



Deals Arts damage and Slow the target for a short time
sluggish = 0.8

Operator Description

Legal advisor Proviso, open for consultation on all business matters.

Operator Quote

Either cough up massive legal fees, or be of true and sincere heart, and she'll be willing to help you out.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 9/8/2022
Release Date (Global) 3/31/2023


Potential Item

Proviso's Token A book of analysis of Kazimierz law, rife with notes. Countless underlines stress key points, growing steadily more useless the more they're made.


ASPD +6; the same buff is given to a random [Kazimierz] Operator when deployed
ASPD +8(+2); the same buff is given to a random [Kazimierz] Operator when deployed
ASPD +10; the same buff is given to a random [Kazimierz] Operator when deployed
ASPD +12(+2); the same buff is given to a random [Kazimierz] Operator when deployed
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack deals 200% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 210% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 220% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 230% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 250% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 260% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 270% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 280% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 290% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 300% ATK as Arts damage, and slightly increases the Trait's Slow duration
Can store 3 charges
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
sluggish 1.6
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
sluggish 1.6
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
sluggish 1.6
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
sluggish 1.6
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
sluggish 1.6
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
sluggish 1.6
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.7
sluggish 1.6
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.8
sluggish 1.6
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.9
sluggish 1.6
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
sluggish 1.6
ct 3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
6 Seconds
7 Seconds
8 Seconds
9 Seconds
10 Seconds
Skill Effect
Deal 200% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.8
Deal 210% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.8
Deal 230% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.8
Deal 250% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then further reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.9
Deal 260% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then further reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.9
Deal 270% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 6 sec, then further reduce own attack interval
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -0.9
Deal 280% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 7 sec, then reduce own attack interval even further
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -1
Deal 300% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 8 sec, then reduce own attack interval even further
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -1
Deal 320% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 9 sec, then reduce own attack interval even further
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -1
Deal 350% ATK as Arts damage to all units within range, causing them to become Slow and silenced for 10 sec, then reduce own attack interval significantly
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by -1.1
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.8
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.8
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.8
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.9
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.9
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.7
sluggish 6
silence 6
base_attack_time -0.9
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.8
sluggish 7
silence 7
base_attack_time -1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
sluggish 8
silence 8
base_attack_time -1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.2
sluggish 9
silence 9
base_attack_time -1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.5
sluggish 10
silence 10
base_attack_time -1.1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
SP recovery +0.2/sec when there are enemies within range
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 90
atk 30
Unlock Information
During battle, have Proviso use Prevailing Argument a total of 14 times (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 4-7 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Proviso, and have Proviso defeat at least 3 Infused Originium Slugs.

RIIC Base Skills

Contract Law Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, if the amount of Pure Gold traded is less than 4, it will be considered a Defaulted trade
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, if a Pure Gold trade is a Defaulted trade, Pure Gold traded +1
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, if a Pure Gold trade is a Defaulted trade, Pure Gold traded +2

Quick Evaluation

+ A Decel Binder support with a specialty in slow and silence attacks
+ Talent: Grants a moderate ASPD buff when deployed to one random Kazimierz operator
+ S1: Single target slow option. Low SP cost with charges that increase her slow duration.
+ S2: Provides both AOE slow and silence in one package. Good attack speed buff during skill duration.
- S2: Short range and moderate cooldowns make it a niche choice amongst silence options.

Operator Overview

Proviso was once a starry-eyed law student, filled with ideas of defending truth and justice in the court of law. In her very first case, she was coached on hiding key evidence until halfway through the trial in order to secure a conviction on an innocent man. She has been defending the guilty and attacking the innocent ever since, winning just about every case she took and becoming quite wealthy in the process. It must have been quite a surprise to her law firm when she threw it all away to join Rhodes Island as a 5* Decel Binder Supporter with Slow and Silence capabilities, but it’s a natural move for Proviso, who is starved to do some good in the world at long last.

Appropriately enough, Proviso’s Talent is her Kazimierz Legal Expertise, which gives her bonus ASPD and grants the same buff to a random Kazimierz ally when Proviso is deployed. Her first Skill is the ability to Dispute Litigation, an automatic Skill that can hold multiple charges and empowers her next attack with bonus damage and a longer Slow. More dramatic is her Skill for the Prevailing Argument, which immediately deals Arts damage to all enemies within her attack range and inflicts a long-lasting Slow and Silence on them. Proviso also gains a reduced attack interval, attacking noticeably more quickly for the same duration as the Slow/ Silence combo.

