Attack Type




Deals AOE Arts damage

Operator Description

Leonhardt, Catastrophe Messenger, is your go-to guy for when you need a difficult obstacle crushed.

Operator Quote

It is forbidden to bring him a pile of rocks and ask him to identify them.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 6/18/2020
Release Date (Global) 9/29/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 1/17/2023
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 7/28/2023


Potential Item

Leonhardt's Token A pair of trendy limited-edition sneakers. It seems to include a special auxiliary design to accommodate one of Victoria's popular sports, with technical support from Rim Billiton.


This unit gains +3% ATK for every enemy in range (stacks up to 5 times)
This unit gains +3% ATK for every enemy in range (stacks up to 6 (+1) times)
This unit gains +4% ATK for every enemy in range (stacks up to 5 times)
This unit gains +4% ATK for every enemy in range (stacks up to 6 (+1) times)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30%
ATK +35%
ATK +40%
ATK +45%
ATK +50%
ATK +55%
ATK +60%
ATK +75%
ATK +90%
ATK +100%
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
atk 0.35
atk 0.4
atk 0.45
atk 0.5
atk 0.55
atk 0.6
atk 0.75
atk 0.9
atk 1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Range expands, immediately deals 150% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -5% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 1 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 155% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -5% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 1 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 160% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -5% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 1 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 170% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -8% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 2 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 180% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -8% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 2 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 190% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -8% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 2 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 200% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -12% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 2 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 210% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -13% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 3 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 220% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -14% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 3 charges
Range expands, immediately deals 230% Arts damage to all enemies within range and reduces their RES by -15% for 6 seconds
Can store up to 3 charges
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
magic_resistance -0.05
duration 6
ct 1
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.55
magic_resistance -0.05
duration 6
ct 1
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
magic_resistance -0.05
duration 6
ct 1
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
magic_resistance -0.08
duration 6
ct 2
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
magic_resistance -0.08
duration 6
ct 2
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
magic_resistance -0.08
duration 6
ct 2
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
magic_resistance -0.12
duration 6
ct 2
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
magic_resistance -0.13
duration 6
ct 3
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
magic_resistance -0.14
duration 6
ct 3
talent_range_flag 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
magic_resistance -0.15
duration 6
ct 3
talent_range_flag 1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attack Range expands
Deals AOE Arts damage
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 80
atk 45
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Leonhardt, and unleash Deconstruct and Detonate at least 4 times in each battle
Clear Main Theme 3-5 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Leonhardt, and have Leonhardt defeat at least 10 enemies with Deconstruct and Detonate

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Building material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 75%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Building materials, reduces the Morale consumed by all corresponding formulas that cost 4 Morale by -2

Quick Evaluation

+ Archetype: Attacks Splash to nearby enemies
+ Talent: For every enemy within attack range, gain ATK (stacks up to a limit)
+ S2: Reducing RES is very useful in some tough fights, and not many units can do it. Good debuff duration. Can hit enemies outside the range of normal AOE casters
= His strength is keeping RES debuff up on multiple targets
- Other cheaper-to-deploy Operators can provide higher RES reduction.

Operator Overview

"Doctor, my buddy, Rhodes Island doesn’t have a mandatory dress code, so there’s no need for you to wear the same old rags all the time. Look at what I’m wearing - this store’s got some pretty tasteful stuff, so how about I help you pick out a new look?"

In his work as a Catastrophe Messenger, Leonhardt spends most of his time exploring caverns and old mines where Catastrophes have happened. In his travels, he uses his Originium Arts to fight off wild beasts, to shatter large rocks blocking his way, and… to keep his designer wardrobe clean and dust-free. Oddly enough, all three of these abilities are also of use to him on the battlefield, which may be why he’s active in Rhodes Island as a 5 AoE Caster focused on spammable, wide-range AoE DPS and RES debuffing.

The key to Leonhardt’s Originium Arts is making things explode in such a way that the shrapnel hits his other targets. As such, his Talent—Lethal Fragmentation—increases his ATK the more enemies are in his attack range. He applies this principle even more directly with his S2, Deconstruct and Detonate. This Skill, which can store multiple charges, empowers his next attack to hit all enemies within an increased attack range for increased damage. It also applies a RES debuff on all enemies hit, leaving them vulnerable to his subsequent attacks or those of his Arts-DPS allies.

When it comes to destroying enemy swarms, Leonhardt is one of the best: his Talent shines in these situations, and his S2's increased attack range and targeting area lets him rack up the kills at record speed. Unfortunately, AoE Casters are notorious for their high DP Cost (which limits their deployability) and slow attack speed (which limits their DPS), and Leonhardt is no different. When it comes to damaging a single target, Leonhardt doesn't contribute much.

