Attack Type




Restores the HP of 3 allies simultaneously

Operator Description

Breeze, Medic Operator of Rhodes Island, will prove that teasing and treatment go hand in hand.

Operator Quote

Remember, bitter herbs make the best medicine.

Obtain Approach

Voucher Exchange
The Operator can be obtained through Shop Vouchers
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 11/1/2019
Release Date (Global) 5/20/2020


Potential Item

Breeze's Token A family seal that has been wiped down so many times that its pattern is fading, still polished and shining impeccably.


When this unit's skill is active, all Medic Operators gain Status Resistance
When this unit's skill is active, all Medic and Supporter Operators gain Status Resistance
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
28 Seconds
28 Seconds
28 Seconds
31 Seconds
32 Seconds
33 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +70%,targets healed -1
ATK +75%,targets healed -1
ATK +80%,targets healed -1
ATK +85%,targets healed -1
ATK +90%,targets healed -1
ATK +95%,targets healed -1
ATK +100%,targets healed -1
ATK +110%,targets healed -1
ATK +120%,targets healed -1
ATK +140%,targets healed -1
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.7
atk 0.75
atk 0.8
atk 0.85
atk 0.9
atk 0.95
atk 1
atk 1.1
atk 1.2
atk 1.4
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
35 Seconds
36 Seconds
37 Seconds
38 Seconds
39 Seconds
40 Seconds
41 Seconds
42 Seconds
43 Seconds
45 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +110%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +120%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +130%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +150%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +160%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +170%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +190%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +210%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +230%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
ATK +250%, switch attack mode to firing a healing round to a friendly unit in range, healing the target and friendly units on the surrounding 8 tiles (healing amount is halved to surrounding units)
Detailed Skill Info
atk 1.1
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.2
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.3
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.5
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.6
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.7
attack@scale 0.5
atk 1.9
attack@scale 0.5
atk 2.1
attack@scale 0.5
atk 2.3
attack@scale 0.5
atk 2.5
attack@scale 0.5


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attack Range expands
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 60
atk 30
Unlock Information
During battle, have Breeze fire a total of 50 healing rounds (Breeze cannot be a Support Unit)
Clear Main Theme 4-1 with a 3-star rating; a non-Support Breeze must be deployed during the operation, and only 7 Operators are allowed for the remaining units

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Reception Room
When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 10%
Fallen Noble Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Reception Room
When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 10% and it's easier to obtain the clues of Glasgow (Clue 5)

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: normal heals hit up to 3 friendly units at once
+ Talent: When Skill is active, grant [Resistance] effect to all Medics and (at E2) Supporters (reduce duration of stun, chill, freeze by 50%)
+ Very high potential healing output with both S1 and S2
= S2: splash healing provides unique range and AoE Healing output potential
= S1: reduces the number targets, but increases the power.
= Purchasable with Shop Vouchers, but fairly expensive in terms of Sanity. Not currently available in gacha or recruitment.
- Other AoE Medics provide better utility (SP generation, passive healing, RES) making them generally more appealing.

Operator Overview

“My dad? Oh my, you're asking me that even though you know I ran away from home? Doctor, are you perhaps socially awkward?”

You’d never know it if you saw her wandering the countryside, picking herbs and stuffing them down her patients’ throats, but Breeze was actually born to a noble family and raised to be an aristocrat. Chafing under the stuffy rules of the upper crust, she ran away from home and has lived as a traveling doctor ever since. She has joined Rhodes Island of her own volition, where she now puts her… unusual medical practices to use as a 5 AoE Medic.

Despite her snarky attitude, Breeze actually works quite well with other Medics. Her Talent, Medic Squad Protection, grants the Resistance buff to all allied Medics (and Supporters once she is E2!) while either of Breeze’s Skills are active. This buff reduces the duration of Stun, Chill, and Freeze debuffs, making it harder for enemy units to lock down your Operators. The first Skill she can use to activate this Talent is Cluster Therapy, which massively increases her ATK but reduces the number of targets she can heal by 1. This Skill has pretty good uptime and still allows her to heal multiple allies, making it surprisingly strong. Her Skill 2, Widespread Therapy, has much lower uptime due to an enormous SP cost, but it packs corresponding power: it offers an even larger ATK boost and changes her heal to an area-of-effect “shot” that heals all allies in a 3x3 grid. Not only does this Skill allow Breeze to heal an entire team if they are clustered close enough together, but it also allows her to heal outside of her default attack range if she targets an Operator at the edge of her normal range.

