
Skadi the Corrupting Heart

Attack Type

Alternative Forms




Does not attack but continuously restores the HP of all allies within range (the HP restored per second is equal to 10% of self ATK). Self is unaffected by Inspire
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio = 0.1

Operator Description

Skadi the Corrupting Heart, a visitor familiar yet unbeknownst to you.

Operator Quote

Are you willing to welcome it?

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Obtain Approach Detail

This Operator is a Limited Operator in the [Celebration] Limited series.  They appeared on the following banners:

Headhunting: Yes (LIMITED) Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 5/1/2021
Release Date (Global) 10/21/2021


Potential Item

Skadi the Corrupting Heart's Token A curved quill formed of cartilage. A light blue liquid drips from the quill's point, violently transforming an experimental organism's physiological structure.


Can use a Seaborn that lasts for 15 seconds. The Seaborn's Attack Range is regarded as an extension of this unit's Attack Range
Can use a Seaborn that lasts for 25 seconds. The Seaborn's Attack Range is regarded as an extension of this unit's Attack Range
ATK +6% when there is an allied unit within range of self or the Seaborn; If the allied unit is an [Abyssal Hunter] Operator, gain ATK +15% instead
ATK +9% (+3%) when there is an allied unit within range of self or the Seaborn; If the allied unit is an Abyssal Hunter operator, gain ATK +18% (+3%) instead
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval

Summon Stats

Arts Resist
DP Cost
Detailed Info


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +80%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 40% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +90%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 40% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +100%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 40% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +110%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 50% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +120%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 50% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +130%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 50% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +140%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 60% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +150%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 70% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +160%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 70% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Immediately restores all HP and gains Max HP +170%. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 80% and 50% of damage taken by all ally units within Attack Range is directly transferred to this unit (only the highest effect of this type is applied)
Detailed Skill Info
max_hp 0.8
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.4
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 0.9
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.4
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.4
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.1
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.5
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.2
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.5
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.3
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.5
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.4
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.6
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.5
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.7
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.6
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.7
damage_resistance 0.5
max_hp 1.7
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.8
damage_resistance 0.5
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 15% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 15%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 20% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 15%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 25% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 15%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 30% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 16%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 35% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 16%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 40% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 16%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 45% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 17%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 50% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 18%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 55% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 19%
Unlimited duration
All other ally units within Attack Range gain Inspire equal to 60% of this unit's ATK and DEF. The healing effect of this unit's Trait is increased to 20%
Unlimited duration
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.15
def 0.15
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.15
atk 0.2
def 0.2
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.15
atk 0.25
def 0.25
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.15
atk 0.3
def 0.3
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.16
atk 0.35
def 0.35
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.16
atk 0.4
def 0.4
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.16
atk 0.45
def 0.45
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.17
atk 0.5
def 0.5
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.18
atk 0.55
def 0.55
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.19
atk 0.6
def 0.6
attack@atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio 0.2
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 25% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 50% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 30% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 55% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 35% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 60% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 40% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 65% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 45% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 70% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 50% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 75% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 55% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 80% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 60% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 90% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 65% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 100% of this unit's ATK
This unit's Trait changes to losing 5% HP every second. Deals 70% ATK as True damage to all enemies within range every second (damage from this unit and the Seaborn stacks). All ally units within range gain Inspire equal to 110% of this unit's ATK
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.25
atk 0.5
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.3
atk 0.55
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.35
atk 0.6
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.4
atk 0.65
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.45
atk 0.7
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.5
atk 0.75
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.55
atk 0.8
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.6
atk 0.9
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.65
atk 1
hp_ratio 0.05
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 0.7
atk 1.1
hp_ratio 0.05

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Supporter Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
Assimilation Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, increases the Specialization training speed of Supporter Operators by +30%, and further increases this speed by +65% if training the skill to Specialization Level 3
Mutation Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Morale consumed per hour +1 when training a Supporter Operator's skill to Specialization Level 3