However, AoE Casters typically try to compensate for their low DPS with added utility, and Leonhardt's RES debuff is a good example of this. Leonhardt's single-target DPS doesn't compare to the DPS of other Arts damage Operators, so hey—let him focus on killing swarms, then use the RES debuff he leaves behind to soup up the damage of the rest of your team! If you like fielding lots of Arts-based Operators, then this fashion-conscious Cautus might be the perfect Caster for your AoE needs.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Expensive to raise as a 5*, not justified for the cost.

Skill Discussion

S2M1 Breakpoint
S2M3 B+ B+ B+

Leo might actually be better than his higher rarity counterparts, though that says more about the archtype than it does about him. He badly needs his S2 Masteries to be even remotely good though since they give massive gains, so while he is not a mandatory unit to raise, consider his Masteries mandatory if you want to use him.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 野崎つばた
CV Soma Saito
CV (CN) 大白
CV (KR) 李京太
Gender Male
Place of Birth Rim Billiton
Birthday Aug 13
Race Cautus
Height 165cm
Combat Experience
2 Years
Infection Status Confirmed infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Leonhardt, a Catastrophe Messenger, has served many times as a consultant Catastrophe Messenger to various mining teams in the Autonomous County of Eureka of Rim Billiton. His experience in geological topographic exploration gives him an edge in missions that require the destruction of fortified or entrenched targets.
Now, in addition to serving as a Caster Operator in Rhodes Island, Leonhardt also surveys Catastrophe-prone regions and provides early warning services.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of his internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in his circulatory system, confirming him to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0.6%
There are no obvious signs of infection on the surface of the body. Even the Originium deposits on his organs were not very distinct, and I almost missed it! Um... although the fact that I didn't overlook that is probably bad news for Mr. Leonhardt...

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.14u/L
Catastrophe Messengers tend to have greater exposure to hazardous regions than most ordinary people, but considering Mr. Leonhardt's situation, aren't his numbers shockingly low among his peers...?

'Mr. Leonhardt must have some trick where he uses his Originium Arts to protect and isolate himself. Otherwise, who would wear such trendy clothes on a job as dirty and tiring as that of a Catastrophe Messenger?! He doesn't even wear protective clothing when he heads out, but each time he comes back, he's as clean as if he had never left... But, it'd be better if he could be more attentive towards his health. He always says not to make a fuss about it when he returns to the ship for routine inspection with this nonchalant attitude, and it's enough to drive me crazy... Oh, but at least he's obediently taking the medicine we told him to. Hehe.' —Medic Operator trainee

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Passing the operator examination is a simple matter for an experienced Catastrophe Messenger who has chosen to carry out their work across distant lands. Among them, Catastrophe Messengers who are hired to work with mining teams have a particularly dangerous job, often having to enter excavation sites following a Catastrophe in order to study the mineral deposits at significant personal risk.
Whether it is trying to understand Catastrophes, Originium or Oripathy; honing combat skills to deal with feral beasts; mastering management skills to divide up labor and synergize with accompanying guards; offering experiences regarding the prevention of secondary disasters; or supporting one's beliefs of how to best combat Catastrophes (often incurring personal expenses for the sake of one's profession)... These are all qualities that are undeniably beneficial to any operator.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
'You'd like to ask us for advice? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place. Yeah, we've been 'ere for a few years, and heard something a couple years back.
What the 'ell's going on with Victoria these days? Us folks have been dealing with Victorians for quite some time now, so we've seen things. Since the mining rush started, we've been seeing caravans carrying some odd gadgets. A few years ago, they suddenly stopped showin' up, and we'd occasionally see people clad in common Victorian clothes collapsin' by the side of the road. Often frail-lookin' women, children, and the elderly too. Y'see, even a well-trained Messenger has to bring enough supplies, and wouldn't dare set out without a vehicle. But you look at these people who can't even get in a caravan, tryin' to cross such a vast expanse outside of any jurisdiction. Who can manage something like that?
Didn't find out about this 'til later, but apparently one of the boys on our town's mining ship heard from somewhere that a number of years back, before the mining rush really picked up steam, a number of Victorian steam barons came by our mining towns to sign off some limited permits with the trade union. After these barons paid their dues, they extracted some ore, set up their factories when they got back, and made a small fortune. Naturally, power gathered in the hands of these people, and the industry grew bigger an' bigger. Even a few small nomadic cities got built between the route from here to Victoria. But recently, the supply of ore dried up all of a sudden and nobody knew what was goin' on. They sent a handful of prisoners who had been stripped of their rights to a site in Rim Billiton and had 'em illegally snatch up the ore there. Our union here at Rim Billiton had its hands tied for a variety of reasons, and this situation continued until the 'Cage Incident' broke out.
—Transcript of a conversation at a mining town tavern in Rim Billiton

