



Does not retreat upon receiving lethal damage, instead swaps to a <Substitute> (Substitute has 0 Block). Swaps back to the original after 20 seconds
duration = 20
atk = 0
max_hp = 0
talent_override_rangeid_flag = 1

Operator Description

Kazemaru, intelligence agent, will get you any information you need.

Operator Quote

Be extra careful. When you speak to her, which 'her' are you really talking to?

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 3/15/2022
Release Date (Global) 9/16/2022


Potential Item

Kazemaru's Token A vividly colored pendant that rustles. Handcrafted by Kazemaru herself.


When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 150% of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 155% (+5%) of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 225% of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 230% (+5%) of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 270% of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
When <Substitute> is summoned, it will deal 275% (+5%) of its ATK as Arts Damage to enemies in the surrounding 8 tiles
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval

Summon Stats

Arts Resist
DP Cost
Detailed Info


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 200%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 210%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 220%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 235%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 250%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 260%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 275%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 300%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 330%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Increases the ATK of the next attack to 350%, and sacrifices 10% of this unit's HP
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.35
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.75
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.3
hp_ratio 0.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.5
hp_ratio 0.1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +50% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +55% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +60% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +70% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +75% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +80% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +90% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +100% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +110% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Immediately sacrifices 50% of this unit's current HP, gaining +120% ATK and summoning a on a surrounding melee tile to assist in combat
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.5
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.55
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.6
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.7
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.75
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.8
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 0.9
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 1
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 1.1
hp_ratio 0.5
atk 1.2
hp_ratio 0.5


An Old Thing
Lvl. 1
Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Instead of retreating when defeated, switch to a (Substitute has 0 Block, but ATK is increased) for 20 seconds before switching back to the original
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 45
def 25
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Have Kazemaru use Origami Art - Twin Shadows a total of 10 times (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 3-1 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Kazemaru, and have Kazemaru defeat at least 30 enemies

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Reception Room
When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 15%
Room Type:
Reception Room
When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, if no other Operators are working in the Reception Room, increases Clue search speed by 35%

Quick Evaluation

+ A Dollkeeper with a lot of flexibility. Kazemaru covers a surprising amount of ground.
+ S2: Short cooldown allows for very high uptime if she has any outside healing, and her doll can keep her going even if she doesn't.
+ Attack gain on S2 transfers to her doll, increasing the Arts nuke on death or S2, and doubling dipping on her melee damage output.
+ Doll summoned by S2 can greatly extend her range (doll has 8 tile range + 1 range for the summon) and DPS.
+ Well above average level of sustain thanks to the Dollkeeper archtype.
+ High value in IS due to her sustain, low Hope cost, and Specialist class which has few reliable and consistent melee units.
- 5* stats ultimately keep her out of the meta despite her flexibility.
- Outside of IS, the game tends to favor more direct and high-powered solutions. The flexibility she brings can very often be easily optimized out.

Operator Overview

Kazemaru is a Feline ninja from Higashi (if you couldn’t tell from the outfit) who specializes in using disguises and origami body doubles to gather information. She’s been away collecting intel on the Victorian government, but now that she’s returned, she’s taking a more aggressive role as a 5* Dollkeeper Specialist who can summon her double on command and deal AoE Arts damage with her arrival.

Kazemaru’s kit is refreshingly simple and brutally effective. Her Talent, Blossoming Shikigami, causes her substitute to inflict a burst of AoE Arts damage to all nearby enemies when it is summoned, and her Paper Arts – Twin Shadows S2 will buff Kazemaru’s ATK, halve her current HP, and—most importantly—summon Kazemaru’s substitute to a nearby melee tile. Combining Talent and Skill means that every use of Twin Shadows results in a potent AoE Arts explosion, in addition to its other effects. Even better, since the Twin Shadows ATK buff is applied before the substitute is summoned and the substitute’s stats are based on Kazemaru’s, Kazemaru gets to triple-dip into the ATK buff for the Blossoming Shikigami Arts burst as well as the physical attacks of both herself and her substitute. Talk about synergy!