Quick Evaluation

+ An Aura Supporter with powerful stat boosts abilities
+ Talent: Can summon a seaborn on a deployable tile that effectively extends skadi's attack range
+ Broad Support utility make her a great addition to almost any team
+ Very cheap DP cost enables early deployment for valuable support in early stage.
+ S1: Turns skadi into a tank support that will take half of the damage enemies deal within her attack range. She becomes very durable with good healing, but having a supporter tank isn't often useful.
+ S2: The bread and butter skill for skadi. This gives a big chunk of stats to all nearby allies, boosts her healing and it has infinite duration. Because her deploy cost is so cheap you can easily deploy her early to activate this skill quickly.
+ S3: Great attack boost if you can handle the HP penalties. The true damage is decent but this skill is used mainly for the attack boost.
- As a pure support unit, her impact on the field is heavily dependent on the rest of the team.
- S3: Can be hard to use without an extra source of healing.

Operator Overview

“I've been waiting for you, Doctor. I've waited for you for far, far too long, I even forgot why I am waiting for you here... but none of that matters. None of that matters much anymore.”

Hands up, anybody who expected the alternate version of Skadi to be an undercover Grey Goo-ifying pop star who turns people into sea monsters with her voice? Yeah, me neither.

Skadi the Corrupting Heart is technically the Skadi we know and love, but she's taken on the identity of a wandering troubadour as she searches for a kidnapped friend. Unfortunately, it turns out that prolonged exposure to Skadi's voice turns living organisms into deep sea monstrosities. It's like she's the Borg from Star Trek—well, if the Borg assimilated their victims by holding concerts, anyway. With her musical bent, it makes sense that Skadi the Corrupting Heart is a 6* Aura Supporter (like less-lethal idol singer Sora), but she’s certainly not like anything the archetype has seen before: she can extend her range, soak damage for her allies, permanently buff ATK and DEF, or just straight-up murder enemies listening to her.

First off, it’s important to know that Aura Supporters don’t attack. Their Trait causes them to steadily heal allies within their attack range instead, and it also makes Aura Supporters immune to “Inspire” buffs. The buffs granted by Aura Supporter Skills are typically “Inspire” buffs, and this means that Aura Supporters can’t buff themselves or each other with their Skills (unless specifically stated). No using Sora’s Hymn of Battle to power up Skadi’s S3, for example.

At E1, Skadi the Corrupting Heart gains her Ancient Kin Talent, which allows her to place a Seaborn minion that serves as an extension of her attack range. This grants terrifying flexibility for her potent Skills. Her S1, Chant of Returning by Varied Paths, immediately heals Skadi, buffs her maximum HP, and enhances the healing of her Trait, while also causing Skadi to take half the damage that allies within her attack range would take. Less unusual but no less powerful is Wish of Burial Beyond the Light, a permanent charged Skill that Inspires the ATK and DEF of allies within her attack range and also enhances the healing of her Trait (though not as much as S1). And beyond that we have 'The Tide Surges, the Tide Recedes', an S3 that flips Skadi into murder-mode. For the duration, Skadi stops healing (instead losing HP herself) and starts inflicting Pure damage on enemies within range. Notably, the damage dealt by Skadi and by her Seaborn will stack if their ranges overlap! The Skill even gives an enormous ATK-based Inspire buff to allies within earshot, as if doubled Pure damage wasn’t good enough already.

Every all-consuming Grey Goo has a weakness, and Skadi the Corrupting Heart is no exception, even if she is on your side. Her Seaborn has to be redeployed constantly and costs DP to do so, making her a potentially more expensive unit than her low base DP cost would suggest. Her S1 and S2 are slow to charge and the uptime of her S3 isn’t that great, so she needs to manage her Skills carefully to be effective, and she isn’t doing anything except healing-over-time when her Skills aren’t active. Be careful with S3, too; the damage-over-time from S3 will kill Skadi by the end of the Skill duration (it does exactly 100% of her maximum HP in damage) if she doesn’t have external healing to restore her. In the end, Aura Supporters are only as good as their Skills… but fortunately for Skadi the Corrupting Heart, her Skills are phenomenal. It’s absolutely worth paying a little extra DP to melt enemies into puddles of eldritch goop with an echoing siren song.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

An amazing buffer and a late-game meta unit. For early game, her impact will depend a bit on the players roster and ability to use her properly. At E0 she cannot buff or summon, and at E1 her support buffs are dependent on her stats, which are obviously lower pre-E2, limiting her support ability.

