Attack Type




Attacks aerial enemies first

Operator Description

Cleric of Landen Monastery Archetto, the power to rebuild faith stronger than faith itself.

Operator Quote

If she pulls you into 'doing your part' for the Monastery, just do what you can.

Obtain Approach

Operator can only be obtained through Headhunting (Gacha).
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 1/5/2021
Release Date (Global) 7/6/2021


Potential Item

Archetto's Token A Monastery limited commemoration badge. Meant to be bought, but just call this one a gift of friendship!


Every 3 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed Sniper allies that have an Offensive Recovery skill.
Every 2.5 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed Sniper allies that have an Offensive Recovery skill.
When deployed, this unit gains 1 Shield. Restores 7 Skill Points after the Shield breaks
When deployed, this unit gains 1 Shield. Restores 9 (+2) Skill Points after the Shield breaks
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The next attack deals 170% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 120% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 175% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 125% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 180% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 130% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 185% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 135% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 190% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 140% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 195% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 145% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 200% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 150% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 210% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 160% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 220% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 170% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
The next attack deals 230% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 180% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemies
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.7
atk_scale_2 1.2
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.75
atk_scale_2 1.25
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.8
atk_scale_2 1.3
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.85
atk_scale_2 1.35
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.9
atk_scale_2 1.4
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.95
atk_scale_2 1.45
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
atk_scale_2 1.5
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
atk_scale_2 1.6
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
atk_scale_2 1.7
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
atk_scale_2 1.8
max_target 4
show_max_target 3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 108% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 110% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 112% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 114% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 116% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 118% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 1 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 120% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 2 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 125% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 2 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 130% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 3 charges
Immediately fire an arrow that deals 140% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces the hit count by 1); Can store 3 charges
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.08
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.12
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.14
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.16
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.18
times 5
cnt 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
times 5
cnt 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.25
times 5
cnt 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
times 5
cnt 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.4
times 5
cnt 3
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +5%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +5%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +5%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +10%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +10%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +10%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +15%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +20%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +25%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
ATK +30%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneously
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.05
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.05
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.05
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.1
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.1
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.1
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.15
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.2
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.25
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3
atk 0.3
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 2
attack@times 3


Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
When there are ground enemies within range, ASPD +8
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 17
def 17
attack_speed 2
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Archetto, and have Archetto defeat at least 5 enemies
Clear Main Theme 2-9 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Archetto, and cannot include any other Sniper Operators as members
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Increases ATK to 110% when attacking aerial targets
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 90
atk 32
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 100,000 damage with Archetto (excluding Support Units)
Clear Intermezzi SV-4 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Archetto, and cannot include any other Sniper Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +1% for every level of each Dormitory
Room Type:
Trading Post
When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +2% for every level of each Dormitory

Quick Evaluation

+ A single target DPS sniper with multi-target skills
+ Talent: Gains a shield that blocks one attack and recovers some SP. Generates SP over time for snipers with attacking type SP charge skills.
+ Very high DPS potential against low DEF enemies
+ Great when paired with buffers due to strong damage multipliers and multi hit attacks.
+ S1: Great for clearing waves of weaker enemies, but they will need to be relatively close together.
+ S2: This skill can be used to reset her attacks and bounce to enemies outside her attack range.
+ S3: Great for bosses and tougher enemies that would sit just outside the range of Exusiai.
- While somewhat mitigated by her talent, all skills have attack charging SP which can be slow to charge in between waves.
- She has trouble against higher DEF enemies without ATK buffs
- S2:her ricochet attacks can bounce 1.5 grids and cannot bounce to previously hit targets so it can be awkward to try to hit more than a couple enemies

Operator Overview

"Landen Monastery's clerics form no normal clergy, you know? Rather than prayer, we're much more about taking up arms to defend Laterano... That's how it goes, but our finances have been in a sorry state these past few years. The justice of guarding others with the faith we harbor—surely the Lord permits us that."

