
Arknights: Should You Pull? Saileach on the Hill: Saileach

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Saileach on the Hill: Saileach

Featured Operators:

Rarity Operator
6★ Saileach - Vanguard [Flagbearer / Standard Bearer]
5★ Mulberry - Medic [Wandering]
Liskarm - Defender [Normal / Protector]
4★ Rate Up Roberta - Supporter [Artificer]
  • 6★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
  • 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★
  • 4★ Rate-Ups have a 20% chance of appearing when pulling a 4★
  • Operator Feature Banners do not add Operators to the Distinction shop
Test out your luck for this banner on our:[Saileach on the Hill] Summon Simulator!

Should You Pull?

Are you a casual player or a max-difficulty CC kind of player? If you’re the former then No; if you’re the latter then Yes

Saileach is a top-notch DP generator with useful buff and debuff utility that can aid any team composition. However, when it comes to DP, lower-rarities Myrtle and Elysium can do the same job Saileach can while also being much cheaper to develop. Saileach is only going to make a noticable difference if you A) specifically need her utility in combination with her DP gen, and/or B) need to field all three Standard Bearers to keep your DP generation flowing. Neither is likely unless you’re tackling the toughest content in Arknights. If you’re not doing high-risk CCs, you probably don’t need Saileach. But if you want to try to tackle the maximum risk CCs, then she will be important, and at multiple Potentials to reduce her DP cost.

As with all banners, a 5★ or higher Operator is guaranteed in the first 10 rolls. Should you pull just for that? Yes. 

Don’t get me wrong: these 5★s are probably NOT worth chasing beyond the Guaranteed 5★. Mulberry is a new Medic archetype—the Wandering Medic, who counters Elemental Damage mechanics—and she’s very good at the job. However, a Wandering Medic who is almost as good should be entering the Red Certificate store in the near future. Liskarm is a very good Defender and SP battery, but she’s not critical to most strategies.

That being said, Mulberry, Liskarm, and Saileach are all very good Operators that can fit in almost any team composition. As such, getting the guaranteed 5★ off this banner is probably worth it, as any of the options could be a great addition to your squad.

Quick Overview

Standard Bearer Vanguard

+ Usual archetype strength: Very high rate of DP generation with S1

+ E1 Talent buffs ally ASPD and debuffs enemy ASPD around her flag’s location

+ E2 Talent reduces the DP cost of the next Operator to be deployed after Saileach by 2 DP

+ S1 has the capacity for enormous DP generation

+ S2 moves her flag (and her E1 Talent aura) to an ally, also granting that ally bonus DEF and healing over time

+ S3 moves her flag (and her E1 Talent aura) to an enemy, dealing Physical damage and Stunning in an area; it also causes valuable Slow and Fragile effects around the flag for the duration and has a short cycle time

= Usual archetype trait: Can’t Block while her Skills are active

= S2/S3 still generate DP, but less than S1; if you want her full suite of buffs or debuffs, you have to give up some DP gain

- Usual archetype weakness: Stops attacking while Skills are active, lower combat stats

- Her S1 requires more SP than Myrtle’s S1, so it takes her longer to start generating DP (important on some maps with very fast starts)

- Similarly, her S1 is identical to Elysium’s S1, but her DP cost is slightly higher, so she can actually be less efficient for DP generation than he is (made worse by how much rarer she is and therefore how she’s likely to have fewer Potential increases)

- S3 DP generation is rather poor compared to other Standard Bearer Skills

Wandering Medic

+ Usual archetype strengths: Not only heals HP but also removes Elemental Damage that allies have suffered; larger healing range than most Medic archetypes

+ Talent increases ATK of all Medic Operators when Mulberry and at least one other Medic are on the field

+ S1 charges very quickly, holds multiple charges, and greatly increases the amount of HP and Elemental Damage restored by her next heal, resulting in surprisingly high HPS

+ S2 greatly increases Mulberry’s rate of healing, changes her targeting priority to “ally with the highest Elemental Damage,” and causes all allies in Mulberry’s range to take less Elemental Damage for the duration

- Usual archetype weaknesses: Very low ATK (comparable to AoE Medics), so her HP healing is very limited

- All of her utility is related to Elemental Damage, so she loses a lot of value on maps without this mechanic

Normal Defender

+ Has ranged attacks that can hit aerial enemies—very rare for a Defender

+ One of the few Normal Defenders with innate RES (thanks to her Talent)

+ Generates SP for adjacent allies when she is attacked

+ S1 is a powerful defensive tool, and S2 is a powerful offensive tool that deals Arts damage

- Has to choose between defense (S1) and offense (S2)

- S1 activates automatically and thus can’t be timed; S2 self-Stuns upon completion and thus can be dangerous

Artificer Supporter

+ A ground-deployed Supporter who deals Physical damage and has Block-2 

+ Can deploy Stylers to temporarily buff an ally’s DEF and give them layer(s) of Shield that negate incoming attacks

+ S1 increases Roberta’s ATK and DEF and has terrific uptime

+ S2 prevents Roberta from attacking, but greatly increases her DEF, gives her Block Count +1, and restores one Styler to her inventory when the Skill ends

+ Shields can be a powerful tactical option, potentially useful for more advanced strategical play.

- Low ATK

- The buffs she gives allies are purely defensive, but defensive playstyles are not terribly common or effective in Arknights at this point in time

- S1 cannot recover Stylers and is not enough to make her a competitive replacement for a dedicated defensive Operator.

- S2 only gains a Styler at Skill end, creating a long cycle time for styler replenishment.


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Saileach is a magnificent, poised, and capable member of the Victorian Guard of Honor. What? Soldier? Don’t be ridiculous, Saileach was the flagbearer for the Guard! All the combat training she’s had has come from her experiences at Rhodes Island. She certainly hasn’t forgotten her roots as the Victorian flagbearer, however. Saileach uses her flag as the rallying point for her buffs and debuffs, manipulating the field with sheer charisma as she gathers DP to bring her allies into the fight.


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Mulberry became a Catastrophe Messenger against her family’s wishes, but it was all worth it for the day she overheard her father bragging about how proud he was of her accomplishments to the neighbors. This timid wallflower may not seem like somebody who would keep her head in a crisis, but you may change your mind once you see how stabilizing her healing influence can be during an onslaught of Elemental Damage.


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Liskarm does not have time for your shenanigans. She’s got bullets in her pistol, lightning in her shield, and Arts Resistance in her blood, and you’ll only have time to see the first one if you’re getting in her way. A unique Defender with a ranged regular attack, great Skills for either survivability or Arts DPS, and passive SP generation for adjacent allies, Liskarm is definitely an Operator worth noticing.


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Roberta has won multiple Academy Awards for her styling work and decided to translate that experience into… giving makeovers to Operators at Rhodes Island. Sure, why not? The aesthetician equivalent of Edna Mode, Roberta deploys high-tech Styler tables next to key allies to wrap them in layers of damage-negating cosmetics, deflecting any attack with the power of sheer fabulousness. A beautiful performance, dahlink!!!

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About the Author(s)

A 4★ Supporter Operator with the "Writer" tag. Loves creative writing, all forms of editing, video game design, and badgers.

Click here to contact me with questions or other business.
