
Alternative Forms




Normal attacks deal damage twice

Operator Description

Ch'en, Special Inspection Unit Chief, L.G.D., is cooperating with Rhodes Island to fulfill the obligations outlined in her contract.

Operator Quote

She's terrifying when she's mad, but you don't want to mess with her even when she's not.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 7/9/2019
Release Date (Global) 2/26/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 5/1/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 12/30/2020


Potential Item

Ch'en's Token This thing has been sealed for a long time. She didn't forget it. It's just that she can't bear to touch that rusty point again. Perhaps someday it will burn again.


Lvl: 1
Every 5 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed allies that have an ATK Recovery or DEF Recovery skill.
Lvl: 1
Every 4 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed allies that have an ATK Recovery or DEF Recovery skill.
ATK +5%; DEF +5%; Physical Dodge +10%
ATK +6% (+1%); DEF +6% (+1%); Physical Dodge +13% (+3%)
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 200% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 210% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 220% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 230% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.25 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 240% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.25 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 250% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.25 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 260% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.5 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 280% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.5 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 300% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.5 seconds
On the next attack, strike the enemy using the sheath, dealing 320% ATK as Physical damage and Stun them for 1.5 seconds
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
stun 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
stun 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
stun 1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
stun 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.4
stun 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
stun 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
stun 1.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.8
stun 1.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
stun 1.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.2
stun 1.5
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Deals 330% of ATK Physical damage and 330% of ATK Arts damage to at most 4 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 340% of ATK Physical damage and 340% of ATK Arts damage to at most 4 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 350% of ATK Physical damage and 350% of ATK Arts damage to at most 4 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 370% of ATK Physical damage and 370% of ATK Arts damage to at most 5 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 380% of ATK Physical damage and 380% of ATK Arts damage to at most 5 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 390% of ATK Physical damage and 390% of ATK Arts damage to at most 5 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 410% of ATK Physical damage and 410% of ATK Arts damage to at most 6 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 440% of ATK Physical damage and 440% of ATK Arts damage to at most 6 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 470% of ATK Physical damage and 470% of ATK Arts damage to at most 6 enemies in front of this unit
Deals 500% of ATK Physical damage and 500% of ATK Arts damage to at most 7 enemies in front of this unit
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.3
max_target 4
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.4
max_target 4
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.5
max_target 4
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.7
max_target 5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.8
max_target 5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.9
max_target 5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 4.1
max_target 6
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 4.4
max_target 6
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 4.7
max_target 6
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 5
max_target 7
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 200% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 210% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 220% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 230% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2.5 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 240% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2.5 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 250% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 2.5 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 260% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 3 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 280% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 3 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 300% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 3 seconds
Seeks the closest enemy around and launches 10 slashes in a row, each dealing 320% ATK as Physical damage and Stun the target on the last hit for 4 seconds
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2
times 10
stun 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.1
times 10
stun 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.2
times 10
stun 2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.3
times 10
stun 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.4
times 10
stun 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.5
times 10
stun 2.5
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.6
times 10
stun 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 2.8
times 10
stun 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3
times 10
stun 3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 3.2
times 10
stun 4


Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Deals 10% more damage with skills
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 50
attack_speed 5
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Ch'en, and unleash Chi Xiao - Unsheath or Chi Xiao - Shadowless at least 1 time in each battle
Clear Main Theme 5-8 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Ch'en, and have Ch'en defeat at least 16 enemies
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks ignore 70 DEF
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 52
def 28
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 100,000 damage with Ch'en (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 5-9 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Ch'en, and can only include 7 other Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, each Operator from Lungmen Guard Department increases the Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour
Room Type:
Reception Room
When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 25%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Regular attacks deal damage twice
+ Talent: When deployed, all Skills with [On Attack] and [When Hit] Charge Type gain 1 SP over time
+ E2 Talent; +ATK, +DEF, +Physical Dodge
+ Excellent when paired with other Operators that have [On ATK] or [When Hit] charge skills
+ S2: Strong burst group assassination
+ S3: Great multi-target and Boss killing
= While her attacks hit twice, they only charge 1 SP per attack, and her ATK stat is lower than other Guards to compensate, putting her at a disadvantage against high DEF enemies
= As a Nuker, her best Skills are instant bursts, and she lacks Skills for sustained damage
- Expensive Deploy Cost
- [On-Attack] charge Skills with moderate SP Costs can be slow to charge

Operator Overview

“Such evil must be stopped, and by any means necessary.”

Onee-san, tsundere, waifu, and all-around badass of the early Arknights story, Ch’en is not just a high-ranking Lungmen official but also a 6★ Specialist
Dualstrike Guard with an outstanding and diverse kit.