Some things that make her less new player friendly: Her range requires her to be closer to the front lines, she does not attack or heal directly, and her healing may not be enough to replace the use of a medic in some situations. Thus, players may still have to deploy a full blocker + healer + DPS team anyway, which will be enough to clear early stages without the use of a buffer. Also, for teams with limited rosters, buffers are most effective when they have other good Operators to buff.

On the other hand, in cases where she CAN fully replace a medic, she will make things much simpler, and her buffing will allow players to clear content much easier with worse or less developed Operators than they otherwise could, thus potentially allowing players to progress faster with less development resources needed.

Thus, her rank could go up for savy new players that can use her well, or down for those that cannot.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 S++ S++ S++
S3M3 A+ S B
S1M3 C C+ C+

Unlike her base form, all of Skadi the Corrupting Heart's skills are worth Mastery. She is the latest entrant into the growing M9-ables. Though like all M9s there are still skills that are a cut above the rest.

S2 is Skalter's standout skill. It does so much and going into all of the details is a guide worthy all on its own. I would argue it's one of the strongest Masteries in the game, with only Surtr and SA tier Masteries beating it out. Quite simply, it elevates your entire team to another level while nearly eliminating the need for Medics at all. For just one example, a max level S2M3 Skadi gives Popukar better stats than an unbuffed E2 90 Blaze, and Skadi gives more stats to Blaze than she gets from all 90 of her E2 levels! It is one of the most powerful skills available in the Roguelike mode.

S3 is next up. It will be the skill you want to use when you need the buff army to kick into overdrive. The True Damage is nice too, especially with the deploy-almost-anywhere Seaborn, but it's somewhat weak and the skill overall has a relatively long cycle time. This is a very strong Mastery, but it does tend it towards more Advanced situations. Most of the time, especially in the Roguelike mode, you'll want to stick with S2.

Last comes S1. It's the weakest of the three skills, though it is still very good. You can probably pass on Mastery, even for Advanced players. In the situations you would use S1, it is probably fine still at SL7. It's very hard to justify the Mastery costs here unless you're a whale.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Extreme versatility and low DP cost. + Ideal pair to many top-tier Operators. + S2: Constant Attack and Defense buff with high regeneration. + S3: Extremely powerful Attack boost.

IS2 Specific Notes

Essentially as good in IS as in regular content, if not even better.

Good Relics

'Second Economic Reform Act'

Relic Interactions

S2 benefits from any sort of SP booster to get going quicker. Benefits greatly from any sort of Attack boost.

Recommended Promotion

E2 heavily recommended for access to S3 and Masteries.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Missions

Requires [Alter] version unlocked; Unlocks at E1, Level 1 (Server: NA)
Requires [Alter] version unlocked; Unlocks at E2, Level 1 (Server: NA)

Operator Profile

Artist alchemaniac
CV Rina Sato
CV (EN) Cristina Vee
CV (CN) 张琦
CV (KR) 金拿燏
Gender Female
Place of Birth Ægir
Birthday Mar 7
Race Undisclosed
Height 166cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present. The following discussion summaries are all based upon observations and calculations of the person in question's cell proliferation status.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Outstanding
Tactical Planning ——
Combat Skill ——
Originium Adaptability Flawed


If things continue to develop in this direction, no one will care what exactly she is. It is not Skadi's problem, and a single person can only change so much. What I'm talking about is her physiological state, as well as the final state exhibited by this kind of biological substance. It is something that may well shatter the scales of our society, history, and science. I only pray that our porous medical research conditions are strong enough...

