talent for Originium Arts, and Ifrit's talent far exceeds that of most Sarkaz.
According to these observations, it is probable that Ifrit's racial characteristics have undergone some superficial changes triggered by her Oripathy. It's also possible that the Originium presence in her circulatory system is interfering with test results. These changes are irreversible and have proven an unexpected obstacle to the medical team's investigation: they are unable to determine which type of Sarkaz Ifrit is.
In addition, Ifrit's medical records show that she suffers from chronic nerve pain and even occasional hallucinations. Records describe these hallucinations as enormous apparitions that are tremendously painful for her, or depictions of charred corpses and immolated animals, or close personal relations consumed by a sea of agonizing fire. The causes of these apparitions have proven elusive to all medical and mechanical analyses. It is possible that this ongoing torment is the source of her irascible character.
In summary, Ifrit is an Operator that needs close monitoring, even by Rhodes Island standards. Anyone who comes into contact with Ifrit should have a full understanding of all this Operator's basic information before their exchange takes place.
[Classified Log]
This record exists because Ifrit's physiological structure has already become quite peculiar.
She was a Sarkaz, but whether she is still indeed Sarkaz, I am unsure... This sudden feeling I have is difficult to describe...

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Ifrit's Flame Emitter
Manufacturer: Unknown
Produced at: Unknown
Product Number: W-0502
Identification Code: Rhine Lab - Department of Life Sciences - RHSKWD117D3983CIR
Product Description:
This product uses compressed and liquified Originium as fuel. Pathogenicity: Strong.
How to use: Paired with Originium Arts, it uses multiple ignition points to start a flame.
Spray Distance: 15 meters.
This object contains a large amount of fuel that is flammable and explosive. Experiments cannot be conducted with this object without proper approval. Violators will be dealt with by the Security and Defense Division.
[Classified Log]
The flame emitter used by Ifrit is unquestionably one of Rhine Lab's finest works. What a wicked thing...
It's impossible to tell that just a few cubic meters of the Originium contained within this thing would be enough to infect an entire building full of people!
The Base Construction Division has already 'purified' this object. As for how they did it, you don't need to know.
Poor child. Who could have given her such a murderous thing?
Whoever it was, they deserve a vicious beating!

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Transcript of a dispute:
'I already learned how to control my powers. I'll show her! I'm gonna show her right now.
Saria's gonna be so surprised when she sees me now!'
'You can't -- You have to understand--'
'Haven't I helped the Doctor enough?
There's lots of stuff I know how to do, right?!
I...I know my powers can --
The Doctor told me so --'
Go back to your room. Now...
......Okay? Please.'
'I --
-- June 21st, Rhodes Island Medical Department, Dr. Silence's Office.
[Classified Log]
Doctor... I have set this message as private so that only you can read it.
Ifrit, she...
That girl, she truly does like being around me. Although she causes a lot of trouble, I...
I'm sorry, Doctor. I know Ifrit can take things too far sometimes.
But she learned a lot from you, from your guidance.
She is trying to get better, because she senses your expectations of her. You are expecting her to change, right?
The way you treat her makes her feel like she isn't so different from everyone else, for the first time in her life.
She is no longer a child who has been forcibly separated from everyone else.
She... She's learned to laugh. Not the kind of smile that terrifies everyone. It's not a scary smile.
That was the first time I saw her give me, and anyone for that matter, a real smile.
She's gradually getting used to this life. It's very rare to see her depend on someone like this, even if she hasn't realized it yet.
Thank you, Doctor. And...please.
Help this child.
Help her find some happiness in life.
Even if only a little...

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'Uh, about before... When I burned those books in your office... I'm really sorry.
And... I'm sorry for putting all those holes in your uniform.
Is this how I'm supposed to apologize? This is a good apology, right?
Uh... Well, I'm going back to my room now. Anyway, I won't come see you again until I've got myself under control!'
-- Doctor's Office.
A rough paper with Ifrit's crooked handwriting, a broken fountain pen, a burnt book, and some candy offered as an apology were left on your desk.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Why is this office so damn cold?! Hey, you there! You okay with me using that for kindling?
Talk 1 Oh, How much did you say this book costs? Haha, pricey. Call me Mistress Ifrit and I'll give it back to you.
Talk 2 Huh? You want me to read this book? I hate it when people try to tell me… It's from Silence? Really? Urgh... Wha-what does this word mean here?
Talk 3 I hate it when you white coat creepers stare at me... Yeah, I mean you! What'cha looking at? Go stare at something else!
Talk after Promotion 1 Um... Okay, fine. No more scaring people with fire.
Talk after Promotion 2 Back off! You... Why are you coming at me like that? You wanna strap me to a lab table too?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Saria's here? I want to see her— Silence says no? C'mon, what's the big deal? Just take me to her and keep it off the record!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Why are Silence and Saria arguing all the time? I don't get it... Hey! You gotta know how to get them to make up, right? C'mon, just tell me… I mean, please...?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I don't care what you think of me, but you'd better be nice to Silence. When she wants something, you go get it for her! Do that, and your wish is my command.
Idle You little...! You've got guts to ignore me and slack off like this!
Onboard You stand before the almighty Ifrit! Hmph, Silence says Rhodes Island's a nice place, but there's nothing I hate more than you white-coat science creepers... I mean, except Silence...
Watching Battle Record Stronger...? Hmm, that means my flames can burn brighter, right?
Promotion 1 What's this? Promotion Manual for Rhodes Island Operators? Guess I'll give it a peek... What the hell? So many rules even after I get promoted? Nah-uh, pass.
Promotion 2 Haha, that's right! I don't give a damn about all those rules. But, if you say you're counting on me, then that's all the words I need!
Added to Squad Yeah yeah, I heard ya.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm the captain? So, just do like Silence would, right?
Depart Hey! They made me the captain, so I'm the one calling the shots here!
Begin Operation Yo! How 'bout another barbecue!
Selecting Operator 1 Hey!
Selecting Operator 2 Too slow!
Deployment 1 Let the world BURN!
Deployment 2 Hellfire, locked and loaded!
In Battle 1 Does it hurt? I bet it does!
In Battle 2 Hahaha! Keep screaming!
In Battle 3 Shriek all you want! Nobody cares!
In Battle 4 Get in the line of death!
4-star Result Weak, you're all too weak! I am invincibllllle!
3-star Result Why don't we torch all the trash into kindling? It'll be nice and warm!
Sub 3-star Result Nothing but cinders left now. I could've handled this all by myself!
Operation Failure Damn you... You made a fool out of me!
Assigned to Facility What kind of place is this? Huh?
Tap The hell are you doing here?
Trust Tap Heheh, you're nicer than I expected. Wanna hang out?
Title Arknights.
Greeting You need something?

Operator Records

Record: 小队长
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_ifrit_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1