Attack Type




Normally does not attack and has 0 Block; When skill is inactive, ATK gradually increases up to +{atk:0%} over {max_stack_cnt} seconds. ATK is reset when the skill ends
atk = 2
mid_stack_cnt = 20
max_stack_cnt = 40

Operator Description

Guard Operator Tequila, all smiles on the battlefield too.

Operator Quote

Don't worry, he'll set everything up just hunky-dory.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Obtain Approach Detail
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 8/3/2021
Release Date (Global) 1/14/2022


Potential Item

Tequila's Token A nameplate with a full name and date inscribed. Ever since the day he obtained it, Tequila has always carried it on him. Now's the time for him to let it go.


When skill is inactive, deals 10% of Tequila's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker when Tequila is attacked
When skill is inactive, deals 13% (+3%) of Tequila's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker when Tequila is attacked
When skill is inactive, deals 20% of Tequila's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker when Tequila is attacked
When skill is inactive, deals 23% (+3%) of Tequila's ATK as Arts damage to the attacker when Tequila is attacked
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ASPD +20 and every attack deals 120% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +23 and every attack deals 125% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +26 and every attack deals 130% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +29 and every attack deals 135% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +32 and every attack deals 140% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +35 and every attack deals 145% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +38 and every attack deals 150% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +42 and every attack deals 155% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +46 and every attack deals 160% of ATK as Physical damage
ASPD +50 and every attack deals 170% of ATK as Physical damage
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 20
attack@atk_scale 1.2
attack_speed 23
attack@atk_scale 1.25
attack_speed 26
attack@atk_scale 1.3
attack_speed 29
attack@atk_scale 1.35
attack_speed 32
attack@atk_scale 1.4
attack_speed 35
attack@atk_scale 1.45
attack_speed 38
attack@atk_scale 1.5
attack_speed 42
attack@atk_scale 1.55
attack_speed 46
attack@atk_scale 1.6
attack_speed 50
attack@atk_scale 1.7
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 140% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 150% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 160% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 170% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 180% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 190% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 200% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 210% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 220% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Attack Range expands and attacks 2 enemies simultaneously. Every attack deals 230% of ATK as Physical damage. Charged effect: Changes to attacking 3 enemies simultaneously and skill duration is extended to 30 seconds
Can manually deactivate skill (skill can be deactivated at will)
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
attack@atk_scale 1.4
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.4
attack@atk_scale 1.5
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.5
attack@atk_scale 1.6
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.6
attack@atk_scale 1.7
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.7
attack@atk_scale 1.8
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.8
attack@atk_scale 1.9
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 1.9
attack@atk_scale 2
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 2
attack@atk_scale 2.1
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 2.1
attack@atk_scale 2.2
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 2.2
attack@atk_scale 2.3
enhance_duration 30
attack@plus_max_target 3
attack@plus_atk_scale 2.3

RIIC Base Skills

Investment α Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, if the amount of Pure Gold traded is higher than 3 (Defaulted trades do not count), increase the LMD gained by +250, and Morale consumed per hour is reduced by -0.25
Investment β Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, if the amount of Pure Gold traded is higher than 3 (Defaulted trades do not count), increase the LMD gained by +500, and Morale consumed per hour is reduced by -0.25

Quick Evaluation

+ A Guard archetype that builds up ATK to release powerful skills. Does not attack or block when skills aren not active.
+ Talent: Reflects Arts dmg onto enemies when attacked and has good base defenses, so can be used as a ranged tank.
+ Low DP cost and very tanky with high HP, DEF and Block Count
+ S1: Potentially good single target damage, but far overshadowed by his S2
+ S2: turns Tequilla into a mini Silverash hitting up to 3 targets with increased range for high damage. Great uptime and powerful skill multipliers which time fairly well with his ATK scaling trait.
= Even though his base ATK stat is very low, when he is allowed to fully charge his ATK stat it is above average for guards
- While skills are not active he does not attack nor block, meaning he can't hold a lane on his own and misses out on the non-skill dps that other units have
- Skills require a fairly long time to fully charge up to their full potential because of his Trait, as it takes 40s to fully charge both his S2 and his Trait bonus
- S1: Due to having to wait for his Triat to charge up after the skill is ready, the skill ends up having poor uptime if you want to use it at full power

