



Obtain 1 DP after this unit defeats an enemy; Refunds the original DP Cost when retreated
cost = 1

Operator Description

'Wild Mane' Knight Iwona, embodiment of impetus and ready to fight.

Operator Quote

Mad speed, mad strength, and mad self-confidence.

Obtain Approach

Activity Acquisition
The Operator is acquired by completing specific activities (in-game Events).
Obtain Approach Detail

Reward from [Near Light] Event Mission

Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 11/1/2021
Release Date (Global) 4/28/2022


Potential Item

Wild Mane's Token A splinter of the major lance's damaged outer shell, kept preciously safe by Wild Mane. A reminder to herself that every battle comes with a cost, and you need to think things through.


After the first deployment, all undeployed Guard Operators get DP Cost -1
After deployment, all undeployed Guard Operators get DP Cost -1 (each Operator can have a maximum of -5 DP Cost before each deployment)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
16 Seconds
17 Seconds
20 Seconds
21 Seconds
22 Seconds
25 Seconds
27 Seconds
28 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
After deployment, ASPD +60
After deployment, ASPD +65
After deployment, ASPD +70
After deployment, ASPD +80
After deployment, ASPD +85
After deployment, ASPD +90
After deployment, ASPD +100
After deployment, ASPD +110
After deployment, ASPD +120
After deployment, ASPD +135
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 60
attack_speed 65
attack_speed 70
attack_speed 80
attack_speed 85
attack_speed 90
attack_speed 100
attack_speed 110
attack_speed 120
attack_speed 135
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack Range expands, ATK +30%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +35%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +40%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +45%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +50%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +55%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +60%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +65%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +70%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Attack Range expands, ATK +80%. Attacks will push the target towards the attack direction moderately
* The Force Level of the Shift is 1 (Medium)
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
attack@force 1
atk 0.35
attack@force 1
atk 0.4
attack@force 1
atk 0.45
attack@force 1
atk 0.5
attack@force 1
atk 0.55
attack@force 1
atk 0.6
attack@force 1
atk 0.65
attack@force 1
atk 0.7
attack@force 1
atk 0.8
attack@force 1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Generates 2 DP after this unit defeats an enemy; Refunds the current DP Cost when retreated
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 40
attack_speed 3
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must include your own Wild Mane, and Wild Mane must be the first Operator deployed
Clear Side Story MN-2 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Wild Mane, and cannot include any other Vanguard Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%

Quick Evaluation

+ Strong Charger Vanguard with powerful burst damage and utility options.
+ Talent: -1 DP to all Guards every time she is deployed. Thanks to her archetype, she essentially has negative DP cost.
+ S2: Powerful utility option that can interrupt many enemies during their attacks, including Possessed.
- S1: Provides no Attack boost, so she struggles to deal with armored enemies. Must be retreated when the skill is over as she will lose her skill.
- S2: Poor damage output when compared to other, more common Charger Vanguards such as Vigna.

Operator Overview

"Outta the way outta the way, I'm here to report in----!"

Wild Mane was a promising candidate for the Kazimierz Knighthood before she contracted Oripathy, which in Kazimierz is an unforgivable offense. She was immediately disowned by her family, but fortunately she was able to find her way to Rhodes Island. Dreaming of glory, she repaired the defunct “Justice Knight” model and took to the battlefield as a 5* Charger Vanguard with lowered redeployment time who reduces the DP cost of Guards and Pushes back her enemies.

Being a Charger Vanguard, Wild Mane has a cheap DP cost, quick ASPD, and the Trait of refunding her entire base DP cost (rather than half) when she is retreated. She also gains 1 DP every time she kills an enemy unit, which she can do quite quickly with her Stabbing Lance S1, which automatically triggers when she is deployed and gives her a huge ASPD buff for several seconds. This Skill can give her some instant “oomph” as soon as she is deployed, but if you’re able to wait for a short time, you can take advantage of her Lance Charge S2 instead. This manual Skill increases Wild Mane’s ATK, extends her attack range, and causes her attacks to Push enemies away from her. This can be great for keeping the ally in front of her alive, as the constant Pushes can prevent attacks and reset attack animations.

Possibly the most interesting thing about Wild Mane is her Talent, Forward March. At E1, Wild Mane will reduce the DP cost of all undeployed Guards by 1 the first time she is deployed on the map. At E2, Wild Mane will reduce the DP cost of all undeployed Guards by 1 every time she is deployed, stacking up to a maximum of a -5 DP discount! And because Wild Mane refunds her base DP cost when retreated, you can continue to retreat and redeploy her to stack that Guard DP discount for cheap (or for free, with her Module!)

