Attack Type




Attacks deal Arts damage and jump between 3 enemies. Each jump deals 15% less damage and inflicts a brief Slow
attack@max_target = 3
attack@sluggish = 0.5
E2: attack@max_target = 4
attack@sluggish = 0.5

Operator Description

Electrical engineer Pudding, putting in assiduous work as Closure's assistant in the Engineering Department.

Operator Quote

She can help with anything, anything electrical anyway.

Obtain Approach

Voucher Exchange
The Operator can be obtained through Shop Vouchers
Headhunting: No Recruitment: No
Release Date (CN) 11/1/2021
Release Date (Global) 4/28/2022


Potential Item

Pudding's Token A plushie named 'Pillow.' An important friend to Pudding, cleaned and maintained at a frequency far beyond the norm for the average plushie.


ATK +10%
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
25 Seconds
Skill Effect
ASPD +15
ASPD +20
ASPD +25
ASPD +30
ASPD +35
ASPD +40
ASPD +45
ASPD +55
ASPD +65
ASPD +75
Detailed Skill Info
attack_speed 15
attack_speed 20
attack_speed 25
attack_speed 30
attack_speed 35
attack_speed 40
attack_speed 45
attack_speed 55
attack_speed 65
attack_speed 75
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +35%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +45%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +50%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +55%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +60%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +80%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +90%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +100%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
ATK +110%, attacks can jump between enemies up to 4 times
Detailed Skill Info
atk 0.3
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.35
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.45
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.5
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.55
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.6
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.8
attack@max_target 4
atk 0.9
attack@max_target 4
atk 1
attack@max_target 4
atk 1.1
attack@max_target 4


Lvl: 40
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Attacks deal Arts damage and jump between 4 enemies. Each jump no longer deals less damage and inflicts a brief Slow
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 70
attack_speed 4
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 150,000 damage with Pudding (Pudding cannot be a Support Unit)
Clear Main Theme 2-10 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Pudding, and have Pudding's skill Diffusion Current defeat at least 2 Heavy Defenders

RIIC Base Skills

Room Type:
Power Plant
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +15%
Overclock Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, if there are 2 or more Operation Platform assigned to Power Plants, all Factories' productivity +2% (only the most effective one will take effect when assigned Operators have the same skill effect)

Quick Evaluation

+ Strong Chain Caster with powerful burst DPS.
+ Able to hit way outside her range due to the chaining effects.
+ Excels at taking down exactly two targets at a time. Generally a better option than many Splash Casters.
+ S2: Huge damage and long Slow uptime when hitting two targets at a time. Can easily burst down armored enemies.
- Very costly to deploy due to her archetype.
- Can accidentally hit targets you don't want to attack yet due to her chaining effects.
- S2: Harder to use than most other Caster skills. Requires good timing and practice to hit the two target sweet spot for the highest effectiveness.

Operator Overview

Pudding’s recruitment at Rhodes Island was heralded by the appearance of a huge, fluffy pink tent that took over the Engineering Department. Nobody can complain about the space she’s taking up when they see how effective her work is, however. Not only has she been able to transform Closure’s indecipherable scribbles into organized blueprints (increasing Rhodes Island’s power efficiency by 12%!) but she has also stepped in to help the Doctor as a 4 Chain Caster, able to Slow multiple enemies and condense her chain lightning so it deals higher damage to fewer targets.

Like other Chain Casters, Pudding’s defining Trait is her special Arts attacks, which bounce to adjacent targets and inflict a brief Slow effect (although the damage is reduced for each new target in the chain). Her Electromagnetic Wave Talent is a simple but effective ATK increase, and her Tactical Chant β Skill is an equally simple but equally effective ASPD increase. Since Chain Casters have a slower ASPD, this is a useful buff indeed, though sometimes less useful than her S2. Diffusing Current buffs her ATK and allows her attacks to bounce back and forth between the same targets, dealing damage multiple times. Tactical Chant β is better for dealing AoE damage to many targets, while Diffusing Current is better for dealing with smaller numbers of enemies (in fact, “exactly two enemies” is its sweet spot).

