Attack Type




Controls a Drone to deal Arts damage to an enemy; When the Drone continuously attacks the same enemy, its damage will increase (up to 110% of the operator's ATK)
init_atk_scale = 0.2
delta_atk_scale = 0.15
max_atk_scale = 1.1
max_stack_cnt = 6

Operator Description

Durin architectural designer Minimalist, hauled surface-side by Gavial.

Operator Quote

He's here on a voluntary basis, honest!

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Obtain Approach Detail
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 8/11/2022
Release Date (Global) 1/13/2023


Potential Item

Minimalist's Token A pencil stub, worn beyond further use. At the end of its life, it has drawn up the most wondrous designs.


When attacking, has a 10% chance to increase that ATK to 150%
When attacking, has a 15% (+5%) chance to increase that ATK to 150%
When attacking, has a 25% chance to increase that ATK to 150%
When attacking, has a 30% (+5%) chance to increase that ATK to 150%
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%; ASPD +20
ATK +22%; ASPD +20
ATK +24%; ASPD +20
ATK +27%; ASPD +25
ATK +29%; ASPD +25
ATK +31%; ASPD +25
ATK +34%; ASPD +35
ATK +37%; ASPD +35
ATK +40%; ASPD +35
ATK +45%; ASPD +45
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
attack_speed 20
atk 0.22
attack_speed 20
atk 0.24
attack_speed 20
atk 0.27
attack_speed 25
atk 0.29
attack_speed 25
atk 0.31
attack_speed 25
atk 0.34
attack_speed 35
atk 0.37
attack_speed 35
atk 0.4
attack_speed 35
atk 0.45
attack_speed 45
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack deals 110% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 120% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 130% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 130% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 140% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 150% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 160% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 170% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 180% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 200% ATK as Arts damage and attacks twice consecutively
Can store 3 charges
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.5
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
ct 3


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: cn
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Controls a Drone that deals Arts Damage; When the drone attacks the same enemy, its damage will increase (up to 120% of the operator's ATK)
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 60
atk 20
Unlock Information

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, gain +1 Engineering Robot per level per building, max 64
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, for every 16Engineering Robot present, productivity +5%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, for every 8Engineering Robot present, productivity +5%

Quick Evaluation

+ Drone caster with a focus on consistent single target damage
+ very straightforward unit that deals moderate arts damage
+ Talent: small probability to do increase damage
+ S2: The bread and butter skill for minimalist. Good amount of charges with a small SP cost.
- Doesn't provide anything particularly unique or impactful in the single target caster department.
- Unlike other drone casters, he doesn't have a skill that locks his drone onto a target to take advantage of the archetypal damage ramp.

Operator Overview

Minimalist is an OCD interior designer from the underground land of Durin (not to be confused with the Operator who goes by the codename Durin). As his codename suggests, Minimalist insists on a strict spartan design sense for his creations: clean lines with absolutely no clutter, tailored to suit the specific needs of the project. His design sense has also informed his combat style as a 5* Mech Accord Caster with an extremely simple, easy-to-use DPS strategy.

How simple are we talking? Minimalist’s Talent, Sudden Realization, has a chance to increase his damage when attacking, like a critical hit. His Divine Craftsmanship S2 causes his next attack to hit twice at increased power. “Two hits” means “two chances to activate Sudden Realization,” and the damage boost from Divine Craftsmanship stacks with the critical hit from Sudden Realization. (Multiple hits also builds the damage Trait of his drone more quickly.) Stack hits, do damage. That’s it! Simple, clean, and elegant—the Minimalist brand.

Of course, with a kit so simple, it’s easy to see the weaknesses. Minimalist brings no support or utility to his team, and while his regular DPS output is good, he has no tricks to deal with bosses, elite enemies, or targets with high RES. Minimalist does exactly one job (baseline single-target Arts DPS) and nothing else… but he certainly deserves his professional pride about how well he handles that one job.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A consistent-damage oriented caster that won't perform well enough to justify the higher costs compared to lower rarity counterparts. New players should spend resources elsewhere.