Wild Mane is a very quirky Charge Vanguard, and it can be great fun to watch her shank some small fry. Unfortunately, she has trouble holding her own against tougher targets. Stabbing Lance only buffs ASPD, so it doesn’t help Wild Mane overcome enemy DEF, and Lance Charge never gets enough force to Push enemies of greater than medium weight. Forward March is a fun bonus, but if Wild Mane isn’t contributing on her own as well, it can be hard justifying a slot just for Forward March (especially since, even with her lowered Redeployment Time, it would still take four minutes to get the -5 maximum). If you use a lot of Guard Operators, however, Wild Mane’s DP reductions can make a difference in setup speed over the course of a map—and she can hold her own against weaker enemies just fine, transforming them into more DP for your ever-building Guard-centric shenanigans.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

It might require too much micro-management for new players to maximize her DP saving potential. Most new players will be better off using the lower rarity Operators of the Archetype.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

I spent a lot of time debating whether or not Wild Mane deserves a full-fledged grade or not. She has some really useful niches with her skills; her S2 in particular has an extended reach, can stall lighter units, and interrupt heavier ones. However, her Mastery gains are pretty poor, so even within her narrow niches, it's hard to justify the extra cost of Mastery.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: Medium/Low

Meta Use: Low

Explanation:  The extra DP on kill can be a nice bonus, but it really won't make much difference most of the time since she will still need to be paired with a DP-generating Vanguard.  The DP-generating Vanguards are usually able to generate enough DP on their own where Wild Mane's DP-on-Kill doesn't end up being a make-or-break factor.

The second part of the Module increases the DP refunded on retreat after multiple deploys (see Bagpipe description above for more detail), and can potentially be useful to Wild Mane, especially if trying to leverage her Talent's DP reduction for Guards using multiple deploys. That being said, with her relatively low DP costs, and with DP in general typically not being an issue in mid/late game because of the strong DP generation of Standard Bearers, the impact of the Module generally won't be very noticeable.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist NoriZC
CV 村中知
CV (EN) Judy Alice Lee
CV (CN) 刘十四
CV (KR) 金莹银
Gender Female
Place of Birth Kazimierz
Birthday Aug 3
Race Kuranta
Height 158cm
Combat Experience
4 Years
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


'Wild Mane' Knight Iwona, member of Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub. Joined Rhodes Island after undertaking the Kazimierz Major and a string of disturbances. Besides undergoing essential treatment for Oripathy, Wild Mane is also happy to provide Rhodes Island with support in combat. She's willing to do a considerable amount for the Infected.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 6%
Clear Originium crystallization is visible on the legs.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.20u/L
The state of Operator Wild Mane's infection has tended towards stability.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
When 'Wild Mane' Knight chose to join Rhodes Island, her wounds still hadn't fully healed, but a blowaway ability to recuperate already enabled her to be freely active. Prior to her full recovery, owing to consideration for the operator's state of health, Rhodes Island did not immediately set up work for Wild Mane, which had the converse effect of seeming to depress her somewhat. However, Wild Mane showed great curiosity in her new place of residence, and in her days off would wander all over, finding things to do for herself.
The modification of 'Justice Knight' was one such result. After Wild Mane got to know the scope of Rhodes Island's Engineering Department research, she promptly showed interest in remodeling her 'pet,' 'Justice Knight,' who also constituted a member of Pinus Sylvestris. Brimming with expectations for the system upgrades and voice capability installation, Wild Mane visited every day to see how things were going, following the pace of things. Finally, a few days later, she watched her Justice who only made 'di-di' noises for the longest time say her very first greeting—
'Di-di, thank you to all at the Rhodes Island Engineering Department. Master? You want Justice Knight to say something to you...? May Justice Knight tell the truth? Burgers are very unhealthy. Please don't order that many again. Also, please don't throw your dirty clothes on the floor, and when you're holding Justice Knight to air grievances or declare your fighting spirit, please don't get too worked up. Your movement to tears or the sound level of your indignation renders Justice Knight unable to correctly receive information and execute analysis and response...'
According to descriptions from those working at the time, Wild Mane seemed to take a massive blow, and was unwilling to set foot in the Engineering Department again until final upgrades were completed. It was only the day Justice commenced regular operation, delivering her first portion of takeout from the cafeteria, that things began to improve.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Iwona Krukowska. Her family serves as loyal Kazimierzian knight-nobles, everlasting on the honor gained from campaign knighthood. Within the Krukowskas, Iwona is the most robust of her generation, her temperament the boldest. Thus, she had high hopes placed on her by her family, and trained since youth to become a campaign knight. However, the young, unwary Iwona caught Oripathy while training in the countryside, which threw off the path of her life. Raised for campaign knighthood, she held hope for a time, but couldn't imagine her family would immediately renounce her after she recovered.
Despite her family's ruthless action causing her great disappointment, Iwona still resolved to press onwards. She would regain her spirits in her firm life's creed: as long as you're alive, you have to keep looking for a path to run. Iwona is a kind fighter, her passion and hot-bloodedness in battle innate to her, and becoming an Infected couldn't change that one bit. And so, she chose to become a competition knight, to achieve a knight's identity another way, to prove it for all those who'd been disappointed her to see.
Speed and technique are Iwona's advantages, and she puts them to nimble use, needing no theory of skill, able to respond to any move with nothing but her outstanding powers of reaction and observation, checking the opponent in one blow. Of course, combat tactics like this are a good fit to Iwona's own bodily makeup. Though the adulation of absolute power brought a sense of pressure, Iwona has inherited the family genes, along with a not-particularly-tall stature—fortunately, she keeps on growing.
'Huh? You mean I'm a—I'm a centimeter shorter than Sona...? That's gotta be wrong, has to be. Wait, come back! We gotta measure again!'
'Miss Wild Mane, this is already your fourth time measuring...'
'Dammit, just this one last centimeter...'
'Wild Mane?'
'...*sigh* I get it, alright. You fill in your numbers. C'mon, Justice, help me figure out how to order some evap milk later...'

