Attack Type




Can't be healed by other units. Recovers {value} self HP every time this operator attacks an enemy
{Value} = 30 (Non-Elite); 50 (Elite 1); 70 (Elite 2).
value = 30
E1: value = 50
E2: value = 70

Operator Description

Hellagur, the visionary Azazel Guard, is joining you to help you achieve your goals.

Operator Quote

Violence should only be used as a last resort, but make sure you're ready to use it.

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 9/10/2019
Release Date (Global) 4/15/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 11/1/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 4/30/2021


Potential Item

Hellagur's Token A thick thread-bound book that will never be lent to anyone else. Its pages describe the decades of war in Ursus, and the dried ink carries a long history of suffering.


Gains up to +50 ASPD Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 50% Max HP)
Gains up to +75 ASPD Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 60% Max HP)
Gains up to +100 ASPD Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 70% Max HP)
Regenerate 60 HP per second when this unit is not blocking an enemy.
Regenerate 70 (+10) HP per second when this unit is not blocking an enemy.
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
Skill Effect
The ATK of next attack increases to 110%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 115%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 120%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 125%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 130%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 135%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 145%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 155%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 165%, attacking twice consecutively
The ATK of next attack increases to 175%, attacking twice consecutively
Detailed Skill Info
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.1
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.15
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.2
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.25
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.3
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.35
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.45
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.55
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.65
atk_scale (Attack Scale) 1.75
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
10 Seconds
11 Seconds
11 Seconds
11 Seconds
12 Seconds
12 Seconds
12 Seconds
13 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +20%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +25%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +30%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +35%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +40%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +45%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +50%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +60%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +70%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
ATK +80%, changes attack to twice attack, obtaining 75% Physical Dodge
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.2
prob 0.75
atk 0.25
prob 0.75
atk 0.3
prob 0.75
atk 0.35
prob 0.75
atk 0.4
prob 0.75
atk 0.45
prob 0.75
atk 0.5
prob 0.75
atk 0.6
prob 0.75
atk 0.7
prob 0.75
atk 0.8
prob 0.75
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
12 Seconds
12 Seconds
12 Seconds
13 Seconds
13 Seconds
13 Seconds
14 Seconds
14 Seconds
14 Seconds
15 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +40%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +45%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +50%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +55%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +60%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +65%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +70%, attack range +1 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +80%, attack range +2 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +90%, attack range +2 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
ATK +100%, attack range +2 tiles, can attack up to 3 targets simultaneously
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.4
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.45
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.5
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.55
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.6
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.65
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.7
ability_range_forward_extend 1
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.8
ability_range_forward_extend 2
attack@max_target 3
atk 0.9
ability_range_forward_extend 2
attack@max_target 3
atk 1
ability_range_forward_extend 2
attack@max_target 3


Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Gain 25% Shelter when HP is below 50%
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 230
atk 55
Talent Information
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 10 elite or leader enemies with Hellagur (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 5-10 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Hellagur, and have Hellagur defeat Mephisto
Lvl: 60
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
When defeated, does not retreat and instead recovers 30% HP (can only activate once every deployment)
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
atk 55
def 50
Unlock Information
Defeat a total of 30 enemies with Hellagur (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 7-10 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Hellagur, and can only include 3 other Operators as members

RIIC Base Skills

Release Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered per hour +0.55
Break Loose Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores the Morale of all other Operators assigned to that Dorm by +0.1 per hour (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
Absolution Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered per hour +0.55, and restores +0.1 Morale per hour to all other Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
Arts of War Lvl: 1
Room Type:
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Skill Summaries, the production rate of byproduct increases by 80%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Heal HP on every hit
+ Talent1: Based on HP lost, increase attack speed
+ Talent2: When not blocking enemies, recovers HP every second
+ Extremely high HP and ATK
+ Great for Contingency Contract (CC) as he keeps most of his effectiveness through CC debuffs
+ A solo character that can be placed on his own and if leveled high enough can 1v1 most enemies with no help
+ Strong counter to enemies like the Avenger and Rockbreaker as his dodge and high dps allows him to 1v1 them effectively (with some RNG)

= Enmity Guard Archetype: Block-1
- High DP cost
- Fairly niche outside of CC. When healing and Operator choices are less limited, solo 1v1 Operators are less valuable
- Can't be healed directly (passive regen works)

Operator Overview

"I was born to fight battles. Only butchers thirst for blood. We're merely paying a price for survival."