Of her two Talents, Ch’en’s first, Scolding is potentially her most potent: it causes all allies with Skills of the  “Attacking Enemy” or “Getting Hit” SP Charge Type to gain 1 SP every 5 seconds. This can be used solo or stacked with other SP-gain abilities to allow more frequent Skill use.  Just call her the SP Energizer Bunny (though maybe not within her hearing).

Along with her trait that allows her to deal damage twice with each attack, what makes Ch’en so unique is the variety and effectiveness of her Skills.  Her role in battle changes based on the Skill she uses, and she is solid at all of them. 

  • Her Skill 1, Sheathed Strike, boosts her single-target DPS with a nice Attack steroid and adds fairly consistent stuns.
  • If she equips her Skill 2, Chi Xiao - Unsheath, Ch’en turns into a multi-target burst assassin.  The Skill deals a lot of Physical and Arts damage to multiple enemies in range (both ground and aerial!), and at max Skill Level it is available to use immediately on deploy.
  • Need some multi-attack burst with crowd control?   Ch’en’s ready with her Skill 3, Chi Xiao - Shadowless, which divides several hits between targets over a large area and ends with a Stun.  Use it and watch low-Defense bosses melt before your eyes!

Ch’en’s greatest weakness is that she hasn’t joined me yet pays for her amazing Skills by only being able to charge them when she is attacking.  Although her Talent does soften the blow, it can be frustrating during breaks in battle watching Ch’en get no closer to her next Skill use while other Operators are charging.  Ignore Ch’en at your peril, however. Given the chance, her skillful swordplay can completely dominate the battlefield.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Good damage early game but falls off in later content. Needs Skill Mastery to really excel. New players are better off using development resources elsewhere until if/when they are sure they want to fully invest.

Elite Promotion Discussion

  • 3rd Skill - Chi Xiao - Shadowless - Ch’en goes into Ninja-Teleport-Slaughter mode and instantly delivers 10 hits to a large range with a huge multiplicative ATK bonus.  If anything survives this onslaught, it gets rewarded for its toughness with a decent length stun. The only real trouble is that she needs to be attacking something to charge her SP, which can be frustrating during lulls in fighting or if you would prefer to have her away from the frontline assault point.  Her other skills offer different utility that will be preferable depending on the situation.
  • Skill 2: Chi Xiao - Unsheath (M3) - At Mastery 3, this skill starts with 20/20 SP, letting Ch’en instantly use it on deployment.  This allows players to use her as a pseudo-Specialist to deploy and burst down enemies with large AoE Physical and Arts damage.  She can then be retreated for additional uses.  Since this hits aerial units as well, it can even catch any leaked drones heading for home!

  • Talent 2 - Blade Art - An ok self-stat increase. Nothing game-changing.

  • Talent 1 upgrade - Scolding - A boost to her very useful first Talent.  It doesn’t seem like much at first glance, but it is a 20% increase in effectiveness.

Skill Discussion

S3M3 B+ * B+ * B+ *
S2M3 C C+ B

* Note that these skills are graded assuming this unit has her Module level 3. If you do not plan to get this unit's upgraded Module, treat the priority of these skills significantly lower.

Ch'en has the peculiar honor of having the most full re-writes in this guide. Her value in the game has shifted significantly as the game has gone on. However, her Guard form made an unlikely comeback thanks to her Module upgrades and the removal of alter restrictions. Her Module in particular is a big upgrade to both her uptime and her team support which warrants reconsidering her place in Mastery priority.

S3 is the better skill to pursue Mastery on, regardless of Module. The rapid burst, invulnerability frames, and long reach make it far more powerful and unique. Mastery has always been valuable on Ch'en due to her skills being Attack Recovery, but high SP costs are a massive drag on her uptime which normally bring that value down. However her Module upgrades greatly improve its uptime, and thus the value of the Mastery.

Her S2 is notable due to being instantly available on deployment at M3, but its damage is paltry for the current meta. Her Module lets her spam it with more regularity, but at that point it's best to just use her more powerful S3. The difference in their SP costs matters much less with her Module. That leaves S2 as a far more niche option.

However, be wary of overreacting. Just because Ch'ens Module takes her off life support does not mean she is suddenly meta. She is greatly improved, but when fully accounting for all related costs and competition, Ch'en's base form is still much a matter of personal desire when it comes to priority.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Powerful burst damage.
+ S2: Helidroppable. Decent panic buton with high damage that catches air.
+ S3: Big burst of mixed damage on single targets.
- Low uptime due to high SP costs and Offensive charging.
- Generally worse than other Operators at both holding lanes and bursting enemies.
- S2: Struggles to take down anything later on.