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
When you ask Wild Mane if she has any regrets, sorrows or moments of insecurity, she avoids the topic. Perhaps deep inside, Wild Mane knew her own fated lot in life as an Infected. But in order to prove her strength, she chose to ignore these questions others would consider important, and selflessly threw herself into the battles of the underground arena. In this way, Wild Mane Knight 'numbed' herself with unbroken victory, in a perpetual search for the value of survival. However, when she finally entered an official arena, she was mocked and ridiculed by other competition knights in the lounge, and her anger gave rise to an intense conflict. It was Flametail and Ashlock who extricated her from that incident. Following her entry into Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub, she began to face her status as an Infected head-on, and approved wholeheartedly of what Flametail herself was busy doing for the Infected. To Wild Mane, having a clear objective made it a lot easier on her. So long as it was 'physical work,' she wouldn't shy from taking it on, no matter how dangerous or troublesome. And yet, the significance behind considering her actions gave her a headache. Whether the social happenings that all the booky types talked about, or the sense emblematized by her own conduct, the old Wild Mane chose to let it go in one ear and out the other. But once she'd left Kazimierz, separating from her knight identity, what new course she should take as an Infected was now, as things stood, a core question she had no way of avoiding.
At the very least, Wild Mane is satisfied with her current life. One certain day, she got a letter from Kazimierz, her family seemingly wanting to pass a message onto her. She only skimmed through it once, on break while training with Ashlock at the grounds, and then got back into serious training mode without any fanfare. Afterward, when asked if anything happened, she just shrugged.
'They sent me a formal apology. Want me to give 'em a reply, let 'em know if I'm doing fine these days. Hah, I bet they saw their surname on the TV, finally remembered I existed, huh?'
'So, Miss Wild Mane, how do you feel right now...'
'What, me? I'm fine. Honestly, I got outta the whole shadow of my past ages ago. And all of them, living in Kazimierz—these guys related to me, whether they still wanna wallow in their mud clenching their own—pride and prejudice, it's got nothing to do with me. I sure didn't ask for their help again I got shoved outta the door, hahah.'

