
Great Aquapit Funtastic Experientorium

Furniture Theme Detail

Description A recreation of a Great Aquapit tourist lodge based on reluctant descriptions by Minimalist. Following the instatement of Gavial's oversight, Minimalist's efficiency more than doubled.
Total Ambience
Total Cost 2,250 or 12
Obtain Approach Event Limited
Release Dates (NA)
Release Dates (CN)
Associated Event

Furniture Sets in this Theme

Set: Aquapit Sand Hole (Complete Set Bonus Ambience: 170)

Image Name Ambience Type Cost
Great Aquapit Panoramic Display 240 Wallpaper
Experientorium Floor 240 Floor
Artificial Beach 185 Carpet
Sand Castle 175 Decoration

Set: Cold Ale (Complete Set Bonus Ambience: 150)

Image Name Ambience Type Cost
White Ceiling Light 35 Ceiling Lamp
Flag Decorations 165 Ceiling
Ceiling Drapes 290 Ceiling
Windchime Light 60 Ceiling Lamp

Set: Sweet Fruit Wine (Complete Set Bonus Ambience: 340)

Image Name Ambience Type Cost
Transparent Planter 340 Decoration 500 or 3
Best Design Sofa (L) 410 Seating 605 or 3
Drunkard Surf Boards 210 Decoration 380 or 2
Best Design Sofa (S) 275 Seating 450 or 2
'Beautiful Voice' Fan 175 Decoration 315 or 2

Set: Berry Tomato Wine (Complete Set Bonus Ambience: 280)

Image Name Ambience Type Cost
Plaster Planter 285 Decoration
Low Bench 200 Seating
Fence Set 445 Decoration
Swim Tube Rack 225 Decoration