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
To be frank, I'm not even sure where Dr. Kal'tsit got this equipment from. Is it really okay for us to mess around with this stuff?
Stop looking at me like that, you two! Uh, yeah, I only agreed to help with the analysis because I was a little curious.
And jeez, Miss Skadi, you just decided to follow along just because of something the Doctor told you?
Huh? This was your decision? I, I guess I shouldn't have been so quick to blame the Doctor?
All right, Doctor... Just this one time. I'm not doing this again. Hurry, before the boss lady comes back...

Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.012 u/L
Are you serious?

......Well, this isn't good news either. The hematopoietic cells we biopsied... are proliferating. Separated from Skadi's body, in a petri dish... they're proliferating.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
...It's not good news, Skadi. Not so good.
I have no idea if all Ægir are like this. It's beyond my knowledge. You're saying that Abyssal Hunters and Ægir are not the same? You had to initially go through several procedures?
......I didn't know about that. I don't have permission to go through your files.

But, what I'm talking about is... I'm not talking about the changes your body went through at that time.
I'm talking about right now.
Even right now, your cells... are in the process of differentiation. Your epithelial cells... Impossible, this defies reality.
Data doesn't lie, Doctor.
Dr. Kal'tsit?
Y-you came at just the right time... Take a look at this...

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Maybe this is an opportunity.
This person. She's Gladiia, one of the heads of the Abyssal Hunter Program. This is probably your first time meeting her, though for no particular reason. This matter has little to do with any of Rhodes Island's policies, and in the past, I've simply treated it as a personal matter.
Gladiia, Skadi, and Specter are all from Ægir, and are also all Abyssal Hunters.
My understanding of the Abyssal Hunters comes from a large amount of data samples, and hopefully Gladiia's information will corroborate the data we have on hand.
Not awake yet. She has slept for too long. Her body is responding vigorously to the mutation.
The Hunters handled the prior Sal Viento incident respectably. Otherwise, many of Skadi's physiological changes will be irreversible.
Mm, I did leave Rhodes Island for a while, indeed as a result of this incident. Skadi's current attire also serves as preparation for sneaking into Iberian territory. Even if Iberia has now fallen to the wayside, this can still be considered a rather risky maneuver. You saw the information I sent you, right?
Doctor, the Abyssal Hunters and the Ægir have long been fighting against a mysterious entity from the depths of the ocean.
Terrestrial city-states have close to no understanding of the ocean, and likewise, have no inclination to invest their energy into investigating an unpredictable threat from an unpredictable source.
However, these lifeforms are different from the rare species we've discussed before. I can say with confidence that the threat they pose is real, but not widely-known due to Iberia's decline and Ægir's isolation.
The few people in this room are perhaps among the small number of people on land who've caught a glimpse of the truth and still live.
If we fail to respond, how many people will lose their lives because of these lifeforms by the time that Oripathy destroys us all?
There are many calamities capable of eradicating us, and these lifeforms happen to be one of them.
I have been wary of this threat for a long time. However, they are far from the vision of the city-states, and I am not strong enough, and my arms cannot reach far enough.
And what does this all have to do with Skadi?
...My conclusion is, Abyssal Hunters are biologically similar to their archenemies.
That is why Specter can combat pollutant-grade Originium for such a long time.
Doctor, Skadi was awakened by those lifeforms.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Abyssal Hunters are a type of weapon.
The Hunters attract the monsters of the sea, just as volcanic vents attract thermophilic algae. Sea Terrors rend the flesh of the Abyssal Hunters, as if encountering their 'natural enemies.' The Ægir language has a similar concept.
We know slightly more about the Sea Terrors than nothing at all, because we mostly see them when they are already dead.
Sea Terrors are the terminus of all these sea monsters, brutish and mindless.