Chain Casters suffer from many shortcomings. They have high DP cost, slow ASPD, and difficulty finding a niche in between ST Casters (usually better against single targets) and AoE Casters (usually better for groups of targets). However, the archetype has also received several buffs since it first entered the game, and Pudding is in a good position to take advantage of these buffs. She’s obtained through the Red Cert shop, and she has cheaper DP and development costs due to her 4★ rarity. Her two Skills help her to take advantage of her “middle ground” between ST and AoE Casters on different maps, depending on what you need, and her Slow effect can be a nice bonus. Plus, her lightning attacks come with pink sparkles! That’s a big advantage for any Operator.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

A potentially decent option for handling the multi-target and swarm situations of early game. She is easily accessible from the Red cert shop, and is relatively cheap. However, new players will want to make sure they don't delay their E2 progress by using certs on things other than chip catalysts, so most should probably pass.

Skill Discussion

S2M3 B- B- B-

Pudding isn't quite as good as Click, but she can dole out some really respectable damage for her rarity if you find that Pudding's design appeals to you more. She really needs her Module to get there though and given that requires E2 already, the Mastery value of her S2 investment can be pretty appealing. Although ungraded you might consider her S1 as well if you find you regularly use Pudding. Her S2 is what makes her special, but her S1 has the better total Slow which can be useful in some niches.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: High

