Attack Type

Alternative Forms




Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 120%
atk_scale = 1.2

Operator Description

Swire, Guard Operator from Lungmen, will provide professional police assistance and extra training for you.

Operator Quote

Sure enough, the pride of Lungmen comes from the prosperity of its commerce, trades and capital flows!

Obtain Approach

Recruitment & Headhunting
Headhunting: Yes Recruitment: Yes
Release Date (CN) 7/9/2019
Release Date (Global) 2/26/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (CN) 5/1/2020
Recruitment Pool Date (Global) 12/30/2020


Potential Item

Swire's Token A broken police badge. An unknown officer lost it during an important case. No one can tell whose it is, but someone must stand up for justice.


ATK of Melee allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +3% when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
ATK of Melee allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +5% (+2%) when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
ATK of Melee allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +6% when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
ATK of Melee allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +8% (+2%) when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
ATK of Melee Attack allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +10% when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
ATK of Melee allies in the 8 surrounding tiles +12% (+2%) when Swire is deployed
Talent Range
Talents from Module Upgrades


Arts Resist
Redeploy Time
DP Cost
Attack Interval


SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
17 Seconds
19 Seconds
21 Seconds
23 Seconds
25 Seconds
27 Seconds
29 Seconds
31 Seconds
35 Seconds
Skill Effect
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands significantly and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands significantly and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands significantly and the effect increases to 2 times
The effect range of this unit's first Talent expands significantly and the effect increases to 2 times
Skill Range
Detailed Skill Info
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
talent_scale 2
talent_range_flag 1
SP Cost:
Initial SP:
SP Charge Type
Skill Activation
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
15 Seconds
18 Seconds
18 Seconds
18 Seconds
21 Seconds
23 Seconds
26 Seconds
30 Seconds
Skill Effect
ATK +30% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.1 times
ATK +30% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.2 times
ATK +30% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.3 times
ATK +40% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.4 times
ATK +40% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.5 times
ATK +40% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.6 times
ATK +50% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.7 times
ATK +60% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.8 times
ATK +70% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2.9 times
ATK +80% and the effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 3 times
Detailed Skill Info
talent_scale 2.1
atk 0.3
talent_scale 2.2
atk 0.3
talent_scale 2.3
atk 0.3
talent_scale 2.4
atk 0.4
talent_scale 2.5
atk 0.4
talent_scale 2.6
atk 0.4
talent_scale 2.7
atk 0.5
talent_scale 2.8
atk 0.6
talent_scale 2.9
atk 0.7
talent_scale 3
atk 0.8


Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Equip Trait
Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 130%
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 120
atk 50
Additional Information
Unlock Information
Clear 5 operations with Swire (Swire cannot be a Support Unit); only Guard operators are allowed for the remaining units
Clear Main Theme S2-3 with a 3-star rating using a squad of at most 2 units (including Support Units); a non-Support Swire must be deployed during the operation and only Melee operators are allowed for the remaining units

RIIC Base Skills

Princess Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Control Center
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, all Trading Posts' order efficiency +7% (only the most effective one will take effect when assigned Operators have the same skill effect)
Drillmaster Lvl: 1
Room Type:
Training Room
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Operators' Specialization training speed +25%

Quick Evaluation

+ Trait: Can attack non-aerial enemies at a distance
+ Talent: Melee Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain an ATK buff
+ High DEF
+ S2: good DPS with S2 active
- S2: Very high SP Cost with on-attack charge means low up-time
- Talent: Only buffs melee and is difficult to utilize on some maps due to limited melee tiles
- Without significant investment her Skills have a very short duration

Operator Overview

"Wipe them out in one fell swoop! It's cheaper that way!"

Her luxurious locks are only matched by her strident speeches: everyone, please welcome Miss Swire to Arknights! This Lungmen official and 5★ Support Guard occupies an interesting position in the game as both a DPS (which most Guards are) and a Support (which most Guards are not).

