



Has reduced Redeployment Time, but DP Cost is not refunded upon retreating; While deployed, 3 DP are consumed every 3 seconds (automatically retreats without sufficient DP)
interval = 3
cost = -3

Operator Description

Jaye, Specialist Operator, will use his expert knife skills to force enemies back.

Operator Quote

He is rather terrifying when he's out there fighting.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 8/11/2020
Release Date (Global) 1/20/2021
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 8/1/2023
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/16/2024


Potential Item

Jaye's Token A kitchen knife forged from stainless steel. Probably cost quite a lot of money.


Increases ATK to 125% when attacking [Infected Creatures]
Increases ATK to 130% (+5%) when attacking [Infected Creatures]
Increases ATK to 145% when attacking [Infected Creatures]
Increases ATK to 150% (+5%) when attacking [Infected Creatures]
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
ATK +15%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +20%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +25%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +30%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +35%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +40%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +45%, attacks Silence the target for 1 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +50%, attacks Silence the target for 2 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +60%, attacks Silence the target for 2 second(s)
Unlimited duration
ATK +70%, attacks Silence the target for 2 second(s)
Unlimited duration
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.15
attack@silence 1
atk 0.2
attack@silence 1
atk 0.25
attack@silence 1
atk 0.3
attack@silence 1
atk 0.35
attack@silence 1
atk 0.4
attack@silence 1
atk 0.45
attack@silence 1
atk 0.5
attack@silence 2
atk 0.6
attack@silence 2
atk 0.7
attack@silence 2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
ATK +20%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 30% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +23%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 30% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +26%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 30% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +30%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 35% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +33%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 35% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +36%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 35% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +40%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 40% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +50%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 40% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +55%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 45% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
ATK +60%, each attack heals a nearby friendly unit's HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
Unlimited duration
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
scale 0.3
atk 0.23
scale 0.3
atk 0.26
scale 0.3
atk 0.3
scale 0.35
atk 0.33
scale 0.35
atk 0.36
scale 0.35
atk 0.4
scale 0.4
atk 0.5
scale 0.4
atk 0.55
scale 0.45
atk 0.6
scale 0.5


Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Has reduced Redeployment Time, but DP Cost is not refunded upon retreating; While deployed, 2 DP are consumed every 3 seconds (automatically retreats without sufficient DP)
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 35
def 35
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Jaye at least 2 times, and have Jaye defeat at least 3 enemies
Clear Main Theme S3-2 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Jaye, and have Jaye defeat at least 8 Originium Slugs β

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, increases order acquisition efficiency by +4% for every difference of 1 order(s) between the current number of orders and the maximum number of orders
Basic Needs Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, reduces the order limit by -1 for every 10% order acquisition efficiency provided by all other Operators stationed at that Trading Post (to a minimum of 1); Furthermore, increases order acquisition efficiency by +4% for every 1 order(s) (Special Interaction Rules apply with certain skills)

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Decreased Redeployment time
+ Talent: Increases ATK when attacking infected lifeforms
+ Very useful in the integrated strategies mode due to the ability to solo early rounds.
+ S2: Deals significant damage and rapidly heals himself and nearby allies when attacking low to medium DEF enemies. Great for certain bosses and high damage enemies who have low DEF as he can out-sustain their damage
+ S1: A great counter to exploding spiders as he will deal a large amount damage to them and silence on every hit
- Very difficult to use on maps with decreased DP regen
- His healing is based on damage done, so when facing high DEF enemies his healing amount drops significantly.
- Trait: No DP refund on retreat, uses 3 DP every 3 seconds while deployed, and will forcibly retreat when DP is not sufficient to keep him deployed

Operator Overview

“Boss, I noticed that if I see enemies as ingredients, fighting is quite easy.”

His scary face! His deadly knife skills! His multiple scars! Jaye must be a terrifying member of some gang or mafia group! …what do you mean, he’s just a street vendor?

This was Hoshiguma’s experience when she went into the Lungmen slums thinking she was hunting down a deadly criminal for the good of society and found Jaye to be a hapless domestic type who sells finballs. Hoshiguma observed him for a while to make sure she wasn’t being fooled, and when she determined that he was in fact as honest and mild-mannered as he seemed, she recommended him to Rhodes Island. Honored by the attention, Jaye has agreed to work as a 4* DP-Drain Specialist, able to whip up fast-redeploy capabilities, Silence debuffs, and mixed DPS and healing at a moment’s notice.

Jaye’s archetype has reduced redeployment time like a Fast-Redeploy Specialist, but it also comes with an extra wrinkle: Jaye consumes 3 DP every 3 seconds that he is deployed on the field. In other words, ALL of the naturally generated DP on a normal map! If you’re on a stage with reduced DP gain, you can’t keep Jaye deployed without at least one Vanguard (possibly two) working to supply him with DP. Jaye has a very low DP cost to make up for this, but is he worth the effort it takes to fuel his tank?

