Attack Type




Blocks 2 enemies; Can use <Support Devices> in battles

Operator Description

A fresh college graduate from Columbia—he's finally found a company that'll give him a job offer.

Operator Quote

Don't doubt his ability. What causes the youth to hit wall after wall is less simple than he thinks.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 5/1/2022
Release Date (Global) 11/3/2022


Potential Item

Windflit's Token A case of wear-resistant adhesive bandages, carried on Windflit's person. Used until worn-through, and then he's plus one callus, minus one plaster.


Carries 2 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +5% ATK (lasts 20 seconds)
Carries 2 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +7% ATK (+2%) (lasts 20 seconds)
Carries 3 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +10% ATK (lasts 30 seconds)
Carries 3 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +12% ATK (+2%) (lasts 30 seconds)
Carries 3 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +15% ATK (lasts 30 seconds)
Carries 3 Reliable Batteries that only take effect on Casters and Supporters (max 2 deployed at once). Equipped units gain +17% ATK (+2%) (lasts 30 seconds)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval

Summon Stats

Arts Resist
DP Cost
Detailed Info


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack deals 160% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 165% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 170% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 175% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 180% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 185% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 1 charges
The next attack deals 190% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 2 charges
The next attack deals 210% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 230% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 3 charges
The next attack deals 250% ATK as Physical damage to all ground enemies in the 8 surrounding tiles, and restores 1 SP to anyone equipped with a Reliable Battery
Can store 3 charges
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.6
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.65
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.75
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.85
attack@sp 1
ct 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
attack@sp 1
ct 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
attack@sp 1
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
attack@sp 1
ct 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
attack@sp 1
ct 3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
Skill Effect
Attack interval increases, ATK +70%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.1x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +80%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.2x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +90%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.3x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +100%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.4x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +110%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.5x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +120%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.6x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +130%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.7x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +140%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.8x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +150%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 1.9x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Attack interval increases, ATK +160%; Talent ATK bonus increased to 2x; When the skill ends, obtain 1 Reliable Battery
* This Skill modifies the Attack Interval by 0.5
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.7
talent_scale 1.1
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 0.8
talent_scale 1.2
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 0.9
talent_scale 1.3
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1
talent_scale 1.4
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.1
talent_scale 1.5
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.2
talent_scale 1.6
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.3
talent_scale 1.7
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.4
talent_scale 1.8
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.5
talent_scale 1.9
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1
atk 1.6
talent_scale 2
base_attack_time 0.5
windft_s_2_recharge.cnt 1


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Increases the max number of Support Devices that can be held by +1 and reduces their Deployment Cost
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 140
atk 30
Equip Summon Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
cost -2
max_deck_stack_cnt 1
Unlock Information
During battle, have Windflit use Energy Rapport a total of 10 times (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 11-9 with a 3-star rating under Standard Environment; You must deploy your own Windflit, and only Caster, Defender, and Medic Operators are allowed for the remaining members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process elite material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 75%
Automation α Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, the productivity contributed by all other Operators in that Factory becomes 0 (excluding productivity granted based on facility count), but each Power Plant increases that Factory's productivity by +5%

Quick Evaluation

+ An artificer supporter with a mix of caster/supporter buffs and some DPS
+ S1: moderate AOE damage and provides some supportive SP recharge battery to allies using the devices.
+ S2: Good self damage buffs, increases the ATK boost on the devices, and generates an additional device.
- S1: Can't regenerate Supportive Devices.
- S2: Very poor uptime.
- The Supportive Devices are very limited, both in terms of quantity and the operators it can be used on, and the buffs are not particularly strong.
- Mediocre stats in general
- Not particularly great at any role, whether it be DPS or supportive buffs.

Operator Overview

Doctor! I ever tell you about my club at college? We used the funds from the school to buy new machines on the market, tear 'em down and reassemble 'em. Got to learn a lot of new stuff that way. Is Rhodes Island about that too? Check this one out! It's smoking right now, sure, but it's got new functionality.

Windflit grew up impoverished, in a bad neighborhood with no prospects. His parents scrimped and saved to send him to a good school, where he learned to take machines apart and put them back together with new parts and features added—a skill that eventually earned him a position at the Rhodes Island engineering department. Windflit hasn’t yet learned the art of “not making your machines explode halfway through the design process,” but at least he has learned how to bring his devices to the battlefield as a 5* Artificer Supporter who grants ATK and SP to Caster and Supporter Operators.