Proviso is a very solid Decel Binder, with Skills that charge quickly and a Talent that benefits many powerful Kazimierz Operators. The high damage modifiers on her Skills are offset by her low ATK, but the end result is still respectable for her archetype. The only issue is the question of redundancy. There are lots of other sources of Slow and several more for Silence, and Proviso doesn’t bring much to the case beyond those two effects. If you already have reliable sources for both ailments, Proviso may not be worth her steep legal fees. But if you’re in need of a competent defense who can obfuscate the opponent (with Slow) and shut down their strategy (with Silence), Proviso is more than capable of making the Objection stick.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Offers a comfortable kit for Slow and Silence for new players. Is more expensive to promote to E1 than Podenco without being significantly better in combat. On the other hand, Proviso has a great base skill that improves when promoted to E2. New players should NOT promote operators to E2 for base skills while they still have combat-relevant promotions to make, but for those that care about maximizing their base output, the fact that she will eventually be E2d may make those players prefer early promotion of her over Podenco.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 B- C+ B-

Given how valuable her base skill is, many people will promote Proviso anyway, which makes the Mastery decision relatively interesting. Proviso is essentially a slightly better Podenco. She has better damage and duration, but a worse cycle time. That isn't amazing, given that her promotion and Masteries cost twice as much, but it still makes her a more than functional utility option. Her S2 Masteries are very important to using S2 since they provide big boosts to both damage and uptime. The interval reduction at M3 is especially valuable for her DPS, though her overall damage is relatively low still. While she is not as cost effective, her Masteries are reasonable, if low-priority considerations to make a unit you likely are investing in anyway capable on the field. Her S1 is ungraded. It may be useful to those who want to use Proviso as a regular member of the team and has big Mastery upgrades, but it’s easily outclassed by a myriad of other, better options.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist せんむ
CV 米泽圆
CV (EN) Allegra Clark
CV (CN) 谢莹
CV (KR) 金採璘
Gender Female
Place of Birth Kazimierz
Birthday Oct 30
Race Kuranta
Height 165cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Normal


Proviso, real name Deszcz, former attorney of Longrein Law Firm in Kazimierz. Now working in Rhodes Island's Logistics Department as a legal consultant.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Proviso shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Proviso rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Proviso left a deep impression on our HR operators the day she reported in. After all, not many new hires take the time to review each and every word in their contract, and then go on to lament with an extremely disappointed and slightly complimentary tone, 'I couldn't find any mistakes...'
Even before her arrival, the HR Department was already hesitant about hiring Ms. Deszcz, now known as Operator Proviso, after reviewing her resume and conducting a routine background check.
Proviso previously worked as a lawyer at the Longrein Law Firm, Kazimierz's top firm, in both litigation and non-litigation. She's had an impressive track record over the years, with a considerable number of cases under her belt and an unbroken streak of victories in the courtroom. When we reviewed the relevant case records, we found that Operator Proviso was never concerned with whether the results were just or not. She focused solely on earning victory for her clients, and there were many questionable aspects in the way she handled her cases.
Even though we can find no flaw in her abilities, we were concerned whether a lawyer with her values would fulfill our requirements.
Operator Proviso provided detailed answers to all of our questions. She assured us that her previous affairs had been wrapped up and would not create a conflict of interest. In addition, she mentioned she was very interested in our actions during the Major. That is also the reason she chose to join Rhodes Island: it seemed to be a company that was actually trying to do good. And she chose to give up her old job because, as she put it, she 'saw the stars.'