Between Archetto’s short and frilly skirt, her attempts to sell beer, and the giant freaking composite machine bow she totes around, it’s safe to say that few people would guess that her profession is “nun of the Randen Monastery.” But the nuns from Randen Monastery have been trained to protect the Pope since time immemorial, and Archetto will stop at nothing to satisfy this responsibility. She’ll cut business deals, bargain with Rhodes Island, and wield her bow as a 6* Anti-Air Sniper who’s willing to do a little of everything: hit multiple targets, hit multiple times, extend her attack range, block incoming attacks, and even generate SP for her Sniper allies.

Archetto’s kit combines aspects of many existing Snipers in Arknights into a single heterochromatic package. Her biggest strength is probably her Landen Tactics Talent, which restores 1 SP to all allied Snipers with [On Attack] Skills (including Archetto) every few seconds while Archetto is deployed. Her second Talent is Iron Bowstring, which blocks the first hit Archetto would take and turns it into SP for Archetto instead. Between these two Talents, Archetto can generate a lot of SP for herself soon after being deployed.

But what is Archetto going to do with all that SP? Well, her S1, Dispersing Arrows, fires a stronger shot at the primary target and smaller shots at up to 3 nearby targets within range. It’s cheap and automatic, making it a great way to easily cut groups of enemies down to size. Her S2, Pursuing Arrows, shoots a ricocheting arrow that deals multiple instances of damage and bounces between multiple targets within range. Used well, this Skill can bounce Archetto’s shots well beyond her base attack range. If you really need bonus range, of course, look no farther than her S3, Thundering Arrows, which increases Archetto’s ATK and attack range while also causing her arrows to tag multiple targets with multiple hits.

Unfortunately, stuffing her kit full of so many different trick shots has given Archetto a bit of the dreaded “jack of all trades, master of none” dilemma. Despite the other bells and whistles, in the end, she’s a DPS unit who relies on hitting enemies with multiple attacks. This is not a unique role among Anti-Air Snipers—in fact, there are existing Snipers who can do it better—and it’s a role that makes it very difficult for Archetto to contribute when fighting high-DEF enemies.

Difficult… but not impossible. Thanks to Landen Tactics, Archetto can be considered almost a support Sniper: she utilizes her ricocheting arrows and extra attack range to wipe out the small fry on a map, all the while feeding SP to other Snipers so they can team up against the remaining elites. She may not be taking center stage as a Sniper any time soon, but hey—it’s a lot easier to keep an eye on your important religious figures from a supporting position in the wings anyway.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Strong multi-target damage abilties

Skill Discussion

Note: S1 and S2 jump radius is 1.5 grids.

S3M3 A+ A S-
S2M3 A- A+ S
S1M3 C C- C-

Archetto has seen her stock rise pretty dramatically of late. She has always been good, but in a lot of content she plays a distant third fiddle to Exusiai and Ash. Now with the advent of the Roguelike mode, she has become a much stronger option, often surpassing Ash and competing strongly with Exusiai.

Both her S2 and S3 are strong skills with strong Masteries and if you regularly use her, you will want to do both. S2 especially can feel very underwhelming without Masteries. Of course a 6★ M6 is quite expensive, so as a matter of priority, favor her S3 if you do not have Exusiai (or don't want to use her), and favor S2 if you do. Although Archetto's S3 maintains some strong and important niches, it has a lot more overlap with Exusiai, while S2 is her more unique option if she is acting as a compliment instead of being your main Marksman Sniper.

Her S1 may also be worth considering as well. While less unique than the other two skills, it does have several things that work in its favor. It is Auto Activation which may appeal to those who find her S2 to be tedious, it handles armor best among her skills, and it can significantly out-DPS S2 in dense crowds. Archetto won't be worth the full (and expensive) M9 for most people, but she is still a reasonable low-priority consideration for the honor.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Solid multi-target damage.
+ Very cheap to deploy.
+ Synergizes well with Attack boosts.
+ S2: Can catch enemies from way outside her range and deal with waves of enemies with ease.
+ S3: Long-ranged multi-target burst of damage.
- S3: Significantly lower burst damage than other alternatives.