IS2 Specific Notes

Very reliant on relics to catch up to speed with other Operators. Doesn't perform well against most bosses in the gamemode due to their gimmicks.

Good Relics

Wrath of Siracusans
Golden Chalice
Royal Liqueur

Relic Interactions

Offensive SP Recovery skills benefit massively from Attack Speed buffs, or any kind of SP support as a whole. S2 can greatly capitalize on Anger of the Siracusans.

Recommended Promotion

E2 strongly recommended. Access to S3 and S2 masteries are fairly important.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: Medium / High

Meta Use: Medium / Low

Explanation: Ch'en's Skills are her primary source of damage, so increasing Skill damage is welcome.  The biggest problems for Ch'en, however, are the high SP costs and slow on-attack charging for S3, and the mixed damage of her S2 limiting its one-shot potential. The ASPD bonus and extra damage this Module offers does take some small steps towards improving her issues, but it isn't going to be enough to change her standing in meta usage.

Base Skill Analysis

Ch'en gains her second RIIC Skill at Elite 2.

It is tied with Projekt RedGitano, and Astesia for the highest Reception Room buff in the game.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Missions

Requires [Alter] version unlocked; Unlocks at E1, Level 1 (Server: NA)
Requires [Alter] version unlocked; Unlocks at E1, Level 80 (Server: NA)

Operator Profile

Artist Wéi@W
CV Shizuka Ishigami
CV (EN) Amy Lennox
CV (CN) 虫虫
CV (CN Topolect) 包少爷
CV (KR) 郑侑廷
Gender Female
Place of Birth Lungmen
Birthday Jul. 7
Race Lung
Height 168cm
Combat Experience
4 years
Infection Status Unknown.
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Excellent
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Outstanding
Originium Adaptability Standard


Ch'en, head of the Lungmen Guard Department's Special Inspection Unit, graduated from the Royal Victorian Guard School with superb grades and outstanding achievements. During her time with the Department, she cracked down on crime, fought violent offenders, tracked down armed fugitives, and brought down international criminals.
Now works at Rhodes Island, providing on-site tactical command.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
[At the request of the Lungmen Guard Department, this information will not be made public.]
She did come in for a physical examination, but her files have been confiscated. I have no way to get them. Why? I was told not to.
--Medic Operator R.T.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
[Originium Arts Overview]
Ch'en has never been seen using Originium, which led many to suspect she didn't have a talent for it. Indeed, she did struggle to control her Originium ability, blasting the occasional hole in a wall, blowing files everywhere, and causing more collateral damage than might otherwise be acceptable. Using Originium for too long tires her out. After discussion with the tech staff, it was decided Ch'en lacked the necessary conduit to control her Originium power. Without one, Ch'en could never master it.

I saw her test results. The thinner the staff, the better she is at assimilation. But what's the point? Maybe if you had something shaped like a sword, it might work for her. But who would want to use it for that? A sword is for slashing! We're going to need a lot more work on this..
--Caster D

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Ch'en graduated from the Royal Victorian Guard School with straight A's in all mandatory subjects and glowing recommendations from her professors. After returning to Lungmen, she almost immediately joined the Guard Department.
No one knows anything about her life prior to enrolling in the L.G.D. School, and no one questions her ability, dedication, or hatred of her enemies. Police officers working with Ch'en often complained about her demeanor--too strict and too harsh. Everyone thought that this harsh character would disappear in the struggle for power, and she would soften up after being worn down by endless incidents.
Surprisingly, both crime and casualty rates have declined in the past two years, and the younger generation of officers began being promoted faster and more substantively. Ch'en was promoted and joined one of the most important teams in the Department, the Special Inspection Unit.
Members of this unit are generally not allowed to serve more than two years - to protect their lives and reduce their stress. Perhaps this position isn't suitable to serve for a long time: old inspectors' careers always seem to end with heroic sacrifice.
Ch'en did not retreat. She doesn't even know how to back down.
She became the fastest promoted officer in the history of the Lungmen police force, and also the youngest Special Inspector in the Department. Those who ridiculed her were impressed by her perseverance. After all, planning for the future is one thing. Planning every day is another.
Why was she so hard? Why live life this way? No one can could understand.
There are often small pieces of paper that have been ripped apart or angrily crumbled in Ch'en's trash bin.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Of course, Ch'en is not a total workaholic.
Officers who know her say she is almost perfect. She operates efficiently, scheduling her time wisely such that she can exercise and tend to her hobbies. Every minute of her day is filled with meaningful activities.
And yet this worries her colleagues even more. It is common for her to cancel her days off and to work overtime on into the night. It's also common for a mountain of paperwork to disappear one day only for her to get called into an urgent meeting when she is about to go see a movie.
She is mechanically efficient. People naturally ask her,
'Are you stressed?'
'No reason to be.'
No one has ever gotten a different answer out of her.
Ch'en lives this way every day, always doing what she can for Lungmen and honing her skills. She is always getting better, and the sky is the limit.
But what exactly is she pursuing?
Even her friends wouldn't say they understand Ch'en. She tries to do it all.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Classified Log]
'Your father has cut ties with you. He doesn't have anything to do with me, either, but neither of us care.
Do you want to leave?
You can, but I have something to tell you before you go.
I actually know who that old person is.
But I forget a lot of things -- like that night you and your friend had a little adventure. It's easy to forget.
It's my fault. I made an unforgivable mistake.
I will forget.
If you want to leave, I will send you to a city that is safe, rich, and stable. You would have a peaceful life there.
And you will say goodbye to everything here. The home you hate, the street you hate, the people you don't like.
It's just that you will lose your opportunity to know the truth. The facts are dangerous, and I can't have innocent people getting involved.
Angry? You're angry with me? You hate me?
Well, of course. Let me be who you hate. Hate a powerless person like me.

