Attack Type




Attacks all blocked enemies [This in-game description is inaccurate. This Operator does not need enemies to be blocked to hit them, they just need to be in range. This Operator hits multiple targets equal to their block number.]

Operator Description

Quartz, mercenary. Here per the rules, reporting in.

Operator Quote

When on a mission with Quartz, you can be free from the torment of Rhodes Island standard rations.

Obtain Approach

Voucher Exchange
The Operator can be obtained through Shop Vouchers
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 11/1/2022
Release Date (Global) 5/23/2023


Potential Item

Quartz's Token A pocket watch from her father. Stopped long ago, but in times when no one is around, you can still hear it 'tick-tock, tick-tock.'


HP +4%, ATK +4%
HP +5% (+1%), ATK +5% (+1%)
HP +8%, ATK +8%
HP +9% (+1%), ATK +9% (+1%)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%
ATK +25%
ATK +30%
ATK +35%
ATK +40%
ATK +45%
ATK +50%
ATK +60%
ATK +70%
ATK +80%
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
atk 0.25
atk 0.3
atk 0.35
atk 0.4
atk 0.45
atk 0.5
atk 0.6
atk 0.7
atk 0.8
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +35, each attack deals 80% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +40, each attack deals 80% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +45, each attack deals 80% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +50, each attack deals 90% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +55, each attack deals 90% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +60, each attack deals 90% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +65, each attack deals 100% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +70, each attack deals 100% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +75, each attack deals 100% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Increases damage taken by 25%, ASPD +80, each attack deals 120% ATK as Physical damage and has a 25% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds
Detailed Skill Info
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 35
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.8
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 40
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.8
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 45
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.8
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 50
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.9
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 55
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.9
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 60
attack@s2_atk_scale 0.9
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 65
attack@s2_atk_scale 1
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 70
attack@s2_atk_scale 1
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 75
attack@s2_atk_scale 1
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25
damage_scale 1.25
attack_speed 80
attack@s2_atk_scale 1.2
attack@s2_buff_prob 0.25
attack@s2_stun 2
fake_damage 0.25

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +30%, and for every 1 recipe type being processed at Factories, additional order acquisition efficiency +2%

Quick Evaluation

+ Extremely high HP and ATK stats are sometimes useful.
+ S2 has a decent stun, despite RNG.
- Complete lack of DEF makes her very fragile. Probably more fragile than you think. Her high HP does not make up for it.
- Low DPS that does not even come close to making up for her fragility.
- S2: Makes her even more fragile!
- S1: Lower DPS with less control than S2.
- 150 Red Certificates makes her more expensive than other 4★s.
- Most players will be better off raising a Centurion like Estelle or Specter instead.

Operator Overview

Quartz cuts quite an imposing figure with that giant longsword slung across her back. If you took one look at that huge hunk of metal and thought, “I definitely don’t want to mess with this woman”… then Quartz’s gamble succeeded! In truth, she is not very good at wielding the massive blade, but she insists on carrying it anyway, hoping the intimidation factor will help her avoid fights. She does know how to use the longsword when she has to, though, serving as the very first 4* Crusher Guard with a focus on high HP and high ATK.

Crusher Guards are similar to Centurion Guards in that they attack a number of enemies equal to their Block count. However, their stats alone cause them to feel dramatically different. Crusher Guards excel at HP and ATK; even as a 4* unit, Quartz has more HP and ATK than most 5* and 6* units. To compensate, however, Crushers have 0 DEF, forcing them to rely entirely on their vast HP pools to survive incoming damage. Crushers also have slow ASPD, above-average DP cost, and 0 RES, and they can Block-2 at any level of promotion (more on that in a bit).

Quartz leans into the lopsided Crusher Guard stats with her Wilderness Action Talent, which further increases her HP and ATK. Her All-Out Attack Skill is more oriented toward shoring up her weaknesses: the Skill gives a large ASPD boost, increases the damage she deals, and gives her attacks a chance to Stun their target. Unfortunately, All-Out Attack also increases the damage that Quartz takes for the duration, so she really needs that Stun to land in order to survive.

And “surviving” is something Quartz has a lot of trouble doing. Even aside from the extra damage she takes during All-Out Attack, having 0 DEF and 0 RES makes Quartz a sitting duck for many of Arknights’ more powerful enemies. With no defenses to reduce incoming damage, her huge HP pool gets burned through very quickly, especially against enemies with high ASPD. On top of that, her slow ASPD greatly reduces the effectiveness of her high ATK stat, much like Mystic Casters. The Crusher archetype tries to get around this by having her hit multiple enemies at once, but having Block-2 limits the value of this trait, especially in comparison to the Block-3 of Centurion Guards or the AoE of Reaper Guards. Quartz might be better off if she could Stun reliably, but the activation chance on her Stun is terribly low and the poor uptime on All-Out Attack doesn’t help either.