Swire’s support comes from her Talent, Melee Combat Guidance, which increases the base ATK of all melee-type allies in the eight tiles adjacent to her. Her Skills increase the power of the buff: Command and Dispatch has a smaller increase but also increases the Talent’s area of effect, while Cooperative Combat is a much stronger buff that also hugely buffs Swire’s ATK. In addition, Swire can Block-2, attacks non-aerial enemies at a distance, and has faster ASPD than a typical Guard. Her DP cost is also surprisingly low for her rarity. 

Unfortunately, the trendy tigress pays the price for her team support by sacrificing her own combat performance. Swire has very low HP and ATK for a 5★ Guard, so it’s hard for her to live up to her DPS tag. Cooperative Combat helps this issue a lot, but the SP cost is very high, so it takes a long time to charge. The fact that her Talent does not affect ranged Operators is also a drawback, since it limits the number of allies she can realistically buff. There are definitely situations where an actual DPS Operator can contribute more than Swire can.

As is often the case with supporting Operators, Swire’s strength is dependent on the team she is buffing. Not every map layout and not every Doctor’s strategy is conducive to her unique style, but her persistence can pay off under the right circumstances.

Newbie Tier List Explanation

Limited buff applicability; horrible charging and uptime on her S2.

Skill Discussion

S1M3 None

Note: This unit does not have Mastery grades. This means the unit is generally not one worth spending the resources of Mastery on. However this write-up should help with skill selection, should you want to use the unit regardless.

Despite her popularity as a character, Swire has always been a bad unit and she has only gotten worse as time has gone on. Her buff is minor, her skills have poor uptime, and she herself lacks much combat ability. Raising Swire is entirely a matter of personal desire, and even then she is hard to make regular use of. I speak from extensive personal experience here!

However, if you insist on trying anyway, stick with her S1. Although her S2 has a bigger buff and makes her a better combatant, 45 SP Attack Recovery is just too brutal to overcome. S1 may have less impact, but at least you'll be able to activate the skill at some point. Note that her level 3 Module upgrade does help resolve the charge time issues with S2, which then makes it the better choice for Mastery. But I would not recommend spending your limited Module resources on Swire. There's just too many better Modules to grab and Swire is extremely mediocre even when fully maxed out.

Module Analysis

Operator Impact: Medium

Meta Use: Low

Explanation: Although low DPS is one of their problems, unlike Pallas, these two don't have the kits to utilize this buff to much effect because of their relatively low base ATK and Skill ATK modifiers.  If you use them, the Module will improve them, but it won't drastically change their overall performance, which will remain poor.

Operator Featured Articles

Skill Upgrade Costs

Level Requisites Materials
1 ➝ 2
2 ➝ 3
3 ➝ 4
4 ➝ 5
5 ➝ 6
6 ➝ 7
Skill Level Requisites Materials
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h
Lv1 8h
Lv1 16h
Lv1 24h

Overall Skill Cost

Elite Upgrade Costs

Level Materials

Overall Elite Cost

Total Cost

Operator Profile

Artist Xiàyě Hóng Míng
CV Sora Tokui
CV (EN) Emma Ballantine
CV (CN) 谢莹
CV (CN Topolect) 东东
CV (KR) 金燏
Gender Female
Place of Birth Lungmen
Birthday Jul. 1
Race Feline
Height 163cm
Combat Experience
3 years
Infection Status Non-infected as confirmed by medical report.
Physical Strength Standard
Mobility Standard
Physiological Endurance Standard
Tactical Planning Excellent
Combat Skill Standard
Originium Adaptability Standard


Swire, Senior Superintendent of the Lungmen Guard Department.
Now a special attache at Rhodes Island, providing on-site tactical command.

Clinical Analysis

Increase Trust to 25.
Imaging tests for this Operator showed clear outlines of internal organs without any unusual dark spots. No abnormal traces of Originium particles present in her system, no symptoms of Oripathy, confirming her as Uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
No signs of Oripathy present.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Subject's vital indicators are all normal, suggesting she is rarely exposed to Originium.

