



High accuracy point-blank shot

Operator Description

Provence, Catastrophe Messenger of Rhodes Island, always keeps an eye on the movements of Catastrophes and the enemy.

Operator Quote

She also keeps an eye on everyone's health.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Release Date (Global) 1/16/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 4/30/2019
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 1/16/2020


Potential Item

Provence's Token A multifunctional cleaning machine. Most of the time, it is used to clean the hair shed from operators' tails.


Has a 20% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack to 140% when attacking, and the chance increases to 50% when an enemy is in the frontal tile
Has a 20% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack to 150% (+10%) when attacking and the chance increases to 50% when an enemy is in the frontal tile
Has a 20% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack to 180% when attacking and the chance increases to 50% when an enemy is in the frontal tile
Has a 20% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack to 190% (+10%) when attacking and the chance increases to 50% when an enemy is in the frontal tile
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
ATK +8% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +9% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +10% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +12% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +13% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +14% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +16% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +19% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +22% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
ATK +25% every time the HP of the target falls by 20%
Detailed Skill Info
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.08
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.09
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.1
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.12
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.13
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.14
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.16
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.19
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.22
hp_ratio_drop 0.2
atk_scale_up 0.25
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
30 Seconds
31 Seconds
32 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +130%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +135%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +140%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +145%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +150%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +155%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +160%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +180%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +200%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
ATK +220%, but Normal Attack will not target enemies with over 80% HP
Detailed Skill Info
atk 1.3
atk 1.35
atk 1.4
atk 1.45
atk 1.5
atk 1.55
atk 1.6
atk 1.8
atk 2
atk 2.2


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Redeployment Time reduced
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 40
def 30
respawn_time -25
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Provence, and have Provence defeat at least 5 enemies
Clear Main Theme S5-1 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Provence, and have Provence defeat at least 6 enemies, including at least 1 Veteran Logger

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +30%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +45%

Quick Evaluation

+ With ATK modifiers from Skills and crit Talent she can output crazy damage under the right conditions
+ Excellent physical damage option against beefier opponents
- The conditions on her skills can be limiting
- Limited ability to deal with flying units
- High DP Cost
- Short Range and slightly slower Attack Speed

Operator Overview

"I'm Provence, your average disaster relief worker. Hmm, why are you staring at me like that? Interested in my tail?"

Are you up to the challenge? This fluffy relief worker is known for her High Accuracy Point Blank assassination killshots for  any enemy that dares to get close. The Catastrophe Messenger of Rhodes Island, Provence, specializes in DPS and finishing off low health targets. 

Provence has a short range for a Sniper, which she makes up for with high ATK and burst potential. Her Talent, Hunter’s Arrow,  gives her a chance to deal insane burst damage. Skill 1 - Wolf’s Eye is a passive skill (always active) that increases her damage  against weakened enemies (with low health), allowing her to mercilessly execute them. Skill 2 Prey Seeker, on the other hand, gives Provence a huge damage boost and, combined with her talent usage, allows her to put up impressive DPS numbers. 

Provence has many limitations as a Sniper which often make her a niche Operator to use. She doesn’t prioritize airborne targets, lacks the typical Sniper range, and cannot attack full health targets during Skill 2 activation. However, in conditions where these limitations do not hinder her effectiveness, she can achieve one of the highest DPS in the game, ensuring that any foe who dares to get close will be obliterated where they stand.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

high damage potential, but very range and positioning restricted to reach it

Elite Promotion Discussion

The fluffy tailed Sniper that preys on damaged enemies, Provence doubles the multiplicative attack buff gained by her Talent Hunter’s Arrow when she reaches E2.

Skill Discussion

S1: Wolf's Eye

How it works: 

The health % of the enemy before damage is dealt is used to determine the Attack_Multiplier.  The value of the modifier is determined in a linear fashion.  If the enemy has lost X% of its HP, then the final modifier will be X% of the total possible modifier.  The total possible modifier is 5x the listed value.