If you like to see high (or just lopsided) numbers in your Operators’ stats, Quartz is the girl for you. Her archetype is a very interesting idea and it can be satisfying to watch her chop down weak enemies like a lumberjack. As far as functionality goes, however, Quartz needs a colossal amount of assistance to function in a fight. Considering that she doesn’t even want to be fighting in the first place, it might be kinder to let her tend to business in the RIIC Base instead.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A complete lack of DEF or RES makes her incredibly fragile and eliminates most scenarios where she could be useful, and she doesn't have the dps or utility to make up for it. On top of this, she costs Red Certs to acquire, and new players should be prioritizing their use for high impact promotions.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

The first Crusher (and the second) miss the mark on design pretty hard. While Quartz may appear to be an HP tank, a complete lack of DEF or RES eliminates most scenarios that would actually be useful. She is, instead, incredibly fragile, and doesn’t even have the DPS to make up for it. Even fully maximized, her DPS is very low, although the stun on her S2 at least provides some decent control. Pass on her S1, which has worse DPS and will only outperform S2 against high DEF enemies that Quartz is unlikely to survive against anyway.

The correct priority decision with Crushers is to promote a Centurion instead. You will get much more value out of Estelle than you will out of Quartz.

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 伍秋秋秋秋
CV 逢田梨香子
CV (EN) Elizabeth Maxwell
CV (CN) 虫虫
CV (KR) 金润睬
Gender Female
Place of Birth Columbia
Birthday Aug 13
Race Lupo
Height 173cm
Combat Experience
2 Years
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Normal
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


An unremarkable mercenary from Columbia.
Although her combat skills are nothing to write home about, she is nonetheless a dependable operator and an asset to her squad thanks to her excellent adaptability and ability to adjust operational plans on the fly in even the most complicated battlefield environments.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
No visible surface crystallization.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.21u/L
As a former Pioneer and someone who frequently ventured into dangerous, unexplored areas, it is a miracle that Quartz has thus far avoided infection.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Quartz is a self-disciplined Lupo mercenary.
During her Rhodes Island operator's tests, she demonstrated that she is not especially proficient in wielding greatswords; she even almost hit her assessor, Instructor Dobermann. In spite of this, she did not take the suggestion to receive training in another kind of weapon and instead simply made a sincere apology to Instructor Dobermann for her earlier mistake.

'Perhaps life as a Columbian mercenary isn't as full of epic stories, conspiracies, and legends as people think. Most of the time, they're just normal folks who had no choice but to take up this line of work. In fact, if at all possible, many mercenary teams will try to avoid direct confrontation and bloodshed with other teams. After all, people just trying to earn a living have no desire to give up their lives for their work. Similarly, Quartz most likely chose her weapon for its intimidating appearance, in hopes of avoiding any unnecessary trouble. That said, the greatsword is definitely not just for show. The destructiveness she demonstrated in her tests would no doubt quickly sober up anyone getting any funny ideas.'

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
'Do you mean this pocket watch, Doctor?'

'Actually, I'm not sure when it stopped working... After my father left, it used to remind me when to wake up, when my mother should take her medicine, when to leave for work, when I was late, when I needed to hurry to make it home on time, so on. But it never told me if it was a holiday, or my birthday, or if I should be taking some time off...'

'One night, I came home from work to find my mother sound asleep. At that moment, I was suddenly hit by the thought that I didn't know if everything I'd been doing was because I loved my mother, because of the promise I'd made to my father, or if I'd just gotten used to that kind of regularity. Even after my mother died, life with the Pioneer Team was more of the same. About the only difference was how they'd change your schedule around on a dime. But just like the clockwork in this pocket watch, it just felt like someone had wound it up so it'd keep on ticking, endlessly.'

'I guess... it was probably the time I left the Pioneer Team? I was sitting by the campfire with my mercenary teammates, and I checked my watch because I was worried it was getting late. That was when I realized it had already stopped at some point.'

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
'Most mercenaries head back to the cities after their team is disbanded. They still have to make money somehow, to take care of their children, wives, aging parents...'

'I chose to head the other way, straight into the wilderness. Not like I'd had any of that to worry about for a long, long time. Even wandering the empty wastes all by myself, though, not once did I feel the time drag on. I visited many places that year, but with no special goals or objectives in mind. I just wanted to see things, even just to come across them by chance. Some call it a meaningless way to live, and that all I do is loaf about, not accomplishing anything in life.'

'But that really was the happiest time of my life.'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Rather than being punctual, you could say that Columbians are more like prisoners of time itself. More and more companies are starting to employ automation to replace their workforce, as a way of addressing the risks of infection that come with Originium dust. For normal folks like Quartz, it seems that not falling behind on their work is the one area where machines can never truly beat them.—From Jackie's daily reports

'Actually, Doctor, the way I see it, it's a lot simpler than that. If we fall behind on our work, our pay gets docked. Which also means any plans you have from there on out get disrupted. It means you might have to go hungry for a few days, or not buy that present for your mother you've been saving up for...'