On paper, the focal point of Windflit’s kit is his Forward Together Talent, which gives him a cache of Reliable Batteries that he can hook up to Caster or Supporter allies to improve their ATK for a short duration. Both of Windflit’s Skills interact with his Batteries—his S1, Machine Rapport, turns his next attack into an empowered AoE strike that also grants 1 SP to any Operator equipped with a Reliable Battery. Meanwhile, his S2, Energy Rapport, increases Windflit’s ATK (but also his attack interval to compensate) as well as the ATK bonus from his Reliable Batteries, while also creating a new Reliable Battery when the Skill duration ends.

All of this sounds pretty great until you actually factor Windflit’s numbers into the mix. Just about every number that Windflit has is undertuned. His ATK is low, so his damage is low, even with the damage boosts from his Skills. The ATK buff from his Batteries is low, even with the multiplier from S2. The SP costs on his Skills are high and the duration on his S2 is low. The SP granted by S1 is low and is further compounded by the short duration of Batteries and the high SP cost of the Skill.

Windflit combines aspects of a Block-2 ground unit, an ATK buffer, and an SP battery into one package. It’s a good combination, and there’s a lot of potential there. In practice, however, Windflit needs a few more iterations in the lab—and maybe a good, mind-clearing explosive malfunction to give him some new ideas for his Batteries—before he’s really ready for the battlefield.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Doesn't dps very well, doesn't support very well, and is a pain-in-the-ass to use even for experienced players. All at an expensive 5 Star development cost. New players should avoid wasting limited rescources here.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

With poor numbers, a completely unnecessary restriction, and a gimmicky kit (in the bad way), there really isn't any reason to raise or use Windflit. Even if you were dedicated to raising him, it isn't easy to make a suggestion since his skills are so poor. Forced to pick, I would probably go with S1. Artificer stats are decent, so he can be a serviceable blocker with some AoE damage in a pinch. Also, the Mastery gains on his S2 are just atrocious, with less than 5% gain on his buff and no improvement to either uptime or cycle time, so Mastery is unnecessary even if you want to try to use him as a buffer.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist nineo
CV 八代拓
CV (EN) Caleb Yen
CV (CN) 大白
CV (KR) 郑义宅
Gender Male
Place of Birth Columbia
Birthday Feb 2
Race Perro
Height 180cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Normal
Originium Adaptability Standard


Windflit has two degrees in engineering and Originium engineering and is particularly experienced in mechanical design. He is currently a member of the Engineering Department and produces mechanical devices to aid our operators in combat.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Very healthy, but his BMI is a little low for an adult Perro Male; should eat more.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Windflit rarely comes into contact with Originium.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Operator Windflit was born to a family of impoverished Columbian workers. Neither of his parents are Infected, but as they were unable to keep up with the rapid progress of technology, they could only keep working the most basic kind of work at the old factories' assembly lines. Windflit's parents had pinned their faith on him: they hoped he would break away from this cycle and not become a workman. Following their wishes, Windflit and his parents scraped together the tuition to get him enrolled in the city's affluent district's high school, though he transferred to another high school about half a year later and finished his studies there. Windflit is a fast learner, and he quickly got the hang of any mechanical assembly line when he helped his parents out at the factories, to the point that he pointed out areas of improvement. He also received excellent grades while he was in school and entered a famous Columbian academic institution to continue his mechanical studies.
After he graduated, he was hired by Rhodes Island after sending us his resume. However, when he first came onboard, he showed some minor introverted tendencies as well as obvious animosity on an emotional level against operators from affluent backgrounds. The Doctor and HR operators should keep an eye out to prevent any internal strifes.
Currently, Windflit is assigned to the Engineering Department, where his main responsibilities include designing and producing Originium mechanical devices as well as providing our operators support during combat via mechanical devices.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
New Notice:
All combat operators who team up with Windflit must be aware that any devices enhanced by Windflit could explode.