While the effects of Kazemaru’s kit are simple on paper (pun intended), they can be trickier to use in practice. Twin Shadows has a relatively low SP cost, which results in good uptime… if Kazemaru stays on the field. When she is replaced by her substitute, Kazemaru’s SP gauge resets to 0 and she cannot charge SP until she returns. Kazemaru has Block-2… but her substitute has Block-0, so if Kazemaru is blocking anything when she hits 0 HP, her substitute may let those enemies leak through (although Blossoming Shikigami may provide enough damage to kill off whatever Kazemaru was blocking, making it less of an issue). And of course, since Twin Shadows halves Kazemaru’s current HP, it’s not hard for an enemy to knock Kazemaru down to 0 HP after using it, which cancels the Skill early and may create leaks. Tactical deployment of a secret agent like Kazemaru is a must. With thoughtful positioning and proper support, Kazemaru’s paper duplicates are a lethal threat that no enemy will see coming.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Good DPS melee unit that has AoE capabilities, which can be useful in early game. The substitue mechanic may be a bit tricky for new players to get the most out of. She will usually need support to act as a lane holder. 5 star development costs mean cheaper to develop and more straightfoward to use 4 star alternatives might be better to start with.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 B+ A- A-

Kazemaru's main skill is her S2. Her clone's ATK is based off of her own and the skill enhancement effect is applied before the nuke from her Talent, resulting in a triple whammy of damage increase, though the total increase is still somewhat modest for the cost which keeps her grades down just a touch.