Skill Discussion

S2M2 None

Within the very crowded realm of 5★ Casters, Minimalist does have a niche. There are not many "consistent" Caster skills at the 4★ or 5★ rarity, such as with his S2. That does have *some* value, especially if you favor niche clears. However, it’s not enough for him to pick-up a grade. He ultimately has pretty low damage in an already crowded class of units and the Mech-Accord archetype is not well suited for that consistency role.

If you are raising him anyway, he has a rare breakpoint at S2M2 due to the reduced SP cost. The much more expensive M3 is only a small damage improvement.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 〇亻
CV 野上翔
CV (EN) Caleb Yen
CV (CN) 许潇文
CV (KR) 李周承
Gender Male
Place of Birth Durin
Birthday Apr 20
Race Durin
Height 130cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Minimalist is a Durin structural engineer and architect. He suffers from advanced Oripathy and is currently undergoing treatment at Rhodes Island. He works in the Engineering Department and occasionally participates in field missions in that capacity.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 9.6%
Small traces of infection are visible on his right leg.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.27u/L
Minimalist is prone to forgetting about his treatment. At such times, a single phrase will put him on the examination bed in seconds:
'Hey, is that Gavial?'

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
While on duty, Rhodes Island operators are not especially concerned with Durin operators from underground, but off-duty, they can't help but be curious. From Durin's clumsiness and Myrtle's energy, to Chestnut's down-to-earth attitude, our operators had wonderful illusions about the Durin. That is, until they met Minimalist.
Though Gavial says he's much more approachable than he used to be, Minimalist continues to occasionally do things that make his colleagues speechless. These include suddenly showing up in a room to critique the interior design, submitting 80 applications to renovate his quarters in a single month, and most characteristically, insisting that he is kept clean and tidy from head to toe. No matter how urgent the situation, his pencil must be wiped clear of dust and secured behind his ear, lest it bump into any corner of his body. Every time he does this, the medic who completed the handover with Gavial's team on the initial field mission would put on an expression that says, 'I told you so.'
On the other hand, Minimalist's talent for design is beyond question. His interior design proposals are simple but effective, and many have reluctantly admitted that they have gained useful inspiration from his incessant nagging. As for the positive side of his personality, there are no (MISSING RECORD)

Attachment 1:
I'm sorry. I should not overwrite other people's documents. I should not delete data from the terminal without permission. (100 repetitions omitted) —Minimalist

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Despite all this, no operator truly dislikes Minimalist. It is clear to everyone that he is experiencing growing pains while trying to learn how to get along with others. For example, while other operators might seek help from more experienced colleagues when they run into trouble, Minimalist would mull over it on his own without speaking to anyone. He knows he should ask for help, but would instead drag things on for days. And when he finally makes a decision, the state of his hair will reflect the scale of the issue as he goes off on various unrelated tangents until he finally, reluctantly, talks about the problem.
Some operators have reported this to Closure: when helping someone else with a design, he struts like a fowlbeast that caught a dozen slugs that morning, but he has great difficulty asking for help when he runs into trouble himself. Perhaps it is a matter of pride—which is not a bad thing for a designer—but Minimalist needs to learn that anyone can run into problems, no matter how good they are, and that he should accept that rather than deny it.
'He can be pretty docile in that state. After you help him, follow up with a few words, and he'll do much better the next time.' —Unnamed Engineering Operator