Now, I'm not saying every device out there could explode! It's just that each mission takes place in a different environment, and although there's not really much of a problem in using Windflit's unified design devices that Windflit brings with him, but all of us think about what we can do to improve our efficiency sometimes. Windflit's got some ideas when it comes to that too, and he often comes asking if an idea is feasible. Of course, the captain looks into his ideas and gives him a decision, and if he gets his approval, he starts modifying the devices on the spot. It actually works really well, too! I asked him where he learned all that. Most teachers and masters teach us to aim for stability when we make things, and they don't often recommend making modifications on the spot. He told me that he learned his ways from a club that he was in back in college.
His school must've been rich, too. He often talks about how they'd buy the hottest gadgets to take apart and mod, and how they'd have competitions to see who would reach the modding goal the fastest... Just listening to him talk about it got my heart stirring!
Come to think of it, he also talked to Closure the other day about signing an agreement to mod old mechanical equipment. Once it's all said and done, he just has to show that agreement and he can mod any old mechanical part lying around in Engineering.

Notice Update:
If Windflit is found to be modifying any mechanical systems, immediately ask to see proof of Closure's permission.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
The Infected question is one that all non-Infected operators who join Rhodes Island eventually faces.
In Columbia, the Infected often moves to an Infected community or a frontier city. Even an impoverished family like Windflit's wouldn't live among the Infected if they had the option not to. Windflit, who has always been focused on his own life, rarely ever turned his attention to this group of people that seemed worlds apart.
It wasn't until he moved to the dormitories that he first truly understood what the equality promoted by the onboarding training truly meant. Having been treated harshly because of his family's situation, he knows better than anyone how it feels to be ostracized and discriminated against, which is why he is unwilling to make anyone else feel this way, even if he isn't yet entirely comfortable around them. And so, when Ethan welcomed his new roommate like an old buddy, Windflit simply accepted his goodwill. After the two got to know one another overtime, they started to have a decent understanding of each other's past.
'As a non-Infected, is my existence itself unfair to the Infected?'
One time, Windflit asked Ethan during one of their everyday conversations. Ethan, scared half-dead as he never expected things to turn out this way, immediately told our HR personnel everything. After we learned how the events unfolded, we found that Windflit, who proverbially might perhaps be braindead on all subjects regarding unequal treatment, might have discovered something he had never realized: He always thought that he was on the side of being treated unfairly and that he had never treated anyone that way, but it now seems that this isn't necessarily the case.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
'If it wasn't for my hard work, instead of receiving the recognition I now have, I would have become an unaccomplished, laughable man who's jealous of others.'
'It's only because I always give everything my best effort that I have the breathing room to think about this,' said Windflit after his promotion as he looked at the medal in his hand.
This is how we discovered the reason behind Windflit's competitiveness.
Per our observations, aside from reinforcing his knowledge for his day-to-day work, Windflit seems to particularly enjoy reading biographies. Whether the biography is on a political, literary, military, or civilian figure; whether the experiences written therein are from told by the subject himself or recounted by others; and whether the philosophies that can be derived from it are deep or shallow, Windflit will always quietly judge the decisions these historical figures made at the pivotal points of their lives. He once read the story of a scholar who persevered through seven failures before finally achieved success, and we found afterwards that the corners of those few pages of the book were particularly worn out by his fingers' frequent back-and-forth flipping.
When he first came to Rhodes Island, Windflit mentioned he did not have any concrete plans for himself. The reason he decided to work is very simple: his parents are getting older in age. He said that ever since he became an adult, he had always felt a kind of pressure for spending all his time studying instead of helping his parents with their livelihood, even becoming their burden. Which is why, instead of continuing his studies, he opted to look for a job that paid a decent wage so that his parents didn't have to worry about money again.
That said, as he continued to build experience, he's slowly become a professional and dependable engineer.
Lately, Windflit also put together some minor technical patents from our automation technologies and a report on them, both of which Closure has already examined and approved. Windflit is hoping to send these to his parents to make their jobs easier.
Everything is gradually taking a turn for the better, and Windflit also began to wonder whether he should continue his education. The reason that he had a change of mind is that not only has he slowly found the ability to help improve his parents lives, the experiences of the person in the biography also led him to look at things from a broader time scale. The operators of Rhodes Island, with their wide array of experiences, also showed Windflit how everyone never gave up no matter how quirky life gets. All of this encouraged him to take on the challenges he might face and pursue his dream.
Rhodes Island will sail to many more places, and there is much more for Windflit to experience. He is still young, and there are countless possibilities awaiting him.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
It gives me great relief to know that he is working for you.
I was actually pretty worried before I got his letter. When I first heard the news, he seemed to have been in quite a bit of shock, so I was going to let some time pass first before introducing him to some similar companies. I certainly didn't expect him to contact your company.
He's a good student, and good students who can stay true to their hearts are hard to come by.
He didn't even look like he had any grudges when he said he would go work at the factory where his parents worked. He truly wanted to use the skills he learned to help workers like his parents. It took both his parents and me a long time to talk him out of the idea.
He never thought of joining a big company as proof of who he is, and he has more ambition than I expected, making the decision to go back home.
That said, I'm afraid my club might've caused some of his bad habits. I mean, no one could bring themselves to fetter a good boy like him in any way. You'll have to forgive him for his eccentricities.
—A letter from Windflit's teacher