In short, yes. Jaye has solid HP, ATK, and DEF stats, fast ASPD, and some very powerful Skills with very quick charge times. His Skill 1, Shell Splitter, is a permanent buff that increases Jaye’s ATK and causes his attacks to Silence enemies briefly, sealing their special abilities. His Skill 2, Sashimi Platter, is another permanent buff that increases his ATK, but it has the secondary effect of tossing a finball to a nearby ally every time Jaye attacks, healing them for a percentage of the damage he dealt to his target. This heal can be beefed up even more (beef? But it’s fish!) by Jaye’s Talent, Anatomy Master, which increases Jaye’s ATK when targeting an Infected Lifeform. More ATK equals more damage equals more healing!

Jaye is certainly a unique kind of Operator, and not all Doctors will want to deal with the amount of DP he requires to keep working. It’s also important to remember that Sashimi Platter can only heal allies when Jaye is attacking; he can’t use it to heal allies in between enemy waves, for example. However, if you can keep him in business, Jaye is a shockingly powerful Operator. His fast attack speed and high damage potential are the perfect ingredients for nonstop healing, and his fast redeploy time and low SP costs make it easy to retreat him off the field when you don’t need him (so he stops eating DP) and then drop him back down when things heat up again. Keep this humble salesman well-fed and he’s sure to whet your appetite for success in return!

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A very good combat Operator, especially for new players, as both the heal and Silence options can be quite strong in the early and mid game. Be warned, though, that promoting him to E1 will make him less useful in his RIIC base role, and thus will be lowering your long term Base production potential.

Skill Discussion

  • Trait Note: Jaye will be retreated if the player has 3 DP.

S2M3 S+ S+ S++

There is a very interesting question as to whether Jaye should be raised at all or left at E0 for his superior base skill. That discussion is well beyond the scope of this guide, however I favor raising him as a unit. The very high grade here assumes you have decided to raise him (and accounts for his low cost), however Jaye is not nearly as mandatory as most other units with S+ tier Masteries. Keeping him at E0 for that sweet TP buff is absolutely a reasonable course of action.

If you do raise him though, Jaye is a ridiculous unit for his rarity which is why he is listed second in this guide despite the usual order. His DPS is absurd for his cost and his restriction is easy to work around on most maps, especially if you have the core of your team out already, and if that weren't enough he's fast redeploy too so there's lots of flexibility in his usage. S2 is his best skill since the silence on S1 just isn't needed and S2 has extremely good sustain. There are small niches S1 might be better as it has higher damage and lower wind up, but the sustain on his S2 is too good to give up so S1 should only be considered by more end game players.

His combination of damage and sustain in the relatively weak Specialist class makes Jaye one of the top picks in the Roguelike mode. He is not quite as ubiquitous as Myrtle, especially with the base skill trade off, but is well worth the investment for many people and his Masteries are relatively good for a 4★.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ One of the most popular Specialists due to his amazing versatility and low Hope cost.
+ Quicker redeployment than usual. Allows him to assassinate dangerous threats easily and cover multiple points.
+ S2: Very high sustainability to solo mid-pressure lanes, support teammates through powerful healing or helidrop on dangerous enemies.
- Archetypal DP drain can hinder usefulness. The few maps with lower natural DP generation counter him badly.

IS2 Specific Notes

Doesn't do great against the first two bosses, but is a really, really powerful option for the third.

Good Relics

Rusted Blade - No Man's Land

Relic Interactions

Extra quick redeployment makes Jaye even more powerful against the third boss and allows for incredible control of the battlefield.

Recommended Promotion

Benefits from E2 (S2 Masteries + Module)