Operator Overview

“Tequila” is the new code name for the former Director of International Trade for the city of Dossoles, Ernesto Salas. Tequila’s sunny smile and playful attitude bely the serious circumstances that led him to Rhodes Island: he was “dismissed” from his position during a citywide riot and barely escaped alive with his sister, Rafaela (now known as La Pluma). One can only assume that under his calm demeanor there lies a torment of negative emotions, especially based on his fighting style as a 5* Liberator Guard who does not attack until his Skills are activated but then unleashes a fury of high-burst-damage strikes.

Tequila is our first example of a Liberator Guard, whose Trait is that they cannot attack and have Block-0 while their Skills are not active. However, they also gain a stacking ATK buff while their Skills are not active, which then resets when they use a Skill. In other words, Liberator Guards build power over time and then unleash it in one climactic burst.

That’s not to say that Tequila is defenseless without a Skill active. His Talent, Waiting Game, deals Arts damage to foes that attack Tequila while his Skill is inactive, punishing ranged enemies (since Tequila usually has Block-0 from his Trait, he usually won’t be attacked by melee enemies, and he has good base DEF and HP for soaking those attacks). Of course, this can’t hold a candle to the frenzy of Tequila’s Skills, which restore his ability to attack enemies as well as his archetype’s innate Block-2 (which becomes Block-3 at E2). His S1, Decisive Action, greatly increases Tequila’s ASPD and the damage of his attacks for the Skill duration. But his S2—Esoteric Bladework—is his signature Skill: it increases his attack range and causes his attacks to hit multiple targets. Sound familiar? That’s right: it’s a miniature Truesilver Slash! (Though it can only hit ground enemies, unlike TSS.) Furthermore, Tequila can Overcharge his SP cost for Esoteric Bladework (like Carnelian) to increase the number of enemies he can hit and double the Skill duration. An interesting note: once it reaches SL7, the overcharge time lines up exactly with time it takes his Trait to maximize his ATK….  

Tequila is a tall drink of water (er, bad choice of liquid?), make no mistake. An Overcharged Esoteric Bladework at full Trait-charged ATK can positively lay waste to the field. You can probably tell there’s some drawbacks to his style, however. Neither attacking nor Blocking without a Skill active means Tequila is more or less deadweight for half of any map, and while his SP costs are pretty low, waiting to Overcharge Esoteric Bladework for maximum effect can be aggravating. The long duration it takes for his Trait to hit maximum effect can also mess with your expectations for his damage, especially since his base ATK is very low. You have to be patient with Tequila to get below the unruffled surface, but once you find the wild animal he can unleash on the field of battle, you’ll understand why he survived the Dossoles riots where others did not.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Powerful physical burst with good range and multi-target with S2. Not blocking or attacking outside of skill use can be awkward for new players, and the Trait ATK charging mechanic may not be intuitive. He's a unit that will require a bit more knowledge and planning to use effectively, but this is somewhat offset by his relatively cheap DP cost, and his burst capabality is tough to match at E1 promotion levels.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 A- B A-

Tequila's S2 is often called a mini-TSS, and for good reason. Ground based, high Physical damage per hit, in an AoE, is quite rare and quite valuable. However he can be tough to use, still doesn't compare to the strong 6★s, and doesn't have especially strong Mastery gains thanks to his essentially mandatory 40 second trait (no uptime or cycle time improvements over Mastery). Like La Pluma, he is a strong unit that will benefit weaker teams more compared to stronger teams, however weaker teams often have greater resources pressure which can make the investment here a bit less appealing for the smaller gains. His E2 talent gain is already comical and his low base attack scales poorly with levels. His S2 Mastery gains, especially M3, can seem to be quite small for the cost. The difference between him at E1 max SL7 and E2 max M3 is important, but nowhere near as big as comparable DPS units (La Pluma for example is a much more drastic difference).