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never managed to catch a living Sea Terror. When Sea Terrors are placed into a small and nutrient-rich environment, their cells will stop undergoing apoptosis and autonomously metamorphose. The normal decomposition process does not occur and body tissue rapidly 'degrades,' transforming the Sea Terror into a mass of muscle fibers still capable of full respiration.
In other words, they quickly preserve the nutritional value of their bodies and continue to live on, yet die in an individual sense. Detestable, and frightening.
You cannot take them captive. If you wish to impose such a word upon them, you are welcome to try.
We've also made other discoveries. We hunted these lifeforms many times, and there's one thing I've seen repeatedly.
Among them, the individuals with the greatest physiological structure are called the 'Seaborns.' The Seaborns protect the individual organisms. To my understanding, the Seaborns will give their all to this end.
No legion will expose its consuls to danger, though the leaders of Rhodes Island may not observe this rule.
Thank you for pointing out my mistake, Kal'tsit. I'll be sure to use a more appropriate metaphor next time.
In military operations, a centurion will not voluntarily protect a legionnaire unless it is very important.
However, these lifeforms are different in that all individuals are seen as equally important within the population, and individuals also see all others as having 'equal value.'
I have never seen them fight over food.
There's no difference between the information I can convey and the medical report in your hand. Our science consuls can only do complete lineage tracking of embryonic cells, but Abyssal Hunters are similar to Sea Terrors and Seaborns. Most of our somatic cells are pluripotent.
The more frightening thing is that the somatic cells of these lifeforms are constantly mutating, cleverly avoiding deterioration and death. Does this surprise you? Neutral theory and genetic drift are a joke to them, heredity becomes part of the foundation of an individual's development, and the fundamental concept of genes passing from parents to offspring is shattered... Even in the absence of nutrients, this process can continue for a very long time.
I still haven't described their general physiological characteristics yet, but you can already infer how disturbing they are from just the gist of things, right?
I would like you to keep your lips sealed about the facts I'm about to tell you. No matter how desperately you try to confide these things to people on land, they will only look at you like you're crazy.
——Abyssal Hunters also have a similar fate.
Skadi's physiology is changing drastically.
How does individual variation affect the entire population? To be frank... If we did have an answer, then there would not have been a reason for Abyssal Hunters to show up on land. Don't believe me? Then, my explanations today might slightly improve your understanding of how grave the situation is.
What, I didn't disclose the reason for the birth of the Abyssal Hunters?
I have a strong urge to simply tell you 'I don't know,' but I've always loathed lying. Therefore, I will confess to you: Doctor, at this time, the truth is of no use to you except to worsen your panic.
I wasn't trying to intimidate the Doctor, Kal'tsit. I was simply offering a sincere word of advice.
Please imagine that there is a rather unkind future. At that time, each sea monster is as formidable as a Seaborn or Abyssal Hunter. Their numbers grow endlessly until they dwarf even the grains of sand and drops of rain. The laws of nature we are so familiar with retreat steadily in their wake.
They may come up onto land, just as the Abyssal Hunters left the ocean, except the latter did not wish to destroy us. As for them, well...
I must remind you once again, Doctor. Abyssal Hunters are extremely dangerous. We are dangerous weapons. Some Abyssal Hunters, as they approach the end of their life, will gradually reshape the ecology around them, just as the Seaborns do. This is not something that an ordinary spear or vortex spear can accomplish.
A portion of the Abyssal Hunters' stamina and physique come from our sworn enemies, and there is only one degree of separation between Skadi and the detestable Seaborn you do not yet know. The same is true for me and Specter.
If the only future that awaits us is a tragic one, the fate of Abyssal Hunters can only be more harrowing than that of ordinary people.
I've told you this much in the hopes that you'll look after Skadi. From Rhodes Island's perspective, she is different from me. You also want to protect her, right?
As an Ægir, these are all the secrets I am able to reveal to you, landwalker.
And the reason for all of this is, we have a different connection with those creatures.
You might know that saying. (Ægir language) What brought the Abyssal Hunters together...