The venerable Ojiisan of Arknights, Hellagur is a former war veteran of the Ursus army, the victor of countless battles, and a tragic hero who has taken the lives of friends with his own hands for the sake of an Empire he now stands against.  Hellagur is the first Operator of the Enmity Guard Archetype, which cannot be healed by other Operators directly and self-heals on hit.

Hellagur is a self-sufficient DPS-oriented Operator whose damage increases as he loses HP.  His first Talent, Waxing Moon, is the engine of his enmity machine, increasing his attack speed significantly at lower HP percentages.  The self-sufficiency and self-healing are powered by his Trait, which restores HP on every hit, and his second Talent, Ingenious Strategist, which restores HP over time when he isn’t blocking an enemy.  His self-healing is important, as he cannot be healed directly by other Operators (though it is important to know that he can still be healed by global healing effects, such as Perfumer or Angelina’s Talents).

Hellagur’s Skills are tailored to increase his DPS in different situations.  Skill 1, Crescent Moon, is consistent and automatic, hitting twice and adding a multiplicative ATK modifier when triggered. Skill 2, Half Moon, is better for burst needs; it grants 2 hits, an additive ATK modifier, and physical evasion for its duration.  Skill 3, Full Moon, turns Hellagur into a multi-target killing machine by extending his range, boosting his attack, and allowing him to hit 3 targets at once.  Skills 2 and 3 both have relatively short cooldowns and good up-time, and it is worth remembering that the increased hit counts of all Skills indirectly increase his Trait’s healing as well.

Hellagur’s biggest drawback is the most obvious: he can’t be healed directly by other Operators, meaning he can’t withstand heavy direct damage.  He does make up for this a bit by having extremely high HP, though his DEF stat is nothing too special.  Also, being a Block-1 means it is easier to moderate his melee damage input, at the cost of making him tactically more difficult to deploy early (which is also not helped by his relatively high DP Cost).  Despite his drawbacks, underestimating Hellagur’s strength and experience in battle is a deadly mistake that an enemy will not survive to make twice. After all, healing isn’t necessary if all of your enemies are dead.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Great at soloing a low-flow lane without healer support or taking down bosses 1v1

Elite Promotion Discussion

  • 3rd Skill - Full Moon - The perfect tool for full-on laying waste to hordes of small-frys.  The Skill strikes a nice balance with a big attack buff, extended frontal range, and 3 target multi-attack capabilities, all with a pretty high up-time considering it’s strength.  It isn’t going to clear the map, but it will lay waste to a horde of foes within his reach, and be ready to use again fairly soon. Since each hit restores his HP, Hellagur can quickly restore his health if multiple enemies are present.  Although this Skill can be quite strong in maps with several multi-target waves, his S2 is still the go-to option when trying to maximize his staying-power.
  • Talent 2 -  Ingenious Strategist - Allows him to regenerate HP when he isn’t blocking, never wasting a moment on the battlefield.  For an Operator that cannot be directly healed, this is a key component of his kit.
  • Talent 1 Upgrade - Waxing Moon - The moon finally reaches full ass-kick, giving him 25 more ASPD when below 30% HP for a total of +100 ASPD.  Healing isn’t necessary when you kill them before they kill you, but don’t forget that the increased ASPD also increases his self-healing speed, since he gains HP on each hit.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 B B- C+
S3M1 Breakpoint

The whole Musha archetype is in a tough spot these days. There aren't many meaningful targets they can self sustain well against, so they largely just end up as a 1-block, low damage-per-hit, unhealable holes in the team. Any investment into Hellagur is not high in the recommendations, but if you do so anyway, then his S2 is the preferred starting point for Masteries. In addition to strong burst, the fairly high dodge chance on a short cooldown gives him a good amount of survivability which can mitigate some of those Musha flaws.