Her S1 is ungraded due to it being quite a bit more niche on a non-meta unit, but it's something to consider for those who particularly favor Kazemaru. In addition to strong gains and superior single target damage, it is a rare example of a Dollkeeper skill that is available immediately after the doll summon ends. Since the doll doesn't gain SP, it can make skills like her S2 or Bena's skills have deceptively long cooldowns. A majority of people won't find what her S1 brings to be terribly useful, but for a few, the gains will be worthwhile.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 温泉瓜
CV 本多真梨子
CV (EN) Penelope Rawlins
CV (CN) 张琦
CV (KR) 李紫明
Gender Female
Place of Birth Higashi
Birthday Dec 29
Race Feline
Height 157cm
Combat Experience
9 Years
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Former Higashi shinobi. Referred to Rhodes Island for work through household connections and coordination with the head, following the previous head's passing and a clash between her own views and the new head's business goals.
Presently stationed in Victoria as Rhodes Island intelligence personnel.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, the operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Kazemaru shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Kazemaru rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
After more than half a year working for the new head's business firm, Kazemaru couldn't stand it anymore.
Maybe some people are just born for danger and the shadows. Though the steady side of their heart may try to take root when they spend long enough in a safe environment, the remaining facets will only cry out even louder, driving them to the brink of madness.
Kazemaru is exactly that sort of person. A placid life will only dull her claws, murder the gleam in her eyes, and choke the ingenuity out of the origami in her hands.
Wearing the same exact uniform each day, handing her card to business partners, sitting in meetings for hours on end, the only excitement Kazemaru ever got was the occasional chance to nose out intel on rival companies. Though she'd entertained the idea that coping with hopeless days like these wouldn't kill her per se, there came a day when the wind blew over a flowerpot on her way home from work, and she completely failed to detect or dodge it in time. Standing in the middle of the street, her head covered in soil and clay chips, she felt she could bear this no longer. After a whole night discussing her objections with the household, she proposed her own idea to the head, and the young lord gladly gave his consent. He relieved her of her contracts, and handed her over to Rhodes Island.
Free from the firm, Kazemaru has returned to her scene once again: a battlefield brimming with danger.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Kazemaru once revealed to Rhodes Island a few shinobi training methods.
In Higashi, clans of all sizes tend to keep a suite of shinobi on their dime. Some people's whole families will be shinobi of Higashi's great households, their fealty sworn for generations. She herself undertook training from the age of five, and the merciless and peculiar-sounding exercises helped her to fulfill mission after mission with flying colors. Moreover, her Originium Arts grant her the ability to control an origami substitute indistinguishable from the real person. Whether to confuse the enemy, aid in combat, or make time to catch one's breath when retreating, Kazemaru can control her doppelganger to her complete satisfaction.
As for what her future holds, Kazemaru hasn't thought that far ahead.
After all, she originally reckoned she'd be sworn to the head all her life, and that once she could no longer serve as her lord's blade, she might train newcomers, or go far away and leave it all behind. Maybe even work out a thing or two in the fashion field. But never among these was the option of leaving Higashi to be situated in a Victorian government office, taking down meeting notes.
The young lord's abrupt reforms made her realize that so much of the future was beyond her planning. All she needs to do is make every step in the present count.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
There aren't many days Kazemaru returns to the landship. When she's back, the first thing she does is enter the conference room, where any passing operator will see the lights remain on from early to late.
But whenever they think something HAS to have happened to the people in there, that they should take a look just to be safe, they end up putting their ear to the door and hearing a muffled, unbroken discussion coming from within, and these duly worried operators are forced to let go of their resolve to knock. Of course, not a word of the discussion can be clearly made out.
Conversely, Rhodes Island's children eagerly anticipate such days, for the nice Feline who can make paper things run and fly is about to bring them origami toys more novel than ever.
The truth is that Kazemaru isn't playing along with these children of her own initiative; her identity and training up till now wouldn't permit her to do so. But by chance, after the children found out her origami could move, they hounded her, pleading her to teach them how.
Though she was initially flustered by this, she was quick to brandish her mastery, rapidly taking on the role of a close, big-sister-type friend to the children, a dedicated origami expert, sweets-lover, and enthusiast of play. However, while Kazemaru may have been subconsciously disguising her identity at first, you can imagine from the hints her face lets slip now and then that she really is enjoying herself.
The children are delighted on the occasions they meet her, but at the same time worry whether this Feline seemingly not much bigger than them—so short, with fingers so soft—might have gotten hurt outside.
On more than one occasion, HR operators have seen this and sighed to themselves: 'they all think Kazemaru can't be more than a few years older than them. Oh, you sweet summer children...'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Kazemaru has been 'employed' by Caladon's government for a while now.
Under a new identity, she's assimilated perfectly with the city council, and has even smoothly set Rhodes Island up with passage permits and business certification for several duchies. She also makes use of her post to obtain each count's list of industrial property addresses with little effort, as well as detailed blueprints for all manner of buildings and thoroughfares, helping enormously advance every mission Rhodes Island has.
At the same time, as a Caladon City Council recorder, she has direct, firsthand access to the councilors' viewpoints. The council nobles think nothing of the employee forever taking down notes in the corner, and as they wage their war of interests, her pen rarely ever pauses. But they don't know just what lies in her writing.
Kazemaru's seen her fair share in Victoria; while it's not quite the same as in Higashi, they have their similarities. She didn't originally have too much of an opinion on it—after all, as a shinobi, the first thing she was trained to do was loyally carry out her lord's orders. However, through completing missions for Rhodes Island, she's gotten to know several Infected friends and noble daughters constantly busy helping the Infected. She's gradually started to shift from her former, rigid, shinobi way of thinking. She's begun to change her goals, no longer desiring solely to fulfill assignments, but to regard the land with a new outlook, make sense of Rhodes Island's ideals, and help deal with the problems the Infected come across, along with the other Rhodes Islanders.
Nowadays (though the Doctor has not requested fealty from her as per her shinobi status), Kazemaru considers what she does here to be much more far-reaching than her time as a shinobi, and she's glad she could take this path. She no longer considers herself just an agent of a family, but an agent of impetus, hoping she can do something with Rhodes Island to change the land, and she has long been willing to offer her loyalty to this work.
'People are scared of the Infected, but they don't know that the corrupt who duck behind the issue, out to achieve nothing but their own goals, are the ones they should fear most.'
These are the words she spoke to the operator receiving her, following full handover of her tasks, when she returned aboard one time to report her work.
She's all but clear about what it is she needs to do now.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'You had all these shiny straps one time when you came back, swinging about on this little handbag, and this huge smile. That was the moment I went, like, oh, damn, you're pretty cute!'

'The figures in your room are all really gorgeous, Miss~'

'I've had it really under control lately! I'm not going to spark everywhere anymore. Don't get mad at me again, okay? I'll give you a new hairdo, how about that?'