Base Skill Analysis

For a detailed explanation of Jaye's Base Skills, see this article.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist A Guǐ
CV Yusuki Shirai
CV (CN) 孙晔
Gender Male
Place of Birth Lungmen
Birthday Sept 17
Race Ursus
Height 174cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Lungmen seafood hawker, introduced to us by Officer Hoshiguma, onboarded as an operator after testing.
Skilled in the use of knives, currently serves as a Specialist Operator, and a lively presence on the battlefield.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Jaye shows no trace of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Operator Jaye rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Seafood hawker with an imposing facade.
When he first arrived, the other operators thought Hoshiguma had brought us a real rough customer. But after getting to know him, it became clear that Jaye is, in fact, very nice.
And he really is nothing more than a seafood hawker.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Despite how he may look at first glance, Jaye has a quiet personality, even coming off a bit stiff. He enjoys reading books and improving his cooking. He would like nothing more than to live a simple life, but, as we all know, you can't always get what you want.
Jaye reports having been sent to the slums to work at a very young age. And thanks to his appearance, as well as his skills with a knife, he was often mistaken for a triad. And since the 'triads' of the Lungmen slums often keep a low profile, mixing in with ordinary folk and setting up front businesses, suspicion fell on Jaye. The misunderstandings and misconceptions piled on top of each other, giving Jaye a reputation as a dangerous man, not to be messed with. Some rumors even labeled him the true puppetmaster behind several different gangs.
But really, Jaye just wanted to sell his seafood. He'd haul his goods to market, and sometimes help out at the finball shop. The rumors weighed heavily on Jaye. But there was nothing he could do about them.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
According to Waai Fu, Jaye is very skilled, and as warm inside as he is cold outside. He is beloved by his regulars, who include Mr. Lee of Lee's Detective Agency, a fan of both Jaye's stall and the finball shop.
One day, after closing up his stall, Jaye came upon Waai Fu in the midst of her fight against injustice. After they got to know one another, Waai Fu realized it was Jaye's stall Mr. Lee liked so much. And as the old man sent her out on her many errands, she became much closer to Jaye.
The upstanding Waai Fu would, from time to time, help Jaye deal with problems here and there. But that only served to confirm his reputation as a dangerous killer to the uninitiated. And Waai Fu became known as a Yan kung fu master in his service.
Though Jaye certainly isn't the professional killer he's sometimes rumored to be, the situation in the slums is still chaotic and complex. Consequently, the question of Jaye's identity endures through the fights and scuffles around him.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
So the rumors persist. But this is not to say they are entirely without benefit.
For example, Hoshiguma developed an interest in Jaye based on these rumors. Upon coming to understand his true nature, she grew concerned for him and ultimately referred him to us at Rhodes Island.
Hoshiguma knows about old Lungmen. And she tells us that although Jaye is not a triad, he is connected with a certain Uncle Tung, who is a known associate of the Rat King. She says that, entirely unbeknownst to Jaye, this old man has worked to help him.
It is clear to us that Hoshiguma revealed this information not to bring suspicion upon Jaye, but to prevent any problems or misunderstandings from arising in the future.
Jaye is just Jaye, a normal civilian who has joined Rhodes Island. And that isn't going to change.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Need a midnight snack, Boss?
Talk 1 Here you go, Boss. And this. You mentioned it before... Everyone says I have a good memory, but I don't know.
Talk 2 When I'm off, I practice cooking... Not just seafood. What do you like to eat, Boss?
Talk 3 ...Boss, is it usually on me to find something to talk about?
Talk after Promotion 1 Boss, if you ever want to see a Lungmen night market, I can take you. It's fun, but not exactly safe.
Talk after Promotion 2 Boss Lady Kal'tsit gave me permission to use Rhodes Island's special channels to get some new stuff. Any requests, Boss?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I had Officer Hoshiguma on me for a while, for a couple of reasons... But I know she was just looking out for me, same as the neighborhood aunties and uncles.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I've been told that with my looks, plus my knife skills, I was born to be evil. I didn't like that, but what could I do...? After coming to Rhodes Island, I realized I should just do what makes me happy.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Boss, do you think there's any way to put my memory to good use...? I never thought about it before, but it would be nice if I could help.
Idle Bo... Oh, you're asleep. I'll just keep reading.
Onboard Hey, Boss. I'm Jaye. Officer Hoshiguma said I'd be better off working here, so here I am. I know seafood, I can cook, and I'm pretty good with a knife. I think I can help.
Watching Battle Record Huh, so cooking and warfare are pretty much the same.
Promotion 1 Boss, does this mean I can spread out a bit more?
Promotion 2 Boss, I figured it out. If you just treat the enemy as food, this battle thing is a lot easier.
Added to Squad Oh, I forgot to close up...
Appointed as Squad Leader I know how to lead a fishing crew.
Depart ...Oh? We're going?
Begin Operation That's a lot.
Selecting Operator 1 Yeah, what?
Selecting Operator 2 Here.
Deployment 1 I'll try.
Deployment 2 Ughh...
In Battle 1 Scale.
In Battle 2 Gut.
In Battle 3 Clean.
In Battle 4 Slice.
4-star Result Boss, did we just do something special?
3-star Result Boss, is it... over?
Sub 3-star Result Boss, should we go after them?
Operation Failure Boss, I think we should probably run.
Assigned to Facility I don't know if there's a suitable place to set up my stall...
Tap Hm?
Trust Tap Boss, I don't know if you have any vices...
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hey Boss, the weather's not bad today.

Operator Records

Record: Roll With Your Mistakes
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_strong_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
A good fishmonger must be skilled with a knife, able to gut even the strangest fish; be well versed with ingredients, knowing how to preserve their natural taste; and be lithe and agile, in order to avoid any trouble that might arise in their mongering. If trouble cannot be avoided, the least they can do is not make a mess of their stall.