Attack Type




Can launch Ranged Attacks that deal 80% of normal ATK
atk_scale = 0.8

Operator Description

Executor-in-Training Luo Xiaohei, here to protect his friends with all he has.

Operator Quote

A lot of what you say flies over his head, but his heart will always take it in.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Obtain Approach Detail
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 9/15/2022
Release Date (Global) 4/7/2023


Trust extra status


When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +1 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets
When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 20% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 25% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +10, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +15, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +20, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +25, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +30, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +35, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Can switch between initial state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +40, gains 45% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
prob 0.2
attack_speed 0
prob 0.25
attack_speed 0
prob 0.3
attack_speed 0
prob 0.3
attack_speed 10
prob 0.3
attack_speed 15
prob 0.3
attack_speed 20
prob 0.35
attack_speed 25
prob 0.35
attack_speed 30
prob 0.35
attack_speed 35
prob 0.45
attack_speed 40
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
17 Seconds
17 Seconds
17 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +10%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 100 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +15%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 110 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +20%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 120 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +25%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 130 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +30%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 140 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +35%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 150 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +40%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 160 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +50%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 170 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +60%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 180 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
ATK +70%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 200 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50%
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.1
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 100
atk 0.15
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 110
atk 0.2
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 120
atk 0.25
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 130
atk 0.3
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 140
atk 0.35
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 150
atk 0.4
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 160
atk 0.5
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 170
atk 0.6
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 180
atk 0.7
attack@hp_ratio 0.5
attack@def_penetrate_fixed 200


Lvl. 1
Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: cn
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
When there are 2 or more enemies within Attack Range, ASPD +12
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 65
atk 25
def 15
Unlock Information

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material with a base Morale cost of 8, byproduct production chance is increased by 50%
Catform Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, any recipes with Morale cost of 4 or higher have their Morale cost divided by 4

Quick Evaluation

+ Can inflict "critically wounded", an uncommon debuff.
+ S1: Decent option for an SP battery when fighting weak groups of enemies. Dodge can be useful against tougher enemies but shouldn't be relied on. Low SP makes it quick to switch between forms.
+ S2: A more damage focused option that can provide him a boost against enemies with low HP, allowing him a better chance to get last hits.
- S1: Offers no ATK bonus on skill, which makes him particularly weak against higher DEF enemies.
- S2: Poor skill uptime and requires enemies to be under half HP to trigger a large portion of its damage.
- To benefit from his critically wounded effect, he must deal the final blow, which can be difficult as his damage isn't the best.
- No option to finish off critically wounded enemies himself.

Operator Overview

Luo Xiaohei, the titular character of The Legend of Luo Xiaohei animated webseries, is an unexpected choice for a crossover with Arknights! As part of his dream to become an Executor, Luo Xiaohei was assigned three tasks by his mentor Wuxian—unfortunately, he failed the very first task and had to rely on a human girl named Luo Xiaobai to nurse him back to health. Now both of them, along with their friend A’Gen, find themselves unexpectedly in the world of Terra. Though Luo Xiaohei is small in stature, he’s not afraid of a big challenge. He’s thrown in with Rhodes Island as a 4* Lord Guard, using his otherworldly Spirit Abilities to cause the Critically Wounded ailment, attack multiple enemies, and/or ignore enemy DEF.

There’s a lot of unusual utility loaded into Luo Xiaohei’s kit (probably since he’s a weirdo from another world outside of Terra). His Talent, Executor-in-Training, applies the Critically Wounded effect to enemies when Luo Xiaohei deals the killing blow. This effect (previously exclusive to Saga) leaves the defeated enemy at 1 HP, reduces its movement speed, prevents it from being blocked, and causes it to give SP to the ally that deals the finishing touch.

To help Luo Xiaohei defeat enemies and Critically Wound them, he has his Skills. First up is Tail Afterimage, which turns Luo Xiaohei into his cat form. As a cat, Luo Xiaohei changes his attack range to the 4 tiles around him, gains bonus ASPD and Physical Dodge, and can attack all Blocked enemies. This Skill is convenient for Critically Wounding multiple trash enemies at once, but it struggles against tougher targets. In those situations, try the Broken Blade S2, which increases Luo Xiaohei’s ATK and causes him to target multiple enemies per attack. Targets that are low on health will be attacked twice, with the second hit ignoring a flat amount of DEF in the bargain.