None of this is to say he's bad by the way. He's amazing, in fact, especially since we get him for free! Just be aware the Mastery gains aren't all that impressive and he still doesn't compare to the 6★s. A small bit of caution is warranted before heavy investment.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 一千
CV Nobunaga Shimazaki
CV (CN) 郑武文杰
CV (KR) 金信旴
Gender Male
Place of Birth Bolívar
Birthday May 15
Race Perro
Height 182cm
Combat Experience
3 Years
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Normal


The former deputy director of the International Trade Management Department of Dossoles, real name Ernesto Salas, was dismissed during the riots in Dossoles City. After that, he was recommended to Rhodes Island by Operator Ch'en, and joined after passing the test.
He was taken to Rhodes Island by a person who had clashed with him just a few days prior. Even in the face of such an embarrassing situation, he still behaved as if nothing had happened, maintaining a friendly and jovial social atmosphere along the way. Truly, Operator Tequila is a rare diplomatic talent fitting for one who serves the Mayor of Dossoles.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Tequila shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.15 u/L
Operator Tequila frequently comes in contact with Originium... or something related to Originium, and this may be related to his prior job. There is a certain risk of infection, and will require careful follow-up observations.

'The way this one tries to fool his way through everything with a smile makes me concerned for his safety. In every way a person can be, he is very unsafe.'

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
After arriving at Rhodes Island, Operator Tequila seemed to adapt to his new lifestyle quickly and easily.
Leveraging his excellent interpersonal skills, he can insert himself into any conversation without breaking the flow, and is able to communicate smoothly and amicably with everyone. Operator Tequila even mediated in some disputes, to remarkable results. He always uses a disarming attitude, cleverly proposing solutions that are amenable to everyone.
His outstanding communication abilities seem innate and do not seem to burden him. Some operators compared Tequila to other operators who are good communicators and were surprised to find that Operator Tequila always seems to have a hearty smile and a friendly attitude. Nobody seems to have ever seen Operator Tequila display any negative emotions.
However, there is no such thing as a person who never experiences negative emotions, and some of the operators who've been in contact with him are persistently worried about this.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
The young Perro named Ernesto Salas was born into a military family in Bolívar. His father, Pancho Salas, joined the 'True Bolívarians' local resistance force because of his patriotic ideals, leaving behind his wife and his son.
During the long years during which his father never came home, fighting for Bolívar's independence, Mrs. Salas suffered from a vicious illness that claimed her life after a prolonged struggle that almost lasted a year, leaving the young Ernesto alone. It was not until Ernesto had finished taking care of his mother's funeral that Pancho Salas suddenly appeared at his doorstep.
After that, his father took Ernesto away from his hometown and followed the army through Bolívar. He was sent to join a True Bolívarians prep team, receiving professional military training along with a group of similarly-aged youths. After suffering defeat on the battlefield eight years ago, the old soldier brought Ernesto and Rafaela to Dossoles after three years of drifting and laid dormant within the city, hoping to stage a comeback.
Compared to Operator La Pluma, who is more pure-hearted, Ernesto has a substantially deeper and more complex view on many things. His five years of living in Dossoles allowed the young man to fully integrate into the city, and the ideas of indulging in freedom and the supremacy of hedonism have had a profound influence upon him. His experiences working under the Mayor have undoubtedly changed his viewpoints regarding various matters.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Operator Tequila quickly accomplished two things at Rhodes Island:
First, he improved the wine-tasting ability of many operators. In his spare time, he occasionally appears in the bar to introduce various wines to the other operators, finding something suiting their tastes. When a bartender is present, his sister La Pluma in particular, he demonstrates his knowledge of mixed drinks as well and introduces them to other patrons. After all, it is well known that though La Pluma is an excellent bartender, she seldom takes the initiative to talk.
Second, after joining Rhodes Island, he found that the company does not object to operators maintaining their own interests outside of work, and as such, he planned to continue operating his weapons shop on the ship — unlike the situation in Dossoles, the mobility of the Rhodes Island landship makes it easier to purchase high-quality equipment from various places. In front of the operators who come to his doorstep as customers, Tequila provides serious recommendations to each guest depending on their actual circumstances and needs. Furthermore, Tequila seems to have made significant inroads with the skilled craftspeople of Rhodes Island, and perhaps the modification and customization of weapons will soon be on the agenda.