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
To Wild Mane, Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub is where she exists, and she has unconditional faith in its members. Flametail is its leader, someone worth giving her own loyalty, worth running here and there to risk her life for. Ashlock is Wild Mane's drinking buddy, and a like-minded partner too. Through the two of them confiding in each other, Wild Mane, notorious non-fan of thinking, often hits lightbulb moments, understanding a hell of a lot of arguments and facts otherwise obscured by all the words in them. Most of the time, Fartooth's a quiet one, the total opposite of Wild Mane's personality. Her cool and collected nature is precisely what Wild Mane lacks, and any cooperation with her goes smooth as can be. 'Justice Knight' is Wild Mane's 'pet,' but more so her brilliant sidekick, with no shortage of times she's come through on the battlefield at just the right moment. Wild Mane at present is looking for her own way, too, hoping the new life she experiences at Rhodes Island will find her a fresh direction. Wild Mane and the other members of Pinus Sylvestris need only be together, and they'll surely be able to accomplish much in this world.
Even now, Wild Mane still keeps up with her former schedule as a 'knight,' each day persistently training, honing her skills. There will come a day when her power can help people, can play a role in saving lives, and for the sake of this future, for bringing hope to more Infected, Wild Mane never misses a beat.
There's some selfishness to it too, of course. The first time Wild Mane met the Radiant Knight, she promptly requested a duel. Even though to anyone else it was just an impolite slip of the tongue, Wild Mane was completely, sincerely prepared for it. Until the day her legs are mighty enough, sufficient to earn the Radiant Knight's approval, she'll look forward, eager, to the honoring of that appointed time.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Wild Mane's weapon is a shelled lance, with a unique major/minor-type design. The external fiberglass 'major' is suited for lance charges, the most ideal armament for lance-shock techniques when used appropriately. The interior 'minor' is used for thrusts and stabs in sparring form, suited for close-quarters active combat on the battlefield. Wild Mane duly favors her lance's design, and even though it costs a considerable amount to maintain the major lance after its use, she still insists on using this unique lance she can call her own, and has given nit more painstaking practice than anything else, so that she can show off its mighty ability to impact and batter.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Nah-ah, keep those documents away from me... I go all vertigo when I see too much text. Don't even think of making me help you on the paper work, Doctor, I'm just gonna stand here nice and good.
Talk 1 Armor paint? It's gotta be gold. I love gold. It's the color of lightning, and when they say things are fast as lightning, that's fast!
Talk 2 For combat, I got my own way of doing things. If you want 'em to respect you, just beat 'em down. If you want 'em to listen to you, go for a round, and let 'em know they could never ever win.
Talk 3 Armorless Union assassins, Nearl family knights, the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub... how's Rhodes Island hold all of them together? Your recruiting standards are mad out of sight.
Talk after Promotion 1 I‘ve been honing myself into a campaign knight since childhood. That's how I've learnt all my combat skills. But after I got infected…pssh, I still wanna be a 'knight.' If winning fights is the way to prove myself, then I'll win every fight to show'em all.
Talk after Promotion 2 Sometimes I don't really get what Sona says, yet I still believe she'll lead us to do right and proper. She's changing and improving herself to adapt, so maybe I'll try working on my own faults too. But, that doesn't mean I'm gonna take up everything she says, haha.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 When Justyna says things, her first sentence is the most important part! But if you don't listen to what comes after, you don't get what the first sentence was about. Good thing I'm already used to that, so I can grasp her point nice and clear.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Justice Knight's my pet. I got people to give her a bunch of functions, so she's got the chops to do it all at least a little. Yeah, she's a real doer!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I made the title 'Wild Mane' renowned through my own hard work. It's the symbol of a Knight as strong as hell, and an Infected Knight even. However, the General Chamber of Commerce takes our lives and our glory no more than products and consumables. Tch. Sucks I can't pound their masks to pieces right damned now.
Idle Man, I'm so bored... hey, let's go for a drink. It's always Ashley who drinks with me, and that's just dull.
Onboard Wild Mane' Iwona, I'm a Knight from Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub. Sona says this place does good by the Infected? Sounds cool.
Watching Battle Record Ooh... that's a sick surprise attack to make! Can we rewind that and watch it again?
Promotion 1 A promotion? Then you can tell I've gotten stronger? Haha, fine by me, gimme a few more!
Promotion 2 Those hypocrites, wearing hollow masks and treading on the Infected as they want. Screw them, my lance is gonna run them all through!
Added to Squad Who's got the guts to spar with me?
Appointed as Squad Leader Phalanx formation suits me most. If I'm the captain, then let's go with my kind of tactics!
Depart Let's roooooll!
Begin Operation Haha, I got you sighted.
Selecting Operator 1 Leave the brawling to me.
Selecting Operator 2 I've been waiting forever!
Deployment 1 You guys think you're worth my full strength?
Deployment 2 Don't you dare go down in one!
In Battle 1 Slow! Slow! Way too slow!
In Battle 2 Haha, you're not dodging this!
In Battle 3 Lance charge!
In Battle 4 Piercing through!
4-star Result Keep on winning, and you'll never be forgotten. It's that simple.
3-star Result Cheers, Doctor. You're a solid commander.
Sub 3-star Result My Major Lance... *sigh* Gotta get repairs again.
Operation Failure Leave any regrets for later! Go, I'll cover the rear!
Assigned to Facility Any rooms in all gold around here? Just a little dream of mine.
Tap What, you wanna have a race with me?
Trust Tap Skirts? Nuh-uh. I don't wear 'em 'cept for special days.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Ready for the day, Doctor? Wanna try some breakfast from the Justice Knight?