Don't worry, Ms. Swire, Rhodes Island's hospital fees are quite reasonable. You only have to pay...
--S.S.E., Medic Operator

Any unfair charges to patients will have appropriate consequences.
-- Dr. Kal'tsit

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50.
Swire has no aptitude for manipulating Originium. The most she can do is remote-pilot an Originium drone, but this is adequate for her needs.
Adding a loudspeaker to such a drone lets her beam her voice to every officer in the field, a technique she has used to great effect!
But thinking about Swire's voice booming across a battlefield is rather intimidating...

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100.
Although her police officers would never say anything in front of Swire, they gossip extensively about her.
'Swire must be super rich!'
'Her family business owns some property in Lungmen! And they have even more in Victoria!'
'Why did she choose to be a police officer instead of inheriting the family business? What was she thinking?'
The officers would mutter amongst themselves behind Swire's back until they finished their mission or she lashed out at them. They were still fearful of Swire, as she always had her dreaded hammer in hand.
Now the Rhodes Island Operators do more or less the same thing.
'She sure is testy. And she's really mean.' -a Lungmen police officer who asked to not be named.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150.
After speaking with Swire, most people find her as passionate as she is strict.
Swire is fine paying necessary expenses, but if she thinks a bill is too high, becomes intensely suspicious. She will double check her accounts and circle any seemingly dubious charges.
When she is angry, she deviates from her noble Victorian image. She will charge across the Lungmen street markets and no one can stop her.v
Despite this, everyone is still willing to work with her. Swire is not as aggressive as Ch'en, but her focus makes her a good boss. In addition, she is very happy to share when she is in a good mood, and she will often pay everyone who's gone the extra mile out of her own pocket.
'She really works hard with you. She works like that with everyone.' -a Lungmen police officer who asked to not be named

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200.
I still remember that one kidnapping case.
It must've been before the Guard Department was founded, and Wei Yenwu had decided to clean up Lungmen. This kidnapping was the big thing in that campaign.
The kidnappers were really something. They had serious firepower, enough to wipe out all our detectives. If we screwed up, they would've killed the hostage and all our effort would've been for nothing.
The hostage's grandfather was a tough old man who seemed to be Victorian nobility. I think the kidnappers had some reason to go after this kid and it wasn't ransom. They wanted their story to be streamed to the public so Wei Yenwu would look weak. They weren't just ordinary kidnappers. It wasn't that simple.
The rescue mission was planned by Wei Yenwu and this kid's grandfather. They used a secret special ops team. It's beside the point, but that team was the prototype for the Guard Department's Special Inspection Unit. There were a lot of tabloids and novels written about them.
Anyway, they pulled it off. The ringleader was executed and most of his accomplices were killed on the spot.
The hostage? She was just a little girl. The kidnappers clearly didn't think about how traumatic the experience would be for her.
She didn't end up seeing anything gruesome. She saw a Lungmen police officer rushing out. She saw the heavy Christmas snowfall. She saw the street lamps and the Christmas tree outside the abandoned building. That's pretty good.
I hope the officers left a good impression on her.
How do I know all this? Some old police officers told me about it. Everyone's really proud of that mission!
Hey, don't ask me! I got nothing to hide.
--A Lungmen Guard Department supervisor

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.
When did she break the habit of stuffing everything in her bag? And when should I forgive her for walking off with my bag, leaving me with nothing but a couple tubes of lipstick and a bottle of foundation to execute an arrest with?

--An officer who does not want to be named but is named 'Ch'en.'

