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Pinus Sylvestris - PV
Translation Credit: Lauli
PV script translation:
Justyna, are you really setting out?
Play your harmonica again.
Anything is fine, everyone loves your tunes.
Within a luxurious city, the infected will always escape to these cold and narrow corners.
Justyna the knight has a home, and relatives and friends who expect her return.
But these don't belong to Justyna the infected.
Not only the infected, here, may people have no place to call home.
Kazimierz is a spire. A tall spire.
Honor didn't abandon Kazimierz, people abandoned honor themselves.
Who would think of the infected among the knight families?
The nobles wouldn't care about the lives of the infected.
I can't go back.
If the wind can really bring my voice back, then please stay silent.
Don't say anything apart from the harmonica's tunes.
If there's nowhere to go—
Justyna, will you join us?
I came up with the name. Pinus Sylvestris, our own knight club.
[Pinus Sylvestris] Event
Translation Credit: Nightsky of the RIHQ Discord
Event Period:16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 22nd
Unlock Condition: Clear 1-10
Stage Drops: event currency, materials, etc
Event Description: During the event period, event stages will be available for limited time, player can obtain event currency from any stage except for Annihilation, and Extreme Modes. and redeem event rewards and [Information Fragments]. [Information Fragments] can be used to unlock stories in current or previous storyset.
[Redemption Office] Event Rewards
Redeem Period: 16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 25th
Rewards:[Witch Feast Series - Grave Thief - Click] , [Information Fragments] , event furniture, Furniture Parts, Battle Records, Hight-tier mats, etc.
This stories will be collected in [Intelligence Processing Room] after the end of event.
[A Wanderer in the Wind] Headhunt
Event Period: 16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 29th
Note: This headhunting is [standard headhunting].
Featured Operators:
Rarity | Operator |
6★ Rate Up | Fartooth - Sniper [Long-Range / Deadeye] |
5★ Rate Up | Ashlock - Defender [Fortress]
Manticore - Specialist [Ambusher] |
- 6★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
- 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★
New Operators
The following operators will join the [Standard Headhunting] permanently after the banner ends.
Note: The new operators gain extra trust in event period
New Skins
Event Period: 16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 29th
Event Description: The following costumes will be on sale in event period:
- [Witch Feast Series - Moon Catastrborn - Blemishine]
- Cost: 18 OP
- [Witch Feast Series - Echo of the Horrorlair - Shamare]
- Cost: 18 OP
- [Witch Feast Series - Fated Hero - Snowsant]
- Cost: 15 OP
Skin Reruns
Event Description: The following skins will be on sale during the event
- [Epoque Series – Miraculous Moment – Grani]
- Cost: 18 OP
- [Witch Feast Series - "the mag" - Kroos]
- Cost: 18 OP
- [Witch Feast Series - "an elegy" - Nightingale]
- Cost: 18 OP
- [Witch Feast Series - "the feast" – Warfarin]
- Cost: 18 OP
New Furniture Theme [Lounge of Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub]
Sales Period: 16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 29th
Furniture Rerun
Sales Period: 16:00, Oct. 15th - 03:59, Oct. 29th
Ambience: 4800
Cost: 5,380 Furniture Parts or 27 OP
New Modules
First-show Support Set
The further away the enemy, the higher the damage dealt (up to an increase of 15%)