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Many young people find it difficult to adjust during the transition from student to employee, and Proviso was no exception.
When she worked her first case as a fresh lawyer, her mentor asked if she wanted to win. When she answered affirmatively, she was told that they would hide a key piece of evidence until the hearing was halfway through. She was then to claim that 'the inspection agency has just finished analyzing the data,' at which point her mentor would enter the courtroom and deliver the new piece of evidence: a repaired recording of a conversation. With it, Proviso was able to discredit the witness's testimony and place responsibility on the secretary, who had been blinded by the huge amount of money involved. He was found guilty and sentenced to prison.
'A beautiful first win.' That's what everyone at the law firm said about her performance.
Later, while in prison, the secretary was apparently able to suddenly prove his innocence. Supposedly, it was done with a note written in his own blood. His mother is said to have committed suicide not long after. Proviso had heard many of these alleged events. At the time, she was responsible for helping a high-ranking executive clear himself of bribery charges, and among his many transactions, one of the most frequent recipients was the secretary's superior. She realized at that point that there may have been more to her first case, so she suggested to her mentor that they should get the case retried.
But her mentor simply sat behind his desk and looked at her coldly without saying a word.
She remembered that when she was still a student filled with admiration, she would head to the courtroom to watch him work. Even though he was the executive defendant's defense attorney, he argued for the staff member plaintiff, and in the end bowed deeply to everyone in the stands. 'Whatever is necessary to uphold justice,' he said at the time.
Proviso said nothing more. She did absolutely everything she could to get the executive's charges thrown out, and earned a huge sum of money. Later, she anonymously sent the full amount to the prisoner's wife and never again brought it up again.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
'The ice-cold Mr. Młynar.' That's what Proviso always calls Operator Młynar. However, she often tells us that he isn't actually as cold and indifferent as he seems, and in fact they had a short conversation when they first met.
They had run into each other by chance on their way to Twierdza, and while crossing a simple wooden bridge on the way to the village they came across an old man carrying heavy firewood on his back. As the old man slowly made his way to the other side of the bridge, Proviso stretched her ankles and looked around for a place to rest. She quietly said to herself, 'I wonder how much he'll make from that bundle of firewood?'
Proviso said she kept zoning out afterwards. A few days prior, she had just won a case for a certain executive and received a huge sum of money for her services. She knew she had seen plenty of things she shouldn't have while collecting evidence, and her payment was greater than previously agreed on. In other words, she was being paid to keep her mouth shut, and she had assured her discretion. However, after celebrating at a pub, and despite the security features installed in her home, she returned to find a torn business suit hung from the ceiling. She panicked, but also felt a bit relieved, as it meant that was as far as the executive's threat went. At the very least, it was her clothes hanging from the ceiling, not her. She had already experienced similar incidents more than a dozen times, and so when she looked over the rural landscape on the way to Twierdza, all she had on her mind was whether she should purchase a home there to lay low, and how she would have to change the wording in her contracts to keep anyone from finding it.
Proviso paused for a moment, then continued to talk about her journey.
As she was zoning out, she paid little attention to the question she had posed on a whim, but after a brief silence, Młynar suddenly gave her a number. Proviso said she was flabbergasted. She could only see his fed up, sorrowful expression after he spoke, and did not understand why he would suddenly answer her question. But after the day's work, she spotted a man in the fields. It was the same old man, having finally traversed the endless rural paths and made it back to his village before dark. He had a small amount of change in his hands, worth roughly the same as the number Młynar gave her.
She was holding her terminal in her hand at the time, and just about to answer a phone call from her employer, yet for whatever reason, she did not press the button to pick up the call until the old man had slowly gone back inside his home. According to Proviso, she shuddered when she heard the voice on the other end of the line.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
A 'letter of intent' instead of a 'services agreement,' incomplete bidding documents, and no thorough assessment of the workload... You have all these mistakes laid out in front of me, but won't let me seek damages. That just makes me sad, you know?
Yes, I understand. A few other lawyers have already told me about Rhodes Island's standards. But it is a serious error for a commercial corporation not to closely review the contracts it signs. As Rhodes Island's lawyer, I'm on your side, of course.
But what if I worked for a company we were fighting in court?
Naturally, it'd be to my benefit to sniff out every mistake Rhodes Island has ever made—who's to say what would happen if I actually filed a lawsuit?
Yes, I'm a lawyer.
But I'm just a lawyer. If both sides present strong evidence in their favor, the side whose evidence is lacking will lose. The law is just that straightforward.
My beliefs? What about my beliefs?
Take a closer look at these lawsuits. These companies aren't the good guys you're making them out to be. This one had news break out a couple years ago about them abusing their Infected employees, while this one once fired a huge number of company veterans. And this one. I have proof that they've covered up their workers' deaths.
Now that I'm working for Rhodes Island, of course I know what it is you guys are trying to do— Besides, the new Infected laws they introduced these past few years are riddled with holes. Compared to all the commercial laws everyone's poured over for ages, and come up with countless interpretations for every single word, this couldn't be any easier!
That's why you have to trust me, and I'll do my best to help you within the bounds of what you'll allow.
How about it? Can you let me give it a try?
I'll hit 'em right where it hurts: the bank account!