Meta Use: Low

Explanation: Removes the jump damage reduction entirely, which increases damage by 20%, 40%, and 60% for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd jump respectively.  Given her S2 allows bounces to hit previously hit enemies, she is more likely to get the full benefit from the module.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist 折射镜
CV 立花日菜
CV (EN) Penelope Rawlins
CV (CN) 何雨薇
CV (KR) 金玺该
Gender Female
Place of Birth Columbia
Birthday Dec 21
Race Ægir
Height 156cm
Combat Experience
Infection Status Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Physical Strength Flawed
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Normal
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Pudding, Columbian electrical engineer. Contracted Oripathy while investigating in the countryside, and came to Rhodes Island to apply for work and seek treatment. Seems to fit in very well as assistant to Closure, having been swiftly dragged away to become a helper at the Engineering Department after her onboarding.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 6%
Minor dorsal crystallization on Operator Pudding's hands.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.18u/L
Operator Pudding's infection is comparatively stable.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
At the outset, seeing the need for Rhodes Island's electrical systems to be improved and maintained, Closure added an electrical engineer to her wanted ads, who would in practice serve as her assistant. Receiving Operator Pudding's resume was an unexpected blessing; after all, working under Closure requires not just rich theoretical knowledge and experience, but someone who can adapt to her numerous wild fantasies and make them happen with her. In the course of recruiting someone to be her electrical engineering assistant, Closure went through several rounds of filtering, ultimately personally selecting this young Columbian engineer, who sailed smoothly through the interviews and joined the Engineering Department.
This Operator, the first day she reported in, was promptly named 'Pudding' by Closure, and is now an indispensable electrical engineer for Rhodes Island. With Pudding's help, Closure redrew the complex, chaotic tangle of engineering prints into something leaner and cleaner, and after going through standard safety tests, put it into use. Having Pudding's assistance put Closure in a position to up the power transformers' efficiency by 12%, an enormous savings for Rhodes Island's energy consumption. Thus, for her excellent work ability and specialist accomplishments, Pudding earned an ample performance bonus in her first three months, prompting a grateful smile, followed up by—a request for a whole week off, cheerfully taking her first vacation.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
For a very long stretch of time, Pudding never quite escaped the mental shadow that catching Oripathy had cast over her. When she first arrived at Rhodes Island, she was hardly as lively as her cute appearance would suggest. After a physical examination, Pudding revealed the cause of her infection. While conducting an on-site survey and investigation in the country, because of her own lapse in attention, she came into direct contact with Originium matter and came away with lacerations, hence becoming an Infected. After this, she had a considerable mental aversion to surveys in the wild, and her desire to go outside decreased to a minimum. Originally wanting to continue her school studies, she turned away from higher education, instead planning a professional path to treat her illness.
Fortunately, the knowledge she gained from school and the efforts she herself made didn't go to waste. Under Closure's guidance, she quickly grasped the complexities of electrical engineering's modern technical applications, and gradually became more proficient through engineering blueprinting and base station planning.
Pudding's changed very quickly since coming to Rhodes Island, and after getting her bonus, she fully enjoyed a vacation trip to the tundra to experience a theme park for herself.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
Pudding always carries her pet plushie with her—'Pillow'—and almost never lets it go. According to her, it's a present her parents gave her when she was young, and she's always dearly cherished it. When straying far from home, Pillow becomes even more of a vessel of nostalgia. Thus, in Pudding's dormitory, at her workbench, and even in the recliner she rests in when working overtime for Engineering, there are spots exclusively for Pillow to go. See Pudding when she's eating in the cafeteria and you'll see Pillow sitting right in front of her, and she'll be cheerfully muttering away to Pillow the whole time... that comfortable yet unique atmosphere always makes operators hesitate before deciding not to ruin the carefree mood.
Pudding's grandfather migrated to Columbia long ago, but preserved his old way of life, meaning Pudding's taken sporadic trips to live in the frigid region of Sami since she can remember. It didn't just spur her love of skiing; apparently, the icy, snowy climate bolsters Pudding's energy, as though she's back in her true, most comfortable state. To be able to lead a better life, Pudding and her parents both chose to work in the city, in modern scientific and technological firms. But in times when she needs to relax, it seems the vast, uninhabited snowfields, the sharp rays of sunlight that reflect off the white, the noises in the wakes of frigid winds that blow through Sami's black forests, are the true home of her soul.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
As a professionally qualified engineer, work given to Pudding tends to get done punctually, and even in advance. It's because of this that Closure always seems to love giving Pudding a little 'extra' work to complete. Whether all-nightering research out of excitement on a new project, or needing to finish a rough design that came in a burst of inspiration, Pudding aids in the process of going from the creative and concept stages, working out implementation, all the way to the blueprints. Pudding isn't merely without complaint; she even actively stays overnight at Engineering, and as time's passed, she's gotten her own exclusive tent to rest in. After work, she'll wrap up in the tent bedding with Pillow and take a breather for a while. Unlike Closure's bolts from the blue, when you ask Pudding why she spends so much time in Engineering, she gives the simplest reasoning: since coming to Rhodes Island, she's gotten more chances to get into modern technical products and complex electrical engineering projects. Someone's got to be in charge of the fiddly, dull parts of work, and Pudding esteems researchers like Closure with all their experience, so she hopes she can use her own simple energies to ease the pressure of work off of everyone, thus letting them delve into even more refined scientific developments. It's no wonder the people of Engineering habitually take special care of Pudding, always leaving her workbench full of all sorts of snacks and desserts.
At the same time Pudding humbly expands her own knowledge and experience, Closure seems to have a particular eye for Pudding, calling her to serve as her assistant on all manner of experiments. Who knows if Closure sees something special in Pudding. She may be grooming her for bigger responsibilities in the future.