Here is your other choice.
You choose to stay.
From now on, I would train you. You would be free to hate me and even try to kill me, if you want.
How could you not? Of course you can. You would be a natural.
Your body and mind both belong to you. I can teach you right from wrong, and if you do well, you should work with Originium on your own.
Don't forget it, just do it.
Being able to do things right is worth the hard work. Having to fix a mistake could be fatal.
Even I don't know what is in store for us in the city. It is full of opportunity. Anything can happen.
It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, you will later.
Hey, I still remember. I remember that last thing you said.
Do you persist, or do you give up?

...Simulation over...
Returning to main interface...

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
She'll be back.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant I will be your bodyguard, Doctor.
Talk 1 I've always had my suspicions about Rhodes Island. Still do.
Talk 2 Why are you staring at me? Nothing better to do?
Talk 3 Hmph.
Talk after Promotion 1 I know every nook and cranny in Lungmen. The docks, the neon signs, the winding paths, I can see them all in my mind, clear as day. I'll never forget them.
Talk after Promotion 2 Things around here have deteriorated lately. I'll be on guard, but I'll still need you to be careful.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Maybe one day that man will take note of my efforts, but until then…
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Amiya trusts you completely. When I see you two together, it makes me wonder... what if I had someone like that by my side?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I've... I've never been able to rely much on anyone, not even...
Idle Doctor? You fell asleep? Hmph. No nerves to keep you awake, then.
Onboard Ch'en. Leader of the L.G.D.'s Special Inspection Unit. For my own reasons,I'll be joining you for a while. Seeing as we're already well acquainted from our prior work together, I'll ask you to take me to my workplace now.
Watching Battle Record It's all in the service of more efficient operations.
Promotion 1 A promotion? I've been through these things before.
Promotion 2 Roger. Just give me all the missions your usual Operators can't handle.
Added to Squad No problem.
Appointed as Squad Leader Listen up! We'll be much more efficient if we work together.
Depart Everyone! Prepare for battle!
Begin Operation Ready? Stick to the plan.
Selecting Operator 1 This is Ch'en.
Selecting Operator 2 Ready to move.
Deployment 1 Moving out!
Deployment 2 Take them out fast.
In Battle 1 Slash!
In Battle 2 Flash!
In Battle 3 Drop your weapon!
In Battle 4 Don't force my hand!
4-star Result Your evil must be stopped. I will do so by any means necessary.
3-star Result Where did you find the courage to challenge me?
Sub 3-star Result The wounded wait here for a medivac. The rest of you, stay on guard.
Operation Failure Tactical retreat. Don't break formation!
Assigned to Facility So this is Rhodes Island's base? Bigger than I expected.
Tap Hey! What are you doing!
Trust Tap Doctor, you're in a good mood. Is it because that operation went well? Same here.
Title Arknights.
Greeting Oh, it's you, Doctor.

Operator Records

Record: In One Effort
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_chen_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Ch'en always puts herself on the frontlines.
At first, her colleagues thought she was foolhardy, and believed themselves proven right when she paid a price for it. Once she learned to wield Chi Xiao properly, however, they began to make way for her of their own accord,
both because they do not want to get caught in the blade's wake, and because they know that when Ch'en says she can do something, she will not rest until it is done.