IS2 Specific Notes

One of the best starters for runs. Very cheap to deploy, easy to use and solves most early maps by herself. Also great later on to remove neural drones.

Good Relics

Golden Chalice
Wrath of Siracusans
Fatal Bolts - Crossfire

Relic Interactions

Offensive SP recovery skills benefit massively from ASPD boosts. Additionally, S2 can greatly capitalize on Anger of the Siracusans. Benefits heavily from any kind of Attack boost.

Recommended Promotion

E2 recommended to gain access to S3 and Masteries.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist alchemaniac
CV Inori Minase
CV (CN) 木雅瑞林
Gender Female
Place of Birth Laterano
Birthday November 16
Race Liberi
Height 152cm
Combat Experience
2 Years
Infection Status Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Standard
Combat Skill Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Cleric Hildegard hailing from Landen Monastery, code name: Archetto. Temporarily at Rhodes Island serving certain collaborative business aims, proactive in putting forward all sorts of proposals, urging that both sides open up amicable dealings. Simultaneously displays exceptional combat proficiency across a breadth of operations; at her own request, presently serves as a Rhodes Island Sniper Operator, active on all manner of missions.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Archetto shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
As a Laterano convent with enduring reputation, Landen Monastery places immense value on its clergy's attention to their health and physical rudiments. Prior to her actual admission checkup, Miss Archetto provided Medical the last five years of her annual health assessments for reference. Aside from the need for Miss Archetto to be aware how her height might challenge her, everything's normal.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
A lot of the time, Archetto seems rather like a businesswoman.
Obviously, not a criticism, but compared to sweeping the barren soils, driving out mutated Originium slugs and other such missions, Archetto reserves her fervor for the exploration of business opportunities from every angle. Aside from her specialized bow and arrows, she also keeps on her several dozen pamphlets advertising Landen Monastery. If not for Executor's anecdotes about the monasteries, we may well have thought Landen a fly-by-night company on the verge of bankruptcy...
Archetto has said that her sisters are scattered all across the land nowadays, trying to look for a way forward for Landen Monastery, but only Archetto has ventured as far as Lungmen, Siracusa and Sargon, with little to show for it. She was impotent alone, and needed to find a trusty collaborative partner. It was bearing all this in mind that Archetto finally came to seek Rhodes Island's cooperation.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Archetto is of half-Victorian, half-Laterano descent. She grew up in Laterano, and deeply loved her free and open homeland. She could've become a scholar and stayed with her alma mater, or succeeded her mother's furniture store, but Hildegard at the tender age of ten chose to join Landen Monastery, becoming one of the honored Landen Guard, devoting her own due power to the defense of Laterano.
Archetto's archery skills come from her father, an ordinary Victorian hunter. Come fall and through winter, if safety held, he would take Hildegard out of the city, to the great snowcapped mountains. As Hildegard learned the arrow, she displayed incomparable talent, which would serve as a foundation for her outstanding displays at Landen Monastery in the future.
However, every time life at the monastery comes up, the cheery and earnest Archetto takes up a begrudging look. Whether the lax elders or the ever-snoozing Landen bishopry, it seems Landen Monastery is a peerlessly undisciplined, carefree place. 'If there weren't a sign on it, you could call it a nursing home and I'd believe you,' so Archetto laments. Though by the looks of it, she truly did enjoy her time back there.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Concerning whether it was idleness and negligence that reduced Landen Monastery to its present state—this is fantasy. No matter their financial issues, they still uphold a soldier's basic virtues.
Of course, we can't forget their Landen Monastery-exclusive secret recipe cystymilk bread either, of which Archetto repeatedly sings the praises. Maybe it's the soil and the feed that give Landen Monastery's cystybeasts such voluminous builds, with milk nothing like the oily, throat-parching stuff from Ursus breeds. They use this cystymilk to make cheese, and pour it over the bread after melting it, producing the exquisite, second-to-none taste of a monastery's special cystymilk bread.