'Oh... Look at the time... Sorry for bothering you this late at night, Doctor. After coming to Rhodes Island, I've started losing track of time every now and then.'
'Don't worry, though. I have your entire work schedule tomorrow already planned out, starting at 7 in the morning. Just relax, get a good night's sleep, and leave the rest to me.'

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
What's the matter, Doctor? Are you looking for Quartz?
Maybe you should check the cafeteria. She might be sharpening her culinary skills with Cutter there. If not... she might be catching up with the latest comic books with Heavyrain in a corner somewhere.
Otherwise, maybe check the girls' dorm? Utage is always wanting to introduce her to the latest trends. That reminds me, you haven't seen Quartz wearing makeup yet, right?
No luck? Let me think...
Come to think of it, the Quartz I knew never made any plans aside from work and training. You could say she was very strict about schedules. It wasn't until she came to Rhodes Island that she started doing all this other stuff.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I'm not so good at desk work, but if all you need is someone to stay by your side and help you arrange your tasks and schedule... I can give it a shot, perhaps.
Talk 1 This pocket watch? My father gave it to me before he left home. It's nothing fancy, but it keeps time if you keep the movement and dial maintained… Uh, Doctor, is there anyone at Rhodes Island who can fix watches?
Talk 2 Out in the field, you can leave the cooking to me. That's what they had me doing back in the Columbian barrenlands. I can't promise, you know that, it's gonna taste very good… But at least it won't give you a stomachache.
Talk 3 Back when I was with the Pioneer Team, the company left us undersupplied, and we did not take that sitting down. We ended up escaping into the barrelands. That's when I got this scar on my eye. It's not a disgrace, but it's not a badge of honor either. It's just the kind of bad luck that us regular Columbians deal with all the time. Mine's just a little more obvious than others.
Talk after Promotion 1 Planning your time and planning your life couldn't be more different. When you're eking out a living, you've got no choice but to use every last second. Even when you space out, you have to keep an eye on the clock. On the other hand, to plan out your life, you need enough time to think and feel. Those aren't contradictory. It's just the second one's more of a luxury to most people.
Talk after Promotion 2 Is my sword heavy? You bet it is. But I need a heavy one to protect my friends and defend our overdue freedom. The truer the weight I carry is, the mightier I can wield it... And when I'm hurt, it also comes in handy as a walking stick.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 When my mother died, I didn't even get to mourn her. I had a huge pile of medical debt waiting for me to pay off. Why did I join the Pioneer Team, and why did I become a merc? It's not like I had other options. But I came to Rhodes Island after giving it serious thought.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 A free mercenary only takes a mission she thinks is worth the time. There was this one night when I was sitting by the fire, affixing some beast teeth to my sword. My friends were sleeping, and the only sound in the air was my watch ticking away. Time is always on my mind, but that was the first time I really felt its passing.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 The mercenary crew I joined was doomed to disband, sooner or later. Without a clear goal and strict discipline, you can't survive in the wilderness… Maybe only an organization like Rhodes Island can really protect what's beautiful out there. I'm thankful that I could come here.
Idle Doctor, if you don't need anything from me, I'll just zone out here for a bit... Feel free to talk to me anytime you need me.
Onboard Hello, Doctor. I'm Quartz... I think I'm on time.
Watching Battle Record I wish our squad could've fought like this back there.
Promotion 1 Thanks for your recognition, but remember to tell me if there's anything I can improve on.
Promotion 2 Rhodes Island's promotion process and standards are pretty transparent. That's not easy to do.
Added to Squad Hope I can help.
Appointed as Squad Leader Don't worry. I think my decisions through.
Depart I propose we begin our operation at the top of the hour. It'll be easier to keep track of time.
Begin Operation Hide, and make sure to put out the cooking fire.
Selecting Operator 1 Doctor, I'm in position.
Selecting Operator 2 Sheathe my weapon for the time being? Then my sword…
Deployment 1 Perfect timing!
Deployment 2 A bit late, not a big problem.
In Battle 1 Time your strike. It's more important than brute strength.
In Battle 2 Keep your distance. I only want to strike the enemy.
In Battle 3 You're staring at my eyepatch, it reveals a lot.
In Battle 4 Take this!
4-star Result When every phase of the mission proceeds with watchlike precision, victory is assured.
3-star Result This is worth celebrating... When we get back to Rhodes Island, we won't have to eat my cooking anymore.
Sub 3-star Result Even the most accurate of watches isn't always accurate. Don't be so fixated on perfection
Operation Failure Sorry, Doctor, we had a few problems with the plan because my watch is broken. Go, and leave the rest to me.
Assigned to Facility This is much more comfortable than a tent in the wilderness... Will someone stand watch at night?
Tap Oh, Doctor. What's the matter?
Trust Tap Let's space out together, Doctor. We can chill for as long as we need... No need to watch the clock like we used to.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Hello, Doctor. Careful. You almost bumped into my sword.