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I get oil on me real easy, so I don't clean my apron often... There's some on my face too? Uhh, I'll go get it off.
Talk 1 Doctor, I don't know if this is offensive to ask, but... say you start things out with a mindset that gets people to live in peace with the Infected. Do you ever feel like your effort is in vain? What do you do, in times like that?
Talk 2 I consulted with my profs and sent a lot of resumes out close to graduation, but got no reply. I was told later how a lot of spots and big companies are fixed in advance, and not for students with no background like me. So the day I got Rhodes Island's hiring invitation, I thought it was some employment scam.
Talk 3 Doctor! I ever tell you about my club at college? We used the funds from the school to buy new machines on the market, tear 'em down and reassemble 'em. Learnt a lot of new stuff that way. Is Rhodes Island about that too? Check this one out! It's smoking right now, sure, but it's got new functionality.
Talk after Promotion 1 I helped out at my parents' factory when I was a kid. Lots of stuff you've just gotta count on pure manual labor for. I've gone over all the notes the vets at Engineering lent me. If we can pass all this new tech down to my parents, we can save 'em a lot of effort.
Talk after Promotion 2 My parents saved hard for a good school when I was a kid. I had classmates clowning on us for being poor, so I was dead set on learning something, showing them who's boss. They might still be living a cushier life than me, but nowadays, I just focus on myself.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, Rhodes Island is all real passionate folks. Saying they wanna make me clothes, they wanna gimme a haircut, and then they drag me off to show me around their own stalls. What do I do...? H—Hug 'em? Got it. I'll go try right now.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, I've never had a boss like you before. Ones I met before were all money-grubbing owner types, so... y'know hugs have really worked out. Can I hug you? C'mon, here we go!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I used to feel like this world was unfair, no matter where you went, and no one could do a thing to change it. But here, poverty or infection, none of that discrimination exists, and everyone gets rewarded equal to what they put in. Doctor, pulling this whole thing's incredible.
Idle You out? Real quiet... Woof! —Ooh, awake now, Doctor?
Onboard Nice meeting you, Doctor, I'm Windflit, new Operator at Engineering. You said you saw ability in me? Real thankful for that.
Watching Battle Record Effort is the root of progress. Regular review lets me realize a lotta issues I overlooked before.
Promotion 1 I really love Rhodes Island's standards for promotion. No unfairness about 'em.
Promotion 2 Getting to this level of endorsement makes all my previous effort really kinda pay off. Doctor, Rhodes Island truly is a company worth sticking with for a long time.
Added to Squad I've got no combat experience, but I'll give it my best shot.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm not circling you all because I wanna. You're all too scattered apart. It'll be dangerous.
Depart Can't let 'em bully us. Let's go!
Begin Operation I wonder if these guys have their own problems too...
Selecting Operator 1 All ready.
Selecting Operator 2 When do we get going?
Deployment 1 No need to worry.
Deployment 2 I can do this.
In Battle 1 Woof!!
In Battle 2 Device set!
In Battle 3 What is it you guys fight for?
In Battle 4 Still coming closer?
4-star Result Phew... Each new battle teaches me a lotta new things. Maybe one day, I can finally get my own issues figured out.
3-star Result Doctor, how was my equipment this time? Real useful, right?!
Sub 3-star Result Let's forget chasing 'em, maybe they've got their own problems. They chose to run, so no need to corner 'em now.
Operation Failure Ugh... how did this happen...
Assigned to Facility Real spacious room. And real clean.
Tap Huh? Was that my ears?
Trust Tap I welded together this little metal doll kinda thing to look like you, hahaha...
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor, wanna play Ultimate?