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Records of Drifting Materials]
Even if I hide in the ruins, it does not leave, only searching around the wreckage of the ship.
Afterwards, it continued to follow me, not making a sound. I asked it questions, but it would not respond.
While sleeping, if you can even call it that, its chest rises and falls, but it does not breathe. I don't know if it really fell asleep. My guess is that it doesn't need sleep, but only does it to look more like me.
I'm thinking whether killing it counts as revenge. But it doesn't. It wasn't this thing that killed those two. Other than its appearance, just how much can it have in common with the person I knew? Only a ghost would know.
I don't know if I am strong enough to squeeze its neck and strangle it.
Is its neck soft? After it dies, will it turn as hard as our corpses do?
If it doesn't use its lungs to breathe, I wouldn't have the slightest clue of how to strangle it with the tools I have on hand.
Only when it opened its mouth did I regret it. It would've been better had it not spoken.
I'm so lonely.
I miss them greatly. I hate it, I should hate it, and I absolutely must not grow reliant on it.
No. No matter how much it resembles the person I knew... it absolutely is not.
It's going to rain again. I'm running short on potable water again.
I would rather die like this.
But... is it humming something?

I don't understand it.
Such a sad song.
My heart has already been corrupted.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Don't get too antsy.
I more or less have an understanding of the scenarios you've been dreaming about recently. We might not be able to expunge these scenes for the time being, and prescribing medication for you might backfire.
The Ægir dared to cast such severe shackles upon you. The way they huddle on the bottom of the sea... neglecting their future population. Based on this alone, I might dare to conclude that those who make such bizarre decisions are scarcely different from the vicious rulers on land.
Wake you up? No, I have no such obligation, and if you realize this, that would make things much easier. My response is simply because I hold derision for the many people who deem themselves 'advanced.' Similarly, if you feel like I am trying to fray the relationship between you and someone else, you are welcome to continue that line of thought. Your words should be the clearest, and I couldn't care less about what you think about me.
Specter has been ill for a long time, and Gladiia bears the responsibility. There are fleetingly few things they can communicate or reveal to you. However, you also need not be suspicious of them, not that I think you would do that.
Skadi, I just want to say, don't worry too much about your future.
What defines you is not the dreams you have... but rather what's written here on your medical examination sheet.
Your thoughts. Your actions. They drive your motivation.
You've chosen to end your self-imposed exile. This may be because Rhodes Island has the ability to escape the infiltration and invasion of the Church of the Deep. At least for all these years, no disaster has befallen our operators as a result of you, and that makes you no longer tread as cautiously. Perhaps the efforts of countless operators trying to befriend you have had an effect. You've managed to help them and earn their gratitude. You've established new relationships with them, even if you're busy trying to deny this.
As for me, I personally prefer this type of explanation — that is, since you were hired by Rhodes Island, and during the time you've spent here, you've rediscovered your objective and clearly recognized the obstacles in front of your path.

Some of my data indicates that they, the changes in the biological structure of those organisms, are largely limited to cognition. In other words, they are not passive adaptations, but something you can proactively shape. We are fortunate that they have not yet 'progressed' into passive adaptations, but if we do not act, that day will eventually come.
Mm, but this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about today. What I wanted to say is, when they want to adapt towards a certain structure, they will metamorphose in that direction.
Skadi, if those creatures can become what they want through their own will... you can also use your will to not become something you don't want. You can still do what you want.

For example, an Abyssal Hunter. Or, something a bit more liberated, a bounty hunter.
An operator also isn't a bad idea.
Furthermore, you are who you are, plain and simple. Skadi. You are yourself. Your job and your role are nothing more than the results of your interests.