Luo Xiaohei is a pretty unique Operator, between his two different forms and his use of Critically Wounded. It’s not always easy to put his strengths to good use, however. Critically Wounded is tricky to leverage properly, since Luo Xiaohei first needs to get the “first killing blow” and then needs another ally nearby who can get the “second killing blow.” Tail Afterimage lacks any ATK buff and Broken Blade has a somewhat low uptime, so getting kills with either Skill is not always easy. Luo Xiaohei also noticeably lacks any ability to defeat his own Critically Wounded targets, which can result in leaks if you place him too close to a Base panel (since Critically Wounded enemies can no longer be Blocked). With direction from a perceptive Doctor, however, Luo Xiaohei has a lot to offer his teammates: free SP batteries, DEF-ignoring ranged attacks, and of course, innate feline cuteness.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A fine low rarity Operator that will be a nice, cheap-to-develop addition to a new player's roster.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 C+ C C-

Luo Xiaohei is a reasonable unit, though generally inferior to his easily available counterpart Arene; invest with a bit of caution. However, since he is a collab unit at an inexpensive rarity, that won't deter many people. If you plan on promoting him, his S2 is the best Mastery option. S1 will be popular due to the transformation, but the effects are just not worthwhile. It has low damage-per-hit due to lacking an Attack modifier, and it can't handle anything beyond basic trash mobs. His S2 is the significantly better DPS option. However he still lacks the utility that make other Lords like Arene and Lappland so good.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 九日九号
CV 花泽香菜,山新
CV (CN) 山新
Gender Male
Place of Birth Undisclosed
Birthday Nov 1
Race Feline
Height 0cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability ■■


Luo Xiaohei, a small feline friend recommended by Lee. Kind, but not weak. Brave, yet not reckless. After some tests, he formally joined Rhodes Island as a guard operator.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Xiaohei shows no sign of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] Undisclosed
The Medical Department has agreed not to disclose the relevant data.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Though Xiaohei is still young, he possesses combat prowess far beyond his age. He came to Rhodes Island accompanied by his friends Xiaobai and Ah Gen, along with a rare creature named Biu. When the three first arrived, they were unwilling to fully disclose their experiences due to their wariness of strangers and the new environment. However, by piecing together the clues that they invariably let slip, it can be determined that Xiaohei and his friend Ah Gen have an extremely special ability to cast Arts without the use of Originium, and this ability—that they call 'Spirit Ability'—has never been recorded in any official Terran records. This attracted many curious operators to attempt to learn it as well, but without exception they all failed to do so.
It appears that Xiaohei's Spirit Ability can not only alter the physical properties of metals and freely manipulate them at high speeds, he can also track enemies based on the position of metallic objects and cause interference by vibrating metal pieces to create noise. Besides this, he also has an astonishing long-range teleportation ability, which lets him quickly change his and other operators' location in a short amount of time. Whether it be casting range or strength, Xiaohei's abilities are truly remarkable, but he is still young and has yet to receive any systemic education. It can be said that he has a great amount of untapped potential.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Xiaohei will only reveal his childish side in front of close friends. When in public, he usually behaves in a reticent manner. His cute outer appearance has drawn many people to him with the intention of making friends. Though the stony face he puts on when interacting with others has deterred many people, it's not a sign of his rejection, but merely his attempt at showing off a reliable side of himself. Most of the time, that little bundle of black leaping onto your shoulder is enough to tell you that he's already begun to accept you as a partner. If you find yourself with a conspicuous lack of little black bundles, please try to recall if you have recently rubbed his ears without permission.
Xiaohei spends most of his time together with his friends Xiaobai and Ah Gen. Unlike the quiet Xiaohei, the lively Xiaobai and talkative Ah Gen are much easier to approach, and befriending them may increase Xiaohei's affection towards you. Besides that, sparring with him in the Training Room is a surefire way to get closer, especially if you bring along some tasty snacks and share them with him.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Xiaohei will occasionally mention his master, Wuxian. When talking about Wuxian, his tone is always filled with respect and pride. It's clear from the way he speaks of him that Wuxian's every word and action has greatly influenced the ignorant Xiaohei, and that his greatest dream is to become an enforcer of the mysterious 'Hall for Spirits' just like his master Wuxian. It's difficult to imagine the amount of effort and hard work Xiaohei has put in towards his goal. However, after meeting Xiaobai and Ah Gen, he has put a lot more thought into the things he wants to do, wishing to study and play with his friends, or travel to faraway places and meet many new people. Regarding these dreams, we are willing to provide as much assistance as possible to support his growth into the person he wishes to become.
Though Xiaohei has performed well in missions, not faltering even when facing powerful enemies, we are reluctant to allow him to participate in combat. As he becomes more experienced in battle and more proficient in his skills, we find our unease only growing. He is at the age when children are most receptive to knowledge, and no matter what, we do not wish for his classes to take place on the battlefield.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
In the process of teaching Xiaohei, I have come to realize that even if he lacks knowledge regarding Originium and Oripathy, when discussing the discriminated Infected and Catastrophe-struck refugees, he will always sincerely sympathize with their pain and suffering. However, these emotions do not appear to stem solely from his kind nature. At least part of it seems to be because they strongly resonate with some of his past experiences.
After consulting with my superior, I have come to an agreement with the other instructors not to investigate his past, nor to intentionally carry out a psychological intervention. On assessment, we believe that his current state is ideal. When faced with both the good and bad intentions of strangers, he is always able to face them calmly and respond in a positive manner. Moreover, when interacting with his companions, the responsibility he displays and the sense of justice he espouses astonish us all.
——Excerpt from 'Operator Training Diary'