If an enemy were at 85% HP, she gets 15% of the total possible modifier.  At M3, the total possible modifier is 125%.  She would get 15% of that, so 18.75%, so the full Attack Multiplier would be 118.75%.

S2M3 B+ B+ B

The first note for Provence is that if you have Schwarz or Fartooth, don't waste your resources Mastering Provence's skills. Those units do the job better in all regards and to a significant degree. However not everyone has them, so there is still value in the hard hitting Provence for some. She can be a relatively difficult unit to use though, with a very long initial wind-up, short range, and stringent HP requirement, so exercise significant caution before investing.

Avoid her S1 which, while a nice idea, has really poor numbers.

Base Skill Analysis

Provence gains her second RIIC Skill at Elite 2.

This is the strongest buff available for the HR Office, and only Eyja E2 can offer the same.  The fluffy-tailed nuker is a decent choice for E2 gameplay as well.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Zhā Niàn
CV Akari Kageyama
CV (EN) Xanthe Huynh
CV (CN) 徐晨
CV (KR) 朴志胤
Gender Female
Place of Birth Siracusa
Birthday Nov. 30
Race Lupo
Height 162cm
Combat Experience
1 year
Infection Status Showed physical signs of Originium, infection confirmed by medical examination.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Provence is a Catastrophe Messenger. She has demonstrated superior combat capability in coordinated assaults and marksmanship.
She now serves as a sniper on a Rhodes Island squad, Provence is also tasked with investigating Catastrophe zones and providing early warnings of impending Catastrophes.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests for this Operator showed blurry outlines of internal organs with visible dark spots. Unusually high concentrations of Originium particles were present in her circulatory system, indicating infection and confirming her as Infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 18%
Primarily internal Originiumitis, also caused mutated tail.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.3u/L
Infection entering mid-stage, though patient is currently in stable condition.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
In the world of wilderness scouts, those who brave the wilds, watching for changes in weather forecast the approach of a Catastrophe, those who record previous Catastrophes and provide advance warnings for those that have yet to hit are called 'Catastrophe Messenger.'
Working do close to the devastating power of Catastrophes has a tendency to weigh on the Messengers, either jading them or traumatizing them. Many give up the work due to the heavy psychological toll. But Provence continues to shoulder these burdens. She has seen the destruction of life and limb wrought by the Catastrophes, and her love of that life serves as a powerful motivation for her to keep going back to work.
When it comes to the Catastrophes themselves, Provence's thoughts are complicated. She has borne witness to the havoc they wreak on the lives of the common people, but she does not let herself be overcome by negativity. She controls her emotions, remains optimistic, and keeps calm. These characteristics make her an excellent Catastrophe Messenger, as she brings not despair with her messages, but hope. These are the ideas that keep her charging into the wilderness under the shroud of pitch-black clouds.
As important as her resilience is to her work, Provence's wealth of experience and adaptability are equally powerful tools in her arsenal. She can hold out in the wilderness even with limited supplies, relying on well-trained survival instincts to see her and her companions through their challenges. Her intuition allows her to effectively assess threats, and her commitment to teamwork has made her one of our most reliable Operators.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Provence's greatest hope is to improve how people face the challenges posed by Catastrophes. A staunch environmentalist, she fights against waste and littering, while advocating for the conservation of resources, and directly improves the environment through her own actions.
Provence is often seen busily hurrying between different uninhabited biomes and Rhodes Island, where she personally volunteers to clean and recycle waste in her spare time. She has also been known to take the time to politely and thoroughly lecture the less environmentally conscious of her fellow operators. Very few have been unmoved by her sincerity.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
It is an uncommon occurance, but when all her work is done, including the volunteer cleanup she does, Provence enjoys her time off by carefully grooming her tail.