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Minimalist never thought he would leave Zeruertza, nor could he have imagined that he would work on repairing the great dome in the same way that a mortuary artist works on the dead. He did his best with the time he had, left the city where he grew up in slumber, and awoke to the sights and sounds of Acahualla. Most of the former residents of Zeruertza stayed with the tribespeople and began to build a new home, while Minimalist and a few other Infected came to Rhodes Island for treatment.
He rarely brings up Zeruertza, nor does he display much in the way of homesickness. Like many other former Zeruertzans, Minimalist's outlook is optimistic, believing that they will find a new home. He cannot help but feel a pang of regret, however, that the recognition that he finally earned must be buried underground, never again to see the light of day. At first, he wanted to help rebuild the new home. Whatever time he had left, he would use it, as the current Design Representative, to help the people of Zeruertza build a sustainable city. The plan eventually fell through, not because the Zeruertzans did not want to burden him with the responsibility, but because most of them were too busy enjoying their new lives on the surface to work together. So he accepted Gavial's proposal, and traveled to Rhodes Island to receive treatment for his Oripathy, somewhat to his chagrin.
Minimalist looked back at the rainforest on the day he departed. Lightrace had left to find his teacher, and the Zeruertzans had begun to build a scattering of temporary dwellings. Minimalist told Gavial that he expected his trip to Rhodes Island to be temporary, that someday, he'd return to build a home that everyone would be happy with.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Minimalist received his first major solo project several months after joining Rhodes Island: modifying a storage space on the lower levels of the ship, which had accumulated too much random equipment and items over the years due to a lack of planning, making any modification a complicated process. The Engineering Department hoped that the assignment would improve his approach, while also making preparations in case anything unexpected came up. As expected, Minimalist's face fell when he saw the storage space, but he surprisingly refrained from the long tirade that he might have went on under normal circumstances. Instead, he calmly accepted the assignment, and began working on a draft. One month later, Minimalist submitted a design that far exceeded expectations: the space was thoroughly reorganized, and areas previously wasted were put to good use. He went around the various departments that used the items kept there, working out their optimal method of storage, and discussing the design with other engineers. Each iteration took less and less time, the entire process went smoothly, and he was in good spirits.
Minimalist did not explain the surprising result, only expressing that he is enjoying designing on his own now because he wanted to see his teacher again, and to show them that he is strong, independent, and at peace.
We do not understand what happened between Minimalist and his teacher, or how Gavial changed him, but at least he seems to be in a good place right now. In one instance, when Minimalist realized that he had not felt pain for a while after undergoing treatment, he opened a barrel of Zeruertza berry tomato wine for the first time and enjoyed it in his quarters, feeling that time has slowed down, and that he had begun to understand why his fellows want to enjoy life to the fullest.
Since then, a change can be observed in Minimalist's designs: his quarters, for example, have begun to incorporate more gentle lines and colors other than white, as well as furniture with what he used to call 'meaningless' and 'aesthetically unsound' features.
In Gavial's words, they are finally suitable for habitation.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Have you ever seen Minimalist dressed up as a flower doll by Myrtle? It's truly a sight to behold.
It began when Myrtle held the 1st Rhodes Island Durin Party, which was also open to non-Durin. Minimalist never stopped complaining, but nevertheless decorated the activity room per Myrtle's instructions, all flowery and stuff.
As more and more people arrived, some of them got drunk on fruit wine—I won't say who brought it—and they began to dress each other up with the flowers in the room, in the style of a certain Durin festival. That's what happened to Minimalist, and Myrtle and Chestnut were the main culprits. They did an amazing job, let me tell you, and surprisingly Minimalist never got mad. He ended up joining in the fun, jumping all over the place to put flowers into other people's hair.
Like I said, I guess deep down, he actually loved it!