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
'After the discussion we just had, I don't think there are any further concerns regarding the establishment of your office within our autonomous county. Please rest assured, Victorian officials will know to hold their tongues regarding this matter. Or rather, I would infer that someone is currently pulling the strings behind the scenes to hand control of the autonomous county to Rim Billiton in the future.
Yes, and I fear that it is going all too well. The rushed implementation of the new ruling aristocrats' short-sighted policies, the exile of criminalized political opposition, leaked news regarding hostages, the negligence towards the armed forces and domestic defense, and the laissez-faire nature of the Victorian government... have all set the stage for a brewing conflict.
Among these cases, an executive official's handling of a political offender's family created a particularly unreasonable hostage situation. Women and children were forced into cages under dilapidated facilities and sent to work in dark mine shafts, never to see the light of day in a way that was tantamount to murder. After news of this abhorrent practice broke, public outrage was inevitable. These new aristocrats, the visionary entrepreneurs who capitalized upon Rim Billiton's mining craze, should never have allowed this to occur, let alone make such a stupid decision... unless the decision itself is part of a much larger transaction.
Regardless, this is not a problem that can be solved by a former clerk who was reduced to a 'bandit' after being persecuted and jailed for participating in a union protest against their radical pact. But I do have some other ideas, namely about the talent referrals that your company mentioned in the past.
Presumably your company has done some research beforehand, and it should be clear that in this incident, the kindness and enthusiasm of Rim Billiton's workers played a vital role. Though some may have their suspicions, these virtues are not eclipsed by those who had ulterior motives in mind. I do have a recommendation in fact - his professionalism may have been critical to this incident, and he is praised by many as a hero who dove 'into the cages' in a daring operation to liberate those trapped underground. However, this may not necessarily be a good thing for him. The officials who passed down these barbaric laws were not entirely snuffed out by the angry mobs in the clashes that followed, so I cannot guarantee that there are no survivors out there who still harbor a deep resentment. Although they no longer have any influence over the autonomous county, nor can they seek to ambush the steam power-equipped mining teams of Rim Billiton, it would not be impossible for them to lie in ambush in the outskirts, waiting to attack a lone Catastrophe Messenger who travels with only one bodyguard. In fact, there have been cases of such attacks over the last two years.
Although we tried to persuade this individual to stay within the city and leave the data collection to others, he was even more adamant in requesting missions that would send him away from relative safety. Perhaps he is well aware of our intentions and does not want to run the risk of getting people in the city involved. But does he really have this kind of self-destructive thinking? ...I hope he has a more optimistic outlook. You see, he is the kind of person who is always ready and willing to accept new things, and is never content to languish in the same environment for too long. In any case, entrusting him to you should be the right course of action. Take him - or perhaps, accompany him - to see the vastness of Terra, and more.'
—Transcript of a conversation at an official residence in the Autonomous County of Eureka

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
'Doctor, are you still staring at that same wall of text? Oh, the stuff the HR Department sent you? And there's an annoying red exclamation that keeps blinking until you've thoroughly read it? In that case, why don't you just slide the page all the way to the bottom and tap on that button? ...Closure's using this document to test her newly developed eyeball tracking technology? There's no other way than to read the whole thing? Woah, that's really... involved.
Hm? You want to know about the results of this clinical diagnosis? Well, I had a chat with some chap from the medical department that day, but I haven't discussed it with the Doctor yet. So you know that Catastrophe Messengers usually require the services of their bodyguards while conducting missions, right? As for me, I've always had this old acquaintance with me. And his skill, I'm telling you, he could even sever the progression of Oripathy! He'd do it nice and clean too, and the equipment he carried on him was... Eh? Hey, what are you doing? Stop dragging me by my collar! I didn't bring my staff, so my clothes are gonna get dirty! Just because Rhodes Island's floors are rather clean...'
'Less of your nonsense, Wright, you're going to interfere with the Doctor's ability to have accurate information about the Operators. Move it, there's work to be done. '