If her tail is adequately fluffed, she has been known to drop into the store to shop for some fashionable gifts for herself and her friends (including some outfits to add to her wardrobe), play with the children of Rhodes Island, try out new cooking recipes (with ingredients foraged in the wild, of course), organize the occasional shindig with her chums, and other such things that strike her fancy. Such is Provence's ideal lifestyle.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
'We got a storm brewing near the island. Don't worry, I'll handle the evacuation. I've been in this restaurant before!'
Before Provence finished speaking, she was already diving headfirst into another operation deep in the wilds.
In fact, she is always in danger.
Because in fact, she suffers from Oripathy.
The work she so deeply values lets her infection slip her mind, but she is well aware of her condition. Still, she takes an optimistic outlook on life.
Provence's visit with the Doctor, however, has made her more aware of the seriousness of the overall situation.
To ease the Doctor's concerns and make the island safer, Provence continues to make regular trips into the wild.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant If you need your room cleaned, I'd be glad to help, Doctor.
Talk 1 You seem really interested in my tail, don't you? You say it's furry and looks cute? Well, wanna touch it? No one else has a tail like this, you know!
Talk 2 Water is precious in the wild. Rhodes Island is in no danger of having a drought right now, but that doesn't mean we should waste water.
Talk 3 It's my duty to search for and rescue those who encounter Catastrophes. I rarely find any survivors though...
Talk after Promotion 1 Retrieving beacons, exploring mineral deposits, and recycling... Then we can call it a day!
Talk after Promotion 2 Mr. Grape is my buddy and a capable partner I can rely on! Where he came from, you ask?... Uh, hmm... Now that's a good question. Where did we first meet?...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 W-what's with that red one...? I... can't stop trembling... uh... Doctor, can you lend me your arm? I'd feel much safer that way...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Those who do Catastrophe relief work often develop all kinds of mutations. What mutation do I have? Well, it's better not to ask. The more you know, the more dangerous it gets for you, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Catastrophe relief workers in the wilderness... don't usually come out unscathed. No need to worry about me, though! I'm already very happy to have a chance to rest at Rhodes Island.
Idle Aw, falling asleep in this kinda place again... Guess 'safety' isn't a part of your vocabulary.
Onboard I'm Provence, your average Catastrophe relief worker. Hmm, why are you staring at me like that? Interested in my tail?
Watching Battle Record So... does this bring me closer to what you imagined I should be?
Promotion 1 It's fun working with you, Doctor!
Promotion 2 I sense a storm approaching Rhodes Island. But don't worry, leave the evacuation to me! I'm an expert at Catastrophe prevention!
Added to Squad Who will I be teaming up with this time?
Appointed as Squad Leader Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
Depart My job is to bring everyone home safely.
Begin Operation I despise natural Catastrophes and enemies equally!
Selecting Operator 1 Is it my turn?
Selecting Operator 2 I am in peak condition!
Deployment 1 Let's greet 'em with a warning shot.
Deployment 2 Arrows loaded. Ready to go!
In Battle 1 I've warned ya! Now time for Crowd Control!
In Battle 2 Pinpointing enemy weakness!
In Battle 3 I'll distract the enemy.
In Battle 4 The wilderness has its own rules.
4-star Result Compared to natural Catastrophes, these enemies are really powerless.
3-star Result Disaster assessment report: we received zero damage!
Sub 3-star Result Everyone worked hard. Even if we suffered some damage, let's not be discouraged!
Operation Failure Aw... my assessment was off. This'll leave a spot on my record for sure...
Assigned to Facility It'd be nice to have a room to rest in!
Tap Oh, Doctor?
Trust Tap I've got a fluffy tail~ a fluffy tail~♪
Title Arknights.
Greeting Oh, good morning, Doctor.

Operator Records

Record: Coworkers
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50
Record: A Perilous Road
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 200

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_prove_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Provence is well-versed in most wilderness environments and survival techniques. This simulation has a rugged environment as its base, and has set up new challenges for her.
Watch for the enemies before you. Judge the timing and positioning of your actions, prioritize taking out principal threats, and leave enemies who'll further affect your movements to your trustworthy teammates.
Provence knows well, no matter what kind of environment the bleak battlefield is, only sufficient agility can guarantee survival.