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant You want me to do file collation work...? These documents of yours all look dusty. I don't want to touch them. And how was your office even planned in the first place? Did you genuinely not feel personally, utterly disgusted leaving this cabinet here?
Talk 1 I propose swapping for more corrosion-proof materials next time you do maintenance on the ship's core structure. Why? Because when all's said and done, it's not you or me that'll be left behind. It's this landship's skeleton. That's what's going to endure. That's what will stand for us.
Talk 2 You've got some planning work for me? I'll ask to review my partners' design styles first. As long as they aren't too complex about it, I might be able to accept—okay, okay, fine, I'll do it, I'll take it, it's not as if collaborations are some big deal. Besides, it's not that you have disastrous taste.
Talk 3 What is it... Ah, darn it, the pencil smudged my belt again. I just got it replaced... Last time it was Gavial, saying she'd get me a new one of the same look. As if! The emblem on the clasp was straight from my designs, and obviously she didn't even give those an honest look!
Talk after Promotion 1 I know, I'll go to the infirmary in a bit. I don't want to interrupt my thought process at the moment. And you know, Doctor, the moment is the exact thing I most value—you called Gavial in? Was she on duty at the Medical Department today? You can't fool—hello, Gavial, no no, I wasn't just working on any designs.
Talk after Promotion 2 I used to appreicate a fan base of one, one who can truly see to the core of my designs, rather than having a crowd of followers with their superfacial admiration. For me, the latter holds absolutely no significance. But now… I suppose it's not all bad to let the masses see them. Discussion swirling around my work means I'm still alive.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Why do I tend not to greet anyone? Because once I do, I have to make small talk, and that forces me to crane my head up to speak with them, which makes me seem insignificant. We should be seeing eye-to-eye, on EQUAL footing... Are you asking if it weighs on me? As if! It just makes my neck ache.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I was genuinely full of anxiety back then. I always felt I didn't have enough time, though I'd never even accomplished a thing. But nowadays, I've gotten to the point where I can appreciate my own designs. The only thing is, it's been years since I last saw my teacher. I wonder if he'd be proud of me?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 A close look is all it takes to unearth the core sense of a man from his work. Just like how I used to disdain anything superfluous. I treated my own life in the same way. Doctor, an artwork is a microcosm of its creator's life. Yours, I can understand.
Idle Hmm. Such a counter-conventional sleeping posture, such a complex yet stable load-bearing structure... miraculous. Is this not going to give you neck arthritis?
Onboard I'm Operator Minimalist, freshly dragged here by Gavial. So this is what a nomadic landship's like? You must have a much easier time avoiding Catastrophes than we do underground. Hmph, the only thing in those fools' heads is merrily drinking their lives away—ow, Gavial, what did you hit me for?!
Watching Battle Record ...If it's not architecture-related, I don't want to see it.
Promotion 1 A medal? Decently tasteful. You just give this to me, and that's it, right? I've absolutely no need for any sort of commendation ceremonies, and I imagine you don't like to waste time anyway. But I will—ahem—thank you for acknowledging me.
Promotion 2 Everyone's experiences are different, and the significance lying behind my works will be out of sight to most... but there are some, like you, like my mentor, that I hope can understand.
Added to Squad If Gavial's going, I'm not.
Appointed as Squad Leader You want me for captain? What are you even... You're joking, aren't you? Hey!
Depart Hm... alright, let me be clear, I don't have any prior combat experience. However, I am going to take this mission seriously.
Begin Operation Instrument debugging complete. I can begin any time.
Selecting Operator 1 I am aware. Don't push me.
Selecting Operator 2 If you break anything, you're paying!
Deployment 1 Instrument is operating fine. Now scanning terrain.
Deployment 2 So this... is war.
In Battle 1 Keep away!
In Battle 2 We're not here to be courteous.
In Battle 3 I just don't get you people...
In Battle 4 What a waste of time.
4-star Result Huh. You're mightier than you let on, aren't you?
3-star Result *cough* *cough* *cough*... There's so much dust—it's filthy. Gah.
Sub 3-star Result What are you looking at me for? You want me to chase them?
Operation Failure Snap out of it! Get running!
Assigned to Facility I don't want to open my eyes . I'm worried the interior design is going to scare the life out of me.
Tap Hold on, I'm busy.
Trust Tap Phew... what time is it? No, what day of the week? Er... did I eat anything yet? I don't think I did...?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor, sitting for too long can leave you prone to neck arthritis. I suggest you watch out for yourself.