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
After a round of mediation, the self-satisfied client leans back into the sofa, swirls the wine in his glass, and asks the lawyer in front of him, 'Miss Deszcz, with someone like you on our side, it's like the law is our own personal protective talisman.'
He waits for a compliment.
'Maybe you should off that director and take over the company, then?
'You aren't going to tell me you don't have the heart to, are you? You just swallowed an entire business, and I'm sure we'll be seeing the shriveled faces of plenty of bankrupt executives on the news tomorrow morning.'
The client is flabbergasted.
'What I'm saying is the law ensures that this is the best you can manage.' Deszcz swirls the wine in her glass as well. 'Perhaps this might offend you, but at the very least, you have to take into consideration that the law exists, no?'
'This way, at least their lawyers can earn them some damages for them to survive on. The law helps you win, it keeps them alive, and the worst case scenario doesn't come to pass.
'What's more, I make loads of money every step of the way.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant These documents won't take me long to take care of. Why don't you show me Rhodes Island's old business contracts? You never know what kind of restitutions there might be hidden in a contract's terms.
Talk 1 Doctor, when you work out your business plans, feel free to put off the legal ramifications till the very end. I've never lost a case as a defense attorney.
Talk 2 Huh? Even that ice-cold Młynar is here? And here I thought he'd want a breather after leaving his job behind in the Grand Knight Territory. Well, Rhodes Island isn't a bad place. At least they don't expect you to wine-and-dine clients here. Otherwise, considering his alcohol tolerance...
Talk 3 Is that a Kazimierzian newspaper you're reading, Doctor? 'Despite Conclusive Evidence, Knight Sports Match Fixers Found Innocent'—Oh, I was in charge of that case. What does that mean? Hehe, if they walked away scot-free, then obviously the evidence wasn't conclusive enough.
Talk after Promotion 1 I've never actually worked for a multinational corporation before, so I've been reading up on other countries' laws, too. But no matter where you are, the lawbooks make it clear as day who benefits under their rules.
Talk after Promotion 2 The courtroom is a place of victory and defeat. Both sides submit their evidence, and their disputes are arbitrated within the confines of the law. I never expected to find any justice in that process, but when the law can be freely trampled on by capitalism, being a lawyer gets real boring, don't you think?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Ugh, my back hurts. I kind of want a massage chair, but money's tight with my current salary. But considering Rhodes Island's revenue, I suppose the pay isn't completely unreasonable—Speaking of which, what do you think of my plan to demand compensation from companies we've worked with? What? How can it be extortion when we're asking for pocket change?!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, I think there are a lot of problems with the medical malpractice liability clauses in Rhodes Island's contracts. In most countries, we as a medical company wouldn't be liable for a lot of the scenarios listed in there—You don't want to fix it? Alright, I'll give it some more thought.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I'm slowly starting to understand that expecting the law be able to judge all disputes fairly isn't just naive, it's intellectually lazy. The law is not perfect, and it will always be riddled with holes that we need to fill with humanity.
Idle So even the Doctor likes to sleep at the desk, just like me. I'll be worried about your spine if this keeps up, though…
Onboard Hello, my name is Deszcz. I'm your new legal consultant. If you need to call me by a codename, then use Proviso. Let me get this out of the way first, though. The general practice of obfuscating all your employees' identities isn't going to fly with me.
Watching Battle Record If you're putting me in charge, I can make sure the enemies will be liable for all damages.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Let me take a look at the new contract... Alright, everything checks out. My salary did go up. Thanks!
Promotion 2 If you're letting me read these high clearance level materials, this is going way beyond a normal partnership, isn't it...? Thanks for your trust, Doctor. I hope I'll be able to accomplish with law what I never could before I came here.
Added to Squad I'm glad to help, but before we get started, can we be more explicit with regards to the terms of compensation?
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, please be sure to handle the work you're assigned. Do not give our opponents any loopholes.
Depart The court is now in session!
Begin Operation I've gathered enough materials on our opponents. They will lose this case.
Selecting Operator 1 I never prepare drafts.
Selecting Operator 2 Ahem. Allow me to present my argument.
Deployment 1 If you are not party to this suit, please leave at once.
Deployment 2 Order! The court will soon reach a verdict.
In Battle 1 Hold it! The evidence submitted by the opposing party is suspect.
In Battle 2 Objection! The witness's testimony is self-contradictory.
In Battle 3 Anything you say can and will be used against you. I suggest you exercise your right to remain silent.
In Battle 4 Based on the above, you are found guilty.
4-star Result No surprise there. As long as you understand how to use the system, the results follow naturally.
3-star Result I take it I met your expectations, Doctor? Now, per our contract, let's discuss legal fees.
Sub 3-star Result Don't worry, we'll get this case thrown out and win the retrial.
Operation Failure Something must've gone wrong somewhere... I won't let this kind of failure happen again.
Assigned to Facility Can I apply for a more comfortable chair?
Tap What?
Trust Tap Doctor, I took a photo of what you just did as evidence.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello, Doctor. I'm happy to report that Rhodes Island is not currently involved in any legal disputes, for now.