Beyond that, the monastery also has an in-house brewery. Their beer, with malt concentrations to beat them all, has a distinct aroma, once welcomed by aristocrats lucky enough to sample it. In the early days, the Landen bishopry had no interest in any industrial pipeline for the monastery to scale up production of the beer, it spread only by word of mouth amongst nobles and religious figures, but come Landen Monastery's economic winter, plenty of voices rose up inside. A young bishop declared: 'In all honesty, I don't care whether we make the tradition a commodity, or we don't. But taking faith and peddling it—that deserves our wholehearted resistance.'
When a monastery fully becomes a mercenary organization, a pasture and a brewhouse all at once, it can be bewildering. Nevertheless, seeing how proud Archetto looks as she markets those goods, surely Laterano's a fine enough place.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
Archetto has mastered three unusual ways of utilizing arrows, and her bow is just as unusual, a product of elaborate upgrades.
Naturally, some were directed by Landen Monastery's older archers. Some suggestions came from the easy-going young Landen bishopry. By the end, even 'it can catapult' had made it in, and it was a weapon far beyond the realm of arrows at first glance. However, no matter what it was now, it couldn't fall short with Archetto's excellent firing technique working it. These came from Archetto's childhood winters, when her father would take her to the great snowcapped mountains. He taught her how to hunt, how to draw a bow, how to aim.
That said, relying only on a bow and arrow to rejuvenate a monastery would be utter nonsense. Once she left Laterano, Miss Archetto fumbled her way through the bishopry's remaining contacts, one by one visiting a great many cities, signing just as many deals. But Archetto knew deep down the Monastery was hardly an industrial plant, and these business deals hither and thither would less change the Monastery's current condition than it would take the Monastery's growth somewhere strange. Aiming to find the Monastery a true foundation for long-term collaboration, using any means she cares for, Archetto still strives to this day.
Of course, 'almost took a wrong path' describes more than the Monastery, but for now, let's not look too hard into that time someone nearly induced Archetto to become an intercity net idol.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Landen Monastery: unlike general-knowledge Laterano teachings, its core reason for establishment lies in protecting the personal safety of the Apostle and important members of the clergy. The greatest difference between the Monastery and the Notarial Hall, or any other Laterano institution—the Monastery actively accept believers from beyond Laterano, and will offer them the chance to serve the Apostle.
Time was, the Monastery adopted more of an employer model, receiving the devotion of pious warriors; back then, they earned the moniker 'Landen Guard.' However, as times changed, the Landen Guard began facing all sorts of problems with their employment framework. With a certain bishop's backing, the Monastery presided over the establishment of a complete educational system, further trialing the admission of a few youths to study at the Monastery. After that, the bishop also suggested that 'the Monastery ought to become a buoy of our faith,' and advocated admission of persons beyond Laterano. After that, some bishopry even suggested that 'justice is as faith,' and that Landen Monastery needn't be confined to the security and guarding of large-scale religious activity, as long as they could guard their true love, their Laterano—and so Landen Monastery appeared across every corner of the world.
'History pushes for Landen Monastery's progress. In other words, we struggle and struggle so as to avoid becoming a relic. Really, we've just been more and more unable to find work, and we've had to expand business, and that's all, isn't it?'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Doctor, have you ever considered some more... practical ornamentation for Rhodes Island? Such as monastery brewing caskets, or...
Talk 1 Landen Monastery's clerics form no normal clergy, you know? Rather than prayer, we're much more about taking up arms to defend Laterano... That's how it goes, but our finances have been in a sorry state these past few years. The justice of guarding others with the faith we harbor—surely the Lord permits us that.