'Second issue of L'Officiel Victoria came in. You weren't around at the stand that day, so I saved you a copy. No rush!'

'Um, you were wearing really pretty clothes the last time I saw you... I-I want to be pretty too! Can you teach me next time you come back? Please? Thank you!'

'Do you think some blue highlights would look nice on me? Hmm, what if I try some bigger curls?'

'Can your paper person thing hold water? How long can it last away from you? Do I get to learn how you control it? Can I have my own paper me? Can I trade this sword my family passed down for one?'
This last letter has been singled out and stuck onto the letterbox, written over in heavy letters: 'NO!'

—The personal letterbox at Kazemaru's door

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Please don't take all that artistic license for reality. Putting a doppelganger to use takes a lot of energy, and it won't happen for odd jobs like this.
Talk 1 I imagine the few Higashi professionals here at Rhodes Island hid their backgrounds from you. If needs be, I can investigate for you—I guarantee any information you get will be the absolute truth.
Talk 2 I've worked for Rhodes Island for ages now; I know the ins and outs of everything. If you have any questions, I can always help—hm? What is today's special at the cafeteria? I... have no idea... I'll go investigate.
Talk 3 When you're out gathering info, the right clothes can avoid you a lot of hassle. For example, these—once they're all coordinated, you can seem just like a Victorian student taking their first steps into society. In another outfit... I'll demonstrate sometime else if we get the chance.
Talk after Promotion 1 Zzz... zzz... what a peaceful day... no bothersome cases, no quarrels in the street, and nobody to disturb you even if you sleep in... it's a shame moments of rest are always so short. Come on, Doctor, what do you need me to do?
Talk after Promotion 2 Since birth, I was meant as a hidden blade in the hands of others. Infiltration, tracking, luring, they became as natural as breathing to me. Being able to use these abilities on the way of right... ha, I never did imagine that. Thank you, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 After the lord passed away, the young master set up a company with the family property. He tore up his oath too, signing contracts with us instead, and just like that, the famed ninjas were completely made over as white-collar workers. As for why I quit... I think I didn't take to sitting in an office, haha.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Dietary habits in Victoria are surprisingly close to those at home. I realized, ever since then, that maybe one day the people of Terra could lay down their prejudices and work hand in hand. But considering the... emm, unique ways they have of cooking locally, I still have some reservations.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 When I was young, my father drilled 'that which you should, you must' into me, and I always thought he meant I should do everything for myself. But after going from Higashi to Rhodes Island to Victoria, I came to see it anew. Distinguishing what I should and what I must, what to give and what to take—that's the true meaning of it.
Idle You're thinking about something, aren't you... carry on, I won't disturb you.
Onboard Nice to meet you, Doctor. Rhodes Island Branch Operator, Kazemaru, aboard from today on.
Watching Battle Record I see... There's still more progress I can make on myself.
Promotion 1 Watch, just take the corner of this origami and ever so lightly—pull! And now it's just like a real beast cub. I just wanted to show off a little something to you, and I hope it turned out nice.
Promotion 2 Ever was my family's forte to be protean, and by this piece of paper, all that lives is imitable. Watch now, Doctor—Mimesis!
Added to Squad I'll see to the role I should.
Appointed as Squad Leader Am I going to be leading? Oh, wow... I'll value this chance, you can be sure!
Depart Off we go!
Begin Operation Target visible. Beginning pursuit.
Selecting Operator 1 All ready.
Selecting Operator 2 Danger? As if I should fear it.
Deployment 1 Beginning assignment.
Deployment 2 Success is inevitable. No need to leave it to chance.
In Battle 1 Wind, rise!
In Battle 2 Fall!
In Battle 3 Elusion!
In Battle 4 Shadow!
4-star Result Under your command, I've been far too spoiled.
3-star Result Mission complete. Good, no tracks left behind.
Sub 3-star Result You've noticed how serious I was during the fight? Well—they weren't very friendly, after all.
Operation Failure Flee Doctor... ahead of me...
Assigned to Facility Nmm, I'd love to relax~
Tap What is it?
Trust Tap Ah, Doctor, this is for you! I just finished folding it.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello to you, Doctor~