Most should stop there. However, his other two skills can make appealing alternatives if you are particularly intent on using him. His S3 is a strong burst skill with some range utility, as well as a particularly strong M1 breakpoint. Meanwhile, his S1 gives him strong consistency and is his best tool for tackling high DEF, a notable flaw in his kit. They are still luxury options, however, and not recommended for most people.

Integrated Strategies Tier List Explanation

General IS Notes

+ Strong archetypal traits that grants more DPS and sustain the lower on HP he is.
+ S2: Extremely high potential DPS with very strong healing.
- Difficult to use. Can get overwhelmed quickly against enemies that are too strong.
- Only blocks one enemy.
- Very low versatility.

IS2 Specific Notes

Not very good against anything in IS2 in particular. Underperforms against all bosses.

Good Relics

Relic Interactions

Recommended Promotion

E2 optional as S2 is his key skill, though it does benefit from Masteries.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Liduke
CV Show Hayami
CV (EN) Paul Herzberg
CV (CN) 刘若班
CV (KR) 施荣俊
Gender Male
Place of Birth Ursus
Birthday May 5
Race Liberi
Height 193cm
Combat Experience
44 years
Infection Status Crystals have appeared on his body. Infection confirmed by medical examination.
Combat Skills Outstanding
Physical Strength Excellent
Mobility Excellent
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Excellent
Originium Adaptability Standard


Hellagur once belonged to the Ursus Imperial Guard. He is the acting manager of 'Azazel,' an underground clinic for the Chernobog infected. All other relevant work experience has been lost. His mature knowledge of military theoretical systems and his ability in combat make him suitable for a vast majority of combat operations. He is currently in an agreement to be stationed at Rhodes Island, where he provides tactical support.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of his internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in his circulatory system, confirming him to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 13%
As leader of the infected clinic Azazel, Hellagur's infection symptoms are manifestly present.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.21u/L
Concentration is currently within a manageable category. Perhaps Azazel does indeed have unique technology for slowing down the spread of infection.

Honestly, who isn't interested in the technology Azazel uses to treat this disease? Of course, it is pointless to ask the General. He doesn't understand any of it.
——Medic J.A

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
It is unknown when Rhodes Island operators began referring to Hellagur as 'General.' Although Hellagur has never revealed his identity to anyone else, members of the Ursus Infected Underground have always regarded him as legendary. This has led all operators to take an interest in these rumors.
Of course, as an Azazel infected, Hellagur himself has said that he is more adept at helping the clinic continue its operations rather than developing its medical technology, influence, and scale.
In fact, Hellagur does indeed guarantee Azazel's status. For many years, Azazel has been an important pillar of support for the Chernobog infected. Most of the local infected are grateful for Azazel's efforts.
But maintaining a benevolent, neutral stance cannot protect this clinic in times of political turmoil. After all, they are too influential. Whether by trying to remain neutral or actively trying to topple a certain party, they inevitably put either tangible or intangible pressure on one side or the other.
It would be better to say that being able to escape the Chernobog incident unscathed proves that Hellagur possesses acute foresight. Hellagur has his own opinions of the chain of events that might lead to the clinic's destruction, but said he is unable to divulge more information until more definitive evidence presents itself.
At least for now, Hellagur is mum about everything regarding Azazel. If one wishes to ask about Azazel, it is better to ask one of the other operators...

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Hellagur maintains an intense hostility toward Ursus authorities. Part of this hatred is derived from his desire to protect the clinic, and the other part is due to reasons unknown.
Though Hellagur is by no means a defeatist, he still has taken a hardline attitude toward operations in the Ursus area.
However, when analyzing the military power of Ursus, he has said 'No political entity should come into direct conflict with Ursus. Even if its corruption and fanaticism will eventually destroy it, it's still the most fearsome force in the land.'
From this point of view it could be said that as an infected himself, Hellagur's opinions on many matters are far more critical than those of other infected.
All strategically-minded operators have their own thoughts on the situation, and they're all well aware of Rhodes Island's true circumstances in it. Hellagur's relationship with Ursus may make a small number of operators distrustful. But operators who attended the strategic meetings all understand Hellagur's true intentions.