Talk 2 Doctor, do you have any interest in beer or bread? Landen Monastery Fermented Goods Contest CCCLXXVII first-place, at your service! No need? Ah, alright... Truly, I want our soft, springy bread and fragrant beer to be known across all of Terra. That would do wonders for our revenues!
Talk 3 E—Exusiai? *cough*! I never thought the legend who blew up her alma mater seventeen times in three years would be here at Rhodes Island... She does seem to have some learned business experts at her side, but the risk of an explosion while rebuilding the Monastery... best not for now.
Talk after Promotion 1 Different kinds of arrows entail different uses. There may be plenty of capable archers amongst my sisters, but I don't boast when I proclaim that I'm the only one able to adapt multiple combat modes at once! Heheh! At least, out of my year I am!
Talk after Promotion 2 It was only once I left the Monastery that I realized my arrows may do more than defend the Apostle. It can aid so many Infected, beset by injustice... I'm very proud, but occasionally I'll remember the days gone past where I simply drew my bow, and loosed. Now, every arrow has become so much more weighty.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 So as to rebuild the Monastery, my sisters have left to seek cooperation across all of Terra. *sigh*! Landen Monastery, age-old guard of Laterano, is now a dispatch agency... If only those old men would grant a little more funding. What kind of an excuse is 'teach with gift, not with gifts!?'
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Rhodes Island is a world apart from Laterano. All with a different scape in their hearts, mingling together. It truly is an extraordinary thing. Doctor, you must consider coming to the Monastery to teach after you retire. Issues of faith? That'll be no problem! None of us will mind.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 At the start of spring, we'll prune the overgrown vines, and then open up the cellar come evening and retrieve the wine. The moment the setting sun catches through our glasses, we'll down them in one gulp. Ceremony? No, it's just a custom of ours. Life and faith became one long ago, and we don't want to lose it, that's all.
Idle I feel like I heard bells... mm, just my imagination.
Onboard Cleric of Landen Monastery, Operator Archetto. Today on, I'll be in formal cooperation with you, for the rebuilding of the Landen Monastery famed far and wide! Doctor, if you would, please look over these contract terms!
Watching Battle Record I see, I see, so this is how Rhodes Island's operators fight! Truly, they're exemplary!
Promotion 1 A promotion? My greatest thanks. Hm? I seem at peace? Of course. When you spend five years partaking in commendation ceremonies for outstanding clerics where everyone sleeps the whole way through from hangover, these things don't get to you much.
Promotion 2 Another promotion? Hmm... all the companies outside seem to strongly emphasize a hierarchical structure. Well, seeing as my promotion's been set in stone, does that mean Rhodes Island is willing to agree and sign to long-term cooperative terms with our Monastery?
Added to Squad May Rhodes Island see for itself the distinguished tactical accomplishments of Landen Monastery.
Appointed as Squad Leader Cooperating with my Sisters, everyone always drowned each other out... but under my command, things may be a little terser. I'll do my utmost.
Depart Arrow nocked.
Begin Operation Enemy sighted.
Selecting Operator 1 Your orders.
Selecting Operator 2 What arrow should I use?
Deployment 1 I've found our prey.
Deployment 2 May the Lord bless us.
In Battle 1 Draw. Take aim. Loose.
In Battle 2 Feel the bowstring's shake...
In Battle 3 Gospel, gather at my fingertips...
In Battle 4 My bow has three choices, and the enemy three hardships.
4-star Result 'Long may the Monastery's bells sound.' This is a prayer for victory. Though we've already won!
3-star Result Right! I joined in this battle. Now nobody will think Landen Monastery's just an ornament of Laterano, will they?
Sub 3-star Result ...Please allow me the chance to remedy this! This is my mistake, and in no way represents the Monastery!
Operation Failure Were battles beyond the walls... always so cruel?
Assigned to Facility It's too stifling in here. There's near to none of the Monastery's sunshine!
Tap Oh—is something wrong?
Trust Tap Ah, Doctor, I've been thinking whether I should invite you with me to come see Laterano. Perhaps you'd have more interest in the Monastery then...
Title Arknights.
Greeting May the Lord bless you, Doctor.