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant Doctor, we can't waste even one single precious minute! One minute could mean a loss of millions on the account with extra casualties on the field! Huh? Coffee? I take it with a sachet of sugar and heavy on the milk foam, thanks!
Talk 1 They say Rhodes Island is a criminal organization, full of Infected people dirtying up the corridors. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Rhodes Island's Operators are giving their lives to make things better for everyone, just like the police force of Lungmen!
Talk 2 Hear me out, do you think we could redesign the instructors' office? At least add a bit of flavor to it, maybe a handmade rug or some atomistic art whatnot. It's just so bland now. Dobermann might say she doesn't care, but it really kills my enthusiasm...
Talk 3 Ahhh, that awful Ch'en isn't here, is she? Back when we were in the L.G.D. together, she shot me this dirty look every time we bumped into each other. It made me wonder if I've done anything bad! I just... kinda want to take over the L.G.D. myself. That couldn't be bad, right?
Talk after Promotion 1 Exercise, study, training, researching my competitors and market shifts... Gotta keep them up!
Talk after Promotion 2 I've been allowed to set aside the family business for a while. But it's clear to me that the future of Lungmen needs both a stable public sector and security apparatus, as well as a healthy business and financial system. In both respects, I'm ready to be of service to Lungmen!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Lungmen bureaucracy is complicated, even for us. Keeping the peace, protecting the people, directing traffic, negotiating trade... Agh, it's absolutely backbreaking. But as long as what we do is good for Lungmen, I'll be—hehe—very pleased.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, why is Rhodes Island's training course so short...? Insufficient capital? Unacceptable, I'm requesting an immediate transfer to the business division! It's-it's not as if I like business, but if you need me to do it, I'm... more than capable!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You know, Doctor, Lungmen could use someone as talented as you. So, well... If you're not enjoying this line of work, there's plenty of opportunities in the banking and management sectors! I-I can get you a job! Oh? You'd rather we work with Rhodes Island? ...Fine!
Idle Uughh... I'm exhausted... Two shifts in a row really does... zzz... zzz...
Onboard Swire, Senior Superintendent of the L.G.D.. I'll be joining Rhodes Island as a training consultant. Dr. {@nickname}, I'm looking forward to working together with you for the future of Lungmen!
Watching Battle Record Hmm, as far as tactical theory goes, this is a decent application!
Promotion 1 A promotion? Hmm? But it doesn't do anything for me back in Lungmen, does it? Well, if you insist, I suppose I will accept it!
Promotion 2 Maybe it's that you want me to improve your relationship with Lungmen. Or, possibly, you truly need my talents. I suppose it could be something else you want, too... I'm not sure exactly what, and I can't promise it'll be on offer. But I'll be a stalwart with you to the end.
Added to Squad Aha~! You finally need my wisdom!
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, follow my orders to the letter!
Depart Wipe them out in one fell swoop! It's cheaper that way!
Begin Operation Let's finish this quickly. My time is far too precious!
Selecting Operator 1 Huh?
Selecting Operator 2 I've seen through the enemy's strategies!
Deployment 1 This is far from my only battlefield!
Deployment 2 Business competitor or not, you will get a lesson from me!
In Battle 1 Time is money!
In Battle 2 Hurry it up, let's move!
In Battle 3 Lungmen has its own pride!
In Battle 4 Time to liquidate!
4-star Result Fantastic! In battle as in business: high risk, high return!
3-star Result Capital is all mergers and acquisitions! Victory is like investigation and arrest!
Sub 3-star Result ...Bad... just bad... You can do better, can't you? We'll work it out together. Don't give up!
Operation Failure How could this have happened? How could I... How could I have blundered so badly?!
Assigned to Facility Not bad... No, I think this room could use some more renovation!
Tap Ah! How rude of you!
Trust Tap How... How about we go for dinner together? M-my treat!
Title Arknights.
Greeting Doctor, roar!

Operator Records

Record: Day Before the Job
Unlock: E2, Level 1, Trust Required: 50

Paradox Stages

Stage Name: mem_swire_1
Unlock: E2, Level 1
Miss Swire's able to sort out many a trouble with her own wisdom.
This 'wisdom' is formed of: command, tactics, combat skills, and... money.
That's right—the power to put money to good use is a wisdom all of its own.