But Hellagur's words contain no contradictions. He believes that as an infected, he is already on Ursus's opposing side --

'However, once Ursus looks at you, you will know the difference between being an enemy of Ursus, and Ursus regarding you as one.'

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
[Classified Log]
After analyzing a large amount of information and many pieces of intelligence, we have inferred some facts. Now we will list out some psychological analysis of the subject, for personnel reference only.

'Over the course of his life, he has suffered two traumas that he is still struggling with.
The first trauma was when he watched a long-time friend pass away in front of his very eyes. His friend was the commander of the enemy army, the target of his mission, and was identified as a core figure in the enemy army by Ursus.
The second trauma was when a terrible battle broke out between him and the person he trusted the most. After the battle, he was still standing, but the fate of the other person is unknown, as if he died in some unknown alley somewhere.

The first time, his friend entrusted him with a blade called 'Kudarikiri,' and a young infected girl named Neon.
The second time, the person he trusted left him a black market clinic called 'Azazel,' as well as a conviction.

Hellagur knew his friend had plotted Ursus's defeat, but Hellagur would not blame him.
Hellagur knew that the child he trusted had instigated the entire betrayal and injured all of the infected in the clinic, but Hellagur would not hate this child.

He often refers to himself as a warrior. Perhaps this is because he doesn't know how to face everything Ursus has done to him.
Maybe a little bit of hope is the only motivation he has to keep on living.'

Although these conclusions unavoidably contain some of the opinions of the individual who collected this intelligence, we still trust in her ability to organize clues.
Our response to the incident depends on the decision itself, but at the very least, we may already understand the reason why the General often merely sighs at Miss Neon's improper behavior.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
[Classified File]
Although the General has never clearly state his name, but I have guessed his former identity.
He displayed outstanding talent in the decisive battle of the Four Emperors. He earned a major reputation during the Tenth Urcha War. An Ursus soldier with these kinds of achievements is rare indeed.
During the Bloodpeak Campaign, he established a glowing military record but then vanished without a trace. There is only one high-ranking Ursus commander that meets these conditions.
As for how I made the inference, well, it's just a guess! Over several decades, Ursus has executed over a hundred commanders. The few left alive can be counted on one hand. Consult a registry of names to get the answer!
In the past, both Kal'tsit and I would have been opposed to this cooperation. But these are different times. Even■■■■feels that the situation is getting quite thorny.
Kal'tsit believes that after the Chernobog Incident, the Ursus authorities will carry out a frantic counter-attack and that this should be handled through the Ursus infected community.
My thinking is a bit simpler. Azazel is buried so deeply that if Rhodes Island dug them out, Ursus wouldn't have much of an opinion on it. Anyway, they're not too familiar with them.
The more cards we have to play, the better, and it's not about who plays their cards first. Warfarin also really wants to get her hands on Azazel's technology. Just look at it as me trying to do someone a favor, all right?
However, the Doctor absolutely refuses to let me see Hellagur's writings! Damn it. What's wrong with taking a peek? I'm not going to forget this!