Breeze is a very serviceable AoE Medic, but she does have big shoes to fill. AoE Medics as an archetype tend to be extremely powerful utility units in addition to their healing powers, and utility is Breeze’s weak point: granting Resistance to other Medics is very situational, and that’s the only utility she offers. It’s easy for Breeze to be overshadowed by Perfumer’s global healing or Ptilopsis’ SP regeneration. On the other hand, Breeze’s ability to provide massive burst healing to multiple allies is not common, and proper positioning can give her some of the biggest healing potential in Arknights.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Has no utility beyond healing; costs a lot of red certificates that new players will be needing to buy Chip Catalysts

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Although Breeze has always been off-meta, and never suggested as a worthwhile red cert purchase, she's never been bad either. She has good numbers in a good archetype. She's just extremely costly for a pure healing Medic with no other utility. Both of her skills have drawbacks and both have pretty poor Mastery gains, which can make selection difficult. I'd suggest going with her S1 since her S2 has an absurdly long cycle and effectively limits much of her range, but again, the gains are poor enough that Mastery is not suggested, even if you use her.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: Medium

Meta Use: Low / Medium

Explanation: The increase in normal attack range will only matter when you need to cover an Operator specifically in that spot with normal healing.  The fact that it doesn't apply to Skill range is a downside, but it doesn't even really matter much since Ptilo S2 already covers the new range and more, and Breeze's S2 can reach the same tile by utilizing the splash range. Thus, the module won't matter very often, but when it IS useful, it can open up strategic uses for them that are not possible otherwise.

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Zǎo
CV Haruna Ikezawa
CV (EN) Felecia Angelle
CV (CN) 陈瑜瑾
Gender Female
Place of Birth Victoria
Birthday June 24
Race Vulpo
Height 162cm
Combat Experience
1 year
Infection Status Infection confirmed by medical examination.
Combat Skills Flawed
Physical Strength Normal
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Normal
Tactical Planning Standard
Originium Adaptability Excellent


Grace Arizona, the only daughter of a noble branch family in Victoria. She came into contact with Rhodes Island during the course of her advanced medical techniques study, and applied for a job at Rhodes Island. She excels in pharmacology and clinical theory, and now provides emergency battlefield medic services for Rhodes Island.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests reveal blurry outlines of this operator's internal organs, clouded with abnormal dark spots. Her circulatory system shows an abnormally high rate of Originium particulate matter, with other signs of Oripathy infection, we can confirm that the operator is indeed Infected.

[Somatic Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 3%
The level of infection remains low, and has not yet had an effect on the body.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.21u/L
At this point, spread of the infection is steadily increasing, and we will need to proceed with a period of observation and control treatments.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Operator Breeze was born in one of Victoria's small border counties, to an ancient aristocratic family. Her clan was particularly rigid in their adherence to ancient rules of nobility, meaning they were left behind by the waves of development that swept over Victoria, giving Breeze certain ideas about leaving home. Like many young people looking for better lives, Breeze left Victoria to travel alone, against the fervent objections of her parents. Once she was free of her hometown, she began to realize the degree to which she had been shackled by aristocratic dogma. Little by little, Breeze began to experience what life truly was. And her talent for medicine taught her to focus on the present, pushing her to save more and more of the displaced innocents of the world.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Thanks to a period of foreign study in her early years, Breeze's medical prowess has not been limited in either clinical or theoretical respects. The young girl with the jet black staff strides through refugee camps and shelters all the year round. Although she is often mistaken for some kind of missionary cultist and sent away, her excellent healing Arts have saved many lives. Breeze does not rely too much on Originium Arts, nor does she rely too much on pharmacology or equipment. On the contrary, she does what she can on the fringes of the art, making especially good use of herbal medicines. She can often be seen out in the fields picking herbs with a big smile on her face, making her famous in many towns and villages. In a way, Breeze, who never considered herself part of the nobility, is fulfilling an aristocratic duty to the people. Maybe.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Wh- while it may not be right to compare her to Miss Franka, I think Miss Breeze is also something of a mischievous Vulpo girl. Since becoming friendly with me, she never misses an opportunity to tease or taunt me. Could this be some racial aptitude of the Vulpo? Addendum: While Miss Breeze will indeed tease her friends, it is only after they return fire, so to speak, that she considers it truly open season. Yes, although it can be hard to shoot back, after getting used to it, I think Miss Breeze is actually quite nice? I'm not sure if Liskarm actually needs this information...
--Record of an anonymous operator.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
The mighty oak will be felled by the storm, while only the little grass will remain.
In such times, it does not matter where Breeze's staff comes from. It may be the correct choice for her and her family to stay as they are. The world has little need of more strongmen or conspirators. It is unfortunate that she became Infected, but Breeze is still doing what she can for those common people who have yet to be crushed by the Catastrophes.
I have nothing against people like Breeze. Not at all. She has chosen the object of her faith. She believes in hope, light, Rhodes Island, and you, Doctor. You cannot let such people down.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
The truth is, when I left home, Dad slipped a 'eulogy' into my bag, thinking I didn't know. Of course I knew. As big as my bag is, and that 'eulogy' can't even be folded... But if I think about it, it's because of all those rules and traditions that I abandoned Dad and left the family to begin with, so how is it that I end up carrying around this family heirloom, our symbol of aristocratic dogma, right here on my person? That Dad, he really is a...