From the two things above, Operator Tequila clearly demonstrated an adept and ingenious ability to leverage his social skills, bringing his entrepreneurial temperament along with him, well-deserving of his former job as the deputy director of the Dossoles International Trade Management Department.
However, there are certain individuals in Rhodes Island who he struggles to get along with, and Dobermann, an operator from Bolívar, is one such individual. The atmosphere between Tequila and Dobermann was rather tense when they first met. However, Dobermann, who hailed from the same country as him, had more convoluted experiences there than he did, and had a more profound understanding of Bolívar, ironically may have understood Tequila, who hides all kinds of complex thoughts behind a smile, better than anyone else at Rhodes Island. In fact, Dobermann easily saw through his facade and came to regard him as a young man from the same motherland, worthy of nurturing, and keeps a close eye on him. This makes Dobermann one of the few people who can make Tequila visibly squirm.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Classified Log]
Regarding the events that occurred during the Dossoles championship, Operator Ch'en has already briefly explained the causes and consequences to us in a report, specifically mentioning why she would recommend Tequila and Rafaela to Rhodes Island.
Pancho Salas's long-planned plot fell short, and he will spend a long time in prison as a result. However, Mayor Candela Sanchez saw the championship as a great boon for viewership, and as a result, granted amnesty to all the people participating in the plot with the exception of Pancho, instead removing them from their posts and exiling them, an irony not lost upon us.
The siblings, Tequila and La Pluma, were faced with an uncertain future, and Operator Ch'en, after great deliberation, finally decided to recommend the two of them to Rhodes Island. Ch'en believed that she was in no position to pass judgment on Tequila's actions, and also recognized that Tequila was undergoing his own internal struggle. As such, she gave Ernesto the option of trying to apply to Rhodes Island through the newly-established regional branch in Dossoles. In the end, Tequila and La Pluma came to Rhodes Island together.
What must be noted is that if Ernest was the type of person who could disregard the lives of civilians in order to further his own ends, Rhodes Island absolutely would have turned him down.
However, we can rely on Ch'en's pieced-together account of the incident to understand some of Ernesto's thought process. Old Pancho's plan was very difficult to execute, and in order to enable him to smoothly coordinate with the available outside forces, Ernesto, who was in placed in charge of directing the operation, had to attract the attention of the Mayor as well as that of other unexpected players. He had to instigate a certain degree of panic within Dossoles, and also needed to apply sufficient psychological duress on Mayor Candela. To accomplish these ends, Ernesto commanded his subordinates to place a considerable amount of explosives in residential areas... Ch'en's views on these actions are as follows: At that time, the residential area had been temporarily expropriated due to the championship being held, and all residents had been evacuated before the games. In theory, that area would've been the least populated place in Dossoles during that time.
Of course, this is not to say that Ernesto's guilt should be lessened in any capacity, nor is this to defend him. However, after taking stock of the situation after the fact, we can at least make a definite conclusion:
Ernesto Salas was not interested in creating a moving heap of rubble. Nor did he want corpses strewn everywhere.
Perhaps as a result of the wars he had seen in his youth and his knowledge of their cruelty, Ernesto did not want to become like the armies in his memories, treating corpses and destruction as trophies to be shown off.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
The personality that we observed in this young man is not quite as sunny and hearty as the side he displays. We were able to discover this without much difficulty when he didn't try to cover it up from us too much.
Operator Tequila thinks about both his own experiences and also the experiences of the people around him to a great extent, and to be able to maintain this is rare indeed. Obviously, Ernesto disagrees with some of Old Pancho's ideas, but nevertheless, chose to aid his father throughout the Dossoles incident.
As for Ernesto Salas, the turmoil of Dossoles and the failure of Pancho Salas was a turning point that helped him make up his mind. Now, the youth have convinced themselves that they've freed themselves from the will and control of the previous generation, and are determined to pave their own way.
This way may branch off in a completely different direction than the last generation, but Ernesto has always admitted that he belongs to Bolívar and will likely return there in the future. If there are more young people like him, the situation in Bolívar may experience new change as well.