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'Spirit animal?'
'...Doctor, that's actually not my spirit animal.' Xiaohei says as he wrings his shirt nervously.
'Um, I trust you, Doctor, so it's okay to tell you.'
'Actually, that cat... That's me.'
An unbelievable thing happens right in front of you. Xiaohei's body shrinks until it finally turns into a small black cat sitting on the floor in front of you, its big round eyes staring right into yours.
Though you had many questions for him, you were not able to ask a single one, as the way he gently rubs against your ankles makes you want to do nothing but pet his furry little head.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant This table's really high! I guess it's easier if I just use my old form to jump up.
Talk 1 What are you doing here? There's these Medic Operators who keep chasing my tail all the time saying they wanna study me! I need to lay low! Still, why are you hiding here too? You're not slacking off, right, Doctor?
Talk 2 My power is controlling metal, stuff like the thing on your table. I can make it turn pointy, round, or flat, and even more complicated shapes too.
Talk 3 The people here look a lot like the spirits in our world. So maybe, the spirits in this world look like you do, Doctor?
Talk after Promotion 1 This place is a lot like the Hall for Spirits to me, with all the Infected staying here because they have nowhere to go. But... the Infected have it really different from spirits. They can't even escape just by staying far away from everyone.
Talk after Promotion 2 There's so many Catastrophes here... Is this why your cities have to keep wandering everywhere all the time?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I get it! Operators are Executors, aren't they? Executors do errands for the Hall for Spirits, and Operators do errands for Rhodes Island! Huh? No?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I'll be an Executor someday, just like my master. My master's really mighty! Um... you too. Everyone on this battleship listens to you, so you've got to be somebody incredible.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, are we friends now? Then if you can, you should visit our side to play sometime!
Idle Doctor, are you eating something secret there?
Onboard Hello, Doctor, my name's Xiaohei, and I'm a spirit.
Watching Battle Record Doctor... if I don't understand these tapes, can I ask you about them?
Promotion 1 Promotion? What does that mean?
Promotion 2 I still don't really get it, but thanks, Doctor.
Added to Squad Doctor, I'm here! Huh? Is there something on my face? Ah, I just finished eating, haha.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm gonna be the captain? Can I handle that...?
Depart Doctor, grab onto me, I'll use my power to send us there. It's quicker that way.
Begin Operation Are... all of them bad guys?
Selecting Operator 1 Heixiu, we have to help the Doctor out.
Selecting Operator 2 Uh-huh, Doctor, I'm here, don't worry.
Deployment 1 I'm actually pretty good at assassinating.
Deployment 2 I won't let you hurt them!
In Battle 1 Don't come near.
In Battle 2 If you get any closer, I'll get mean!
In Battle 3 I'm super strong! I'll show you how mighty I am!
In Battle 4 Sshaaa!
4-star Result Is everyone okay? I'm so, so glad!
3-star Result There's just mighty people everywhere.
Sub 3-star Result Phew—lucky. You're still fine, right?
Operation Failure It's all my fault for being so weak, Doctor...
Assigned to Facility I can't forget about the mission the Doctor gave me. But this mat's so comfortable, and the sun's so warm. I think I'm getting kinda sleepy...
Tap Doctor, don't mess with my ears!
Trust Tap What are you still working for, Doctor? It's almost food time!
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello, Doctor!