You are not your dreams yet, Miss Skadi.
That's right. How about trying to become a regular operator at Rhodes Island, for real this time?
Doctor and ■■■ have also mentioned it to me many times.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant As I am now, will my presence inconvenience you? Will I remind you of past miseries? I... long for being with you. When the time comes, we will leave this place together, okay?
Talk 1 You thought we could not survive if away from the sea? A myth, it is. My kin and I will soon be able to swim through the air. In the end, even those places devoid of anything will be our ocean. We simply need to evolve, and we only need to adapt.
Talk 2 My former friends tried to grant me my eternal rest with their hands. They refused to confront their true selves, but I do not resent them, and I could not hurt them, even if they rejected and attacked me so vehemently... Perhaps everything I did was bringing them harm. My regrets died along with them.
Talk 3 This box? My past lies within it...the fragments of my past. Fractured as they are, they still suffice to tell that I am not an empty puppet... that I am not a phantom. Gradually, I was reborn into what I am now, bit by bit.
Talk after Promotion 1 Dr. {@nickname}, was a future like this also in your past vision? You may have nothing but hatred for me now, but I do not fear it. Hate me as your heart desires... while you are still able to.
Talk after Promotion 2 Your companions, Kal'tsit and Amiya, said that you are worthy of my trust until the very end. But one can never save the others. I failed to save my friends, and you failed to save yours. We both have lost everything, but I was granted a rebirth, and following that, a new future. This... is just unfair to you.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Long ago, my family was murdered when I was still in Ægir. I always assumed the sea monsters did it, but I never expected to learn that it was all the handiwork of the Ægir. My blood kin and my songs are scary, they all say, but they are wrong. It is the people who are scary.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I did struggle, I did resist. But to what avail? When the tide rises, no traces of lesser lifeforms will remain undrowned. You are my very last friend. Will you also be like them, rejecting the ocean for a futile end, even if it costs you everything? Do you wish to be what I used to be?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Am I sick? Or am I still dreaming? I dreamt that the black sky was our ocean. When the others and I swam up, we did not feel ourselves sinking at all. Strange, so strange. Is this our future? Their faces are so blurry, they... They... No, no.
Idle Dream... What kind of dream will you have? Where are you now? Will you find it there... just another dream?
Onboard Dr. {@nickname}, I have been waiting for you. It's been so long, far too long that... I have forgotten why I am waiting for you here... But none of this is important anymore. It's not that important anymore.
Watching Battle Record These things... I have seen them too many times. Nobody needs things like these anymore.
Promotion 1 Formalities of the past... what good are they now? Nothing has survived, except you and me. We will cast those aside, and all we need is to be a step closer... Join me, Dr. {@nickname}, and be my blood kin.
Promotion 2 Nevermore shall my eroded sword cleave, Nevermore shall my former friends breathe, and nevermore shall I feel the warm blood flow inside me. Still, I am satisfied. I have become one with the ocean. Doctor, come with me — your true form is still waiting for you beneath the waves.
Added to Squad Fight alongside the others? Against whom?
Appointed as Squad Leader No more lives should be lost.
Depart What will it feel like... when their arms penetrate this body?
Begin Operation Treat me not as a calamity, for death is not my wish.
Selecting Operator 1 What do you wish to do? I shall obey.
Selecting Operator 2 No longer do I walk alone. My blood kin are with me.
Deployment 1 Now, harken to the song of the distant sea...
Deployment 2 Rest at ease. The tide also rises.
In Battle 1 The sky and the land... both a drought to relieve.
In Battle 2 May the song seep into your souls.
In Battle 3 With me, to our eternal home we will return.
In Battle 4 Fear not, my kin… The time is nigh.
4-star Result They will become our blood kin. They no longer need to feel the suffering of aridity. Their prior existence was already too painful.
3-star Result Will you treat me the same way? Is this also the ending you designed for me? If that is what you wished for, I will not deny it.
Sub 3-star Result Why must you flee? This futile struggle will only bring about more senseless terror.
Operation Failure Run, Doctor... Run away, from here, from me... Leave.
Assigned to Facility Sooner or later, this place too will return to its primordial form.
Tap ...Why am I still wearing this hat?
Trust Tap We failed to protect everything. The harmonious future is our only hope.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor... Come, with me.
Red Countess Voice Lines