But what exactly is the General thinking about? Or who exactly is still supporting him?
Since the Bloodpeak Campaign, the nobility and the new politicians have been using this opportunity to eliminate military forces. Hellagur has been very lucky to survive judgment. Of course, this may be the benefit of his never having participated in politics, but think about this: neither the army nor the politicians will be content with the current situation. They'll both have the next step planned.
He'll never divulge much about Azazel. Maybe its secrets are as terrifying as his experiences. Kal'tsit knows that Hellagur isn't Azazel's main leader.
This isn't over. His experience, his country, the things he cares about will all drag him down eventually. When the time comes, it may not be up to us whether we can lend him a hand or not.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
'What are you willing to lose to heal her?'
'Everything but her.'
'I want your dignity, sir. Everything the Ursus Empire took from us, we're going to peel off your body.'
'I'm not sure my body has any dignity left.'
'It does, sir. Welcome. You are now one of us.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Queching the flames of war demands prolonged suffering. To ignite them, however, it takes naught but a lapse of thought.
Talk 1 The fall of Chernobog dealt a devastating blow to Azazel, our clinic. I must rebuild it for the children. As long as they can have a shelter to call home, any place will do. You don't need a reason to try for your family.
Talk 2 Rhodes Island is in a respectable position, but the Infected of Ursus face prospects far worse than anyone could imagine. They must be ready to resort to violence in order to survive. At the end of the day, virtue and dignity hold meaning only for those who live to see the next dawn.
Talk 3 All Ursus should take pride in their nation and their Emperor.' I, too, fought for Ursus once, but I don't have the passion driving me anymore. Time has robbed me of too much.
Talk after Promotion 1 Life in the military has taught me two things: First, have faith in your fellow soldiers; second, have faith in them, but do not trust them. This dilemma has always plagued our lands, and none can escape it.
Talk after Promotion 2 Dr. {@nickname}, a limitless future awaits you, just as it does for those children. Though I can neither let go of yesterday nor look forward to tomorrow, I shall fight for you till my last drop of blood, so you may be part of that future.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I am fine with Ursus as my enemy. Once I swore my utmost loyalty to it, but that was returned with endless disillusionment and shame. For the children's sake, I will never falter, much less surrender.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Once there was a long battle. When I finally broke into the enemy headquarters, I was too late... All I could do for my dying friend was take his pocket watch and sword. The enemy lost their commander, whose death brought us a brief victory. That day, Ursus enjoyed her momentary triumph, but I knew my war was over. A war where I lost everything.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 The photograph inside my pocket watch? Hahahah, so you saw it... This is Neon from when she was little. Isn't she adorable? She's not so quiet anymore, but she loves herself now, and that's all that matters... Live free, Dr. {@nickname}, that's my wish, even if it is trite.
Idle Don't lose focus. You must be alert at all times on Rhodes Island.
Onboard Hellagur, an infected mercenary. I will work with Rhodes Island in order to rebuild my Azazel Clinic and protect my family. But be advised, I have no medical skills.
Watching Battle Record Battlefields may change, but not the cruelty.
Promotion 1 I'm used to it as a soldier, but I find it fascinating as an infected. Thank you for the ribbon, Dr. {@nickname}.
Promotion 2 War will never truly be over, but I believe even this land will end eventually. Maybe you can end our suffering one day, Dr. {@nickname}. Now, give me your order!
Added to Squad Only butchers thirst for blood. We are merely paying the price of survival.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll have them following orders to Ursus army standards!
Depart I don't mind losing my life, if that is enough to end this all.
Begin Operation You have never seen a real war, pathetic runts.
Selecting Operator 1 I was born to fight.
Selecting Operator 2 A slip of the mind is the difference between life and death.
Deployment 1 Killing is but the last resort.
Deployment 2 I've never truly left the battlefield, I know.
In Battle 1 A lash of blade, the flesh to flay.
In Battle 2 A thrust of whip, the sword to rip.
In Battle 3 A cleave of spear, the armor to tear!
In Battle 4 Decapitator'… Our sacrifices were not in vain.
4-star Result You leave the fight behind, and pay for it with yet more fighting.
3-star Result Avert your eyes, I'm about to end their misery.
Sub 3-star Result Keep your guard up. One flaw is all the enemy needs to turn the tables.
Operation Failure There is no shame in failure. At least you had the chance to learn from it.
Assigned to Facility If only I can find shelter for the children.
Tap Hmm?
Trust Tap Would you like a candy? I still have some. But watch out for cavities.
Title Arknights.
Greeting You look well, Doctor.

Operator Records

Record: Fate
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_helage_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
There has never been a coward who feared the frontline in the ranks of Ursus's generals; Hellagur exemplifies that to say the least. He is none other than an army—though he does not depend on Medics and long-range support, he may still rely on his own bloodsoaked valiance to stand unassailable.