This young man is trying to grasp his own destiny, and we are keenly interested in seeing where this leads him.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Good work, Doctor. Why don't you take a break? Don't worry, I've already finished handling the report... Haha, there's no need to praise me. It's not that I have any extraordinary talents, I've simply become experienced with these things.
Talk 1 Wait, wait, Doctor, s-stop tugging, I'll take them out myself! *sigh*... Alright, all the cards I hid up my sleeves are right here. Haha, sure enough, you saw right through me. Next time, if we get a chance to go to Dossoles, I'll show you some even more interesting things.
Talk 2 Every time I talk to Miss Ch'en, as well as that Miss Lin, I get all nervous. I don't want to get beaten up again... Huh, you can't tell? No way, Doctor, can't you see my palms are all sweaty?
Talk 3 Yo, Doctor, how unusual running into you here. Are you looking for someone? Oh, if it's about Rafaela, I'm afraid I can't help you there. As you can see, without the old man here, we have very little to say to each other.
Talk after Promotion 1 I was thrown into the army reserves by my old man. All of them were pretty much kids, more or less. Some of those people had burning ambitions, but I'd say most had nothing of the sort. Life was tough, so everyone was looking for a way out, nothing more.
Talk after Promotion 2 Dossoles has Miss Candela, so there shouldn't be any issues. It's better that the old man was put behind bars, so he has time to calm down and reflect on his actions. The last time I agreed to help him, I was actually trying to make sense of my thoughts. And that was the last time I asked myself that question... because now, I've found the answer.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 When we first arrived in Dossoles, Rafaela and I were still very young, and we quickly adapted to life there. Only the old man was still stuck on his old ways, his old ideology... Can't do anything about it, but I figure I should at least try to help.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, here's the mission report from last time. I've already handled the follow-up. Don't worry, there won't be any problems. We've carefully laid out the plans, and if any contingencies pop up to disrupt the situation, I'd be supremely disappointed.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 So how about it, Doctor? Did you draw the card you were hoping for? Ah, that's too bad. That's a loser... Well, when it comes to gambling, there's nothing less reliable than luck. But rest assured, if you're ever in need of it, I'll be there to deliver it right into your hands.
Idle Doctor, I'll put all the information I've sorted through over here. Hm? What the... you're asleep. And look at all the important documents you left lying here... You must trust me a whole lot...
Onboard Hello there, are you the Doctor? Great, you're just as recognizable as Miss Ch'en said you'd be. Right, I should pick out a code name, then? Hmm... Let's go with Tequila! Sounds pretty nice, eh?
Watching Battle Record I'm supposed to imitate this move? Seems painful though.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Huh, already? Thanks a million. In any case, without further ado, let's talk about my work...
Promotion 2 When Miss Ch'en brought me in, I never thought I'd see a day like this. So, does that mean I'm one of your most capable subordinates? Haha, it's not a joke, whether you need me to be tour guide or something else, you can rest easy knowing you're in good hands.
Added to Squad Got it. Leave it to me.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm in charge of the squad? Haha, I appreciate the trust...
Depart Follow my lead. Be careful, and don't fall behind.
Begin Operation Come, let us show our guests some hospitality.
Selecting Operator 1 Need my help with anything?
Selecting Operator 2 Awaiting orders.
Deployment 1 Sorry, this path is closed for business.
Deployment 2 I'd like you all to stop right there.
In Battle 1 Don't get worked up, and say what you need to say.
In Battle 2 I'm also not keen on using violence to resolve problems.
In Battle 3 Ugh. Negotiation... Failed.
In Battle 4 Begone.
4-star Result You even managed to account for their sneak attack, Doctor, so there's no shame in them losing like that. I still have much to learn.
3-star Result Everything's taken care of, Doctor. ...How did I take care of it? Doctor, do you really need to hear that?
Sub 3-star Result Close one, close one. Are you alright, Doctor? Huh, a few of 'em got away. Let me think...
Operation Failure Retreat now! Live to fight another day!
Assigned to Facility So this is the dorm, huh... Mind if I give it a makeover, and buy some little decorations for it?
Tap Tsk... Who's tugging on me? ...Oh, it's just you, Doctor.
Trust Tap It was raining out there just now, and my hair got a little wet... Ah, excuse me, Doctor, could you grab a towel for me?
Title Arknights.
Greeting How are you feeling today? Want to head out for a bit?