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
Pudding's staff can be used as electrical guidance equipment, causing chain damage with an output of high-power current. Beyond that, Pudding also carries a replaceable recharger kit, able to provide squadmates an emergency electrical backup outside of combat. Surveys in the country are Pudding's forte, and after a period of rest and recovery, she will again step out of doors, joining even more rural on-site recon and sentinel missions. It's also the reason Pudding maintains excellent results—after she broke through her own self, her confidence and resolve have rubbed off on others.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Doctor, can I borrow half of your desk? Thank you very much. Huff... Ah, it's a blueprint for a new electrical system. I need to get it drawn up by today. Are you busy too? Let's be partners in overtime, then?
Talk 1 I've been into electricity ever since I was a kid. Just listening to currents crackling really soothed me. Huh? You think that's weird?
Talk 2 You learn a lot when you're in Rhodes Island's Engineering Department. The Operators bring weapons and equipment from all over, all sorts of technological applications you've never seen before, and all of them worth plenty of research time. If I put more efforts to my work, I might be able to stay in the Engineering Department.
Talk 3 This is 'Pillow,' a childhood friend of mine. Our family moved from somewhere way far all the way to Columbia, and I found myself very lonely at school. My mom gave me Pillow to keep me company. Oh, Doctor, you should know it can't speak!
Talk after Promotion 1 I got into an accident while I was on a lone study out in the country, and was unable to contact the rescue team. Pillow and I had to make it all the way back to inhabited land on foot. After that... I didn't really want to go out doors.
Talk after Promotion 2 My dreams... that I work well, and everyday is a nice day. Also, I want to buy a holiday villa in Sami, and after my parents are retired, they can live there together... yeah, I've gotta stay healthy, and keep on trucking until they retire.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Since I was little, my mom and dad would find time every year to take me to the tundras on vacation. We're all really into cold places! Although if I wanted to cover the cost for my own vacations, I'd have to go pick up work in the city again.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Haah, *yawn*... Sorry, Doctor, can I take a break here for a little bit...? Ever since this new project kicked off, the shift schedule's been completely crazy! I still have to go check over the base station later...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 To tell the truth, I've wanted to try going outdoors lately. I've gotten to know a lot of people in the same line as me at Rhodes Island, and I wanna experience more along with them. At least... I'm not ever going to be stuck on my own again, not now.
Idle Oh, the Doctor's asleep…? Well, I'd better turn this machine down a bit. It's kind of loud…
Onboard Hello, I'm an electrical engineer from Columbia, codename... Well, Closure suddenly started calling me 'Pudding', but I don't know if that's too weird...
Watching Battle Record So this is how professionals fight… Alright, I'd better put in some training if I'm gonna make it through this safely.
Promotion 1 Thank you for the recognition. I still have a ways to go compared to Rhodes Island's other Operators, so if there's any more high-effort work, throw it my way. If I just get enough sleep, I can hold out for some real long shifts.
Promotion 2 Combat missions in the tundra? At this point, I think I can be of help. Doctor, thank you, and all of Rhodes Island for always encouraging me. I'd like to pitch in some of my own strength now.
Added to Squad I'm being assigned to combat? Just give me a bit more time to get ready... I... I can do this.
Appointed as Squad Leader I don't have much confidence in commanding, but I do know a thing or two about basic survival in the countryside.
Depart Pillow, don't you go leaving my sight.
Begin Operation Getting shocked hurts, you know?
Selecting Operator 1 Yep... understood.
Selecting Operator 2 Phew—Pillow, let's do our best!
Deployment 1 Waaaah, careful!
Deployment 2 Alright, I... I'm up!
In Battle 1 Collector on standby!
In Battle 2 Electric diffusion!
In Battle 3 Electric charge!
In Battle 4 Live discharge!
4-star Result Mission complete. Right now, I got the same feeling I get seeing a blueprint come perfectly to life. What a relief!
3-star Result That wasn't too bad of a job... heheh, can you put this in my evaluation?
Sub 3-star Result Ugh... no. A discrepancy like this should be totally avoidable.
Operation Failure Everyone, orderly retreat, please! I don't want anyone to fall behind!
Assigned to Facility Phew, now where should I put Pillow...
Tap Oh, careful, you'll get shocked!
Trust Tap Ahh... please don't throw out any of the pink household goods in the Engineering Department. Those are for overtime use!
Title Arknights.
Greeting Good morning, Doctor. *yawn*... I should probably catch up on some sleep.