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I'll gladly offer my help if you need it. Just remember to return the favor someday.
Talk 1 Vina... Err, I mean, Miss Siege—always gives me this feeling I can't describe. I wonder why...?
Talk 2 My dad? Oh my, you know I ran away from home and you're still going to ask me that? Doctor, are you perhaps not the best at conversation?
Talk 3 Dr. {@nickname}! Do have a try of my cooking... You taste medicine? Oh, gosh... Well, I do have some knowledge in herbs, but you know I wouldn't be experimenting on you, would I? Eheheh...
Talk after Promotion 1 I used to think my parents were so stuffy and numb to it all, so I ran away from home to find a new life. But after having traveled so far and been through so much, I've come to realize why my parents felt how they did now. Ahahah, c'est la vie, as the saying goes.
Talk after Promotion 2 Dr. {@nickname}, see that lone cloud over there, off from the rest? That's the way my hometown lies.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Faith' is an interesting topic. I never had the chance to go to Laterano, but how funny I should hear all about its feats on Rhodes Island? Although I've mostly heard about, er... one very overly active girl. Has Laterano always been such a lively place?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 The boats of Toron need a lighthouse to make their way back to port, and Rhodes Island has served as the safe haven at the end of my trip. Dr. {@nickname}, your light might not illuminate the whole harbor, but go on... Do what I couldn't. It's my honest request.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Right here, right now, is where I, Grace Arizona, place my faith. Dr. {@nickname}, you hold my hopes in your hands, forever more.
Idle ...That's the face of someone lost in their dreams. I wonder if you're feeling uneasy, Doctor?
Onboard Breeze, a traveling scholar from Toron County. It is a pleasure to meet you, Doctor. Phew, I've had enough of formal etiquette, so this will be the last of it.
Watching Battle Record ...Stunning medical skills. There's Rhodes Island for you...
Promotion 1 I bestow my heartfelt blessings on you for your gift, Doctor. Hmm? What a shoddy reaction—this is a hand-kiss, you know, we're being serious here. Hurry up, come on!
Promotion 2 Well, this time won't be as mannerful as the last, not that I'd think you were hoping for that? So here goes. I will dedicate everything to Rhodes Island, a pledge that transcends my consciousness.
Added to Squad Leave the medical work to me.
Appointed as Squad Leader Thank you for your trust. I will make sure to prioritize the safety of the Operators.
Depart It's getting windy...
Begin Operation Those who seek to inflict harm on others have no right to ask for forgiveness.
Selecting Operator 1 Here.
Selecting Operator 2 Awaiting orders.
Deployment 1 Let's get this done quickly.
Deployment 2 Make sure to look after yourself.
In Battle 1 Rings through winds the Eulogy…
In Battle 2 Sings the breeze an elegy!
In Battle 3 We have the will!
4-star Result Everyone, victory is ours.
3-star Result Every victory creates a kindling that will flourish into an everlasting fire.
Sub 3-star Result Keep your senses alert. The wind is still restless.
Operation Failure Why are they so fixated on hurting others...?
Assigned to Facility What a... unique place this is.
Tap Wait, wait!
Trust Tap Doctor, would you like to hear the story of my hometown?
Title Arknights.
Greeting Good day, Doctor.

Operator Records

Record: Breeze's Warmth, Chilled Forest
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_breeze_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Before coming to Rhodes Island, Breeze had already worked out a multitude of ways to use herbal medicine. With rational application of these medicines, she can be effective in alleviating the many abnormal symptoms other Operators may suffer on the battlefield.
Even though she doesn't understand combat itself, her belief in her reliable colleagues has never wavered. Facing the enemy's sudden offensive, she'll strive to do what she should well, without a hair of hesitation.