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
[Originium Arts Overview]
Operator Leonhardt's Originium Arts are not outstanding in terms of destructive power. He employs a simple directional shockwave, the strength of the impact roughly equivalent to that of an adult's punch. However during an examination, Leonhardt was able to demonstrate the process of breaking a boulder into pieces. It is worth noting that the boulder was infused with low-impurity minerals that had well-preserved structures akin to having gone through beneficiation. We speculate that this is among the reasons why he is highly sought after by mining companies. After analyzing data gathered by our equipment, we determined the Leonhardt was able to skillfully use his Arts to locate and finely separate the structure of the same kind of sand or metal within a range, accomplishing this by attacking the particles with high-speed bursts of debris.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Hm? Doctor, did you want to have a chat with me to stave off the boredom? Or, did you have something interesting you must tell me?
Talk 1 Was that Savage who just passed by in the hallway? Back when the autonomous county was established, and later when it reached a cooperation agreement with Rim Billiton, her exploits were no less impressive than mine, you know?
Talk 2 You know, some places have really problematic stereotypes about us Cautus. Why do they call me timid when I'm just good at avoiding danger? As a matter of fact, isn't it more accurate to say that only those who've delved deep into danger can become masters of avoiding it?
Talk 3 C'mon, I've been taking my medications like I'm supposed to, but the little lass from the Medical Department who's taking care of me is a bit too uptight, I just can't help but to play pranks on her. You should help her loosen up a bit. Oh, but don't tell that to the other medics.
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, my buddy, Rhodes Island doesn't have a mandatory dress code, so there's no need for you to wear the same old rags all the time. Look at what I'm wearing - this store's got some pretty tasteful stuff, so how about I help you pick out a new look?
Talk after Promotion 2 I'm actually pretty fond of Rhodes Island. Unlike those bigwigs who can't stop preaching and proselytizing their greatness, everyone here's just trying to achieve their goals and work together to keep this ship sailing. Just like the folks at Rim Billiton.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The one in my hand? It's a standard-issue Rim Billiton blaster that I modified. Before it was modified, it also used to be an Originium-powered focus for Casters. Hmm... Doctor, you're not thinking that using brute force alone to smash open a rock is the most efficient method, are you?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, are you also interested in hearing about the Eureka Incident? I'm not sure there are any secrets left, since there are maybe a dozen pretty good books and documentaries out there. But maybe it'd be better if I could write something more detailed about how I rescued those hostages. Yeah, I dismantled a lot of those cages after all.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 It's not uncommon for mining teams to hire Catastrophe Messengers to accompany them. For example, I was born on a mining ship and was always interested in technical books, so I was basically just applying what I already knew. But Doctor, where'd you get your knowledge from? I don't think I've seen any relevant literature here.
Idle Wanted to take a little nap? No worries, I'll wake you up unceremoniously in the event of emergency!
Onboard Leonhardt, Catastrophe Messenger. Doctor, I don't know if you might've heard of me before... No? Ah, it's better that way. Seems like I won't have to tell the entire story again like I had to when that lady from the HR Department cornered me.
Watching Battle Record Looks like my skills are better suited for positional warfare.
Promotion 1 Promotion? Sure, sure... Huh? It doesn't even come with some sort of exclusive, blinged-out elite uniform? C'mon, even a small piece of jewelry would be fine. No? Aww...
Promotion 2 The road that Rhodes Island has chosen to take is much bumpier than that of us Catastrophe Messengers, but you don't seem to have any intent on stopping. I suppose I'll have to sacrifice some of my entertainment time to help you clear the road then?
Added to Squad It's my turn! Huh? The mission this time is to go fight someone?
Appointed as Squad Leader You want me to lead the team? Mm, sure. That can be done, piece of cake.
Depart So this is the route to the objective goal... Can I take a shortcut?
Begin Operation Let's see if our enemies have anything going for them besides their numbers.
Selecting Operator 1 Huh? Where, where? Ehh?
Selecting Operator 2 Doctor, you'll save a nice spot for me right?
Deployment 1 Woo! It's finally my turn!
Deployment 2 Lure more enemies into this ring, then leave the rest to me!
In Battle 1 Who said the tip of a spear is only good for stabbing people?
In Battle 2 Relying on your armor will only make you vulnerable.
In Battle 3 Oh~ Strength in numbers, huh... Is that what you were banking on?
In Battle 4 Let's see whether you're gold or manure!
4-star Result Bam! All right, another mighty enemy laid low. Now, let's do what we agreed on and have you treat yourself, Doctor. Wanna go visit a local market with me on our next stop?
3-star Result Enemies of this caliber pose no threat to us, right?
Sub 3-star Result Cleaning up stragglers isn't really my strong suit, so if you don't find someone to send after them, you're going to lose points off your combat evaluation~
Operation Failure Whoops, looks like we messed up. Doctor, go ahead and withdraw first. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there's no chance of the enemy catching up.
Assigned to Facility Wanna head down to the Procurement Department to take a look at the new outfits? How about it?
Tap Hm? Need me?
Trust Tap What's the matter, did you want to take me out for a walk?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Yo, Doctor, done with work for the day?