MODEL: Ch'en
Series: Test Collection
Test Collection Series/After Storm. Frost inevitably gives way to a clear day. Ch'en Hui-chieh patrols the city in her first L.G.D. uniform, re-inspecting the metropolis both familiar and foreign to her.
Obtain Approach
  • Reward from product purchase
Usage One of Ch'en's work outfits.
Quote The warm sun pierces through the clouds, and what were once the vestiges of frost have now, with the advent of spring, become the first sign of the nurturing land nourishing its children.
Test Collection Series/After Storm. Frost inevitably gives way to a clear day. Ch'en Hui-chieh patrols the city in her first L.G.D. uniform, re-inspecting the metropolis both familiar and foreign to her.

Release Date

Release Date (NA) 2024-02-26
Release Date (CN) 2024-02-26

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